Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 136: Power of the Sigma Sea

Based on my opinion, several seniors of the sigma sea group negotiated together and were quickly determined under the intervention of Ariana. The main reason why the Sigmar tribe attaches to the mermaid tribe is the lack of self-protection and production capacity. This race can be described as a door apart from technology. Their production capacity is very poor, and even self-sufficiency is a problem. They must rely on outside races to provide food and some living materials. But relative to food, safety is the most important. The individual strength of the Sigma Sea tribe can be described as the last in the ocean, and the number is definitely not much. Although their research capabilities can reveal many destructive weapons, the inherently timid Sigmars are difficult to get together with the people who operate the combat equipment. The battle is almost impossible for them. Based on the above, they finally agreed with me. After all, it seems that this proposal is not inappropriate.

After determining the intention, it is time to consider how to establish a transmission channel. After all, I am still stuck here! However, the problem was quickly solved. After asking the sigma-sea elders, we actually do n’t restrict teleportation here, which means that I can actually summon roses with the ring of love, and roses also have dragons. Just let her Bring a teleportation array and you can set up a transmission channel connecting Tianyu City here. No matter how deep the location is, this place is at least in France, Tianyu City has exits in France, and there should be no problem connecting the transport array here.

Connected to the ring of love and told her about the situation here. Rose asked me to wait for a while. After all, she couldn't take the teleporter around with her. She had to go to the production unit to take the teleporter. Taking advantage of the time to get the teleportation position, I asked the elders of the Sigmar Sea to take me to the library on their side and establish their ethnic affiliation to our guild. I heard the long-lost system prompt as soon as the affiliation was established. "Congratulations to the Frost Rose Alliance for joining the new race. Let's start reloading the guild information ..."

A series of continuous guild information loading tips brushed my information screen like a waterfall. I had to open the information bar and wait for it to finish before turning back to the top one by one.

The new guild information just loaded is actually not much, mainly in two aspects, one is the guild map and guild history, and the other is guild technology. The guild map represents the size of the area a guild explores in the game. The main source of the guild map is the map explored by all players in the guild and the map opened in the guild mission. In addition, it is purchased from other guilds. Maps or conquering other guilds can also get maps. However, it should be noted here that the prerequisite for the map of the conquest bank is that the other party has a guild library and is successfully occupied by you. If the library is destroyed before it is controlled, you will still get nothing.

Once the guild map is obtained, it will be automatically backed up in the guild database. If your guild has its own city and a library is built in it, members of the guild can download it from this library. The map here, relying on this map, you can understand the distribution of monsters in the region, the approximate route of action and the distribution of minerals, but the download of the guild map is not constant. If you exit the guild, the guild map you download will be It will disappear automatically, of course, the area you have explored yourself will not be erased, but the area map you downloaded and you have not explored yourself will be erased.

In addition to the map, the historical database is also an important guild resource. Similar to the map, historical data will also be stored in the guild database. When the guild has a library, guild personnel can also download the guild. Historical data. However, unlike the map, historical data does not help you identify the way and distinguish the monster area. Its role is to help you reach and complete tasks. Many tasks in "Zero" will only be touched if you have the corresponding historical data, and some tasks will also use some data. Take a more common example. The history of Atlantis is itself a high-mission mission. If I do n’t have the historical data of Atlantis, then I wo n’t touch the Sigma Sea mission today, but will fight directly with the other party. Get up, or do the task in another way. As for the application of historical data in tasks, this is even more common. Language data is an important part of historical data.

Many tasks in "Zero" will encounter all kinds of strange texts. Without corresponding historical data, you cannot understand these texts. Although the incomprehensible texts are not necessarily incomplete, but at least the difficulty will jump up a few times Level, so grasping how much history is also a manifestation of guild strength.

However, although maps and history are important, those that can play a practical role need to be counted as science and technology. But unlike the first two attributes, technology is not used in all guilds. Just like players have their own levels, guilds also have their own levels, but this level is not a number but a rank. The lowest guild is called the squad-level guild, the higher level is the guild level guild, the higher level is the organization level guild, the fourth level is the local power level guild, and the fifth level is the national level guild. Our guild belongs to the hegemonic guild of the sixth level. In order to have the ability to use resources such as technology, there must be at least a third-level guild, that is, an organization-level guild. You ca n’t use the first two levels of guilds even if you have access to scientific and technological materials, because you can only build a research institute at the third level. Of course, this level of research institutes have limited capabilities, and too complex technologies are not available. But at the level of our guild, it will be different. As long as relevant information is available, any technology can be basically researched. It is nothing more than two things.

Just now, after joining the sigma sea tribe, a large number of new technologies suddenly appeared in the technical achievements database of our guild. The content is so large that it needs to be divided into several major categories to show it, but what surprised me more is that Almost all of the technology is focused on the extraction and utilization of magic crystal energy. It can be said that the technology of the Sigma Sea has seriously deviated from the normal exhibition track, even if it is a partial branch, it cannot be like this? Although the purification and transformation technology of magic crystal is very important, you can just stare at this research!

"That ...!" I called the sigma-hai patriarch to the front. Then show him the technical data genealogy. "Why are your technologies focused on these two aspects?"

