Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 48: Ceasefire agreement

I suddenly yelled at the arrogant Indian guild presidents. "Listen to me." Along with this huge throat, a shock wave instantly spread out around me as the center, and instantly shattered all the furniture in the room, and some fragments scattered on the ground even burned. Up. The following Indian guild presidents who were sitting in their seats all fell to the ground because of the sudden smashing of the tables and chairs, the most miserable being the guy who talked to me. When I shouted, the guy was leaning on the chair and the tripod on the table, so that when the table and chair were shattered, his whole body fell to the ground without any response, and the other people's feet were still on the ground. It fell so badly.

Suddenly I got this. What about the frightened Indian presidents who were all sitting on the floor staring at me on the stage with the whole body burning hellfire. At this time, I had no elegant expression during negotiations and was completely hell. The shape of the messenger and the sudden change of image surprised such Indians.

The chairpersons lying underground listened to the sound of the back from the ground before they reacted. The door of the conference room was knocked open by two players. Of course, the noise just shocked the guards outside. They didn't know what was happening inside, so they hurried to the door.

"Get out." Before the two rushed in, they were blasted out by a roar of magic dragon roar, and the people outside were scared when they saw the two rushing into the house. A jump, but the presidents inside were not all fools, at least some people reacted to stop other people from rushing in.

The guy shouted at someone outside and quickly got up to replace the guy who talked to me before, saying, "President Ziri, please don't be angry, Si Ganda doesn't speak to me. Please don't blame me."

"Hmm! I'm here to negotiate, but don't think I'm afraid of you. I just don't want to create conflicts that can be avoided. If the guys think that our Frost Rose League is a good bully, then we should not talk about it, everyone. Everything is clear by skill. But I want to tell you.

When the Buddhist monks were in China, I still beat them down. Compared with Buddhist monks, you people are nothing. I can lay down Buddhist monks to lie down. "

"Don't get angry, don't get angry, he doesn't mean all of us." The president in front of me was pacing me while gesturing desperately. After everyone saw it, he quickly pulled out the guy who was particularly arrogant.

Seeing that they cooperated with me, they went down the stairs, and with one hand waving, all the flames on their bodies were closed, but the ground and the roof were burnt by me. I turned around and looked for something I could not sit on. I just snapped my fingers, and the door of the earth suddenly opened behind me. A few bell-tone knights helped me lift up a huge stepped throne and I walked up the steps. Sit on the throne, then look down at the frightened Indian guild presidents. "I was unhappy before when I was born. After all, since I am here, I do n’t want to escalate the conflict. Otherwise, I ’ll just start playing and I do n’t have to come!"

"Yes, yes, you're right." The people below became more harmonious, and I was so frightened that I was shocked. Before they just thought about me to negotiate and thought that I had begged them, and all of them were dazzled by the feeling of being supreme. They didn't remember who I was until they saw me. The presidents of these guilds in India know that they have a few pounds and a few pounds. The large guilds in Japan, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States have suffered from me. I heard that even the European Temple of Light was made by me. The two divisions, such strength is not a guild that can resist hard. Their previous behavior was that a group of rabbits danced in front of a hungry wolf, almost like death.

"Since you want to negotiate, let's negotiate. I want to make it clear to you first that your proposal was rejected by the think tank of our guild."

"Why are you-?"

"After our analysis, the actual occupation expenditure of Kashmir will exceed the expenditure caused by the forced construction of your city, and this occupation of your territory is not my own willingness. You also know that I am actually helping Tian Tian Therefore, this battle heaven court promised to help us reimburse most of the expenses. If I help you to beat Kashmir in addition, then all the expenses must be paid by myself. I will never do this loss trading. Plus the occupation of Kashmir The cost itself would be much higher, so I could not accept the proposal. "The presidents of the Indian guilds wanted to argue immediately after hearing what I said, but I stopped them first. "Well, I know that you think Nepal is too barren, and you are definitely not willing to trade Nepal for your land. I am not such an unreasonable person, so after discussing with my guild think tank, I came up with an alternative solution. "I took out the previous small map machine again and showed a map of Bangladesh. "We intend to use this place for land exchange with you. How about it? Do you think it's acceptable?"

