Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 73: Last guardian

Volume 17 Chapter 72 Be a thief

Let's keep the pattern! It's really impossible. I'll call you back forbearance. I finally decided that they shouldn't come back first. Anyway, they all have transmitters, and they can pull them back if needed.

After making a decision, I returned to the outer wall. Now there are a large number of Buddhist troops gathered under the city. The reason why there is no siege is mainly because the Peacock Pluto has not returned yet, so the army soldiers do not know whether to siege the city. After all, without high-end force, it would be useless even if the following soldiers broke into the city. Our Frost Rose League is not an ordinary guild. Even the Buddhist monks can not treat us as ordinary goods. Anyway, Peacock Pluto is actually ours now. As long as she delays the siege of the army with various excuses, the Throne of the Seal of God will make money for us, anyway, we are not in a hurry.

I don't know what method the Peacock Pluto used, I was dragging the army below the city until more than ten o'clock in the night before it started to move, and the Peacock Pluto and Starfire appeared together less than ten minutes after the army began to operate. In the city of contracts. I saw them both for a while, and then I understood what happened.

"Is it spotted?"

Peacock Pluto nodded. "I've tried to help you fight for the time. The Seal of the Seal of God is now a miracle."

"Then what's the matter with you?" I was curious to Spark.

"I was ordered to kill the traitor, the traitor, Peacock Pluto."

All the people present laughed when they heard the spark. "That's a coincidence!"

"It's a coincidence." Sparks said: "Now I can justify refusing to participate in the battle of Buddhist gates, but if you need a peacock or I join the war, this news can no longer be hidden.

"No, no, you two don't need to show up for the time being." I said looking at Xinghuo: "Your Guanyin's identity is still very useful. Since you are already planning to rebel from Buddhism, then this identity is useless It ’s better to use it at the end? ”

"What are you doing?" Spark instinctively shrank back.

"Do you think it is possible for us to get some Buddhist things out of your own identity?

"Things of Buddhism?" Sparks are nets after all. Joining our guild, we are not used to the locust-like robber style of our guild.

Seeing her blank look, I reminded: "Reliquary, advanced skills, fruit of the divine power, in short, what is valuable?"

After hearing my words, the spark is not disgusting. After all, the Buddhist doors are very kind to the outside world, but in fact they are not a kind force. Compared to the heaven and their native Hinduism, the Buddhist doors are already quite dark. . Besides, although there is a spark, Guan Shiyin's name is on top of her head, but she really is a true Gao Tianyuan protoss. It's not that close to Buddhism. "If you really want something of value, I suggest you go to a place with me.

"You say now?" I asked in surprise.

Spark nodded. "It doesn't make sense once the war is over. The kind of local Buddhist gates will not be left. Once they know that things can't be done, they will definitely destroy them there. Maybe they can get some benefits before them."

After a bit of contemplation, I asked again, "How long do you think it will take for the Seal of the Seal of God to come back?"

"This kind of thing depends on the suddenness. It doesn't make sense to wait for them to react, so it only takes a few hours at most, and it will be nothing when the reinforcements come."

I nodded when Xinghuo said so. "Now these are all miscellaneous soldiers. I will not need this side of the Seal of the Seal of God for a short time. Even if it is no longer possible, Wina will stand on this side. There will be no problems at one and a half. I will first Let me take a trip with you! I hope what you say really has that price.

"Rest assured. My vision isn't as low as that."

Under the guarantee of Spark, we finally left the contract city and flew over to India. In addition, there were more individuals in our team, which was the Peacock Pluto. Now Starfire ’s mission is to hunt down the Peacock Pluto. If she ran to the secret treasure cave of Buddhism alone, it would not be easy to explain, but if it was the Peacock Pluto first ran, Starfire would “run and kill, all over, then No problem.

After flying with Spark and Peacock Pluto for dozens of minutes, we arrived near a hill in the forest. To say that this place is definitely a good place to hide things, because from the sky, this place has no characteristics at all. Not too big and not a small forest stands a very inconspicuous hill pack, without any characteristics at all. If it hadn't been for the Peacock Pluto and Spark, then I would have flew past.

After landing, we began to act in accordance with the pre-calculated method. The Peacock Pluto quietly sneaked into the treasure house and deliberately triggered the alarm to attract the guard to chase her. When the guard planned to send someone to report, the spark just took After disguise, I appeared in time near the cave and blocked the messenger who was about to leave.

Seeing the emergence of a great **** like Guan Shiyin, the guard of the treasure house naturally did not worry. After Xinghuo showed the order that the Buddha asked her to chase the defecting Peacock Pluto to assist the Buddhist units, the treasure house's guards were more relaxed, and then the two of us entered this logically and could not enter in accordance with normal procedures. treasure house.

