Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 58: Buddha's New Means

When we reached the wall, the vanguard of the Buddha Gate just arrived outside the city, but these guys didn't pose for the attack on the city, but set up camp on the spot.

A big battalion was soon established, and we all greeted us all at once.

"What do they mean?" Hongyue asked, looking puzzled at the large tent outside the city wall.

"Ghosts know!" "Don't they plan to fight us for a long time?" I wondered to myself.

"But the problem is that we are not in a hurry at all? Isn't the longer the time the Seal of God of God dragged on the more disadvantageous to them?" Hongyue asked me.

"Probably only those guys in Buddha's Gate and God know!" Eagle turned to me and said, "No matter what they arrange, we need to be on guard."

I nodded.

"That's right, anyway, we don't care about dragging the throne of the Seal of God, then the enemy can't move me, just be careful."

For the next time, the Buddha gate in the throne of the Seal of God has been doing strange things.

They first set up the camp, and then transported a lot of building materials to repair the city face to face across us through a grassland.

"What are they trying to do?" Hongyue was completely in chaos as she watched the hot construction scene across from her.

"This ... I honestly don't know what they are doing."

"Shall you send someone to investigate?" Rose asked me.

"Do you think our people go in in this situation?" "I guess it's enough!" Ying suddenly said, "Yes, what about the giant mosquito outpost?" "Yeah!" Mosquito post came to support.

Fortunately, the giant mosquito outpost is a fast castle and soon flew over from China.

When it arrived, the sky was still a bit hazy.

Soon a large group of scouting mosquitoes flew from the giant mosquito outpost and sneaked into the construction site of Buddhism.

We all watched the images sent back by the scouts in front of the monitors inside the giant mosquito post.

"The Buddha's gate really seems to be building a city!" Ying said, looking at the screen.

"Wait, that place ..." Rose hurriedly pointed to the operator next to a construction site at the edge of the screen: "Let this mosquito go back, quickly."

When the reconnaissance mosquito turned back to the area just now, we just saw some people constructing the walls of a building.

We didn't see clearly before the flash, and now what we saw after the picture stabilized let us notice that the wall was just covered with a thin layer of plant fiber skin on the outside, and then pasted on the surface After layering something similar to earth, I finally made this seemingly sturdy building with divine power, but in fact, they are just wood, earth, and some plant fibers. Really, a person can tear down the entire city.

"Strange, what are they planning to do with this kind of tofu dregs project?" "Unclear.

But it's not a good thing anyway. "

"That makes sense."

Chris suddenly said, "Don't you think this building looks like our parliament hall?" "Huh?" Christie's flowers let us turn our attention back to that building.

Before paying attention to the details, now it looks really the same as Christie said.

This building is not similar.

But it is completely built in accordance with our conference hall. It looks exactly the same from any angle, regardless of its structure or appearance.

Suddenly Rose said to the operator: "Find a flying mosquito immediately. I want to see the top view of the city."


The picture changed from a low-altitude close-up view to a large-scale top-view view in the air. When we saw this picture, we all froze.

"Isn't this Covenant City? Did mosquitoes fly in the wrong place?" "No, that's not right.

This is not a covenant city, this is the city that Buddha Gate is building. "

I pointed to the workers and some buildings in the city and said, "Look here.

These are the construction staff of Buddha Gate, not ours, and the progress is not right.

This city is not as complete as ours. "

"That means that the Buddha's gate is imitating the contract city?" Hongyue asked uncertainly.

"Not copying the contract city, but copying the full-size model of the contract city.

This thing only has an empty shelf in Contract City, and it's all empty! "What on earth are they going to do?" Rose said: "Although I don't know exactly what Buddhism is doing, I'm pretty sure it's definitely not a good thing.

After all, in terms of everyone's status, Buddhist monks should be the most anxious side.

They should attack immediately after arriving here, so that it is in the best interest of Buddhism.

But instead of not attacking, they stopped to build such a weird full-size model, which was obviously very illogical.

Unless ... "" Unless what? "Everyone's eyes gathered.

"Unless the construction of this model city can bring far greater benefits to the Buddhist gates than direct attack, for them now the throne of time is the seal of life, and they are willing to waste time on the throne of time to complete such a thing. It must be Being able to determine the crux of the battle, otherwise, it really doesn't make sense why Buddhism did it. "

Because I always felt that the model of the city in front of me was very dangerous, I still couldn't sit still.