The presidents of the Indian guilds came together and stared at the map for a long time. One of them said, "Bangladesh resources are still pretty good, but there are so many monsters here like cockroaches. Even if you help us occupy them, The land here has built a city, and once you withdraw from it, we can't stand it? "

"No, I have researched the city rules. Once the player city is established, as long as there is a native protoss in the country, the surrounding area will enter a relatively stable state. The monster siege is only before the city is established, and there will be no problems afterwards. As for There are more monsters, but this is actually the other way around. Don't you think that monsters are also a resource? "

"Yes, yes, but just how much land do you intend to use to exchange with us one to five?" I asked. "You can get 1.5 times the size of our new city cut out of India. In this way, the total area of ​​India will not only decrease but increase, and you will not lose money."

"No no no, I think you didn't figure it out," said the smarter president before. "Although it seems that we have made a compensation of 1.5 times the land, we occupy our land, But the compensation is for someone else's land. What would you think if we traded an area of ​​one or five China for the whole of China? "

"Do you want to tell me that you need mental damages? Don't be kidding. 50% more for you is compensation for your mental damages. Otherwise, do you think I am a good person and I will give you more? 50% of the area "But that's too little? "

"No, no, no, I do n’t think you know the situation. It ’s true that we took the vicinity of Da Leiyin Temple, but most of the land we occupies is in the mountains, and this area is basically There are no resources on the dividing belt between the two countries, and some are only infinite monsters. Use such barren land for rich land rich in Bangladesh. Do n’t tell me you do n’t know the value comparison. On the surface I use One and a half times the land in exchange for your land, in fact, the actual benefits you may receive are three to six times as much as your own land. "Seeing the other party also wanted to argue that I quickly put up a fierce finger to stop Say: "Oh oh oh ... don't fight with me anymore ok? If you have to ask for benefits that are impossible to obtain, then I have to remind you that I am a businessman. For me, trading is very simple. Yes, I will withdraw without making a profit. Don't make me think this is a failed business? "

"Let's discuss it!" The guy immediately led the others and ran out of a heated debate, waiting for more than half an hour before they came back. "Okay! You're stunned.

"You're a good partner." I jumped out of my seat with a smile, and the bell knight immediately lifted the chair back and closed the earth door. "Now let's discuss which area do you really want? One and a half times the area is not enough to occupy the whole of Bangladesh. You have to tell me where you want to go. You can run anywhere, but I must It is important to emphasize that the place you choose must meet two conditions.

First, this five-fold area must be connected, and I will not help you bloom everywhere. Secondly, this land must be bordered by your land. Otherwise, neither you nor I can get started. You must understand this. "

"No problem, let us discuss the specifics."

"Despite your discussion, I am not in a hurry."

The presidents of the Indian guilds ran back together after discussions, but they added an additional condition in addition to the required area. "Although the conditions you have given are already quite good, although the occupation of Bangladesh ’s land has sharp-international interests, we and the players in our country are not easy to explain. After all, you should also know that ordinary people and our brain class value Things are different. For ordinary players, it doesn't matter how much resources our country gets. On the contrary, the vanity pleasure brought by defeating the enemy will make them happy, so ...

"So what? Do you still want Kashmir?"

"No, no, no need to send troops to help the occupation, we just want to borrow your own strength."

"I am alone?" I was confused by these people.

"That's it." One of the presidents came forward and explained, "Foreigners don't understand the situation in Kashmir, so it's not clear, in fact, Kashmir is not what you think.

"Not what we imagine? What is that like? And what does it matter to me?"

"This ... The Kashmir region is supported by the gods on both sides, so some unusual changes have occurred. The information obtained by your intelligence system before is that it is true that the Kashmir battle is more intense than the outside. This is just a way to imagine it with you. It ’s not the same. People in this area are not strengthened by the help of their own gods, but are weakened and weakened by the gods of enemy nations. What ’s worse, they are only weakened by defense and vitality. Attack and mobility are not only Suppressed is much higher than normal. "

"Isn't that dead at the touch?"

