Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 57: Coping strategy

When the net found the group of Luo Han, they were preparing to find someone in the temple, and then I saw a few guys in uniform costumes going to talk to those Luo Han. At that time, I judged these

People probably know where the news came to cooperate, so they want to go up and block these people, who knows that our network is ready to be shot. A Luo Han suddenly raised his eyes and looked at me, then raised his hand

Shot a golden light. However, I was not slow. I threw a row of flying knives while dodging to the side, and the Indian players who came to cooperate were walking towards the Arhats, and suddenly Arhats appeared.

Their attack immediately realized that there was a sneak attack behind them, but when they turned around, the flying knife was in front of them. Except that one of the strongest guys avoided the key

Several of them were spared, and all were passed through the throat by flying knives.

"Ah!" The strongest man covered the wound on the fan with the flying knife's inertial belt for more than a meter before landing, and at this time I had jumped behind a rockery in the temple. An Arhat hurried over to help

The injured guy was raised.

"Are you OK?"

The guy covered his wound and said, "It's okay for the time being, but the sawtooth on the knife is stuck on the bone. Take care when you take it out!"

The Luohan who raised his hand and shot Jinguang said before: "I can't imagine Ziri's strength is so horrible. The flying knife thrown in the neutral space that I attacked first has such a precision!"

Another Luohan asked, "Did you hit?"

The Lohan shook his head. "At best, wipe it a little bit, and it is probably not too much damage with his equipment!"

After listening to several other Luo Hans, they immediately formed a fan-shaped array and surrounded the rockery, but when they moved carefully around the rockery and suddenly rushed behind the rockery to attack me, they heard their backs.

Then came a loud noise. All the Arhats who came around looked back at the place they had come from before, and saw that a large hole had burst on the other side, and the earth and the floor tiles were laying together.

Flew into midair and scattered around to worship

A black shadow poke out from the ground while the dirt burst, and it was not until the black shadow fell behind the injured player that the rohans recognized that it was me. In fact, just when I hid behind the rockery

After running away from the ground, there are two big hole punchers, Rose Vine and Trail Blazers, which is basically a trivial matter. After falling behind that player, I put my hands against the guy ’s jaw and forehead, and then I slammed

He broke his neck before the guy could react. The Luo Han who stood in front of him did not go to the rockery because he wanted to take care of the wounded, but although he was close, he responded slowly for half a beat.

He didn't respond until I twisted the guy's neck and threw it with his fist. A sudden black light flashed around me. The whole person suddenly disappeared, and a huge dark shadow appeared in stead of my

position. The Luohan who attacked me then saw that the newly emerged creature was a big beetle, but this guy's body was almost like a small hill, which was really scary. The guy punched empty, frankly

The gram's sledgehammer won't be missed. When the guy is too strong and loses his balance, he hits him on the front. The guy flew out like a cannonball, and did not know how to fly after breaking through the courtyard wall.

Where have you been

On the other hand, the Arhats who ran to the rocky hill only turned around at this time and wanted to come back to support, but when they turned around, they suddenly felt that there was motion behind them, and when they turned back, they saw a dark, shiny body

The snake was standing less than a meter behind them. The head of this snake is slightly larger than a medium-sized winter melon, and the neck is almost thick with a waist. The part standing on the ground is more than two meters long.

Some are hidden behind the rockery. But looking at the thickness, the length will never be less than twenty.

"Hell King Snake?" Some of Luo Han also knew the goods, and recognized the identity of the black snake at a glance. Although the name written in the properties of Heiyan is Crystal King Snake, it is called **** because it is from the sea of ​​silence.

The king snake is not wrong.

Although he recognizes the identity of Hei Yan, it is better to not know it, because the name of Hell King Snake is too scary. A few Lohan all dodged backwards nervously, while Hei Yan stared at the call

The Luohan with its name suddenly pounced on it. The Luo Han saw the black snake rushing towards him and immediately jumped up and dodged, and a Luo Han beside him took the opportunity to hit him with a punch. Bang

His entire head was smashed from the air to the ground, and he sank into the ground, crushing the floor tiles.

