Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 962 True Dragon and God

Lu Chen looked at the two powerful men, and for a moment it was difficult to tell whether they were thoughts left over from ancient times or whether they were truly living in this moment.

In the center of the real dragon's remains, there were actually two people confronting each other, and it looked like it had been going on for a long time. It was weird no matter how you looked at it.

But the source of the restless feeling in Lu Chen's body seemed to come from this man and woman.

The pressure lifted itself. Lu Chen stood still after landing, and then saluted the two of them with clasped fists, "Junior Lu Chen, I stumbled into this place while exploring the ruins. May I ask who the two seniors are?"

Although Lu Chen came here just for it, he couldn't say that he just came to dig graves.

The man in black turned his head slightly and glanced at Lu Chen, which made Lu Chen feel a chill all over his body. It was completely the oppression released by the other person unconsciously.

The woman in the purple and gold dress looked back, also focusing on Lu Chen, but neither of them spoke.

This made Lu Chen sweat on his forehead, and he was filled with doubts. He suspected that the two people in front of him were not real people at all. They might be the obsessions left by the strong men confronting each other. In fact, they had no "IQ" anymore.

If he is a being who is ignorant and unable to communicate, then he may be in trouble today. If the blood in his body is pulled and struggled again, his physical body will definitely not be saved, and whether his soul can escape is a question.

The scene was silent for a long time, and it was difficult for Lu Chen to even speak under the pressure of the two gazes. Just when he felt that his blood began to stir again, the two strong men withdrew their gazes at the same time.

"Boy, go ahead. There's nothing you want here."

Just when Lu Chen was at a loss to move forward or retreat, the man in black suddenly spoke.

"Junior...can I leave?"

Lu Chen had a weird look on his face, "Although you keep saying this, I can't move my body. I'm suppressed by an invisible force. It's either you or her!"

"Young master, don't listen to him. You came here to find the remains of the real dragon. How could you come back empty-handed?"

At this time, the woman smiled softly, and it seemed that most of the murderous intent and majesty had dissipated.

Lu Chen was confused and couldn't figure out the current situation.

"Shut up!"

The man in black shouted softly, raised his hand and pressed down, and the head of the woman in the purple and gold dress suddenly lowered slightly again.

"You are still so irritable, but in fact, did your judgment back then really make the world a better place?"

The woman looked at the man in black with a sarcastic smile.

"Since your existence violates the laws of the operation of all things and the laws of heaven, I will naturally remove you from the world."

The man's tone was calm, as if he had said the same thing thousands of times.

The woman sat cross-legged, her arms stretched back, and her dress outlined her beautiful curves. She turned her face slightly and glanced at Lu Chen, "Why don't we let the young people of this era tell us how the world has become? "

The man in black was silent for a moment, then turned to look at Lu Chen, "Boy, tell me."

Lu Chen looked confused and had no idea what to say. Besides, he was not from this era.

But under the glare of the two people, he felt that if he didn't say something, he might suffer.

"I dare to ask senior, do you know the current month?"

Lu Chen first tried carefully.

The woman yawned, her laziness revealing her majesty, "It must have been 6.13 million years since I fell."

Lu Chen was shocked. The total history of the God Burial Calendar was only over 500,000 years. The era when the real dragon was still alive was actually so long ago!

Even if the immortality material in this world is relatively rich, even if one reaches the mid-eighth stage of cultivation, it will be difficult for him to live for more than two million years.

"The era in which this junior lives today is collectively known as the God Burial Calendar in the universe. It is recorded in ancient books and is 570,000 years old."

Lu Chen said, trying to observe the expressions of the two people, but he couldn't even see what the other person's face looked like.

"God Burial Calendar, God Burial Calendar..."

The man in black muttered to himself.


But the woman in the purple and gold dress laughed regardless of her manners, as if she couldn't suppress the joy in her heart when she heard the title of this era.

She pointed at the man in black and laughed, "Hahaha, God Burial Calendar, future generations will never name the beginning of an era for no reason. Do you know what this means? All you hypocrites are dead!"

She turned to Lu Chen and asked, "This young master, do you think so? Are there gods in this world?"

