Su Moyu, who was lamenting that it was not easy to practice Nen, did not notice that Dazonie was extremely shocked by his talent.

According to the normal training speed of Nen users, even a beginner with high talent would need at least a week of training to initially master the 'Jue'. The other party only tried for less than ten minutes and was able to perfectly cut off the loss of Qi.

Even the 'Channel' was the same. Dazonie clearly saw how the other party compressed the thick and huge Nen Qi on the surface of the body into the thickness of a piece of paper and covered the surface of the skin. You don't need to try to know how outrageous the defense power of a seemingly thin piece of paper can be.

After a simple study of the characteristics of Nen, Su Moyu was about to continue discussing with Dazonie the advanced skills for the subsequent application of the four major industries when he was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door.

"Captain Dazonie, we have invited the doctor. Can we go in now?"

Skuvara's voice came from outside the door.

"Doctor? Why... uh?……"

Su Moyu then noticed that the sofa, which was originally in the center of the living room, had somehow moved to the corner.

The white bandages on the body of Dazonie, who was sitting on it, had turned into mottled red. It was obvious that the wound had started to bleed again. Even his right hand had signs of a serious fracture.

"This... was caused by me?!"

Su Moyu was stunned.

"It’s okay, it’s okay. It seems that Mr. Surant has finished practicing meditation. So it should be okay to ask the doctor to come in now, right?"

"No, no, no, don't say that! Hurry up and invite the doctor in to help you with your injuries!"

Su Moyu quickly waved his hand to indicate that it was okay, and ran over to open the door and ushered the doctor in.

Are you kidding me!

The other party got injured because of helping you, and you still have the nerve to continue practicing and refuse to let the other party find a doctor for treatment?

Looking at the broken wound exposed after the bandage on Dazonie's body was untied, Su Moyu suddenly felt quite guilty.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Dazonie, I really didn't expect that opening the mind would be so dangerous. If I had known this, I would have waited until tomorrow.……"

"Hey, Mr. Surant, what are you talking about? I volunteered to help with this matter. Besides, if we really want to say it's dangerous, Mr. Surant, it's more dangerous for you to accept this"heretical" method of enlightenment."

""I have never seen such a strong offensive power right after activating the ability of Nen. Your talent is also the only one I have ever seen in my life. Your attainments in Nen will definitely not be low in the future! Your future achievements are limitless! I have a feeling that sooner or later, you will be famous in all corners of the six continents! At that time, I may need your care, sir!"

Su Moyu's face turned red after being flattered by Dazonie. He scratched his head embarrassedly and handed the bank card back.

"Then I will return this to you, Mr. Dazonie. After all, it was me who harmed you.……"

"No, no, no, Mr. Surante, let's put things in perspective. I gave you this money to thank you. The minor injury on my body was entirely caused by my own carelessness, so you should just keep this card. I also have my own principles. I will never take back what I have given away. I hope Mr. Surante will not embarrass me."

"Well, Mr. Dazonie, after your injury is healed, I will definitely have a drink with you.……"

"Hahaha, OK, Mr. Surant, then we have a deal."

Dazonie laughed sincerely.

This Surant doesn't seem to be difficult to get along with, and he is also quite sentimental, so it will be much easier...

Make a good friend and build a good relationship with him. We must recruit him into the family!

We need to find a way to contact the big boss in advance.


After Skuvara handed the doctor the medical fee and sent him away respectfully, Dazonie and Su Moyu also sat back on the sofa.

Before the two could say anything else, there were rapid footsteps and a figure suddenly rushed in from the door behind the meeting room.

"Surante, are you still there?"

""Miss, don't run!"

The person who came was Nion Nosra!

The room behind the conference room was a bedroom for rest. After Nion rushed out, she climbed onto the sofa where Su Moyu was sitting without any hesitation, grabbed Su Moyu's hand, leaned forward, closed the distance between the two, and looked into Su Moyu's eyes, and said excitedly

"Surante! I like your eyes! Can you sell them to me? Even just one! How much do you think is appropriate?"

""Young lady?!"

Dazonie was immediately shocked by Nion's words and broke out in a cold sweat!

It's over!

How could he forget his young lady's hobby at this juncture?

Mr. Surant's eyes are a very rare silver color. Although he didn't feel anything special, his young lady is a human body collector! She must be very interested in Mr. Surant's eyes!

Because the young lady's predictive ability is very rare and practical, the leaders of other gangster families, and even the"Ten Old Men", will find the big boss and ask Miss Nion to predict for them to avoid danger. Therefore, the status of the Nosra family has been successfully raised to the same level as other high-level families, second only to the"Ten Old Men".

The big boss protected her too closely. Except for the maids and bodyguards who served her, she had no friends and did not have much contact with people from the outside world.

Therefore, she developed an interest in collecting human bodies. Hobbies.

After all, they are all dead objects.

So she has no idea about the so-called human relationships, and has no sense of crisis. She only cares about her hobbies and collections.

Her father knows her hobbies very well and supports her with all his strength. He often indulges Nion to spend a lot of money to buy many expensive human specimens at auction houses to enrich her collection and satisfy her wishes.

This time, she went out from the family because she saw someone selling specimens of"cyclops cubs" on the website. After contacting the seller, she learned that the other party did not want to give a share to the auction, and was in urgent need of money, so he only accepted offline transactions. So after verifying the other party's identity and finding that he was indeed a"human body collector", she drove there. I just didn't expect it to be a trap set by the hostile family forces.

But what Miss Nion said now was to Mr. Surante! If the lady angered the other party, then all of them present might not see the sun tomorrow!

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