However, the Luo Han did not take advantage. He hit the snake head with one punch, but he was swept by the snake tail.


After going out, spinning in the air and flying to the sky until it was no longer visible.

After flying off the guy who attacked him, Hei Yan raised his head again, shook it slightly, and then hurried towards a nearby bush. This place was originally just a small temple. These Arhats borrowed this

Here is the liaison office. So of course there are original Buddhist disciples here. Behind the bushes where Hei Yan was passing was hiding a monk at this time. He originally wanted to learn the fighting skills of the Rohan. Who knows?

The black snake rushed towards him suddenly, scared, and ran away. However, although snakes have no legs, they are not slower than legs. He was caught up by Hei Yan before he ran two steps. After Hei Yan chased him

As soon as the dexterous body turned around, his half-length body reached him in front of him. The guy immediately stopped and wanted to run back, but his net turned and the black-eyed head swooped down, sipping his head and half-length upper body.

He swallowed it, then straightened his head at the sky and lifted the guy upside down. The guy between the snake's mouth opened and fell quickly, and it was all within a few seconds. Disappeared in Hei Yan's mouth.

"Sin beast, dare to eat people? Wait for us to accept you!" The three Luohan suddenly formed a strange formation, the two of them were docked with one palm. The free hand was stuck behind the person in front. front

Luo Han's palms collapsed slowly in front of his chest. As his palms opened, a small golden sun suddenly appeared between his palms.

"Don't think about it." A quick drink came from mid-air, Ling rided down on the back of the bird, stretched out a finger, and a black ball shot into the golden light ball like lightning, and then it seemed to be cold water Arrive

In the middle of the oil, a golden light ball suddenly exploded, and the first Luo Hanzhi

Yuanyuan ’s most paid children ’s day washes the book mouth and the four heart notches. ”A certain spy asked the blood to go down seven or eight feet away and smashed the rockery shield line that I hid before I was buried. The remaining two people were buried.

Then one left, one right, and three or four feet away, were leveled by the courtyard wall.

"Want to run?" A Luo Han who did not participate in the trio formation saw Ling run and immediately raised a yellow light, but the bird's response was not slow, and his wings flickered with a beautiful roll.

That beam of light. You have to know that Asuka's body is different from humans. His head is on the back of the body. He wasn't afraid of sneak attacks from behind.

The remaining Luo Han immediately formed a circular array when the situation was not right, and immediately a huge first, the curtain wrapped all the remaining Luo Han into it. Heiyan rushed to the side of the light curtain and slammed twice against the light curtain, but the result

No response at all. The Lohan inside saw that the black snake could not come in, and he let go of his hands and feet to attack the black snake outside, but the black inflammation responded very quickly, and he flashed out a few times. Suddenly on the ground

There was a big hole, a huge head emerged from the hole, and then retracted, and Hei Yan turned and followed. The Arhats in the light curtain realized that we were going to run,

Chased it out, but unfortunately there is no longer a figure nearby.

After I ran, one of Luo Han's leaders walked to the ground with several corpses and sighed, "I have found a guild that is willing to cooperate, but I didn't expect to let that one come to life. Damn Ziri got it!"

"Don't worry, this time we opened such good conditions, and I'm not afraid that no one will help."

"Excuse me, is this the place where the Fumen Zhaozhao cooperative guild is located?" Several players outside the door asked intently.

"Look, isn't this coming?" The previous Luo Han who said no need to worry, responded quickly: "Yes, yes, here it is.

Do you want to apply for cooperation with us? "

"Yes." As soon as the comer was confirmed, he walked in quickly, and then took out the guild badge from the body to confirm it. "I see in the mission briefing that any guild is fine, as long as it is an Indian guild,

is that true? First of all, we have a dozen guilds in total. Everyone is a friend. The guild is just for fun. If the task is too complicated, we can't help. Are you recruiting partners for me?

What are we doing? "

After listening to the player's question, the remaining few Luo Han quickly surrounded them and explained to them. After more than ten minutes of explanation, those who applied for cooperation finally nodded and said that they understood the cooperation.

