Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 45: conspiracy

When it came to the huge discs, the door was fully opened, and many players

As the workers pull things down. The first batch of things that had been taken down all had been attacking the stomach and the stomach. They looked like defensive weapons. The city setting of the original battle should be smoke, dig the foundation and then flatten the land before starting to build the city, but this time we are conducting the city construction under the joint interference of the Indian players and the Indian Zhong Uranium tribe, so it cannot be like It is performed in a rhyme and glassy fashion like a normal city. The safest and most practical way is to build the defense facilities first, so no matter how much the city is built, at least when the enemy invades, we can have an exhausted city defense system.

The things unloaded from the giant butterfly city were quickly rushed to the nearby open space. After everything was emptied, the giant butterfly city immediately took off and turned around and returned to the country. After that, it had to go back and forth-several times to the west. Although it is slower, anyway, it can be regarded as a large transport aircraft. The most important thing is that it does not cost money and is much cheaper than the teleportation array.

The thing just unloaded from Giant Butterfly City was unpacked quickly, and then thousands of technicians started on-site debugging and connecting these disassembled parts. Those who had nothing to do went to the Chuanmen Gate and just delivered it from the portal. A lot of cloud boards were transported in the received materials.

Yunban is one of the materials sent to me by Tianting. This thing is used for local use. It ’s not that we ended up adopting the self-spooning city construction plan and the advice given by Tianting was not the same. Originally, the heavenly court hoped that we could create an aerial city with the cloud they gave, but we finally changed the design. Our plan is to build a circular city on the ground, and then the frog will build thirteen small floating cities with the cloud boards that heaven gave us. Twelve floating cities of the same size will be set up as twelve aerial turrets, which are regularly distributed along the circular city walls on the ground. And we will also guide the ground for these twelve floating cities. You can move along the walls of the ground flames.

In this case, these twelve sitting and floating in the air Chengping Xinjing? "Twelve seats are floating in the air!" The moving platform, no matter which direction the enemy visits the grave, the twelve hurricanes can be passed-the ground is pulled by the equipment along the city wall to the enemy's attack The ranks are blocked in the direction of the direction, and if the person divides the city to attack from more than ten directions, these twelve cities can also move to a suitable position according to the enemy ’s force distribution. {7 "Fang Yu, is foolproof The design of the thirteenth sky city behind the dry tongue, we plan to build it into a final safety insurance. At a short time, we will build the core of the city in this sky city, and then build a passenger tower on the ground. Direct connection This city on the ground and in the air scares the core. This place blocks the enemy, then we can blow up the connection tower of the city of the sky and the city on the ground, and then let the flame of destiny rise. According to the system regulations, neither side at war has given up. In the case of \\\ ', the attacker can only capture the city if it destroys the core of the city in the defender's city hall. Therefore, if we let the city of Destiny take off, the other party can only invade by air units. Combat strength of our guild, I can not imagine there is anyone who can break through our air defenses destroyed most screen whoof dig them; Sky City.

The above construction plan was finalized before I came over. The reason why it was decided so late is that the cost of the city's flat setting is too high. Finally, the liaison staff sent by Tiandian and we worked together. People at the meeting quarrelled for a long time before I could reimburse them.

The civil construction personnel who are now arriving are connecting Tianting 滹 our Yunban one by one, and the people in the mechanical group 刖 in the fast group to each 4? Magic crystal power weapons and defense are mis-prepared. In just ten minutes, the board became a construction site. Everywhere, the sparks of the welding machine and the roar of the machine roared.

"Zi Ri." I was watching the construction site and suddenly heard someone calling me, turning around and Jue Jie was Hongyue.

"Is the wood slanting amused?"

"Not yet, the cauldron rice is commanding over there, and it won't be used for the time being." Speaking of here, the red moon struck me, and then handed Zhang Xiaochang to him: \ "蒇 (i, the guild's intelligence department茁 Lost things. "

I opened the scroll and took a look. The content was very simple. The two protoss forces of our intelligence staff are now offering a reward to destroy all kinds of people in our guild. Let ’s go! ”Combat mission. Although the system restricts each of the fixed pendulums from being able to take the initiative to attack the invaders in the initial period of time, the Buddhist and Hindu fellows are not fools, and they are very good at drilling holes. Although they cannot participate in battles in Japan or in Japan, they can use shady files to learn the rules. Protoss forces can perform various combat tasks, and this task certainly attacks the players of enemy countries. In fact, all countries have similar This kind of task, but also every kind of long-term task, can be done indefinitely. ↑ Dan is called the Buddhist gate

That is to say, before we enter the press, that is, Tang Wanzhi Modest Corpse 'has begun preparing to stop our city. This is exactly the reason why the giant butterfly city river. When entering Indian airspace, so many Indians appeared, and when we just landed, we encountered a large group of Indians stuck and attacked. However, it was planned in advance. Otherwise, the Indians will never reach such an impossible time. Fortunately, Zhou is the transition time we are preparing to land. I clearly calculated it.

