Su Moyu's request made Dazonie stunned

"Mr. Surante, please forgive me for being frank.

Although he was in poor health, Dazonie still sat upright and spoke with a serious face.

"Although I know this method, it is a very dangerous move after all. I am not a professional trainer. If you cannot control the loss of your life energy after the mind is activated, you will die of blood and essence exhaustion in a very short time, and I have no way to help you."

"Are you sure you need me to do this? Otherwise, wait until tomorrow when the star hunter from the Hunter Association arrives, and I will hire him to open your mind for you. After all, they are the real experts, and if anything unexpected happens, they will be able to handle it."

"Mr. Dazonie, I appreciate your kindness. Don't worry. Although I am not a person with the ability of Nen, I have a relatively good understanding of the relevant knowledge of Nen. I know the consequences of using this method to open Nen, so don't worry. Just help me here if your physical condition allows."

Su Moyu smiled and rejected Dazonie's proposal.

"Since you insist on doing so, I will not persuade you any more. Although my injury is not light, it is no problem to use this level of mind. Please take off your shirt and sit next to me."

Da Zuonie is not a person who likes to procrastinate. Since he has made a decision, he will execute it immediately.

Su Moyu did as he was told, and Da Zuonie glanced at the bandage on Su Moyu's abdomen and then looked away, pressing his palm on Su Moyu's back.

"Mr. Surant, please relax. Next, I will send my thoughts into your body to stimulate the opening of the pores in your body and open up your qi channels. Are you ready?"

"Of course, you can start at any time."

After receiving a positive answer, Dazonie concentrated his thoughts and pressed them into Su Moyu's body through his arms!


A breath completely different from the demonic power instantly burst out from his body!

It was so powerful that it actually directly bounced Dazonie and the sofa he was sitting on, and hit the wall behind him!

Su Moyu frowned with his eyes closed.

The demonic power in his body began to boil restlessly under the stimulation of the mind, and his pupils unconsciously turned golden, fighting against the growing mind in his body!

It was like suddenly pouring half a bucket of ice water into a boiling oil pan!

"Captain! What happened?!"

Skuvara and the other two bodyguards quickly pulled out their guns upon hearing the noise, pushed open the door of the reception hall and rushed in. They saw Su Moyu sitting cross-legged on the carpet, and Dazonie who had been moved to the wall along with the sofa for some reason.

"Put your guns away! I'm fine! You guys go out first!"

Seeing his men rushing in, Da Zuonie hurriedly spoke up for fear of disturbing Su Moyu.

"Uh...Okay, Captain.……"

Although they didn't know what happened just now, since the captain said everything was fine, there was no need for them to stay here any longer.

""Skuvara, wait a moment."

Dazonie, whose forehead was beginning to sweat, called out to Skuvara, who was walking at the end and was about to close the door.

"Anything else, Captain?"

Skuvara paused and looked up.

"……Call the doctor and ask him to come back.……"

Dazonie could feel that the wound under the bandage, which had been treated well, had broken again.

Looking at the gradually reddening bandage and the twisted and deformed wrist, he endured the pain and gave a somewhat helpless order.

"Uh... I'll contact the other party right now……"


The door closed, and Dazonie once again turned his attention to Su Moyu.

Although his body was in unbearable pain, he was still shocked to see the thoughts constantly surging out of Su Moyu's body. He had never seen anyone who had such a huge amount of energy right after activating the ability of thoughts, and the reaction was so intense.

Even if it was just an unconscious release, it could cause an attack effect comparable to that of a person with the ability of thoughts!

In the end, Su Moyu relied on his own strong will and control to split his attention and temporarily suppress the demonic power that was trying to run away.

As for the manipulation of thoughts, although the nature was different, due to the experience accumulated from using demonic power for a long time, it was easier to control.

The thoughts moved at will, and did not continue to evaporate, but maintained a stable state, wrapped around his body.

"Success! Is this... the power of mind?"

Su Moyu opened his eyes, and his pupils turned back to silver.

Now, he could finally see a layer of transparent white energy covering his body.

After feeling the new power in his body, Su Moyu followed the method of mind training and began to practice the operation of mind.

According to the view of the hunter world, 'mind' is the ability to freely manipulate the life energy 'qi' overflowing from the body.

‘"Entanglement","absoluteness","training", and"release" are called the four major practices, collectively known as mind, and are also the basic training methods that all mind users must learn.

Let's talk about"entanglement" first.

After the jing hole is opened, the qi in the body will gush out, and"entanglement" is to bind the qi through the mind, entangle it around your body, and increase the density of the qi around the body, so that both attack and defense can be enhanced.

Therefore, in actual combat, always opening"entanglement" is the basis for mind users to fight, and qi can also be compressed. Using"entanglement" to concentrate a large amount of qi at one point can increase the quality of attack or defense.

Moradi compressed the qi in his arms and enhanced his mind defense, so that he blocked the blade of Dazonie with his body, and Dazonie survived because of the protection of"entanglement".

Then there is"absoluteness".

Min users can burst out a large amount of qi, and ordinary people will also have a small amount of qi overflowing during exercise. Qi is the life energy in the human body, and the less it is, the more tired it is.

Therefore,"Ze" can tighten the pores of essence, completely cut off the loss of Qi, and keep it in a 100% state at all times. Moreover, Qi is always restored. After the consumption is cut off, Qi will recover faster.

Therefore, Nen users will open"Ze" to maintain the best state on a daily basis, and will also open"Ze" to quickly restore Qi after fighting. The easiest way to tell whether a person is a Nen user is to see if there is a small amount of Qi overflowing from his head. If there is no Qi at all, it means that the other party is using"Ze".

And most importantly,"Ze" can escape the detection of other Nen users. Nen users can feel other people's Qi, and only by completely locking the Qi in the body can they not be noticed.

But"Ze" can only be used proficiently after long-term training, so those who can always completely use"Ze" to lock all the pores of essence without revealing any Qi are definitely masters among Nen users.

Although the world is different, Su Moyu, who has a half-demon physique, usually does not have Qi overflowing from his body.

This may be one of the reasons why warriors can stay young for a long time.

It is precisely because of this that Dasone would mistake Su Moyu for a Nen user.

In addition to the normal amount of visible energy used, Nen users also have potential energy in their bodies.

They need to use more powerful thoughts to stimulate the potential energy in their bodies, so that they can control more energy, the quality of their thoughts will be higher, and their attacks and defenses will naturally be stronger.

In contrast, the speed of consumption will also be faster, and it will be easier to feel tired.

The last is"release".

It is to release the thoughts out of the body to form Nen ability.

Everyone's Nen ability is different, but in the final analysis, it is all about the control and release of thoughts.

A simple summary of the training method: know entanglement, understand absolute, practice, and release.

However, Nen is not demonic energy after all.

Even after trying for a long time, Su Moyu could only figure out part of the application of"entanglement" and"absolute", closed the essence hole, and gathered the energy in his body, and turned back into the harmless appearance that other Nen users looked like.

As for other aspects, he said this with a melancholy look on his face.

"Sure enough, the ability to read is not that simple."

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