
The loud crowing of cocks, accompanied by the first rays of sunshine in the morning, awakened the villagers who were still immersed in their dreams. Soon after, smoke began to rise from the roofs of each household.

Lao Pi Ke put on his trousers and boots, but only a dirty leather skirt on his upper body. He opened the door of the blacksmith shop, looked at the cloudless sky, rubbed his face vigorously with both hands, touched the stubble on his chin, and then sighed.

"What a nice weather!"

"Good morning, Mr. Pico."

"Oh, Mo Yu, you got up early. Have you had breakfast? If not, come with me to Mina's restaurant for a meal~"

""Thank you, Master. I've already eaten."

Su Moyu, who was standing aside, spoke in a slightly awkward and strange tone.

Looking at the smiling middle-aged man in front of him, he couldn't help but recall the night three months ago when he finally collapsed at the door of Master Pico's blacksmith shop.

After waking up again, the first person he saw was Master Pico. After lying in the clinic for five days, Su Moyu finally regained his ability to move. During this period, due to the language barrier between the two sides, many jokes were made at the beginning. Communication could only be done by gestures and guesswork.

After a period of observation, Su Moyu found that whether it was the rooms here, people's clothes, or the words used, they were all obviously different from the earth civilization, and there were no technological products. Even the night lighting used oil lamps or candles. Recalling the abnormal situation when driving that night, he realized that he seemed to be... wearing... Crossed to a different world?!

When preparing to leave the clinic, Su Moyu, who was penniless and unable to communicate normally, originally wanted to give the other party the watch as a reward, but the doctor refused. After a"difficult" communication, he found out that Master Pico had already paid for him.

Later, Su Moyu found Master Pico. In order to repay the other party for saving his life, and because he often watched videos of knife-forging competitions on weekdays and had some understanding of this craft, he joined Pico's blacksmith shop as an apprentice to help, and learned the local pronunciation from Master Pico. Nowadays

, although reading and writing are still difficult, daily communication is no longer a big problem. After being able to have a relatively fluent conversation, Su Moyu once asked Master Pico why he saved him in the first place.

Pico just smiled heartily, swung the hammer, knocked on the red iron block on the anvil, and answered casually

"When you see an injured person, of course you should save him if you can. Isn't that normal?"

Su Moyu asked again,"Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad guy like a robber or a thief?"


Pico just shook the hammer in his hand, and then shook his orc-like strong body muscles. With a torso over two meters tall...

Well, I guess he can beat me to death without any effort.

Su Moyu's forehead was sweating.

"Have you eaten? Well, I'll leave the shop to you. I'll go eat something first."

At this point, Pico seemed to remember something, and a gleam of light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"When Marshall came to repair his sickle yesterday, he told me that Mina had purchased a batch of good wine from the north from the caravan yesterday, so why not go and have a drink now~"

Hearing this, Su Moyu rolled his eyes.

"Who would go drinking so early in the morning... Master Pico, are you not planning to work today?"

"Oh, just two drinks, no big deal. Marshall swore to me that the wine he sent this time is top-grade, comparable to the specialty of Saint-Lapoll, the 'Tears of the Gemini Goddesses'! This news has not spread yet. If I don't drink two more glasses as soon as possible, I'm afraid that before the evening, it will be divided up by those old drunkards.……"

Pico patted Su Moyu's shoulder hard, causing him to stagger.

"Don't we have you? You are the most talented blacksmith I have ever seen. Your skills are no less than mine as a master."

Looking at the sincere look in Pique's eyes, Su Moyu could only nod helplessly and said,

"Okay... remember to bring your wallet. I don't want you to forget to pay for your drink and get thrown into a wine barrel by the angry Aunt Mina and placed in front of the restaurant like a potted plant.……"

"Don't worry, I will never forget it again~"

The burly man shivered visibly, rushed into the shop, dug out his purse, held it tightly in his hand, and ran away in the direction of Aunt Mina's restaurant.

"Holy City... La Baule... Twin Goddesses... huh?……"

Su Moyu bowed his head and groaned, then turned and walked into the blacksmith shop. He took off his coat, revealing half of his naked body without a trace of fat. After more than two months of blacksmith life and constant exercise, he, who was not very fat to begin with, had consumed the excess fat and redefined his body's muscle lines. He looked a bit leaner than his burly figure before the time travel, and his hairstyle changed from a buzz cut to one with his bangs down to cover his eyes.

He put on an equally dirty leather skirt, tied up his hair with a piece of linen, lit a fire, threw an iron ingot in, turned on the fan, and a strong flame instantly rose, reflecting the red light on his thoughtful face.

"So, this is indeed……"


Su Maoyu wiped the sweat from his forehead, quenched the iron ingot that had been hammered into the shape of a kitchen knife, and then placed it on the stone table beside him.

Seeing that the sun had risen to the middle of the sky, Master Pi Ke still hadn't returned from the restaurant. Su Moyu sighed. He knew that the other party was probably drunk again. After he was done with this, he would go to the restaurant to pick him up in person.

Turning around and walking to the corner, there were many scraps and waste left by Pi Ke in the past piled up at home. When Su Moyu asked Pi Ke if he could use these things and he wanted to make some small things, Pi Ke waved his hand and said that these were useless garbage and Su Moyu could do whatever he wanted with them.

He selected a few plates of suitable size, threw them into the furnace to heat them, hammered them into iron sheets of suitable thickness, cut them into square pieces with iron scissors, and then opened holes in the four corners of the squares, and then quenched them. After placing them on the sandbox and waiting for them to cool naturally, he threw the small pile of iron sheets into his small bag.

After packing up his tools, Su Moyu prepared to pick up Master Pico. But when he was about to go out, he found that Pico had already returned.

"Master Pico, you are finally back. I was just about to... What happened? Did something happen?"

But soon, Su Moyu found that Master Pico's face was not quite right. Although there was a trace of alcohol on his body, it was obvious that he had not drunk much.

"Well, Mo Yu, go to the back storeroom and pick out a sword that you can use. No matter where you go in the future, you must carry it with you, understand?"

Pi Ke sat on the chair, frowning and saying worriedly.

""Master Pico, what happened? Are we in trouble?"

A trace of gloom flashed across Su Moyu's brows. Could it be what he thought?

Is this day coming?

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