"No, we don't know what the purpose of this thing is. I'm always waiting for something to happen sooner or later. I'll go to foreign aid to see if I can help."

"Okay, we're watching here."

Eagle said.

Immediately after leaving the contract city, I teleported to heaven.

Since the thing was made by the Buddhist monk, if you want to know what the thing is really useful, people who ask the Buddhist monk will naturally know.

Although it is impossible for the Buddhists in India to tell me what the thing is, there are still a lot of Buddhists in the heavens! They should also know what the Buddhists know, unless this is a new technology after they left India.

But that possibility is really remote.

Seeing that I ran back so soon, the Emperor Jade thought that something had happened, and asked me quickly: "You ran back in such a hurry, did the Buddhist gate capture your city?" "No."

"Then you are ...?" "It's not clear in three or two sentences, Buddha is playing with me again. I need your help now.

Hurry up and find that Rulai avatar, he needs to help me to see if there is an emergency. "


The Jade Emperor immediately asked Taibai Venus to invite Rulai's avatar, but Rulai's avatar was not brought by himself, but was carried.

Because the effectiveness of Aya Pharmaceuticals is getting weaker, he can hardly move now.

As soon as the avatar here was put down, I immediately put up a large crystal communication machine. After opening the screen, I showed the situation of the model city outside the contract city.

"I'm really uneasy this time, so I have to ask you to help me, and I hope you won't be surprised."

Lying on a stretcher, it ’s polite to wave and shake hands, and introduced the situation of this model city directly, and then asked, “I do n’t know if you know what this is? The Buddha Gate ran outside our city without attack City, but we have repaired such a thing, and we are really troubled. "

Rulai double-eyed the boss as soon as he saw the thing, and then he held up his hand and took out a small box like a decorative box from his body.

Of course, if there is no decorative box, this thing should have other uses.

I saw that he touched the box a few times, and then put his hand on the top of the box and pressed it lightly. A sudden click on the top of the box opened a circular hole with a diameter of about two inches.

Then a one-foot-long scroll suddenly popped out of the hole in the box and fell on Rulai.

Seeing that the scroll is bigger than the box, I don't know how to put it.

It is estimated that the box should be connected to the space channel, otherwise it is impossible to fit such a large scroll.

Rulai shivered and picked up the curls on my body and stretched out to me, I hurried over and took it.

I pointed to myself and asked him, "Let me see?" Rulai nodded slightly.

Then he lay still again.

I carefully pulled out the red ribbon on the scroll, and then lowered the scroll and pulled it apart.

The result is now in the wrong direction.

"Too white, come and help."

Taibai Venus quickly came to help me grasp one end of the scroll, and then I asked another **** to come and help to pull the other end to fully unroll the entire scroll.

Mei Xuanang was hundreds of meters long until the entire scroll was unrolled. Finally, she called for several gods to help her to fully support the scroll.

After the scroll was completely opened, the Jade Emperor couldn't help but come together and looked up.

It turned out that this is a research report on a large-scale spell. Although this technology is obviously not yet completed, it is actually not much different from the complete product.

The difference is just the last thing to close, it is not difficult at all.

According to the content recorded on the scroll, this should be a large-scale spell similar to witchcraft. It turned out that this thing was not made by the Buddhist monks themselves, but passed from the West.

The Buddha's gate also got some content and it took a long time to perfect the throne of the seal of God.

According to what is recorded in the scroll, this spell is specific to enemy buildings and large weapon systems, and has no effect on living beings.

To use this spell, you need to build a full-scale model of the target first, just like the one being built by the Buddhist gate outside the contract city. This full-scale model must be built with the specified materials.

When the model is complete, you can start using spells.

The use of this spell requires a lot of harsh conditions, and requires a combination of powerful wizards to cast, and also requires some very strange offerings.

After this the spell will have two completely different directions, and any of them can be activated by the caster as needed.

The first direction is that once the spell is successfully completed, the previously built full-scale model will be replaced with the real target, that is, the previous model will become a real existence, and the original real target will change. Into a model.

If the model that Buddhism has done outside of the contract city is completed and successfully cast, and the first direction of the flower is selected, press the button once the spell is completed, the model of the gate will become a city exactly the same as the contract city, and we Will become a bunch of models with only appearance.