Lu Chen glanced at the silent man in black, and when he saw no response, he said: "There are no immortals in the world now, they only exist in legends. The strongest people near this star field are called Xingzhou level , probably one level above the realm I am currently in, but still far away from the immortals.”

He knew that he didn't need to explain too much about the realm. Even though the terms were changing, the obsession of the two strongest men should be able to judge the level of someone who was one stage better than him just by taking a look at him.

"There are no immortals anymore..."

The man in black murmured, and then sighed, "It's okay if it's gone."

The woman in purple sneered, "You are open-minded, is it because gods also violate the laws of heaven?"

The man in black didn't seem to be very good at bickering, but he glanced at Lu Chen and replied calmly, "But at least our bloodline continues."

Lu Chen felt that the conversation between the two contained a lot of information. Why did the man in black say that the bloodline was continuing when he looked at him when it came to gods.

Shouldn’t God be a collective term? Is it a description of the realm?

Lu Chen originally thought that the names of immortals and gods were just like how people of the same realm were called differently in the Zhetian world according to different eras. For example, the powerful emperors in the ancient times were called emperors, and the era when the human race prospered in later generations were called emperors. .

Judging from the conversation between the two, it seems that they are similar. God specifically refers to a certain race, and only people of that race can be called gods after they have reached a certain level.

He also thought of his own bloodline, which was named the Secret Blood of God. Is this the bloodline unique to God in his hometown?

"It's mottled and extremely low in purity. Can this be considered divine blood?"

The woman in purple glanced at Lu Chen and sneered, "Young Master, tell him, what level do you rank among the current owners of divine blood?"

Lu Chen thought for a while and said: "The juniors cannot be considered to be at the top, they can only be considered as the middle and upper reaches. The strongest person who has the divine blood today is only one level higher than the juniors, and is very far away from the immortal gods."

The man in black was silent after hearing this, and then sighed: "It seems that He was right. All the immortals and gods will eventually fall in that great destruction, and the environment of heaven and earth should also change."

The woman in purple couldn't stop laughing wildly, laughing forward and back, "Hahaha... So everything you do is in vain. The disappearance of the True Dragon Clan has not changed the course of history. Now that your divine blood line has declined, but we really There is still hope for the Dragon Clan to rise."

The evil spirit on the man in black was quite strong, which made Lu Chen feel very uncomfortable, and he was obviously in an extremely bad mood.

His tone was cold, "I will not let you be reborn, it will harm Tianhe."

Lu Chen was a little confused, "Senior, do you dare to ask, did the True Dragon Clan do anything bad in your era?"

The man in black said in a cold voice, "Not good? Their existence is a mistake."


The woman in purple sneered, "Who do you think you are? Are you God? Are you the will of the world? You can say that our existence is wrong based on your own judgment?"

Lu Chen was also very confused, "But when juniors hear legends, they all say that true dragons are beings born under the blessing of heaven and earth?"

The woman in purple smiled and said: "Look, how reliable the legends of future generations are."

The man in black glanced at Lu Chen and lowered his hand a little, "Reliable? Do you know what the existence of true dragons means to the universe and the stars?"

Lu Chen didn't dare to make any unreasonable comments, so he could only ask for advice humbly, "Senior, please give me some advice."

The man in black pointed at the woman sitting there cross-legged and said: "Since they are born, they will devour endless vitality for incubation. In this process, hundreds of thousands of star fields will be extinguished, and no living beings within the covered area can Survival is inherently harmful to heaven and earth, so how can it be an existence conceived by heaven and earth?"

The woman in purple had a sneer on her lips and did not interrupt.

"In the process of their growth, in order to support the huge body consumption and absorb the energy and vitality in the galaxy, there is no grass growing wherever they go. True dragons consider themselves the highest living beings in the universe, and all living beings feed on them. Damn it, a true dragon consumes nearly one-tenth of the world's resources from birth to its full strength, so who should the dead creatures complain to and hate the heavens?"

The man in black gradually increased his speaking speed, as if he was firm in his belief.