Under the leadership of the guard, we quickly entered the mountain. The entrance to this cave has only one gate, and there is a long passageway, and there are many branches on both sides of the passageway. According to the introduction of Spark, those branches are all leading to the guarded residential area. After another door at the end of the passage, we entered a cave the size of an indoor stadium, but this one. The environment inside the cave surprised me.

The cave itself is nothing special, except that in the center of the cave there is a huge pool with a diameter of more than 20 meters, but the pool contains not water, but a golden liquid. Although this liquid is not calm in the pond, it keeps flipping bubbles. From the wave of the liquid surface, the viscosity of the liquid is very large. And it seems that the temperature is not low, you can feel the waves of heat across the distance.

Seeing that my daylight has been concentrated in the pool, Xinghuo introduced, "This is the Gongdechi

"Gongdechi? You mean that Gongdechi who can get a good body is just a bubble?"

Spark nodded, and then whispered to see me like this: "Be careful, your saliva is coming down, this thing is too big and you can't move it, you don't have to squint!"


"Shh. After a while, the guy in front is the head here." Hearing the spark reminded me to quickly put away the greedy gaze and look serious towards the guy who came forward.

Volume 17 Chapter 73 The Last Guardian

"Morning Boro, I will take over here for the time being. You will immediately call for someone to gather here."

"Sorry, Guanyin, I was ordered not to accept anyone except four of the seven ancient Buddhas who arrived at the same time."

When Xinghuo heard it, he immediately became angry and gave the warrant in his hand to the guy. "You're optimistic, this is the chase assist command ordered by Buddhism. Now the defecting Peacock Pluto is here. You must obey my assignment."

"Please forgive me for not obeying."

"Why? But I have a warrant signed by Dairi Rulai in person?"

"The order I received was so, all you got was a warrant for one person from Dayi Rulai. There were no more than three people, even if it came in person."

"Okay, you're fine." Xing Huoqi shivered and pointed at the guy's nose and cursed: "You just wait for me to go back and ask you to keep the Minghe River!"

"If it's decided by hundreds of parties, then I deserve it."

This guy who can't get into the oil and salt can make Xinghuo completely mad, but Xinghuo has played the role of Guanyin for so long, and her qi raising skills are still very good. Soon she will harden the qi. But as she turned to leave, my voice suddenly came to my head. "I'm inconvenient to take a shot. If you go and kill him, I will help you suppress his power."

"The son of arrogance, dare to despise the mighty power of Da Rirui, and today I'm purple ... Zijin War God will let you know what is the power of Shenrui prison." I accidentally reported my name, but fortunately I react It will be suppressed temporarily. Immediately after speaking this scene, I walked out from the Spark God, and the guy named Monbala on the opposite side did not expect that a small follower of mine dared to take the initiative, and immediately raised the Vedic staff in his hand to prepare Fight me.

Anyway, I have already planned to kill the other party, so I don't have to keep it at all. Once I came up, I poured the magic into eternity and put it into law mode. Ever since I last absorbed the blood of the Protoss, I have gained the ability of law forever. As long as the magic power is injected into it, the power of the law can be cut off. In simple terms, everything is cut open. As long as my magic power is enough, there is no Nothing it cuts constantly. After injecting magic into eternity, I rushed to Menbra in an instant, followed by a sword and slashed, and the next two of us passed each other by mistake.

Ding! Crisply thought, the Wei Tuo stick in the back of Menlo's hands suddenly broke into two pieces, the upper half of the staff fell to the ground and rolled away, and then the armor of Menlo's body suddenly burst and fell off. The Buddhist staff around were all stupid there, and I don't know why their boss suddenly settled. After two or three seconds, Menparo suddenly and suddenly said, "Put ... Put that thing out!" His hands, wrists, shoulders, cervical spine, lumbar spine, hips, and knees suddenly started at the same time. Spurting blood outwards, followed by the whole person suddenly seemed to be scattered as if assembling a puppet, and the whole person was divided into eleven parts and the ground was full.

It wasn't until the guy fell to the ground that I recovered from the attack gesture, played a sword flower in hand, and pointed at the Buddha in the vicinity. "Who else wants to try?"

"You ... how dare you kill Monboro?" A guy with a strange crown on his head suddenly called. "You lunatic, you must die here. Unlock the ban!"

After that guy shouted that the people around him suddenly ran out in all directions as if they had blasted their nests. Even if I was strong, there was only one person. After so many people ran apart, I couldn't chase them together. Even if I have many magic pets, I don't have so many protoss here to send them to death, right? Seeing that I was turning to myself for help, Xinghuo shook his head helplessly: "I don't know what they are talking about, but since this is the case, let's go directly to the treasure house!"

I nodded and put away eternity. I planned to go to the treasure trove with Spark first. Who knows that just two steps away, I suddenly heard a loud noise as if the space shuttle started up in my ear. The powerful shock wave was accompanied by a terrifying sound wave The entire passageway shook violently, and Xinghuo and I had to support each other to ensure that they did not fall to the ground.

