Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 46: Difficult land replacement plan

"I finally thought of it.

If the Indians attack us, we will inevitably fight back, and the counterattack will inevitably lead to casualties. These two points are necessarily contradictory and cannot be recovered, but the previous reasoning is wrong. "

"Previous inference?" Hongyue looked at me wondering what I was talking about.

That is to say that the Indian who inevitably attacked our reasoning.

Although the emergence of enemy cities within the country will indeed lead to the rise of their own players, but this is not necessarily true, and in fact the operability in the middle is very large.

"Operability? How can you say that I am more confused?" "This is actually very simple. We must first consider the national conditions of India. Do you remember the three weakest wills in the world?" "Of course, India, France, Italy? "" Yes.

As large countries, people in these three countries are most afraid of death.

Of course, on the other hand, people in these three countries can be regarded as the most 'peace-loving'.

Therefore, our invasion of India and other countries will be different, and the resistance of Indian players will not be as strong as other countries. "

"But even if their resistance is not strong, will they not fight back?" Hongyue asked back.

"Yes, they will not fight back, but their enthusiasm for counterattack will be much lower. At least they do n’t have the Japanese consciousness that you are either dead or alive, and this creates the possibility for our negotiations. . "

"But even if the Indians don't really want to fight with us, at least they won't look at us to take advantage of them!" "That is of course, but since there is no determination to die, the Indians will not bump us, at least without being beaten They will not until B has nowhere to go.

The establishment of a city on the land of India is equivalent to occupying the land of the Indians. This is equivalent to driving the Indians out of the way B, because anyway, the shrinking of the land area is absolutely intolerable.

But ... we can completely dismantle the east wall and fill the west wall. "

"Ah?" "Remember there is still a small country between China and India?" "You mean Nepal?" "Yes."

Hongyue suddenly guessed what I meant.

"Do you want to sacrifice Nepal to play land swap with Indians?" "It is indeed my vice-president, smart!" "Are you bragging about me or yourself? The solution, but you came up with it!" "Haha Regardless of this, do you say that this method is feasible? "" It's hard to say, it is definitely not possible from the perspective of the general country, but Indians ... this is really hard to say! After all, I am not an Indian, their way of thinking and values It ’s different from us. Maybe they do n’t think it ’s a big deal. ”“ Hey, since you said that, I ’ll try it. ”

I was about to leave. Hongyue hurriedly shouted in the back: "Hey, what do you do when you go this way?" Although I heard Hongyue's shout, I didn't stop, but just dropped the sentence from a distance: " Aren't you still? "I flashed directly.

Hong Yue was jumped at me by anger, but angry and angry, but she had no choice but to turn around to command the city construction, at least I had already run a few kilometers away at this time.

Riding a bird into the area inside India, I quickly realized the goal of this trip-Kata.

Kata is just a medium-sized city, but its significance in India is extraordinary because it is actually the first and currently the largest player-built city in India.

It ’s weird to say, Indian players and players from other countries are a bit different in the exhibition. They do n’t seem to like building cities themselves, but they are very enthusiastic about bsp; in other countries, the main system of the original system is basically controlled by players. , But India is just the opposite. Not only is the original system city almost alive, but it has also become more fierce than before, and there are even many new cities. On the contrary, the number of player cities is not large.

I personally think that this may be related to the ng of the Indians. Even the blood of the independent people must be a non-violent non-cooperative movement. I can imagine how "peace-loving" the Indian city is. !! In view of the weird way of the Indian National Independence Movement, it is not incredible how Indian players do not occupy the system cities.

I now come to this Kata mainly to talk to several major forces in India. Although this Kata is just a small city, the city has the main headquarters of several major ng guilds in India. .

Was it surprised to hear the news? How could the headquarters of the big ng guild share a city? In fact, the Indians did just that, and they have been miraculously peaceful until now.

When I reached Kata, I took back the birds, then spread my wings and fell from the sky.

The Indians below hadn't noticed me until I landed slowly on top of the huge lotus statue in the city center.

"It's Purple Sun!" With the appearance of the first cry, the following quickly got messed up, and it felt like I was like the **** of plague. The people below were almost panic-stricken, running for a long time A formed team appeared to surround me.

As one of the most important cities in India, the defense here is really nothing to say! "Zi Ri, you guy dare to run to Kata!" One of the guys from below who was obviously a leader shouted at me.

"Is there any danger here? Why should I dare not come?" I deliberately angered the guy below.

"Hum, I don't fight with you.

Are you leaving alone or letting us kill you? "Kill me?" Hahahaha ... "I stood on top of the lotus and laughed exaggeratedly.

"This is the funniest joke I heard today.

If you don't want this place to be in ruins, go and find someone who speaks well, otherwise don't blame me for not warning you. "

"Huh!" Although angry, the guy didn't dare to bring someone up.

Now more than half of the people in the game know me. Although they only know that I have a strong combat effectiveness, except for a few masters who are very powerful, the average player rarely challenges me with courage. Not many can win.

