Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 47: Change plan

Yueji said! "In fact, I think our choice is nothing more than two requirements that meet the requirements of the Indians. Or I do not agree

"Is it possible to convince the Indians to agree with our previous proposal?" Eagle asked me.

"If possible I would have persuaded then. But to be honest, I can understand why Indians do n’t want Nepalese land.

"Why?" Cauldron asked curiously.

Rose helped me explain: "Simply speaking, there is no benefit. The whole of Nepal is almost mountainous. First, urban construction is very difficult. Second, the number of monsters is scary. Third, although mineral resources are abundant, almost all are high-level monsters. The core part of the area is very difficult to mine, so it is taken for granted by Indians.

"Then we can consider using some other areas for replacement?" Eagle asked.

"I shouted the **** of war. The three-dimensional map in the center of the room immediately expanded into the state of the entire India and the surrounding areas." This is the state near India. First of all, it is absolutely impossible for us to use our own land to meet the Indians. Replacements, and even if we agree with the Indians

"Why?" The cauldron asked again.

Bing Ling sitting next to him slaps him. "You idiot, if we enclose the Daleiyin Temple in the back and cut it for the Indians, isn't that equal to the fact that we both have an enclave in each other's territory? This is not the same as the main part of our country. Who would want the enclave on the border?

"I'm asking, what are you doing like that?"

"Okay, okay. Bing Ling, don't hit him. Cauldron rice has always been this habit, and you didn't know it for the first day. Well, everyone continues to look at the map. Except that our homeland cannot be replaced with Indians. Only India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Pakistan and the Kashmir area that India and Pakistan robbed. Nepal is difficult to drive and Indians don't want. Maldives is a bunch of small islands, occupied Too much trouble. The Indians are willing to choose neither of us. Kistan and Kashmir are actually a problem. If you want to choose Pakistan, it is better to grab Kashmir. "

"Isn't that just Sri Lanka and Bangladesh?" Eagle asked.

Su Mei suddenly said, "I remember that Bangladesh seems to be all virgin forests, would Indians like that kind of place?"

"That's not true. We don't like it doesn't mean that the Indians don't like it," Braun said.

"What about Sri Lanka?" Warma asked. "I went to Sri Lanka when our guild purchased the high-quality marine warcraft nuclei.

"Just because it's not bad, we can't choose Sri Lanka." I said, "Sri Lanka is too rich in resources, it is a cornucopia. If we help Indians to occupy Sri Lanka, it would be better for us to start!"

"Isn't that the only thing left in Bangladesh?" Hongyue asked while looking at the map.

"What resources does Bangladesh have?" Su Mei asked.

The army **** immediately put a bunch of various marks on the picture, and then answered:

"The main resource is wood. The whole area of ​​Bangladesh is covered by virgin forests. There is more wood than dirt, but the most important thing is this ... Suddenly a three-dimensional image of a tree is displayed above the map. The core of the core tree has a circle of magic core that is about one-third the diameter of the trunk. This magic core is an excellent conductor of magic energy, which is equivalent to copper in reality. It can be used to lay magic transmission lines with a little processing. These materials are basically used in the city's power pipelines, and they can be used on demons, warships, and ground defense weapons, which can be described as very versatile. In addition, according to the latest research results of the Bank. This material may be able to produce a conceptual defense system after some special processing. "

"Emotional defense system ?.

"Let me explain this." Woma took the words of the warlord: "The scientific research unit of this guild just proposed a research project. We all know that when a current flows through a conductor, a magnetic field is generated, and once the field is strong enough, A certain level can bind the objects inside it. Our researchers guess whether magic force will also generate some kind of force field when flowing in the magic energy conductor? The latest research results show that this speculation is fully established and its application prospects Very broad. We are currently experimenting with a magic armor. If it succeeds, it will be possible to add some additional defense to all guilds and combat units. This defense will be able to damage physical attacks and magic at the same time. valid."

"Fuck, is our guild's technical strength so good?" A few guys who didn't care much about the guild's technical research were surprised by the introduction of Woma.

I snapped the table and said, "Okay, the topic is far away. Now it's not a question of discussing magic armor.

