"Bang, bang, sizzle!"

With the ear-piercing sound of brakes, a Great Wall pickup truck with eighteen hands, which was loud except for the horn, stopped crookedly in a parking space that was worn to the point where the color of the lines could hardly be seen.

Four men in dark blue short-sleeved uniforms got out of the car and closed the door. The words"urban management" immediately came into view.

The driver who came out of the cab stomped his feet a few times, feeling the sourness from the soles of his feet, and frowned and complained unconsciously.

"Damn, this broken car is so uncomfortable to drive. Didn’t the bureau promise to replace the car for our squadron? It’s been more than half a year, why haven’t they responded yet?"

"Be content, your leader at least has this intention."

The other man who got off the passenger seat took off his hat, patted the dust on his knees and calves, put his hat back on, and then responded:

"The bureau just replaced a batch of new cars. It is understandable that the budget is tight at the moment."

"Bah, what do you mean by understanding?"

One of the people in the back seat spat fiercely and slapped the pickup truck bed that had been disconnected and welded shut for a long time. But it seemed that he used too much force and pulled his hand back in an instant. The expression on his face was instantly tangled, but his mouth was still busy.

"Funding is tight? I guess, do you believe it? I don't ask for anything else. You can give us the old car you got, it's better than the current one, right? At the very least, give us a few motorcycles. We only have six motorcycles in total, and they have reached the scrap age a long time ago. There are so many idle motorcycles in the bureau, why don't you just give them to us? Lao Mo, am I right?"

The man he called Lao Mo silently opened the stainless steel thermos cup in his hand, which looked to be of considerable age, brought it to his mouth, blew the rising hot steam, tested the water temperature, took a sip with a"slurp", and then spoke slowly

"Forget about the old car, you need to go through the replacement process. As for the motorcycle...Except you, me, and our squad leader, how many of the remaining dozen people in the squadron have motorcycle licenses? If there is a traffic accident, it will be very troublesome~"


Glancing at his colleague who was choking, Su Moyu shook his head gently,"You are still too young~"

He lowered his hat brim, lowered his head and took a sip of the wolfberry and red date tea in the cup, smacking his lips~ The taste is a bit bland, let's change it tomorrow.

He screwed on the cup lid, stuffed the thermos cup to his colleague, pinched his lower back which was sore and painful from the ride, and twisted his body while walking towards the bathroom.

"Don't forget, they are all regular employees, supported by their biological mothers, while we are just temporary workers dispatched by labor dispatch, supported by our stepmothers. We do the work, suffer the hardships, and take the blame. How can it be the same? Oh, just put the cup on the table for me, I'm going to the toilet"


""Huh~ Comfortable~"

After releasing the liquid stored in the bladder, Su Moyu also breathed a sigh of relief.

He came to the sink, took off his hat and hung it on the hook beside him, washed his hands, wiped his face by the way, then raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror.

Su Moyu, thirty-three years old, 1.

81 meters tall, is considered above average in his small town.

Although his name is a bit literary, it was because on the day he was born, a dirty drizzle fell inexplicably, which blackened many cars.

In addition, compared with other children in the same nursery, his skin was obviously much darker, so his father slapped his brain and took Heishui as his nickname.

Mom is a cultured person.

She dislikes dad's naming level and firmly disagrees with his decision.

After weighing the pros and cons, she changed his name to Moyu.

He is not very handsome, but he can be said to have regular facial features. Although he has entered middle age, the abdominal muscles he trained when he was in the army have long since returned to normal, but the overall appearance is still He looked strong and muscular.

He had stood guard, collected bills, and served dishes in restaurants.

He had sold houses, pulled sails, and moved bricks on construction sites.

It was only a few years ago that he was able to gain a foothold in his current job. Not only work, but also emotional problems had twists and turns along the way. He finally got a girlfriend, but on the eve of their engagement, she ran away with a rich boss.

Su Moyu, who was so cheated on that his head was shining, was heartbroken, so he thought about it and decided to solve the problem from the root.

I'm lying down, I don't want to date anymore!

What's wrong with being single?

Being single is fun for a while, and it's fun to be single forever!

I no longer have to rack my brains to choose gifts during the holidays, I no longer have to turn down friends' invitations to accompany my girlfriend when I'm off duty, I no longer have to drag my tired body to accompany my girlfriend shopping after work every day, and then I have to cook and wash dishes after returning home.

All my time is my own, I can go wherever I want to play and play whatever I want. To put it bluntly, I can do whatever I want, and the feeling of freedom is really good.


I returned to the office, took a sip of water, and slumped down on the chair. I squinted my eyes and relaxed.

I raised my hand and glanced at the time on my watch. It was great. I had five minutes left before work. Where should I go tomorrow? It was my turn to have a day off. As long as I had nothing to do, I would go to the beach.……

"Everyone will be at work tomorrow. The bureau is demolishing illegal buildings. I have already posted the specific locations in the WeChat group. Everyone should go there by themselves before 4:30. Remember to change into camouflage uniforms, wear helmets, wear stab-proof clothing, and bring walkie-talkies and recorders. Those who have nothing to do can go home."


Listening to the squadron leader's words, Su Moyu rolled his eyes and cursed in his heart. Although he could go home after work tomorrow, he still wasted his rest time, not to mention wanting to sleep in.

Having said that, the work still had to be done. Resisting all the reluctance in his heart, he walked to his closet, changed into casual clothes, threw the work clothes he took off into the closet, and then took out a large backpack, which contained several things he would need for tomorrow's work.

Now it is estimated that only migrant workers will wear the 99-type camouflage uniforms, the 80-type steel helmets with helmet covers, and the stab-proof vests of the same camouflage style. I don't know which military warehouse the leaders of the bureau got them from. When he first got it, the smell made Su Moyu sneeze twice on the spot. After washing it, he exposed it to the sun for three whole days before the musty smell completely dissipated.

Carrying his thermos cup, he walked out of the office door, feeling that something was wrong. He looked up and saw, eh? Why is it dark?

Large dark clouds mixed with flashes of lightning rolled in from the southeast, and in an instant, they completely covered the originally bright sky.

Is it going to rain? When I looked at the weather forecast in the afternoon, there was no rain warning?

Muttering to himself, Su Moyu immediately ran and finally got into his car before the raindrops fell.

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