Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 64: Magic stone

Need us to help? "Look at our very nervous Ziwu Fairy II, and now it's past zero, the limit of Zizhu Fairy and Sun Wukong has been refreshed. Now we can fight again. But the problem is that it's just early morning, if I used up the quota of both of them so early, what should I do if I meet a master later?

"I don't need you to do anything for now. I'll try the water first. If not, you two will help."

"Okay, we will fight for you. If not, we will take the shot." Sun Wukong didn't rush to take shots this time. After all, he also knew that his quota was limited and it was not easy to mess up.

The Zizhu Fairy saw that I decided to take it myself. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally found a strange stone from my body and passed it. I took the stone in doubt and looked at the Purple Bamboo Fairy waiting for her explanation.

"This is the stone of the upper world."

"The upper bound?" I didn't respond to it before I realized that Fairy Bamboo and Sun Wukong are protoss themselves. For them, the heavenly court is where they usually live, and the upper bound in their mouth is obviously not what we call the upper bound.

"Is this the stone where the higher **** lives?" In the end, Rose responded quickly, in the phrase.

"What use do the stones in the **** world do for us?" Hongyue asked curiously.

"In simple terms, it can suppress the divine power."

"This thing is Feng Lingzhu?" Red Moon and Rose cried in surprise immediately after hearing the explanation of the purple bamboo fairy. Because Feng Lingzhu I said before is actually this function. However, I naturally know that there is a huge difference between Feng Lingzhu and Feng Lingzhu. After all, I used Feng Lingzhu at first, and both things look a lot worse in terms of appearance and strength.

The explanation of Zizhu Fairy also confirmed my idea. "This is not Feng Lingzhu, but an ordinary stone where the higher **** lives. Its function is not as overbearing as Feng Lingzhu, but the basic abilities are actually the same.

Their common sentiment is that they can suppress divine power, but Feng Lingzhu is a kind of overbearing type of suppression. That is to say, the divine power in a certain area nearby will be suppressed regardless of the enemy, but this **** stone is different. Its ability is only effective for itself and the person carrying him, that is, the scope is much smaller, but the specific functions are actually the same. "

"I can't suppress divine power in a wide range. But can I be a point-defense protector?" I took the stone in my hand for a long time and finally closed it carefully.

The Zizhu Fairy watched me put away the **** stone and went on to say, "This **** stone was originally from heaven, and it was handed to me before I came. But the jade emperor had a purpose at first, after I and Goku's quota was exhausted. And you can only give it to you when you encounter an extremely critical situation. But you will not be affected by foreign military orders. Although it is not critical yet. The point is. You can't be sloppy, so I will give it to you in advance. Hope You can make good use of it. "

I nodded seriously. "Don't worry, I won't waste such important things." After speaking, I turned around and jumped out of the wall of the wall and rushed towards Yasha King in the distance.

After jumping straight out of the city wall, I didn't do any minus movements at all. The guy was stepped into the ground more than a foot in an instant, and it is estimated that his bones were almost broken. Immediately after I jumped from the guy, I drew water. But, I was stabbed straight by a man in the door of the Buddha, followed by a cross-cut that cut the guy and several nearby people in half. Under the city wall was the most densely populated area. After being cut by such a sword, I cleared a large area of ​​empty space, and the Buddhists in the vicinity and myself stunned.

The troops of these Buddhist gates under the city walls were mostly just ordinary soldiers. Although it is more powerful than ordinary players, it is not much stronger. They really rely on divine power. Thanks to the multiplication of divine power, these miscellaneous soldiers can even compete against our elite players. If it were not for our city's defense weapons being too strong, so many Buddhism soldiers would have broken the city together. Compared with the average player, my fighting power is naturally strong. So I'm not surprised to be able to kill these smashers. The real reason for me to hold back was that the move just brought down a large number of people. I thought that the sword could only kill the enemy in front. Unexpectedly, a large number of people have been cut down continuously. It didn't feel like I was fighting a Protoss. To low mercenaries like cities in the system.

Although I hesitated for a while, I quickly reacted. Enemies were everywhere nearby, and there was no time for the Seal of Throne to make me stay. I rushed up again before the opponent reacted, but even if I was prepared, the next battle was still very unexpected. The enemy in front of me didn't have the expected strength at all. I felt like I was a Tyrannosaurus Rex who rushed into the flock. The battlefield of Buddha's gate was easily wiped out by a retaliatory injury from my equipment. That feels too fast. However, this doubt only lasted for a short while. Because I quickly thought of why this happened. Chuan Liu took the glaze that Zizhu Fairy had given me twice. Erxi was exuding soft fluorescence at this time. Obviously working. After confirming the reason for this thing, I immediately put it away again. Then turned around and killed the Buddha's army.