Of course, the above situation is only based on people with normal minds, but the forest is full of birds, and there are not a few wastes that I do not know.

However, this is obviously not in this list, he still knows that he has a few pounds or two.

The guy was angry and angry, and the efficiency of the work was not bad, and they quickly found their boss.

The people who came this time also brought a large group of attendants behind, and by looking at the equipment, I know that they are not ordinary players.

Because the equipment in "Zero" is basically divided according to its value, the better the equipment, the more gorgeous the shape, so the average player wears the level of things to understand at a glance.

In addition, since generally capable players will have better equipment, the appearance of the equipment can also roughly determine the player's combat effectiveness. After all, the possibility of players having the ability to obtain good equipment is greater than those who do not have the ability, and Good equipment itself is also an important part of personal snobbery, so this way of distinguishing combat effectiveness based on the gorgeousness of equipment is basically quite difficult.

"I thought that my subordinates were joking with me! I didn't expect it to be you!" The guy who took the lead came to the edge of the square and said loudly, while the people around him saw an uncle's nervous expression after seeing me, as if I always rush down and kill them all! "I'm not a terrorist. Tell your subordinates not to be so nervous! Actually, I'm here to negotiate today, but I'm afraid you can't do this alone. You need a group of people who can represent India as a whole to negotiate with me."

"What do you want to talk about?" "I told you alone and I have to say it again to other Indian representatives, so I hope to explain clearly once I get there.

Can you convene representatives of major guilds in India? "The guy lowered his head and thought for a while, and then said," I can call everyone to meet you, but I won't know if other guilds will come. " "

"That's enough."

I don't know if it's because of my reputation or the popularity of the guy who called the convener. In short, the convening work was surprisingly easy.

In total, it took more than an hour to have the presidents and principals of several major large guilds and scattered small guilds in India, except for one of the medium guilds. No one is worse than that.

We finally borrowed a nearby guild room for negotiations.

Impatient people shouted as soon as the door of the conference room was closed.

"Okay, we're all here now. You should tell us what are you talking about?" The president of another guild continued: "I heard that your guild is invading our country, now we It can be regarded as a state of war. What do you want to talk about at this time? "" In fact, I want to talk about this war. "

Before someone spoke, I rushed to say: "You must all think I am an intruder now, so are you very angry?" "Huh!" "Although no one answered, this nasal sound has shown that I guessed right.

But things are not as simple as you think. "

After seeing their eyes waiting for the following, I continued: "It looks like my guild has invaded your country, but in fact we are compelled to do so!" "Hmm! Is there a compelling invasion?" "Usually No, it does not mean that there will never be.

What I have now is a last resort. "

"Okay, we're going to hear what you have to do."

Next, I briefly explained the things about the Buddhist gate and the heavenly court. During the period, the presidents of several Indian guilds raised some questions. After I explained them, they finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

"The above is what happened.

That's why I came here. "

"But even if we understand your distress, we are still the invaded party. You can't ask the robbed person to take the initiative to hand over the money because the robber is starving to death, right?" What this guy said at first sounded It seemed to be euphemistic, if you think about it, it turns out that he was actually scolding me.

"I didn't mean that. I came here to discuss with you how to solve the problem at hand."

"With President Ziri's ingenuity, I'm afraid I already have a solution, right?" "The ingenuity doesn't dare to take it, but I have indeed prepared a solution."

I said, touching back, who knew there was a sudden noise below, all the chairmen stood up and pulled out their weapons.

"Don't be so nervous?" I said, in slow motion, a flat metal object was found from the back, and when I placed it on the table, I pressed it gently, and the metal cake immediately separated the two and exposed the middle crystal. The core, a beam of light emitted from the core shows a map of the Sino-Indian boundary and surrounding areas at a height of more than one meter above the desktop.

After seeing the function of things on the air, those workers would put up their arms and lift up their chairs to sit back. Before they met, they were always on the alert thinking that I would wipe them out! I didn't react to his parting ways and reacted to it. I made it myself.

I pointed at one of them and clicked.

"Here is our new city construction site. Once it is completed, then ..." I drew a curve below this point.

"All the areas to the north will be allocated into Chinese territory, and most importantly, the Da Lei Yin Temple will also be included in Chinese territory.

At that time, Tianting and Buddhism can formally start a war in the name of a domestic protoss battle, and there will be nothing for me. "

"You're all right, what should we do with our land?" "Good.

The key point of my solution is here. "

I pointed to another location on the map.

"Nepal?" "Yes."

I continued: "I have occupied your territory, so you would be losing money. If I help you to occupy a larger land in Nepal than the area I moved in from India, wouldn't you not lose it? "How? Are you dissatisfied with my land replacement method?" "But are Nepalese players willing to give up the land?" "Of course not, so I will send troops to help you occupy it, I will use it now After the defense of the new city was all transferred to Nepal to reoccupy a city, and then after the city was established, I would transfer it to you for free, so that the territory of India was expanded.