As a goal. The leader of the Arhat said: "The thing is this thing, in fact you just provide a guild, and you don't have to do anything yourself. And you have to have a

Thousands of crystal coins start-up capital, but rest assured, this is used for turnover, after all, we have to transfer so many magical soldiers to your people, even if the price of one copper plate per person, nearly one million

One person also needs a thousand crystal coins to transfer the money together. Of course, it won't let you vain. As long as you and us sign a cooperation agreement. Immediately go to our equipment library to select a set of full-body artifacts for each person

Equipment, as long as your equipment position is sufficient, you can all be equipped. In addition, the Buddhist monks will give you two or more gods and beasts of more than one thousand levels as magic pets. Moreover, you can go to the Buddhist Monk Pavilion to choose any

Choose to learn three skills. How does it look? One thousand crystal coins is enough for so many things, right? "

"Enough is enough." The player nodded hurriedly and agreed. "That" when do we sign the agreement? "

"Of course, the sooner the better."

Under the encouragement of the Lohan, the player signed the relevant agreement with the Lohan on the spot. Because the content of the agreement is not much, it took only ten minutes to get it. The group of got excited about the agreement.

Rushed out, leaving only a small Sami to handle the prize handover.

The player saw that the Lohan had run away and had to turn around and ask the little Sami. "What shall I do next?"

Xiao Sha Mi said: "First you have to prepare a thousand crystal coins, and then come to me with the money. I will inform the Da Lei Yin Temple to send someone to pick you up. When you arrive at the Da Lei Yin Temple, you can go to the Buddha Gate. Top management

The sales process is completed, and you can take your people to collect prizes as soon as the process is completed. Oh yes, remind you, when you bring the money, you will find all the people in your guild and come again.

When they need to pick their own. "

"I see, then I'll get them all right away." The player turned excitedly and ran out Xiao Shami shook his head and walked back. But as soon as the player's net came out of the temple gate, his face immediately became cold.

Come down. After hurriedly turning two blocks, he went directly into a shop selling equipment, but he didn't buy anything, he skipped the store counter and walked into the yard behind the storefront through the side entrance.

The salesperson in the store was as unresponsive as if he had not seen him. After arriving in the backyard, the player immediately walked into a small humble room on the side of the yard, closed the door backwards, and used a special on the wall.

After knocking a few times, the center of the wood splicing board suddenly opened one without warning. Hole, the player jumped in immediately, and the hole closed again after he entered. Because the wooden floor itself is large

Measure the stitching seam, so you can't see it at all. The player went down the floor, walked a long step, and got into another road, and then twisted around in a roundabout, and then a road ahead appeared.

Up the stairs. After walking up the steps, there was a hole covered by the same floor. He pressed it in a special position on the side wall, and the floor immediately opened a door, waiting for him to walk up

The floor closed again. After he went up, Li Xuan took off his equipment and put away the clothes from the cabinet in the room. Then he ran out of the room. wear

After a yard, he went into a huge kitchen with many spider chefs busy. Upon seeing him coming in, a steward in the kitchen immediately handed a tray full of dishes to

Got his hands.

"This is the VIP of room 302. You will take it right away."

"Yes." The player quickly ran out of the kitchen with a tray into the lobby, then turned up the stairs and knocked on the door of Room 302. "Guy, your order has arrived."

"Come in." The door opened in response. The player dressed as Xiao Er immediately got in and covered the door with his backhand. "How's it going?"

Player dressed as a junior

The table said, put the vegetables! "The agreement has only been answered. Sure enough, like the monkey sword, the Buddhist gate restricts a lot of things.

, But battlefield radars can still be used, at least to determine their composition and specific location. There is also a lot of benefits given by Buddhist monks. This is an agreement. You see. "

I took the agreement and turned it over. The content is very simple, but the prizes are quite rich. I nodded and said, "Are there enough people on your side?"


"It will be like this for a while. You will bring the crystal communicator, and I will check the guild contribution in the guild for a while. I will select some of the top-ranked people. Is there a chance to choose a full-body artifact in the prize?