Originally, we had a little hope against the strong city defense and Buddhism confrontation. Now suddenly it has become a model standing in a pile of mud and rotten wood. Is there still undead? In fact, for us, the first case is pretty good. If the Buddha chooses the second exhibition direction, the situation is even worse.

The preparation work for the second exhibition direction is exactly the same as the first exhibition direction, but the weak guidance will be slightly different when the final part is completed, so that the results will change.

Once this second exhibition direction takes effect, then our city is still our city.

But that model will become individuals associated with our cities, and they will show each other's status.

For example, Buddha ’s gate used the second exhibition direction and cast successfully, and then as long as they burned the model they made with a fire, our city would immediately burn and eventually burned into ruins regardless of how they destroyed That model, the corresponding damage to our city will also be the same as the model. Anyway, what happens to the model is the same in our city.

Although the reverse is also effective, but we can never let us destroy the model of the Buddhist gate by smashing our own city? "Surely there is such a weird spell?" After reading the scroll, the emperor Jade also understood the content of this spell, and if this spell is really completed, then our contract city will not be guaranteed.

In case that kind of situation really occurs, the biggest loss is still the heavenly court. After all, this city was built with the funds of the heavenly court. In the event of destruction, the money in the heavenly court that our mission failed will be lost.

"This, please, is there any way to prevent them from completing this spell?" After reading the scroll, I hurried to the front of the Thunder and asked.

Rulai opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but it took a long time to say nothing. Seeing his mouth moving seemed to have something to say, but the voice was too small to hear.

Seeing that I didn't understand what he meant, if he came, he was so sweaty, but now he was too weak to speak at all.

But I quickly figured out a way.

"By the way, I have a way to help communication. You can just resist it for a while."

I summoned the princess after I said it.

It is very simple to take shallow thinking when the other party does not resist, and what people want to say is the most typical shallow thinking, so the princess can do translation between us.

As soon as the princess came out, she began to use thinking to get the avatar of Rulai, and soon we understood what he wanted to express.

It turned out that Rulai didn't know much about this spell, he just studied the data.

However, he said that someone in the Buddhist monk this time understood this.

After getting the instructions, we hurried to find the guy it mentioned.

The Buddhist monk was originally a Western advanced Warcraft, and later joined the Buddhist monk, and the spell mentioned in this scroll was also brought from the West.

Of course, this is just a clone in front of you, the real guy is still in India.

This guy is almost in the same situation as Rulai's clone, but also in a weak state. Fortunately, there is a princess who can translate here.

"How? What did he say?" I saw the princess standing up and asked quickly.

"He said that the conditions for the completion of this spell are very harsh, and conversely, it is very easy to destroy, because as long as any point of the Buddhist gate does not meet the required spell, it will fail.

After hearing the princess's translation, we also understood.

This is like the modern large-scale war machine. Although the functions are very powerful, the composition structure is also extremely complicated.

The production of such machines requires harsh conditions, but it is extremely easy to destroy them, as long as any one of them fails to meet the requirements, the machine will be scrapped.

The same is true of this spell of Buddha's door. As long as any key requirement is destroyed, the spell will naturally not be used.

"You ask him what are the more vulnerable conditions?" "Yes.

This spell requires the model and the air around the target object to be very humid. Although we are not easy to get close to that model, we only need to dry our city. "

"But the problem is that it will rain soon in Contract City!" "This is easy to handle."

The Jade Emperor interjected suddenly: "I'll give you a way.

You wait a moment. "

Having said that, he called Tai Pingxing over and briefly explained, and then Tai Pingxing immediately ran out, and after a while he pulled a **** wearing a blue armor and ran back.

As soon as the **** came in, he would salute the emperor Jade Emperor, and then ran to my side and took a rolled flag from the back and handed it to me.

"This is a thunderstorm sail, just plug it in the highest point in the city.

Then say this spell to make sure there is absolutely no rain around your city. "

He said, passing another note with a spell on it.

After I took the thunderstorm sail, Venus took out a white gourd.

"This is a cloud sucking gourd. You can open its lid and place it anywhere in the city. It can absorb water and gas within a hundred miles nearby, and ensure that your city is like a desert."