"This is why we want to ask you for help." The Indian president explained: "Because most players rely on attributes to fight, there is almost no skill at all, so entering the Kashmir area is almost the same as sending death, any mining area Occupation of all requires repeated pulling and sawing by many people, and each battlefield requires us to constantly fill in people like meat grinders, and the losses are so large that we can hardly bear it. Don't be afraid to tell you the truth, in fact The benefits we have received in the Kashmir region have been completely offset by the huge war losses, and sometimes even reversed. We would n’t want the Kashmir region for our own sake. ”

"Anything like this?"

"It's not a good thing, are we going to preach everywhere?"

"That's it, too. But will you ask me for help?

"It's a bit disrespectful to say a thug, but it means the same, but I think it's more appropriate to call a mercenary.

I heard an evil smile from the other person's answer. "So? Do you want to know that my employment costs are not cheap? I used to work with various protoss forces in addition to doing things for myself, so all the pros who hired me were protoss, and my eyes did not blink. Oh, please. "

"This ...!" The people turned around and talked about it again, and then one of them said, "Do you think that's okay? We probably don't have that much to give money directly. How about we exchange mineral rights?"

"What exchange method?

"Every time you help us occupy a mining area, you own 30% of the ownership of this mining area."

I shook my head. "At least 60%, otherwise it's free. The mine is mine, and it's pretty good that you're divided into 40% without doing anything. Is it better than losing money now?"

"This one-by-one, one-by-one, and one-by-four are too few points:}" One of the chairpersons said, "We are the additional condition of the previous contract. How much do you give us?

"Then 50%, we are half-pointed, but you did n’t do anything, you took half in vain. Isn't this a loss?"

Another chairman said: "It is not a loss if you lose, but we have to make it clear that we are not doing nothing. Although you are mainly responsible for helping us to occupy the mining area, we have to do it ourselves in the later construction, but you take it. Alas, it's still a good deal for you. "

"How else?" I said again, "It's still five or five minutes, but you don't have to be mine to occupy the mine. After the occupation of the mine is completed, my guildmen and beryllium mine will be responsible for mining. You just need to take the ready-made ore. How about it? Are you satisfied? "

"Will you take the initiative to help us with mining?" Said a long, insignificant fellow. "I heard that you are very clever. How can you take the initiative to help us share the mining work? You know that the cost of mining is not small!"

"Hey, of course, I did n’t take the initiative to take care of it for you. Actually, I was lazy." Your equipment is slowly being mined. I have seen your equipment. It ’s too slow. Wait for you to dig out the daylily. It ’s all cold. One of our guild's giant mining machines tops you fifty machines, and only two people can operate it, which is much faster than your equipment. Anyway, mines are there anyway, the faster the mining rate, the better our interests will be. The bigger it is, and for some small mines, we can send thirty or forty machines together, and in a week or two, Shenyin Throne Tun raided the mine, so that even the defense is saved and it can be saved. A lot of money. How about? Let's take advantage of it? "

"Since it's a good thing for both sides, let's do it this way. But what do you mean by half of the defense? Do you want to mix our troops? Without alliances, it's easy to accidentally hurt, don't you Going to form a strategic alliance with us? "

"Strategic alliance? That's too exaggerated. I mean you still set up the mine defense team the same way as before, but you don't need to arrange too many people, as long as you can deal with some small enemy groups, you can persist for a few hours when encountering large groups of enemies That ’s it. Our guild will set up a mining quick response force and set it as an air force. Once the mining area is attacked by the enemy, you can fix it if you do n’t have a lot of people. If you are unsure, you can call for reinforcements. The mobile unit is responsible for fighting fires everywhere, isn't it better than staying in one place? You should also know the guard beast lance of our guild? That thing is no less than a jet fighter, no matter where the problem goes for an hour We can definitely reach within. And because our fast-response force is relatively fast, we can completely increase the number of people. In case of being hit in more than one place, we can divide the army or break up one by one. We can still do it when we have nothing to do. Go out and siege the opponent ’s mining area slightly, so that you can make the most of the combat effectiveness of the troops, rather than sending a large group of people In each mine will happen a lot better. "

"We now understand why your guild is so powerful!" Said a chairman: "Let's do it according to your plan.