Each person of the task can choose one for themselves. The rest I will let the people with high contribution in the guild tell you what they need according to the ranking. You can help them choose one thing as a prize according to their requirements.

Bring it out. The same is true of the magic pet eggs. As for those three skills, that stuff can't be taken out, it's all yours. "

"President Xie."

I nodded and said, "Go and do your work, and leave the crystal communicator on."

"Understand." The player dropped all the meals and returned to the kitchen with an empty tray. Then he changed his equipment in the backyard and returned to the equipment store when he arrived.

Immediately after the player left, I threw all the food on the table into the scraping space. Anyway, my magic pet was in it, and there was only enough food. Don't worry about nobody asking.

After finishing the meal, I quickly checked out

Opened the hotel and then teleported back to Covenant City and Rose and they said it. Rose immediately found out the equipment needed by the highly-contributing people in the guild, and then transferred by the army **** through the crystal communicator

The spies' communicators. After waiting for them to arrive at Buddha's equipment library, they can choose some of the best equipment as required.

Immediately after they got all the people to the small temple, the Buddhist gate immediately sent several beasts to take them all away, and a large group of people in our guild gathered around the crystal communicator to watch the live broadcast. That ten

After several spies were sent to Daleiyin Temple, Li Xuan was met by Rulai in person, and it took less than two minutes to complete the personnel sales procedures. Red Moon held a pen beside the staff who sent the Buddhas

Both the number and type are recorded. After the spies leave Da Leiyin Temple for a while, they can report the specific attributes of these people to us. Although Buddhism and them signed a lot of restriction agreements to prevent them from doing

Disturb the action of Buddhism, but after all these people of Buddhism want to hang here. Under the name of the guild, those spies who are the main members of the guild can naturally check the attributes of the old troops they bought. This company notice

There is no need to notify the Buddha. As long as we can grasp the detailed attributes of these Buddhist monks, we will save a lot of time when we really fight with them. At least know their characteristics can make targeted

The precautionary measures are better than black eyes.

After completing the * personal trading operation with Buddha Gate, our spy was taken to Buddha Gate ’s equipment library and began to choose equipment. Of course, the route and various agencies on this road were recorded by us. Covenant City

Our guild is sure to participate when Li Tiantian attacks the Buddhist gate, and records the positions of important equipment and skill libraries in advance. Then you can start directly. Anyway, every time I work with Heaven

Whoever grabs an item in an external attack belongs to anyone, even if we evacuate the Buddha Gate Equipment Depot, there is nothing to say.

When the spies entered the equipment storehouse of Buddhism, I didn't care about the rest. Anyway, I just need to choose the equipment according to the requirements of those members with high contribution value. I left the warlord's control early

The control center went to review the troops selected by Hongyue who were going to take Long Jing Hu Bo Dan. Now that Buddha Gate has completed the first part of the plan, I believe it won't be long before we can see Buddha Gate's offensive forces. right now

The most urgent thing is the Buddhist gate. Our city has spent the day and a half of the Seal of the Seal of God, and one and a half days have entered the defense period. can

Moved forward, and at that time the Buddha had nothing to resist. Therefore, if the Buddhist gate wants to avoid a head-to-head battle with the heavenly court, they can only get us in the throne of the Seal of God in the last three and a half days, otherwise they will

Will be handled by heaven.

Not all the intercepting troops convened by Red Moon are players, and there are very few pure player troops in the battle sequence of our guild. Generally, or the puppet acts as the main attacking force, and the player only plays a coordination and

The role of command. In our guild, the only combat team composed solely of players is various leveling combat squads, such as the elite squad and the hunter squad. These teams that perform special tasks are generally pure play

Home team, and generally have strong combat effectiveness. One-seventh of this new team compiled by Hongyue is a player, and the rest are all puppets, which already belong to the general team in our guild.

The number of players is relatively high.