"This is for a reason." The sigma veteran explained: "You also know. Our sigma sea tribe's specialty is technical development rather than production. It can be said that our sigma sea tribe members are natural scientists. But in other aspects

Not at all. Because of the separation from the Mermaid family, the seal of the throne is too long. We've been running out of land for a long time. Without the experimental materials, even if we are clever, we can't come up with nothing! Fortunately, there is a vein of magic crystal in this place. But the purity is low. Therefore, under the premise of only the material of magic crystal and the pressure of survival pressure, we focused our research on the energy extraction and conversion rate of magic crystal. In this way, our research will not stop. And these research results can be immediately applied to our actual production. Has practical value for us. Other technologies even if we can dream up. Without materials, it can't be produced. So we simply gave up those areas of research. "

I nodded. It seems that the Sigmars are also forced to carry out lame-style technical research. Fortunately, these two aspects of technology are not too wasteful. First is the magic crystal energy extraction. This technology is similar to the mining of subway ore in real life. If your production technology is poor. That same subway ore you can extract less land than others. And the production technology of the good factory can even extract iron from the **** you can not use. Magic crystal does not need to be extracted though. But the energy in the magic crystal needs to be extracted. We compare the magic crystal to an energy storehouse. Suppose that the ground energy is one hundred. With our current technology, about forty energy can be extracted from it. As for the other sixty units, they are not left in the magic crystal and cannot be extracted. It was lost during the extraction process. At present, our guild conducts a small-scale extraction in the laboratory to reach an extraction ratio of 50%. However, in large-scale production, laboratory methods cannot be used for extraction. Therefore, the extraction rate has not been improved. In fact, the ratio of our guild is quite good. In general, small guilds can reach 35% of the extraction rate is wrong. We are five percentage points more. That's equivalent to making an extra five tons of ore per 100 tons of ore. This account is still very cost-effective.

Although our guild extraction rate has been among the best in guilds. But comparing it to the sigma sea tribe's technology is like spoiling the ore. This is because the extraction rate for the large-scale production of Sigma Sea is actually 89%. More than twice as much as we have.

What is this concept? This basically means that we can now use one ton of ore for two tons. Finally, there are left. What a terrible usage rate! After reading this ratio, I quickly informed Rose to stop all the magic crystal energy extractors in the bank. This waste of land is all money!

In addition to the extraction rate, the conversion rate is also a major level in the use of magic crystal. Just as there will be power loss in the process of converting electrical energy into mechanical or thermal energy in reality, there is also a huge waste of energy consumption when the magic crystal energy in the game is extracted and converted, and this waste is more serious. At present, magic crystal energy is generally converted into two modes of operation: mechanical energy and magic energy. This mechanical energy is relatively simple, which is equivalent to driving a machine with electricity, except that magic energy is used in the game. This mechanical energy conversion is more common on battleships and demons in this guild. As for magic energy, it is mainly responsible for two aspects, one is defense and the other is offense. City shields rely on the energy extracted from magic crystals to operate, and the city's magic weapons also rely on this energy to attack. The conversion of mechanical energy is the most problematic part in the operation of these energy. In contrast, the conversion of magic energy is better. At present, our guild will convert the magic spar energy into the magic energy used on weapons and shields. The conversion rate is about 70%, which means that more than 20% of the energy will be destroyed before entering the attack or defense. Consumed. Worse case is that this part of the wasted energy does not disappear, but is converted into free energy. These free energy will not only participate in the beneficial function swing, but will interfere with the protective power of the hood and the magic cannon. Accuracy and power, that is, the part of energy actually wasted is counterproductive. In terms of mechanical energy conversion, the current conversion rate of our guild is 50%, which is half. After two units of magic crystal energy are transmitted to the mechanical converter, only one unit of mechanical energy will be output. This energy will be wasted due to adverse effects such as friction. In the end, the actual effective work is really low to an unbearable level.

Although the conversion rate of our guild is so low, we are still the absolute leader in the application of magic energy. But look at the conversion rate of the Sigma Sea tribe again. The mechanical energy conversion rate is 97.8%, and the magic energy conversion rate is ... infinitely close to 100%. With a near-zero conversion rate, this leap not only saves energy, reduces the power consumption of weapons and shield generators, but also significantly increases its power output. Without the interference of free energy, the weapon system will be more accurate and destructive, and the protective cover will be stronger. What a great leap it is!

In fact, the two conversion rates that I look at are just the main research directions of the Sigma Sea tribe. They also have a secondary research project, although not very prominent, which is very important for magic energy transmission technology.

"Can you do long-range wireless energy transmission?" I asked the veteran of the Sigmar Sea with surprise ~ ~ Can't talk about long-distance, the current practical distance is only eight kilometers, and it will be serious if it is far away. Energy decay. "

"Eight kilometers? Enough is enough!" Wahaha, the biggest problem that bundled our guild was finally solved. Before our guild, we always wanted to produce a large number of powerful war puppets instead of mercenaries. Once the puppets were cheap, and secondly, this thing could be used repeatedly. Even if it was broken, it would not be wiped out. There would always be arms and legs left. Next point, as long as it is disassembled and reassembled, the original performance can be restored, so the average efficiency will be much higher than that. But the driving force behind advanced puppetry operations has always been a big problem. The ordinary red-striped demon spar can only drive pure physical attack type demon, and there are restrictions on the use of the time seal of the throne. The colorful magic spar is very powerful, but unfortunately this thing is harder to find than the toad with two legs. Do n’t even think about mass production. But now the problem is solved. As long as there is a transporter equipped with an energy converter and a transmitter in the group of puppets, it can support the continuous operation of the puppets within eight kilometers. Although it is still not convenient, at least it can be put into practical use. "Hurry up with my transmitter." I shouted excitedly, but Elder Sigma directly poured a cold water on me.

"I'm afraid we can't meet your requirements now!"

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