"What's that?" I asked quickly as soon as the voice stopped. The roar was something obvious just now. It's definitely not ordinary goods to make such a big movement. At least I have never seen anything so scary except for the puppies whose sound is comparable to that of Tyrannosaurus. Qinglong and Baihu, they may be able to make more noise than this, but I have never heard of it.

Spark was shaking my head when I asked. "I do not know!"

"It seems that you are excluded from the Buddha. This thing should be the last insurance here. It doesn't tell you that it is reasonable."

"So what do we do now? Leave or move on?"

"I won't give up when I get here. Besides, don't you still have one? Can't you even beat a monster?"

"It depends on what it is. The various protoss forces will be more or less immortal. Some of them will be monsters with no intelligence like beasts, and there should be Buddha doors. This is one of them."

When I heard the spark, I immediately thought of the red owl and black unicorn. Although Hung Hom has become my magic pet, she is one of the most uncertain of her, so I try not to summon her in general battles, but according to Wei Na ’s evaluation, Hung Hom ’s direct combat power is at least She is a master, which means that she can at least tie with an existence like Anubis or Di Tans if nothing unexpected happens. As for the black unicorn, that guy can be used to block the entrance to the eighteenth floor of hell. I can imagine how strong he is. Anyway, as far as I know, any one of the four sacred beasts has no chance of meeting him. fifty. Both of them can be regarded as the ten thousand years old immortal hidden in the heavenly court. Since the Buddhist gate has almost the same foundation as the heavenly courts, the gate should also lack this kind of basically uncontrolled ten thousand year old immortality.

"It seems I need to reconsider!"

"Anyway, go and look at the situation before you talk." Xinghuo suggested: "Even if it is such a strong existence, since the Buddha dared to release it, it must inevitably make certain restrictions on it. To the point of invincibility. "

"Well! Let's go over and talk!"

We successfully entered the mountain through the passage, but we didn't encounter anything along the way, let alone monsters, even the guards of Buddha's Gate did not know where to go, and the entire treasure house almost became A ghost town.

"The front door is the treasure house door." Starfire pointed at a huge stone door ahead. "I have been here with Rulai once. Behind this door is the important treasure of the Buddha door."

"Why is the door open?" I asked, looking at the concealed door in doubt.

Before the spark came and answered, I suddenly heard a dizzy roar, and followed only a loud noise, the treasure house door was knocked out of a large hole, a humanoid object flew out of it and flew past us. He ran into the back wall before stopping.

"Peacock Pluto?" After the dust disappeared, I stared at the person who fell from the wall in surprise, and then I realized the problem instantly, and quickly turned to look at the already crumbling door. Just listening to the loud noise, the door that had already fallen off was suddenly lifted by a huge force. Xinghuo stepped over a distance of several meters and appeared in front of me. I reached out and cast a light curtain to smash the stone door, and I hurried over to help the Peacock Pluto. "How did you do this?"

"Cough cough ..." The peacock Hades first coughed before explaining: "I was looking for useful things in the treasure house, and suddenly the environment in the treasure house was changed, and everything in the treasure house was instantly transmitted to others. Place, and then there was a monster in the empty treasure house. I wanted to kill that guy. Who knew that the thing was so strong that I was not an opponent at all. "

"What the **** is so strong?"

"It's a ghost thing!" The peacock Hades finished pointing forward, at this moment the smoke and dust in front had completely spread, and an evil spirit came out of the gate. This thing has a roughly humanoid structure, but the legs are closer to the werewolf, and there is one more anti-joint than humans. Its whole body was red, and the surface was still burning with orange flames. A row of sharp barbs grows on the outside of the strong arms, and the ten sharp claws above the huge claws look at least two feet long. The head of the cricket had a skeleton-like face, but in the sunken eye socket there were a pair of huge orange eyes with severe convexity ~ ~ it looked extremely scary 狰狞. There are two huge horns on the monster's head, which look very huge and sturdy, and there is a huge bump on each of the monster's shoulders, which looks strange. In the end, I have to say that in addition to the strangeness of this thing, the volume is really not small. Although it was not completely upright due to the restrictions of the cave, from the perspective of its body, this guy really would stand up at least two. The height of more than ten meters, although not comparable to some creatures, is definitely a big guy.

"This thing doesn't seem to belong to the ghost race," Starfire reminded after seeing the true face of the thing.

"Of course I know, but I think we should run now."

"Why?" Spark asked, holding a ball of light.

The Peacock Pluto stood up while holding me up and said, "If I wouldn't throw it out. I tried to attack that thing just now, but it ate my attack. This thing was only half of what it was when it first appeared Size, after eating my spell, it becomes so big, and I feel that the lost power is not added back. "

"You mean that this thing can permanently swallow the divine power and grow up?" Starfire and I gathered the eyes of surprise at the Peacock Pluto at the same time. (!)

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