Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 63: Female version of Mao Sui?

"Fuck, who's so fierce? So quickly rushed to the wall?"

"I don't know, it's a woman."

"Women?" India and Japan are almost the same. Women have a low status. Women players are rarely seen, but it is as if the bomb ’s shell is harder and more powerful. In countries where women are suppressed, Once there is an outstanding female player, it must be a very cattle existence. At first, this truth has been verified many times in Japan. I did not expect to run into it again in India.

When I rushed to the wall, the scene was basically under control. That woman is really amazing. The dozen or so corpses on the ground are proof, but after all, she was only rushed to the wall by herself, and there was no follow-up troops to supplement her, and she did n’t know the temperance, but she was attracted by our people to escape. The edge of the wall moved to the inside of the wall. The fighting formation of our guild has been completely closed behind the city wall behind her, which means that the woman in the opposite Buddha gate is the same as the woman who rushed to the wall because she is no longer at the edge of the city wall and cannot interfere with our normal defense. This has to be said to be the sorrow of the Indians, women are suppressed too much, and many women who have tried things in other countries have become highly knowledgeable in the hands of women here. This woman is the most obvious manifestation. Although she has extraordinary combat power, she does not have the corresponding knowledge, otherwise her knowledge is blocked by the city wall and a clear space is cleared. When the subsequent troops attack it, she is leading the way all the way. I can open a gap from here, but it's too late to say anything now, and my arrival means she has no hope. It's not that she doesn't work, but that the gap is too big. I used to take advantage of the conflict between Tianting and Buddhism. I used a magic bead to suppress my divine power and raised me to 1834. You must know that the second player in the world rankings is only in his first thousand, not even eleven. , And my level is too bad. To say that some days can get more than two hundred to get players who are higher than their own level. I believe that even more than three hundred levels cannot be said to be absolutely impossible, but it is simply heaven and earth to go beyond seven or eight hundred levels. "Let me do it." With my voice, all the people nearby gave way to the other side and let the woman in front of me. After seeing me, the woman recognized me immediately. After all, this time she was fighting with our guild. Even if she hadn't heard of me before, she would make a surprise assault on some basic common sense.

"Are you Ziri?"

I nodded. "You are strong, but ..."

The woman hadn't finished speaking but suddenly reached out a hand to stop me from continuing. "I didn't come to fight with you."

"Fuck, Buddhism soldiers came down and you told me you weren't here for a fight? What are you doing here?"

"I'm from recommendation."

"Recommended?" My jaw almost didn't fall. "You mean you are here to apply to join us?"

The woman nodded and confirmed my problem, then I pointed to the nearby body, and she immediately realized what I meant, and before I asked her, she explained to herself: "They are my cover letter. I listen Some people say that the Frost Rose League only accepts the elite, so I choose to kill the wall directly in the army to prove that I am indeed qualified to join you. "

The player next to me couldn't help shaking his head and said, "Genius is really a genius, and even his thinking is different from his normal person! He actually killed us to prove that she deserves our acceptance. It's really abnormal! "

I reached out and stopped the players around me and asked, "Do you know that we are fighting the Buddhist gate now?"

The woman nodded. "But I am not one of the Buddhist monks, and the people who came here are not all Buddhist monks, and many of them are mercenaries. You should have sent people who attacked those senior Buddhas like this, did I? the same."

Although this woman was somewhat self-righteous, I wouldn't tell her how our spy got mixed up with the Buddhist gate, anyway, even if she did join us, we didn't need to tell her everything.

"Since you want to join us, based on the principle of maximizing benefits, I will naturally not refuse your request, but your assessment is not so simple. After all, your practice of breaking into our city defense is too radical. One point. You know, sometimes geniuses are only one line away from neuropathy, and your behavior is really ... "

"Simply speaking, you just want to continue to examine my situation." The woman was simply. "You tell me, what do you want me to do?"

I pointed outside the city. "Now the battle is going on, ca n’t you believe me because you suddenly want to join? So before the end of the battle, you go to the Buddha ’s team to do some damage? I do n’t want you to kill the enemy in front, I hope you will destroy the Buddha in the back The command or supply system is best to destroy the teleportation array or medical facilities, and it is also good to kill more therapists. "

"This is simple." The woman said, turned around and hurried over our city wall defense line and jumped down, all of us looked at her in a daze.