After the contract was finalized, we applied for a system guarantee contract and confirmed it. After the contract was signed, it took effect automatically. I and the Indian presidents briefly exchanged opinions on the details and left. The contract signed with Fengdu people is divided into time periods. We must first let us build the city. This is the first step. The Indians who have the contract guarantee are not afraid of me turning back. When I returned to the newly-built city, the Indian players outside the city were evacuating the whole team. Really, those Indian presidents were moving fast.

"Done?" He asked when I saw Red Moon.

I nodded. "Otherwise, those Indians would not leave so well on their own? But the construction work here must be hurry up."

"Why? Haven't you signed a contract with them?" Bingbing standing beside Hongyue asked inexplicably.

"Because the gangs of Buddhist monks in Tianting can't stand up, they must get the Daleiyin Temple as soon as possible, otherwise there will be trouble. In case those Buddhist monks did not rescue them, they will not recognize the war. If they do n’t do well, they will still get us in trouble. Besides, the negotiations with me this time are only part of the guilds in India, not that all Indians will not come to make trouble for us, but the largest guilds will not participate. Their influence should be able to suppress some small Indian guilds and scattered players, but there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents, so there will be no small hits. There is Buddhism. Hinduism itself follows the trend. Indian players only need to follow suit. They will not seek anything unless they are upset, but the Buddha is different. They know that we are targeting them, so even if the Indian guild does not care, they will find ways to trouble us. This must be taken care of. Protoss is definitely not a petty act So simple.

"We naturally know that we will try our best to speed up the city. If you have time, stay and help out. If someone coordinates, the puppet can work faster."

"I'm afraid I'm out of time, now!"

"Why?" Hongyue looked at me in surprise and asked, "Is there anything more important than building a city now?"

"In fact, the agreement signed with the Indians has a joint clause this time." I showed the agreement to Hongyue and thought about it. "I see that the contract is full, but at this time you are not there, Wan What if someone comes over to make trouble? "

I pointed at the teleportation array in the city. "If anything, just call me. Kashmir to India and Pakistan are both domestic transmissions, and they will be back in a few seconds. Even if you come to trouble you in person, you won't be able to hold back for a few seconds?"

"That's it! Then it's no big deal, just pay attention to our call.

After explaining the work on this side, I immediately transmitted it to Isinger ~ ~ and then switched to heaven, and first reported on my progress. The gods in heaven are very satisfied with the agreement that I signed with the Indians. After all, no one can disturb the city construction and speed up, but I think if the situation here is not good, it seems that our uncle must be fast. After coming out of the heavens, I returned to India and bumped into the heads of the main guilds in India. After confirming that they had sent the notice down, I only transmitted to Kashmir. I do n’t want to be sent out as soon as I send out. The Indians besieged not because they were afraid of them, but because they didn't want to fight for nothing.

The transmission target I have identified is the largest mine in the Indian-controlled Kashmir region. This mine is located near the Indian border, so it is relatively safe. I came here first to confirm what changes in Kashmir's attributes would transform me into, otherwise it would be easy to hang up. After arriving here, the Indians in the vicinity saw me in a stun, but because I had been notified in advance, there was no excessive performance. I didn't care about them either, I found a quiet place to look at the properties myself. Fortunately, the attribute changes are not too exaggerated. The defensive power was reduced to one percent of the normal value, and the health value was only one thousandth. On the contrary, the attack power increased tenfold, and even the mobility doubled. If it wasn't for the system to specialize me, ordinary players would really hang on this magnetic scale. One thousandth of the life value, in addition to the blood cow-type soldiers, most people have a layer of blood skin, and considering everyone's soaring attack power, there is still undead?

"Zi Ri." Someone called me as soon as I finished watching the property. Do I still have acquaintances here?

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