The reason why these miscellaneous soldiers of Buddhism can compete with the elite of our guild is mainly by the auxiliary role of divine power. Without considering the divine power, these miscellaneous soldiers can't even beat the ordinary players. I now use the divine stone to offset the divine power, which is equivalent to turning these protoss miscellaneous soldiers in front of me into a combat power equivalent to six or seven hundred ordinary players. With my more than eighteen hundred levels, plus far The combat power of players at the same level, aren't these people just like weeds? No matter if any of my attacks hit these people, it was a sweep. It's almost like cutting tofu with a top sword.

In order to test the full function of the **** stone before actually contacting that Yasha king. I even risked a few attacks from Buddhist soldiers, but the result was unscathed. Those Buddhist monks seemed to hit me heavily, but it seemed like a weapon made of sponge was hitting me. I can feel some power, but I can't talk about harm. As for the magic spells released by Buddhism soldiers. When the nets were released one by one, it looked amazing. But after I bravely fortified it, those things seemed to be fireworks, with sound and light effects but no lethality.

After confirming all the functions of the **** stone, I began to move towards Yasha King, and the Buddhist soldiers who blocked the way were easily dropped by me. No one can stop me at all. Soon I rushed to the side of Yasha King. This guy has been following me for a long time. They have been moving towards me, so after the meeting, the two sides didn't have any nonsense at all, and they met each other.

After the two of us hedged together, we launched a move at the same time. The Yasha King reached out to me a few meters away, and I threw a sword at a long distance. Just when Jin Guang was about to hit me, I bowed my head slightly and let the light pass, but Yasha King didn't know why he didn't even hide for any reason. As a result, this guy was immediately taken away by the sword Flesh. With a scream, Yasha Wang backed up in anger, covering his wounds. From his expression, he could see that he had never thought he would be hurt before. Based on his reaction now I probably guess why he didn't hide before. It is estimated that he didn't know that I had a **** stone that could suppress the divine power, but he didn't take the matter for me to chop melon and chopped vegetables and toppled so many Buddhist soldiers. After all, Yasha King's strength in the high master of Buddhism is also very high, and these miscellaneous soldiers cannot naturally be used as his reference target. That is because he thought he could not be hurt by me, so he was hit so easily.

I did n’t give him a chance to respond at once, and I leaned in immediately. The guy was n’t stupid. He hurriedly raised his fist and tried to force me away. Unfortunately, he usually dropped one by one and would overwhelm with absolute strength. The enemy rarely fights against others.

Now his divine power is useless. This power is gone, all that is left is the crop, and there is no power at all. Looking at his fist, I jumped directly from the ground, his legs wrapped around his arms in the front, and he clasped his fists accurately. His legs twisted around his shoulders and twisted his neck. I didn't wait for his next reaction to turn around and turned to the side desperately ~ ~ Because my arm was held by me, Yasha King could not make it out now. I could only follow me to the side, and I was easily taken to the ground.

After the Yasha King fell, I didn't let go of him. Instead, I rolled over the leg muscles and rode on him. The Yasha king immediately saw me climbing up and wanted to resist. I reached out and grabbed my face, but I moved faster than him. A swift blade of claws swept across his arm, and with a blood light, the Yasha King immediately made a howling cry. After losing half of his arms, the movement of Yasha King immediately became disordered. I swept by another claw, and Yasha King quickly blocked it with the other hand. As a result, the left hand followed the right hand and the dust of the right hand was cut off in half. Yasha, who has no hands, is completely crazy. He suddenly stood up and lifted me down. Then he got up sharply from the ground.

I also stood up immediately after being overthrown by him, but turned around and froze there. I saw that the original Yasha King, which was almost similar to a normal person, was gradually growing, and the muscles of the whole body were bulging, and soon all the clothes on his body were cracked. But his body did not stop there, but continued to grow up. Simultaneously. Yasha's facial features are gradually alienating, and his eyes are getting bigger. The long mouth fangs came out, and the skin gradually turned red and finally black. In less than ten seconds, the King of the Seal of the Seal Yaksha changed from a human figure into a humanoid monster with a height of eight meters and blue-faced fangs. The most terrifying thing was that the newly cut hands of the nets had grown out again ... If you want to know the future, please log in. More chapters. Author support. Support genuine reading!

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