"Name, I didn't expect that Buddha's group of guys will be happy next year!"

"But don't you find it strange?" Hongyue asked in confusion

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"Do n’t you wonder how Buddhism knows the plan of the charcoal makers? We are also Zhou Yan, a hundred plan to build a city here, Buddhism / gl ran charcoal o!" Began the task deployment at the planning stage, This is too fast, is n’t it? Flemish. Thousand nps force. It is impossible to let spies mix in. (Door guild, how did they get information? "

"This is my negligence, I forgot to tell you -7 ^"

"Tell us what" "" Yueyue looked at me puzzled.

"Do you know the real purpose of this battle?"

"Isn't it? That makes the doors of Buddha's doors free?"

"The problem lies in the splits, so that they can open the door of the Buddha; they will be sly. They will completely

Are you out of your infarction? ""

Hongyue immediately stunned, "following, saying ... l" "

I nodded n "No. $." ". The body of the body of the scorpion is equivalent to that of India-Hao Shen

Remote terminal, if you do n’t know your western name, you will know it immediately, so ...

"It's strange!" Speaking of which, Hongyue has a caries ^ "Oops!"

"What's the matter?"

"You said that since the Buddhists knew their members' plans, why did they do such a simple player task to attract so many players to play here? According to the situation of the first game, it is not supposed to be a guild task. Call the Dasha Guild to join the village 哉. Are they going to make a fatal blow? ""

When I heard this, my eyes widened emptily ^ "Not good. He saved the death toll! \"

! $ 5

The system is limited. When there is a city established by a player from another country within the territory of a country, and the city is set as the sovereign city o! ”, Then the attack of the city of Rongcun in each country {7west can be regarded as Local guard battles, and once the number of casualties of domestic players in the local guards is late for a certain percentage, the protoss forces in their own country can begin to support the domestic battles in limited ways. If the casualty ratio rises in the area, i7 蕙 2 By standard, the Tatar forces in this country will get the right to allow ten or other individuals to participate directly in the war. Then there will be casualties. When the elders are still on the rise and the three standard lines are also checked, the gods of that country can initiate large-scale resistance operations. After these three mad lines, there is a fourth standard, and once this fourth standard is reached, the country ’s kneading force will be completely unsealed. This protoss force can move all the controllable forces. . In fact, the system limit is ~ \\\ ', and there are 7 casualties. \\\' r-, 漶 ~ \\\ '/-There is also a solid soil occupation ratio standard, which is also poor. It is also divided into four levels. §, i a level 彘 1 can move to o !; strength. This time, our goal is to give the Daleiyin Temple to the territory of China. This land alone cannot meet the standards of the Protoss troop. So the Buddhist monk and the Hindu monk thought of another one. Limited one-to-one use,

Hongyue looked at me anxiously, "It's gratifying that I know exactly what their purpose is, and we j-

Can we ignore these Indians, can we give up resistance? "

"Don't talk stupid, resist the poor and willing Cambodian. Existing; time collapse is not \\ '^. We arrived in Zhejiang, j-resistance problem, and poor · we must find a way to do everything we can to jz 祜 zu o!" Attendance time. At least I still insist on confirming the qualification of soil occupation. Even if I ca n’t panic later, Zahine. As long as Tianxu can use the avoidance 1 and 1q1 to completely end the Buddhist gate n ”

"But how can we delay the uranium tritium time?"

"Is this ... let me ~ ~ The pirates are the animal tyrants. Quan lied to make the casualties high enough to meet the standards of their appearance. That is, since the Tang people f's knowledge has cast us To occupy his jaws (i, o !; soil, it would be impossible to destroy the city by destroying our o!) With the charcoal, and then we must fight back, and once the bean strikes, it is necessary to fight against it, that is, Don player ’s heavy casualties. Only. As soon as the number of casualties rises ... dizzy, this is not awkward, cycle 7 l; no, not awkward! This kt sees the obstruction of j-possible changes Ken Ken has one Each item is "inevitable; ↑ What is the difference? Ah" "Frown frowning in Gion in the same place. I don't know if I rushed to buy it after 7 $ less. It flashed through my mind. "Ha, bubble 7 ^"

"What is it?" S spring word, ending. If you want to know \\\ 'n-things like

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