The purple-clothed woman just said lightly, "It seems that you, the divine blood clan, can only kill so few lives. Look at this young master, he is so young and already has a heavy evil aura on his body. Your bloodline is the one that is violent and cruel." To be honest, every successor will be very bloodthirsty. There were so many divine blood owners back then, do you really think that the consumption is less than that of my True Dragon clan?"

There was sarcasm on her face, "It's nothing more than a game of resource competition between the strong. Why do you still think it's the righteousness of the common people in the universe? Hypocrisy."

Lu Chen listened on the sidelines. Although he was shocked, he also seemed to understand what happened back then.

It turned out that the powerful secret blood god in front of him believed that the existence of the True Dragon Clan was harmful to Tianhe and occupied too much resources in the universe, so he launched a war to destroy the True Dragon Clan.

The woman in front of her should be the obsessional incarnation of the last real dragon at the peak of its strength. Perhaps she has resentment towards God and is unwilling to live here forever.

The existence of the man in black is to suppress this obsession.

"Senior... In fact, there are still creatures that inherit dragon blood. In the source of life where this junior lives, there are ancient dragon caves. Some of the dragons in them contain true dragon blood of high purity."

Lu Chen spoke hesitantly, wanting to see the two people's reactions.

But the woman in purple didn't show any joy, she just said disdainfully: "Do those creatures deserve to be called dragons? They are just hybrids created by some people who couldn't control their lower bodies in the past."

Lu Chen was speechless after hearing this. If the existence of the Ancient Dragon Cave heard these words, he didn't know whether he would be angry or in a complicated mood.

If others called them bastards, the strong men in the Ancient Dragon Cave would probably be furious, but the person who spoke was the last true dragon.

Then Lu Chen realized that the woman in purple was criticizing Sang and Huai, which meant that she was not actually a secret blood warrior.

"Our bloodline is different from theirs. You have qualifications and can continue to improve. There is no end to it. Don't listen to her nonsense."

The man in black opened his mouth and looked at Lu Chen, his gaze seemed to penetrate Lu Chen's body, "It seems that you have already seen our people outside. Yes, you have taken part of the essence, but not all of it has been converted into martial arts." , it’s a good idea to go your own way.”

As he said that, he raised his hand and pointed at Lu Chen's eyebrows. Although the two of them were still five or six feet away from each other, Lu Chen felt that the other person's fingertips had fallen on his skin.

There was no room for resistance, and a simple and obscure character poured into Lu Chen's immortal platform and stuck to the forehead of his soul.

"To give you some reference, I'm not asking you to follow my old path."

The man in black said.

Lu Chen only felt that the ancient characters suspended between the eyebrows of his soul were mysterious and extraordinary, but he could not understand them at all. However, he still knew that he might have obtained a great opportunity, and he quickly saluted and said: "Thank you, senior, for the gift."

"Young Master, I see that you are also very dependent on our dragon blood. Do you want to go further?"

The purple-clothed woman spoke at this time, her tone full of confusion.

Lu Chen looked at the man in black, then at the woman in purple, and hesitated: "Is it okay?"

"Dragon blood is rubbish. I suggest you get rid of it. People of mixed blood will never reach the end."

The man in black didn't hide his disgust in his tone. He really hated the True Dragon clan. "The True Dragon considers itself to be the highest living being. She is also the strongest of the True Dragon clan, but she wasn't killed by me." This? Boy, it’s enough for you to just cultivate the divine blood.”

As he said that, he raised his hand again, "If you can't make up your mind, I'll help you."

Lu Chen immediately felt a force acting on himself. The true dragon's blood and the secret blood of God were separated and were about to rush out of his body. His attributes immediately showed signs of falling.

At this moment, the woman in purple also raised her hand, "Young master, look at it, your ancestors are so unreasonable. It doesn't matter what blood they are, as long as they are strong enough, it will be fine."

Lu Chen felt that the true dragon bloodline in his body had stabilized again, and it began to fight with the divine blood. The bad feeling before came back again, and his whole body seemed to explode.

"Senior, wait!"

Lu Chen shouted that if this continues, he will be played to death by two people.

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