"Are there a lot of weird things in your heaven?" "Heaven has also established the throne of the Seal of God in China for a long time. Natural things are indispensable."

After seeing these two things, the guy lying on the ground immediately beckoned to the princess again. The princess rushed up to get his thoughts, and then stood up and said, "He said that the absorption of water and gas can't guarantee nothing.

It's safer to break a few more conditions. "

"What else can be destroyed then?" The princess leaned up again for a while, and then conveyed: "He said that there are alternatives to other methods, and destruction may not be useful.

However, two points are very important. One is the completeness of the model.

We can think of ways to destroy that model city.

As long as the part of the model is destroyed in advance, the part that was pre-destroyed after the spell takes effect will not take effect. If the destruction ratio exceeds 10% of the total volume of the model.

The entire spell will fail to activate.

That model city is so big that it shouldn't be difficult to destroy.

In addition, he also said that this spell requires a sacrifice to start, and if the sacrifice is destroyed or snatched, the spell cannot be performed. "

"What is the offering?" "The offering is not something.

But people.

To put it simply, it's a player, but not just any player.

It must be a virgin who hasn't done that kind of thing in the game, and the age limit must be no more than twenty-two and no less than eighteen.

This player's occupation cannot be a dark occupation.

Must be a neutral or bright camp occupation, personal justice worth over a thousand.

The most important point is that the player must agree to be called a sacrifice. It is useless to forcibly tie it up, because after the spell is started, she will be asked if she is willing, and as soon as she answers the unwilling spell, it will stop immediately.

As a sacrifice, she will have irregular visual confusion during the ten minutes of spell completion. "

I analyzed: "Neither age nor virginity is a problem, and India's population base should be easy to find.

Classes and factions are also simple.

But the justice value of more than a thousand is probably hard to find. "

"Is it difficult to improve justice?" The Emperor Jade asked curiously.

Regardless of the strength, the Emperor Jade is still a bsp; after the Emperor Jade asked, the princess pointed directly at me and said, "The master has no justice value, because his value is negative.

If the justice value is lower than zero, it will be displayed as the evil value.

The evil value of the master seems to be almost ten million. "

After listening to the gods present, they cast their eyes together on me, and all of them even showed a look like this, and I was so angry that I shouted: "Don't try to be crooked, because I drink the fountain of evil, do Good things do not add righteousness, but bad things do multiply tenfold evil.

That's why so much. "

Although I explained for a long time, the guys in the heavenly court apparently didn't listen at all, and they all marked me as the number one evil element in my heart.

I can only helplessly interrupt everywhere hoping to distract them.

"Speak business.

Since that sacrifice needs such a high justice value, it must be very difficult to find. The Buddhist gate should be guarded very carefully, right? "Taibai Venus also said:" It makes sense.

That sacrifice also had to endure strong pain and the price of losing five hundred levels at a time.

It is estimated that even if the previous requirements are met, not many people are willing to do it. "

"That may not be."

I said, "Although the pain is uncomfortable, it is not necessarily that no one wants to persist.

And you may not know.

There is a kind of **** in this world, and the more people bully her to torture him, the more excited he becomes.

Some people are inherently more resilient to pain, so this pain may not actually block everyone.

As for the price of losing five hundred levels, as long as the Buddha promises to give a lot of compensation, I think many people will be willing. "

"This is possible."

Jade Emperor also said: "It is not a big deal for us to forcibly raise a person by five hundred levels.

I have similar ability to dormant Buddha door, so these five hundred levels should be easy to make up.

As for the painful issue, although I have never heard of a person like masochism, as long as the conditions for Buddha's door opening are reasonable, there should be many people willing to do it.

But so many conditions can always block a large group of people, the rest should not.

As for the Buddhist gate that Zi Ri said will protect the offerings, don't worry about this.

Didn't Zizhu Fairy and Goku have a chance for assassination on the first day? You should bring them both, and it shouldn't be hard to rush in and kill the offering.

Anyway, there is no need for long delay, as long as it hinders the progress of the Buddhist monk.

We ca n’t afford to drag the door, as long as we kill one or two sacrifices to the door, we should give up this plan for a long time. "

"This is possible."

"Then I'll go back first, or if I can't, I'll find you a way."

