"When we were drinking in Mina's restaurant just now, the group of traveling merchants were there, and I overheard their conversation.……"

"In the village before they arrived, it was said that many people died, all of them disappeared quietly at night. When they were found the next day, every body was disemboweled. What was even more terrifying was that their internal organs were all gone!"

Internal organs? As expected...

Su Moyu's heart sank.

"It must have been caused by a demon.……"

Pico sighed to the sky.

"That village is not far from our village, but that village is very poor, and probably can't afford to pay for a big sword... By the way, although you are not a local, you should know what demons and big swords are, right?"

Su Moyu certainly knew. After he first heard from others in the restaurant that there were demons that specialized in eating human organs, he guessed which world he had traveled to.

Seeing Su Moyu nod, Pico continued.

"The great sword with the flesh and blood of the demon implanted in its body is the only thing that can kill the demon, but the fee is very expensive. Without money, there will naturally be no great sword to deal with the demon. That village will be finished.……"

"So, Master Pico, you are worried that once everyone in that village escapes, or... is eaten by monsters, we will be the next target?"

"Yes, that's what I'm worried about. Although our village is wealthy and can afford a great sword, no one can guarantee that they will not die in the mouth of the demon before the great sword arrives?"

Pico stood up, picked up the fire tongs and fiddled with the fire, then called Su Moyu to accompany him to the warehouse inside the store.

After opening the heavy wooden door, what came into view were dozens of double-edged swords of varying lengths placed on wooden shelves. They were all fine weapons that Pico had made over the years. As for the ordinary ones, they were all displayed in the store and sold at marked prices.

Pico walked in, picked up one at random, weighed it, waved it in the air a few times, shook his head, put it back in place, then picked up the next one and continued to repeat the above actions.

After trying more than a dozen times, he finally picked out a satisfactory one and handed the hilt to Su Moyu

""Give it a try."

Su Moyu took the long sword and looked at it carefully. The whole sword was about 120 cm long, three fingers wide, and the handle was about 30 cm long. From the guard to the end, it was wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, slightly trapezoidal. The solid wood hilt was wrapped in a layer of non-slip cowhide, and there was a weight ball at the end. The simple guard had no pattern decoration, but it was undeniable that it was a very practical combat weapon!

Su Moyu first swung the sword in the air with one hand, then held it with both hands, making a series of continuous chopping movements, and finally half-crouched, put the sword on the right side of the body, the sword tip pointed forward obliquely, and exerted force with both legs at the same time, twisting his waist and hips, and sending his hands holding the hilt forward!


A beautiful two-handed thrust! There was even a clear sound of the sword breaking through the air!

Pico's eyes lit up.

"Good boy, your moves are pretty good. Have you learned swordsmanship?"

"Ah, this, I just know a little bit, I practiced blindly, I know a little bit, a little bit~"

Su Moyu took back his posture and scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"I don't know anything about it."

After rolling his eyes at Su Moyu, Pico walked to the other side, opened a wooden box, and searched for something inside.

"You little brat, when you first came to help me, I asked you if you had ever forged iron before, and you said you knew a little bit. But in less than three months, your forging skills have almost surpassed mine. You know a little bit... Ha, I don't believe you... Go on."

With his right hand raised, a thick leather belt with a scabbard fell into Su Moyu's hand.

"This is a matching scabbard and belt. Remember what I said. From now on, no matter where you go, you must carry the sword with you. Even when you sleep, you must hold the sword in your arms. Even when you work in the shop, you must keep it where you can easily pick it up. Do you understand?"

"Got it. Thank you, Master Pico.

Putting the sword back into the scabbard, Su Moyu bowed deeply to Pico and thanked him sincerely.

""Okay, okay, we don't play this game between master and disciple. As long as you can save your life, it is more important than anything else. I don't want you to be eaten by monsters again after I finally saved you. That would really make me depressed."

After closing the wooden box under his hand, Pico opened another box.

"By the way, why don’t you want to move in with me? In this special period, we can take care of each other as master and disciple?"

"Uh, this……"

"Forget it, I don't want to share a bed with a gentleman."

Seeing Su Moyu's embarrassed and tangled expression, Pico didn't dwell on this issue too much and took out a vest-style chain mail from the box.

"You take this too."

Looking at the chain mail woven with silver-white metal rings, Su Moyu did not take it immediately, but refused.

"Master Pico, what are you going to do? You should keep this armor for yourself."

"Why are there so many questions? Of course I have my own equipment."

Su Moyu wanted to refuse, but Pico put the mail on him without saying anything, then held his shoulders and pushed him out of the warehouse door.

Seeing that he couldn't refuse, Su Moyu had to thank Pico again.


The day passed quickly in the busyness of the two people. There was an endless stream of customers in the blacksmith shop until it got dark and people gradually dispersed.

After packing up all kinds of tools, Su Moyu said goodbye to Pico. For the rest of the day, the two of them tacitly did not talk about anything related to demons. After putting on chain mail under his coat, fastening his belt, and tying his sword sheath, Su Moyu walked towards the residence on the edge of the village.

It was originally the residence of an old man with no relatives. After he died, the house was vacant. In addition, the corner of the house was a bit remote, and no one else in the village wanted to live here. Under the operation of Master Pico, this place became Su Moyu's temporary residence.

This is a one-bedroom stone house with a small courtyard. The main body of the house is built with rocks mined nearby, and even the roof is made of stacked shale sheets. To be honest, this old-fashioned building is rare in the entire village.

After unlocking the door and pushing open the door, Su Moyu did not walk in directly. Instead, he picked up a thick and long wooden board standing outside the house and carefully placed it on the floor of the room. The length of the board was almost touching the wall on the other side. He pressed it a few times with his hands to make sure that the board was firmly placed. Then he slowly walked up step by step and closed the door with his backhand.

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