From the data just now. There are still a lot of resources in Bangladesh. But the problem that can be ignored is what to do with Warcraft in Bangladesh? "

The voice of the **** of war followed me and said, "Bangladesh has been explored in about 45 percent of the country's land area, and almost no one has entered the rest. In the known areas of Bangladesh , The number and level of all kinds of World of Warcraft must far exceed the normal standards of other countries, and the forest shows the unstable nature of the monster's active area, originally explored the area without advanced creatures may not change within a few days before entering It has become an old nest of high-level Warcraft. Therefore, it is very difficult to open. According to the information held by the Bank, the Bangladeshi people have only one player city so far. The reason is that the monsters of Ghakara attacked the city so much that it was fundamental. Cannot build a player city. The only successful example is because the city is close to the sea and it has asked a lot of foreign aid to finally succeed. "

"That is to say that building a city in Bangladesh is almost the same as grabbing a land in Kashmir?" Zhenhong Ran said.

"It's basically like this," said God of War, adding: "But I suggest that if you want to choose between Kashmir and Bangladesh, it is better to choose Bangladesh."

"Why?" Even God's suggestion seemed strange to me.

"This is the conclusion of a comprehensive analysis.

The God of War said: "For the difficulty of fighting, because the Kashmir region is an unrestricted area, the intensity of the battle cannot be measured by the standard of ordinary regions. Due to the support of the Protoss forces of all parties, the combat effectiveness of personnel fighting in the Kashmir region will be greater than The outside world should be improved, so the actual combat level of the Kashmir region is higher than that of the general region. Although Bangladesh is a complete country, Kashmir is supported by Pakistan, a country much larger than Bangladesh. Plus Kashmir Kashmir is much higher than Bangladesh in combat performance. Second, in foreign relations. The magic core produced by Bangladesh and the ice crystals produced by Kashmir are very important, but the magic core is not monopolized by Bangladesh, and China has Many regions produce, but the production areas are scattered and the mining cost is relatively high. In contrast, the ice crystal production in Kashmir accounts for one-third of the world's total production, plus China's own ice crystal production is insufficient. Therefore, ice crystals in Kashmir can Around the world ice crystal price Kistan ’s relationship with China is better, and India and Pakistan are mining in the Kashmir area. The price cannot be increased due to competition. This is of great benefit to us. If Kashmir is controlled by the Indians, then India will control one-third of the world's ice crystal production, which will have a great impact on the future procurement plan of our guild. Conversely, if Bangladesh is controlled by Indians, our losses will not be too great, because Bangladesh ’s The magic core cannot control the market price, and even if the Indians control Bangladesh, they will not dare to raise prices. "

Rose nodded and said, "Can you calculate now whether we can help Indians occupy Kashmir or Bangladesh and force a city directly in India?"

"According to my calculations, the most cost-effective plan among the three is to use Bangladeshi land and Indians for land replacement, followed by forcible city construction. The worst option is to help Indians occupy Kashmir. However. Bangladesh ’s land It is much larger than the land occupied by the Indians. Even if the land is replaced, it is not necessary to occupy the entire territory of Bangladesh. If the president wants to negotiate with the Indians, it is better to limit the area to a smaller size ~ ~ I ’m a little bit The head said: "Everyone else has any opinions. If everyone agrees with the replacement of Bangladeshi land, I will go to the Indians to negotiate now. "

With everyone's unanimous approval, I finally adopted the suggestion of the **** of war, and I rushed to India that evening to negotiate with their main chairman. But unlike at noon, the presidents of various guilds in India are busy at night. I just waited for one in their meeting room. It took many hours for everyone to wait.

"President Ziri has already made a decision?" The guy who took the lead questioned my expression and made me hate to punch him in the face with a rotten persimmon, but I finally resisted Already. After all, is it a big deal! When I nodded, the other person said more proudly, "Now that you have agreed, let us discuss how to occupy Kashmir.

"No." I shook my head. "I did not promise to help you occupy Kashmir

"Then you still come back to correct it." The guy's tone seemed to be giving me a final pass, and it seems that my active negotiation has made him a little bit unpredictable. It is estimated that they thought that my initiative to negotiate was a sign of submission. That's why it's so arrogant. It seems I have to keep them awake, otherwise I ca n’t talk anymore!

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