After returning to the contract city with Lei Yufan and sucker gourd, I quickly released two items, and the effect was really not very good.

The drizzle that had begun to rise suddenly stopped and the clouds disappeared a few minutes later.

However, the function of the cloud-absorbing gourd is really a little too powerful. After the rain clouds disappear, the air becomes more and more dry, and the grass above Gadi is rapidly yellowing. What impact does it have on living people.

As soon as the two magical pieces on our side were put out, the Buddha's side immediately messed up.

Without water and gas, the spell could not be scared, and all the Buddhist monks began to rush to find a solution to this problem.

But they were busy solving the water problem, and I went to destroy one or two other conditions of Buddhism.

After I heard from the court that Rose told them that Rose, they helped me make a relatively simple plan. The process of the plan was to attack the city model of Buddhism by the long-range weapon of our guild. A lot of shells were dropped, but as long as we can hit one, we can reduce our losses and add trouble to the Buddhist gate.

In addition, while the cannon is attacking, our guild will use a dug way to send a part of the player team into that model city for destruction, and I will also bring the purple bamboo fairy and Sun Wukong to follow the destruction to the Buddha's gate. Go in the model city.

But my goal is different from the saboteurs. Their mission is to destroy the huge model and cover us.

Our task is to find that sacrificial offering and destroy it.

The planned detention paused for more than ten minutes to prepare everyone for the attack at 9 pm on time.

The first to fire was the long-range cannon on the floating turret of the contract city.

Originally, the Buddha's gate calculated the distance before building the city, so under normal circumstances, our cannons could not hit that model city anyway.

However, the long-range artillery itself is a weapon with a range attack, and in the case of strong charge, it can increase the range by about 30%. As a result, we shot all the shells into the model city.

Because at the beginning of the first gunnan, the Buddhists thought that the range of our cannon was not enough, and we didn't expect to intercept the shells, so the first wave of shells hit almost all of them.

In the mode of reloading itself, it is a long-range bombardment, and the hit rate is impossible to talk about, but fortunately, our target is a city. Even if a long-range bombardment is started, it is not easy to go outside the city, so After the group, the shells basically fell into the city.

In order to increase the effect of the bombardment, we loaded blasting incendiary bombs in the first wave of shells, so the wooden-framed houses of Buddha's Gate were almost ignited after the first round of shelling began, and then Buddha's Gate Exam is busy.

Some people flew into the sky and began to use magical powers to resist subsequent shells, while others were fighting fires around the city.

At this time, several unremarkable corners in the city were moving at the same time.

Buddha's model on the ground somewhere in the city.

A plank suddenly lifted a little.

A tentacle with a crystal ball at the front protruded from the edge of the board.

The lawyer's crystal ball turned immediately after drilling out of the ground, sweeping all around, and then a large area of ​​the ground suddenly rose up, and under the wooden ground was a cane that was supporting it. Those floors.


I turned around and jumped out of the big hole on the ground, followed by a large group of players and bsp; when we all drilled out, the rose vine immediately pulled the ground back to the ground and re-formed it into a flat ground. Looking at it, it is impossible to see the following has been hollowed out.

Immediately after we came out, we began to fall apart and walk through the houses on the street.

The buildings here are all imitated in the style of the contract city, so we all know the terrain.

In addition, because the house is made of wood, our people can break through the wall between the house and the house, which avoids the chance of being walked on the street by the Buddha.

I took a few players to quickly touch a tall building below ~ ~ This place is a camouflage fortress in Contract City, as long as the pseudo-turret in this model city is destroyed, even if the Buddha's spell is in effect Our turret will also be kept safely.

A player who was with me quickly found a fist-sized crystal block from his body, and then tied a bundle of cylindrical objects to the crystal. After setting the time, the throne of the Seal of God was inserted into the base of the pseudo-turret.

This thing is a remote control bomb with timing function. If it does not receive a remote control signal, it will automatically detonate the Throne of God Seal at the set time.

Because everything here has a layer of wood and a layer of mud, we have also added some combustion aids, so once the fire is set on fire, it is not easy for Buddha to control the fire.

"Who?" We were about to evacuate just after we loaded the bomb, and suddenly we heard a roar.

"You go first, I will solve this."

Let the others run first, and I, along with Zizhu Fairy and Sun Wukong, rushed at the guy who is now us.

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