"Why are their positions like this?" I looked at the lined up team and asked Hongyue. The team in front of them does not discharge a neat line array. The general army no matter how they line up, basically

They should all be horizontal and vertical, but the army in front of them set up a honeycomb array. If you take this formation apart, you will see that its basic unit is a humanized squad. Each team consists of three mechanical days

It consists of an envoy, a senior chaos official, a high order knight, a **** general, and a player. Mechanical angels are the kind of undead creatures, puppets, and golems produced by our guild. To die

The spirit-knighted soul replaces the thinking system, uses the magic crystal power system as the power driving device, and uses the crystal golem as the main body to form a semi-mechanical life body that looks like a heavy knight but has wings behind it. This

This kind of mechanical angel can almost confront the ordinary soldiers of the protoss without falling into the wind, except for its low attack power against incorporeal creatures. of course. Corresponding to the powerful strength are astronomical research costs and

Low output, but we can still afford an elite unit. The senior chaos in the team comes from the temple of our guild, which is the temple of chaos and order of Wei Na. Confused

The predecessor of the political officer was the chaos mage, who was mainly good at auxiliary spells. The number of attack spells was small, but they were all practical. The Order Knight is also the product of the Temple of Chaos and Order. Features similar to the Paladin of Light Temple, high offensive and defensive! External badness can heal fellows and self. If they can't defeat them the next day, their average survival ability will definitely drive their enemies crazy. God will be sold to heaven

The biggest difference between a fighter in our guild and the Heavenly Soldier is that these guys have divine power and can play a role in suppressing enemy attributes on the battlefield, especially when there is a protoss in the opposing army.

The most obvious results. Also. The fighting method of the generals is also different from that of the heavenly soldiers. They can actually be regarded as the warriors of the magic martial arts. Although they mainly rely on physical attacks, their spells are not as good as those of the original mage.

How bad. As for the last player, their main job is to coordinate the six combatants around them, and because they will be assigned a dragon spirit tiger spirit, their own strength will also be greatly improved,

At least it would not be slaughtered by Buddhist soldiers like chopping melon and vegetables. The six people in the seven-member squadron stand exactly in a regular hexagon, and the player in charge of the command will stand in the center of the hexagon. This

The seven people together are still hexagons, and this hexagonal team spells out this large square in front of me. But this can't be called a square matrix. Although it looks square in general, but

In fact, the edges are not neat. After all, it is a formation formed by a small team of hexagons, which is not straight anyway.

After hearing my question, Hongyue explained immediately: "This formation is required by the **** of war. He said that the combat effectiveness is relatively strong."


"It's up to you to ask him! The guy speaks too esoteric, I don't understand, but I have to admit that the battle he commanded is simply art."

I nodded, but said nothing. The **** of war itself is a Taiwan battlefield command computer. It is designed to uniformly dispatch and command a large-scale war. Fighters at the level of our guild are no exception.

It's just a warm-up, of course there is nothing challenging at all. However, this cannot be said to others. Except for me and Rose, everyone in this guild thinks that the **** of war is really only a player today. After all, smart electricity is used in civilian technology.

The brain isn't advanced enough to be real.

After reviewing the troops and explaining to them that they would perform some more cooperative training, I ran back to the command center of General Aisin. When I went into the net, the military **** did n’t even go back and said directly: "You want to ask me

Why is it that the defensive forces are lined up in that strange formation?

"How do you know I want to ask this?"

"Base recently updated the system for me. I just experimented with the behavior prediction system and it turned out that the accuracy rate is still high."

"Have you updated the system?" I immediately ran to him and asked excitedly as soon as the army **** upgraded.


"What's been updated? Are there any new features?"

Army God said while operating the console: "Most of the updates only modify some inaccurate parameters. The surface update is mainly this behavior prediction system."

"This. What can the system enrich? Analyze human behavior?"

"Yes. As long as you know a person's daily behavior, you can summarize his behavior characteristics, so as to virtually predict his thinking model in advance what he will react to various things. About this.

The more detailed a person's profile is, the more accurate the decision will be. For example, I know you well. So the accuracy of your behavior judgment will be abnormally high. "

"That's it. By the way. What's going on with that unit? You haven't explained it to me yet?"

