
The wiper scraped away the water marks on the windshield with its unique rhythm. Looking at the countdown of the traffic light at the intersection, Su Moyu opened the app of Station B on his mobile phone and saw a video of a sword-forging competition updated by a follower. He clicked on the cache, placed the phone on the bracket, plugged in the car charger, and then turned his attention back to the road outside the car window.

It is said that the weather in March is like a woman's face, which changes at any time. But now it is September, and the weather is still moody. It was sunny one minute ago, and it suddenly rained heavily one minute later. Rain hard, it would be better if it could continue until tomorrow, so that you don't have to work overtime and can sleep in!

Although he thought so in his heart, Su Moyu also knew that this was just a good wish. After all, the weather forecast also said that it was just a thunderstorm and would stop at 11 o'clock at night at most.

The countdown returned to zero, the red light turned green, and the right foot stepped on the accelerator lightly. The white car followed the surge of traffic and moved forward slowly.

Su Moyu's home is located east of the town center, near the edge of the suburbs. Although he has decided not to get married, his parents still paid for him to buy a house in full. In case his son wakes up one day and wants to find a partner, he can't live without a house.

Su Moyu's family is not rich. In order to buy this house, his parents also took out a large part of their savings. Although he has tried his best to persuade his parents that there is no need to buy a house and renting a house is enough, it still can't change his parents' determination.

Moreover, after the house was simply renovated and habitable, they"drove" Su Moyu out of the house, saying that they wanted to live in a world of two people, saying that since he decided to live alone in the future, he should move out early and live alone.

Su Moyu obviously didn't believe his parents' words. He understood that his parents' actions were to make him change his current thinking, experience the feeling of loneliness, and make him understand that a person still needs a partner by his side in this life.

Well, Su Moyu was very moved but refused. As long as he had nothing to do during the holidays, he would find ways to run to his parents' house and eat and sleep with them.

Leaving the busy streets in the center of the town, the vehicles on the road began to gradually become sparse. After turning left at the next intersection, the road ahead was clear and no other pedestrians could be seen.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the thunder and lightning in the sky became more and more frequent. When Su Moyu drove into a mountain tunnel, dozens of thick lightning bolts hit the hill at the same time!

The winding electric current, accompanied by rain and fog, instantly spread throughout the tunnel! All the tunnel lights suddenly exploded! Even Su Moyu's headlights and central control screen went out!


Su Moyu was startled and quickly released the accelerator and stepped on the brake, but the touch of the pedal made him break out in a cold sweat!

The brakes failed?!

He bit his lips hard, and the tingling sensation from his nerve endings made Su Moyu's originally flustered brain regain some clarity. He forced himself to calm down, switched the vehicle from automatic mode to manual mode, tried to use downshifting to reduce the speed, and then frequently turned the headlight switch to turn the lights back on. At the same time, he kept persuading and comforting himself.

"Relax, don't be nervous, this tunnel is almost a straight line, there are no particularly big bends, keep steady, and make sure to keep the steering wheel……"

After Su Moyu's continuous attempts, the lights finally came back on when he turned the switch, and the car started to slow down.

"Great! It's okay... Damn it!!!"

A rock wall suddenly appeared in front of the light, and Su Moyu's heart, which had been relieved, instantly rose to his throat! He subconsciously turned the steering wheel! At the moment of collision, the front of the car made a long string of sparks on the rock wall, and the side of the car body hit it hard, but was immediately bounced off and continued to rush forward to the left! Before

Su Moyu, who was still in shock, could turn the steering wheel, he saw a towering tree standing straight in front of him!



The car had no time to react and crashed into a tree trunk that required three people to hug!


"The latest news from our station is that due to thunderstorms, there was a short power outage inside the Wanghaishan Tunnel. Thanks to the active repairs by the power workers, the power was restored to normal within half an hour. Fortunately, no casualties were caused. Next,……"



After an unknown amount of time, Su Moyu woke up from his coma. For some reason, after such a violent collision, the vehicle's airbag did not pop out. The ruptured wound on his forehead that hit the steering wheel was bleeding continuously. He fumbled with his right hand to unbuckle the seat belt, opened the car door, and rolled out.

The heavy rain had stopped, and the road was muddy. A bright full moon hung in the sky, casting large patches of silver-white moonlight, reflecting the lush vegetation around. After tumbling in the mud for a long time, Su Moyu, who was still dizzy and unconscious, held on to the tree trunk and stood up shakily.

He didn't know where he was, what happened to him, or what to do at the moment, but the survival instinct hidden in his body still made him limp slowly towards the front of his position.


Body... so painful... so cold... so hungry...

Dragging the injured body and walking in the forest after the rain is a very bad experience. Almost every once in a while, Su Moyu would fall down and lie in the bushes. His clothes had been torn into rags, and his body was covered with new scratches of varying sizes.

He gasped for breath, and after regaining a little strength, he struggled to get up again and moved forward step by step towards the unknown destination.

What is that?!

A ball of orange-red light in the distance immediately attracted all of Su Moyu's remaining attention.

The physical strength that had long been exhausted seemed to re-emerge at this moment, and the pain, coldness and hunger also disappeared from his body at this moment.

He took two steps at a time, and even if he fell, he used his hands and feet to get closer to the flame, like a moth flying into the fire. As long as he could reach the flame, he would burn himself to death!

Finally, he walked in front of the flame, and the heat wave that hit him made his cold body feel what warmth was again.

It's reached the limit...

Su Moyu's knees softened and he knelt down in front of the flames, then his body tilted and he fell to the ground. This time, he didn't have the strength to get up again.

Before he fell into a coma, he seemed to hear a surprised cry from behind the flames.

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