To be honest, this woman is really very abnormal. At least if I say it, I would never recommend it in such a strange way. Even if she helps us to kill a few Buddhist monks! After this woman left, our defense line returned to normal, and the battle began to enter the most violent and boring stage. The siege and the siege are actually the same, except that one side wants to enter the city and the other does not want outsiders to come in. There were still tricks available before approaching the city wall. Wait until everyone rushed to the bottom of the city wall. It is the battle between blood and fire. That is to take human lives in the pile, whoever can't stand it first will be directly out, and the rest is the winner.

The red moon and I sat on the tower and watched the battle below. It was not yet time for us to intervene, and the big brothers of Buddha's gate obviously did not intend to participate in the battle as soon as they came up. I guess they don't want to consume the limited masters against the city's defensive weapons. After all, the large magic crystal weapons of our guild are no less powerful than the direct sales of the gods and Buddhas, and there are some weapons even near large-scale. The effects of destructive weapons, such as that of the super-city destroyer under Isinger, are exemplary. Although every shot of that thing can make me and Rosemeal better for a while, but anyway, they are real map-level weapons, and their attack range can be directly drawn on a large proportion of the map, let alone a master of Buddhism. Well, even if you come here at most, you can live up to one or two full-power launches, no matter how much he can't stand it. You should know that "Zero" is an economic bomb. Its design purpose is to attract funds. Therefore, all weapons that require money in "Zero" have great power. This is linked to the design purpose of "Zero" and belongs to Low-level commands.

The fierce battle lasted until five o'clock in the morning, before the attack on Buddhism was interrupted. The first batch of Afomen miscellaneous soldiers who had participated in the war before has all turned into rotten meat under the city wall. The ones who are now attacking the city are actually new troops that later joined. Therefore, the guild in the name of Buddha was formed by our spies, so we can know in advance no matter who the Buddha sends. It is because we know their high manual direction, so we can block these masters in a targeted manner. As a result, every time Buddhism mixes masters in the crowd to try to make a breakthrough, the plan is blocked.

After several consecutive failures, Buddha seems to realize that it is not possible to fight with us like this. Their staff is not endless, and our staff is almost endless, because it is the player's guild after all. Unlike the Protoss themselves, although the guild buys mercenaries from Protoss forces, it is actually a sales model given by the system. The soldiers do not say that there are so many soldiers in the Protoss. It is as if we can buy an unlimited number of troops from Tianting as long as we have money, but the troops that Tianting can mobilize are actually limited. Otherwise, the Protoss power itself is so strong and there will be unlimited personnel. How can we defeat them? How about it? With more ants, you can kill elephants. It's no surprise that more protoss kill people. In order to control the casualties, Buddhist monks had to gradually begin to improve the quality of the personnel participating in the war. Although great gods such as Lai and Guanyin could not bypass the rules to participate in the war directly, there were still many masters among them.

"Be careful." We were standing on the watchtower supervising the entire battlefield, and suddenly heard a shout, a player flew to the ground with me and rose to the ground, followed by a bang, the entire watchtower's ceiling was lifted Flew out.

"I depend, what was that?" The eagle jumped from the ground, searching for the culprit who attacked us.

"There." The member who had just pressed me and Rose just shouted in one direction. The reason he was able to press us ahead of time was because he saw him before the opponent attacked.

"Which goal is it?" I turned back and asked ~ ~ Rose and Hongyue were desperately looking through the information together. We will get an attribute notice in advance of all the noteworthy individuals in the Buddhist gate. This guy can actually blow away half of the towers in a few miles outside the city, and his strength is definitely not the ordinary shrimp soldier crab. Reachable. Such a cow figure must have his presence in the attributes we get.

"It's this." Suddenly Rose took a sheet from the pile of information and handed it to me.

I took a look at the information and was taken aback by the name in the title. "King Yasha?"

They were shocked to hear the name Eagle I was reading, and quickly came together to take a look. Eagle looked at the information while holding a telescope and glanced at the guy outside the city. "How does it look like magic images?"

"The big one in the image is the body, and there is a small one in the lower left foot, which is his changing form."

After listening to the reminder of the rose, Ying hurried again and immediately called out, "It's this guy! It seems that we are in trouble! Although Yasha King is not high in the Buddhist monks, but that's because he doesn't have high Buddha power. In terms of combat effectiveness, this guy can be ranked in the top 50! "Everyone around him heard the air and took a breath of air. What is the concept of Buddhism's top 50?

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