"This is an arrangement I made based on the configuration of the Buddhist gate troops returned by our spy and the tactical characteristics of Buddhist gates."

On the big screen, and on the side of the screen are rows of data. "According to these pictures we can see now, the way of Buddhism is not like the army. We used to be with the light temple and even the dark temple.

They have all fought, and they have also participated in the battle in Heaven. From their performance, no matter they are the Temple of Light or the Temple of Darkness or the Temple of Heaven, their low-level personnel basically have obvious military characteristics

Among them, heaven is the best. The entire court today is basically a complete political system. It has not only the army system but also the civilian system. This is difficult to find in the configuration of the light temple and the dark temple. Therefore, the fighting power of heaven is much stronger than that of the light temple and the dark temple. "

"What does this have to do with the Buddhist monk?"

"The good net that Buddhism lacks is the strength of the above three houses. Buddhism lacks a complete command system. Compared with the complete military and political system of the heavenly courts, Buddhism's structure is more like a huge gang of pirates. It is equivalent to being a master. Basically, as long as there is no obvious directional problem, his words will be directly executed. In the heavenly court, although the Jade Emperor and the three saints above are all

Has the highest decision-making power, but the three saints are actually more like a small veteran, while the Jade Emperor and the officials below are a large parliament. Although not determined by a majority vote, the Jade,

The Emperor also rarely opposed the proposal supported by the majority, and the Jade Emperor himself was very good at listening to the opinions of others, so although he had the right to concentrate in this system, it actually showed a certain degree

Democracy can gather the wisdom of all people at least in non-emergency situations, which is much better than Buddhism. "

"But what does the superior superstructure have to do with our battle?"

"Of course the relationship is very big. Haven't you heard that the soldiers are raging and raging together? It is because the superstructure of the Buddhist gate resembles a bandit gang, so their lower combatants are not at all

The army feels like a bandit. Of course, this does not mean that they behave like bandits, but that their fighting methods are like bandits. Send forward generals one-on-one, regardless of vanguard generals

After losing or winning, there must be a surge of troops, the only difference is that the vanguard will have a higher morale. If a large force rushes over the enemy in battle, it will surely turn into a great pursuit

Strike, because the Buddhist monk does not know what the poor Kou Mo chai is. And once the impact tactics fail. If the loss is too high, then the rushing Buddhamen troops will fall apart with a faster speed than before. Flemish

It is actually a protoss, and it is not easy to defeat them, at least they are not comparable to the mountain thieves in resisting the will. The place where the Buddha gate looks like a robber is only the composition of the army

Neither quality nor fighting will matter

"It is because the fighting status of Buddhism is similar to that of a pirate, so you have arranged our troops in this strange formation?"

"Yes." The army **** explained: "Because Buddha's door is not an army combat mode, we can't use tactics against the army. Buddha's main features are chaotic formation and strong individual combat effectiveness. Then we use countermeasures. Warcraft's hunting team tactics. Seven people's network is a good hunting team. The cooperation between them can completely suppress enemies that are much stronger than their own strength.

Once trapped by such a seven-member squad, the probability of being eliminated without external support is as high as 80%. The squad is completely independent. So when Buddhism's Scouts came over to kill

Fortunately, members of the Buddhist sect who were not encased by the seven-member squad can pass through the gap between the squad and the squad. In this way, a compound combat system can be formed on the premise of ensuring a large battle area.

From the perspective of the coordination level of the guild fighting group, it is almost impossible for the Buddha door to escape from such a battlefield except for individual masters. "

"That's it, this formation is pretty good."

"That's right? This is the optimal tactic I developed based on the tactical characteristics of Buddha's gate. It is 30% more combat power than the general army tactics, and the casualties can be reduced by 70%.

"Hanging, your formation is the best."

Fighting with the army **** is the most meaningless behavior, especially after he installed the behavior prediction system. That is definitely death.