In exchange, you stop the attack on our new city, so that everyone has a good advantage. Isn't it better than fighting together and losing both? "This ... let's discuss it. "

"Just right, I'm a bit tired. You talk about it first. I'm going to replenish some supplies in your city. After discussing it, you can send someone to call me."

I walked outside when I said it. The guys all gathered together before I went out to start a discussion, but I was not interested in their discussion, and I just pulled the door and went out.

Speaking of which, although the city of Kata is small, the internal structure is very compact, and the various shops are evenly distributed.

In my opinion, a large city like Isinger is not as good as a small city such as Kata, because the city is too large, and many cities can only set up an official agency. It is said that the straight line distance between Isinger's temple building group and professional certification office is more than three kilometers, and the actual distance of the road can be considered as the actual direction of the road when it is affected by traffic conditions. The actual distance may reach more than five kilometers.

For a city like Essinger, which has a large number of intranets, fortunately, if the general city is as large as Essinger, players must run in the city for a day just to change their positions.

Relatively speaking, the compact layout of a small city like Kata will make people feel a lot more refreshing. Although not as majestic as Isinger and a little rustic, but all the facilities should be available, it can be said that It's extremely convenient.

I walked along the streets with very Indian characteristics and realized the feeling of the Republic of China. I can say that it was fun to play, but the group of people who followed me was miserable.

These people are sent by the guild brains to follow me. On the one hand, they are equivalent to surveillance personnel. On the other hand, they can play a role of security. Of course, they do not protect me, but protect ordinary players.

After all, now that we are fighting on both sides, it is inevitable that some people on the road will rush up when their minds are hot.

They hang up to nothing, but most of the time I will be hit by the city, so in order not to give me an excuse, these Indian security guards around me have to run back and forth, sometimes even have to pull up The wall blocked the flow of people outside.

"Well! Have you finished the discussion?" One of the temporarily elected representatives sat opposite me.

"Can you open the map?" I nodded and took out the previous three-dimensional map instrument to unfold it. The guy immediately nodded on it.

"We don't want Nepal.

We want it here. "

I looked at where he was pointing.

"Paris controls Kashmir? How come you thought of wanting here?" "Kashmir originally belonged to us. What's wrong with reoccupation? Besides, you are going to perform land conversion with us anyway, as long as it is not your own Chinese territory, Is n’t it all the same? ”“ Same? How is this the same? Of course it ’s different! ”This rose was called out by Rose. Actually, I have now returned to Isinger, while I was in Kata and the Indians. The negotiations were not finalized.

Just as they need to discuss, I also need to discuss. Fortunately, Indians are not in a hurry now.

But these **** and eggs are not fuel-efficient lamps.

Although they did not limit the time for my discussion on the Throne of the Seal of the Seal, they said that the attack intensity would not weaken before finalizing the plan, and they would continue to prepare for the battle as if they had not negotiated.

I knew something was going on when they asked for Kashmir, so I had to come back and talk to someone.

"Of course I know it's different. What I want to know now is whether this sale is worth it?" Eagle looked at the level map projected by the **** of war and said, "I'm not familiar with Kashmir. You two can explain it first. Clearly why the two places are different? "Seeing everyone else besides Su Mei and Hongyue also had a" I'm confused "expression, Rose had to explain.

"I believe everyone knows the dispute between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir region, as long as you have heard of international news.

However, the current situation is not in our consideration. We need to consider the part of the game. One is the Indian-controlled Kashmir region actually occupied by the Indians, and the other is Pakistan-controlled Kashmir region.

In the game, the entire Kashmir region is in an unlimited state, which is a brutal battlefield with no rules at all.

The gods on both sides can't directly check the area, but they can support the melee indefinitely. At the same time, because the Indians and Pakistanis think that Kashmir belongs to their own country, the players on both sides can be described as melee. Constantly, it is just a level arena.

But the crux of the problem is actually not the ethnic conflict and the actual line of control between the two parties, but here. "

With the interpretation of the rose, the map was automatically focused on the Kashmir region and hundreds of circles, large and small, were marked on it.

"All the circles you see now are cryolite mines.

One third of the cryolite imported by the Bank comes from this. "

"What?" All of a sudden, everyone at UU read couldn't help but take a breath.

Ice crystals and fire diamonds, poison crystals.

Black crystals are also called the four major gems of the system. They are not the most exaggerated effects of national ash, but because they are the gems with the largest output and the most outstanding actual capabilities.

No matter what level the blacksmith and founder can use these four stones to enchant the equipment, and the equipment inlaid with these four gems has become the most obvious and easiest to buy equipment.

The major guilds have an unusually large amount of their use. If they can master a large amount of this ore, they will definitely get a lot of wealth and strength.

"Indians are not stupid."

Cauldron rice said.

"Otherwise do you think why they and the Pakistanis are having trouble in Kashmir?" Eagle asked directly? "Then what do we do now? Promise the Indians to help them control Kashmir? Are we paying too much?" "This is exactly the problem I have!" I looked around the people around me. Looking at your opinions, is there any good way? "

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