Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 135: Ancient covenant

Chapter 135 Ancient Covenants

what did you say? "

"Ancient Atlantis," Azana repeated. "It was a language we used in Atlantis. It is very old, and even within our mermaids, there are few people who can hear it. understood."

"So complicated?"

"It's not complicated, but it's not universal. This ancient Atlantis language was the language used by our mermaids at the beginning. At that time, we were very weak. As our mermaids continued to grow, Some of the races we conquered or volunteered brought some new phrases and words. In addition, we later established alliances with the black octopus and the Turtle clan. The language between the three clans has interfered with each other. We use the new Atlantis language, which can basically be regarded as the undersea language. At least 80% of the undersea races use our Atlantic language, while the ancient Atlantis is because of the merman The archaic language of the tribe is limited to a small number of historians or large families of the mermaid tribe. The average merman has directly learned the new Atlantic language, and the mother tongue has gradually been forgotten. "

"N I turned to look at Ariana." What was he talking about? "

"He said I was indeed a mermaid, but it was strange that they were using honorifics."


"The parliamentary system that our mermaids use now emerged after the multi-racial integration. At first, we implemented the dictatorship of monarchs. At that time, underground and other races must use honorifics when they saw mermaids."

"That means they are the next race?"

"Even now I don't dare to talk wildly! They have been scattered for so many years. The ghosts also know whether they still admit that they are the next race."

I nodded and said to Ariana: "I'll talk about things in detail later. You explain to them that the hole was not deliberately made by us. And ask what relationship we just killed the thing with them. "

After listening to my order, Ariana explained to me about it. After turning around for a long time, they turned to me and said, "They attacked us because they thought we were attacking their land on purpose. But now they say they can forgive our behavior. The big squid that we killed just now invaded them. Earth monsters. Originally this was their city. Later, they did n’t know how to get in. Then they were forced to evacuate to the city on the other side of the isolation gate. They were sealed off by this side. I heard we killed this thing. They are happy. They want to thank us. "

I nodded. It seems that this is a better race. "Did you ask them why they speak ancient Atlantis?"

After speaking with her, Ayana said to me: "He said they have always used this language. But he also said that their elders may know. He said he wanted us to meet their elders. They said here before Looking for a mermaid. So ... "

"I understand. This race should have been a vassal or companion to your merman tribe. See you."


Under Arna and the biological translation, we exchanged some relevant information as we marched towards their city, but most of the time the Seal of the Seal of God was our answer to their questions. During this time, the throne of the Seal of Seals has always been closed. They know almost nothing about the outside world, so they do n’t know much about common sense, but I also had a problem in the conversation. It's like this is an auxiliary race. The so-called auxiliary race is the race that lacks survivability and needs to be attached to a race with a strong combat effectiveness. Of course, the auxiliary race is not a completely useless race, or else the war race will not be raced as a parasite?

In the conversation, we unknowingly reached the center of the city, where there is a huge square, and in the center of the square is a huge bread-shaped building. But what surprised us most was not the bread-shaped building, but the creatures near it. I originally thought that these metal octopuses were the ethnic entity, but now I am completely wrong. These metal octopuses are basically something similar to a combat weapon, and they are actually semi-mechanized, and the race itself is much smaller than this thing.

The metal octopus that showed us the way opened a hole from below after reaching the entrance of the bread building, and then the creatures inside drilled out and took us to a group of local creatures at the door of the building. The creature that showed us the way was funny. First of all, this guy is only about half a meter tall, and half of his height is occupied by the head that accounts for more than half of his weight. Beneath this head, which is a circle larger than a basketball, is a cylindrical body that can be lifted by one hand in less than five centimeters. Also connected at the lower part of this body

Human fingers are as thick as brachiopods, but they are much shorter than octopus and squid than brachiopods, and the tips of these brachiopods are actually three-lobed, almost like a small claw. In fact, it's not funny to have this figure, the key is the eyes of these guys. These blue-skinned guys all have big green eyes like apples, and their noses and ears have only a few holes, and their mouths have only a small slit. Imagine how strange it is that such a bald head has such large eyes?

The little ones obviously didn't pay much attention to my eyes, because they were busy looking at Aona. After repeatedly confirming Arna's race, the local races standing at the gate brought us into the building, but the way to enter was more depressing. Although the gate of this building can be considered relatively large for this race, it is bigger than a dog hole for us. Fortunately, the interior of the building seems to be a stadium-like place, except that there is a circle of stands around it. The outside and middle are basically empty.

After standing in the center of the square, most of the small things retreated, leaving only a few guys who were older at first glance. After the young creatures all quit, an older creature began to communicate with Azana, during which Azana pointed to me as if I was talking about me, and then the several creatures discussed. After a while they seemed to discuss what had happened. One of the creatures quickly left here, and after a while he ran back again, followed by a group of his kind, and they brought back a large machine, but I don't know what exactly this is doing.

The creature swam in front of me to buy and pointed at the machine, but I couldn't understand it at all, and Ah Naxun explained: "He wants you to go left to that thing."

"Sit up? How do you sit?"

Azana asked the old guy again for a while and said to me: "It's the platform, you don't have to sit, you can stand up, just as long as it's above the instrument."

"Oh." I turned to look at the thing, and then spread my wings a little to swim over it, retracted my wings and stood firmly above the instrument waiting for their next step.

"How? Can you understand us now?" Unexpectedly, I actually understood what he meant when the creature spoke again in front of me.

I quickly nodded and said I understood. "This thing is a translator?"

"No, it's not a translator, but a conscious connector. We are actually using the will to communicate directly now. You can now even transfer images directly to you. How about it? See the image I transferred? "

I nodded again. "How did you get this thing?"

"We made it ourselves."

"Ah?" This answer really surprised me. "You made it yourself?"

"Yes. What our Sigmars are best at is studying the mysteries of nature.

This thing seems very simple, in fact, it is the combination of various laws that exist in nature according to our hopes to make it magical. "

Adina also proved beside her: "I heard from our clan elders that our mermaids did have a very powerful vassal race before. Most of Atlantis's technology came from their research, but Later, we were separated from them by the Great White Sharks' attack ~ ~ After the technological progress of Atlantis almost entered a state of stagnation. It is the best we can do to ensure that the technology does not regress. Situation. "

"So it is!" Speaking of Atlantis, there is indeed a sense of technical disconnection. Many of their things are obviously technically strong, but their research capabilities are very weak, and it feels like they are not their own technology. . The Mermaid engineers of Atlantis are really just engineers. They just have a thorough understanding of the existing technology, they can build, they can make or even a certain degree of modification, but they cannot innovate.

"Master." Suddenly said, "The elder said just now that he wanted to return to Atlantis. Should we consider the merger of the two races as soon as possible? Here, because the seal of the Seal of the Throne of God has been closed for a long time, resources They ran out of food. They started to ration food last month. If we show them later, they will starve to death here! "

"Migration is definitely no problem." How could I give up on a race with such a strong research ability? "But I have a better suggestion." I said after seeing them all turning their eyes over, "The conditions here are very good. As long as you set up a large transmission channel and make some transformations, I think it's totally possible All the technical departments in Transylvania have relocated. Anyway, what you lack is just all kinds of materials. It is so concealed here and the security is absolutely guaranteed. As long as the material channels are not better than outside? "

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