After leaving Essinger, I ran to Heaven again, and now it is not possible for the Seal of the Seal of God to be closely connected with Heaven. Of course, it is also necessary to visit the avatars of the Buddha Gate by the way. Good relationship now maybe in the future

When it comes to them.

After spending three hours in the heavenly court, I rushed back to the contract city, and as soon as the net was out of the teleportation array, I felt the atmosphere was not right. I Li Xuan flew into the air to determine the situation. Okay. Didn't see the invading troops of Buddhism

Obviously, the fighting has not yet occurred, but the defensive force of our guild has been transferred to the newly completed city wall, and the atmosphere seems extremely depressed.

"What's going on? Why are the troops on the wall?" I asked loudly as I entered the city hall of the contract city.

Rose pointed at the map and said to me: "Thirty minutes ago, 10,000 people of the vanguard of Buddhism have arrived here."

I looked at the map. There are hundreds of kilometers away from the contract city. "Buddha moves fast enough!"

"This is thanks to the location of our spy's application for the headquarters, which delays Buddha's door. Otherwise, they are already siege."

Although the spies we sent took over the Buddhist mission, their main mission was to trouble the Buddhist gate. Because of the agreement, they cannot intervene in the Buddhist action, but they can be elsewhere

Disturb Buddhism. Such as this guild station. Every guild must have a station. Your station can be a broken house or a city, but there must be one anyway.

Station only. The location of this temporary guild requested by our spy is located on the edge of Oduyang, the southernmost part of India. The Arhats sent by the Buddha were anxious to find a collaborator at the time, and when someone heard that they were willing to cooperate

I forgot everything. Have no time to look at their guild station location. Until the troops are dispatched, the troops must be drawn to the station after being purchased by the guild to be sent to various places to perform tasks.

These are hard rules. Nothing to discuss. So if Buddha Gate wants to attack our covenant city, it must first send troops to a circle in southern India, and then run back. Even the members of the Protoss

Much faster than the average person, this time also delayed a lot of time the Seal of the Throne, so that now it is almost dusk their team has not yet arrived outside the city.

"It seems to be ready to fight at night!" I said, looking at the yellowish sky that had begun to change outside.

"Not only night battles, but also rain battles." Hongyue said: "The latest weather forecast, there will be heavy rain in the vicinity of this area after dark at night. We are probably fighting against thunderstorms and Buddha's gates!"

"Don't make a mistake. It should be good for us to rain at night." Eagle said: "We are the defensive side, the Buddha ’s people will definitely come down in the rain and the siege will definitely increase the difficulty.

degree. On the other hand, for our defenders, rain has little effect except for the sight. "

"I wish it were like you said!" I sighed.

In fact, the rain does have a greater impact on the Buddha ’s offense, but it is not a good thing for us to rain. Because the rain will affect the firing of the twelve aerial turrets we built. Because of this

The contract city construction Tianting promised to help us reimburse most of the expenses. Therefore, when we started construction, everything was designed according to the principle of quality and price. Those twelve divided along the city wall

The floating turret of the cloth is obviously also designed under this guiding ideology. In order to increase the power, we have discarded the cheaper and less powerful guns without considering the price.

A magic crystal cannon was used. But the problem is that the magic crystal cannon shoots compressed magic energy, and the magic energy group is not a shell made of steel, it has no shell. It is easy to fly in the rain if the seal of the throne is too long

Detonated in advance by dense raindrops ~ ~ This is a big problem.

Although I am very worried whether this strength on hand can block the Buddhist attack, but the matter has come to this point, it is useless to worry, it should always come.

Repeated friction with Buddhism. Speaking of which is our lead, but at that time, Tianting can help us at any time. To put it bluntly, it is not a fear, but now we want to face the greatness of Tianting alone

Army, this is against the Protoss, and it is still without support. Of course, this kind of battle is not complete.

I'm worried here, a player suddenly ran in. "Chairman, the striker of Buddha Gate has arrived."

"So fast?" Hongyue asked in surprise.

Rose asked calmly, "How many people have you arrived?"

"But three hundred, but they all look elite."

"It is probably their pathfinder troops. Go and see what the situation says." Edition read!

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