Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 74: Violent violence

"Yes, the Peacock Pluto surely nodded and reminded!" "Don't use divine power for the 40,000 Sparks of Fire, or it will be even harder to be absorbed by it".

"Have you ever experimented with normal attacks?" I turned and asked the Peacock Pluto.

"I don't know! I used the strongest divine attack at the time, and didn't use ordinary skills.

"That means there is still a chance to try it?" I rushed towards that thing directly. When I saw me approaching that thing, there was a roar first, followed by the sudden opening of my mouth, and a large number of yellow light spots began to gather into its mouth, and soon became a huge light ball, followed by the light ball suddenly flashed, A light shot out of the monster's mouth. I flashed to the side in a hurry, the light beam rubbed against my body, followed by the peacock Pluto and Starfire in a hurry to hide a change, the yellow light swept across the straight line area in front of it like a cutting machine, on the ground One left was only two inches wide. But a deep gully with no deep bottom at all. Both of me and the Peacock Pluto were both shocked by this blow. It was not until the monster's mouth began to gather light again that I reacted and rushed back. I lifted the Peacock Pluto and Starfire in one hand and rushed out. "This monster's attack power is too high. Let's go outside. The place is too narrow and cannot be used."

Before we rushed out of the mountain, the monster beamed three times in succession, all of which were avoided by us. In order to test the actual attack power of that thing, I also took a special shield and tried it. The result was the same as cutting a paper with a laser cutter, and the shield became two in an instant.

After finally running out of the mountain, the three of us quickly left the cave, but before we ran far, we saw a yellow beam suddenly shot straight into the sky, followed by a sudden boom in the mountain after the beam circled in the air. The monster even cut a hole and drilled out.

"Fuck, what the **** is this? The attack power is so strong, even if the cooldown of the Seal of the Seal of God does not continue to attack!"

"It seems to only use long-range attacks, and we post it to fight." After Xinghuo said the first rushed up, I had to follow it, only Peacock Pluto did not move. But when the spark rushed to halfway, I suddenly saw a beam of light directed at her. She was frightened and quickly moved to the distance, while I rushed to the monster and was about to start. I suddenly saw the monster turning around and slapping. I took it. My wings fluttered forward, my body receded ten meters, and a strong wind blew across my skin and turned me around in the air to stabilize my figure. Before the net slowed down, before I came back, I saw a huge palm falling from the sky, followed by a huge impact, and I was shot down on the ground like a shell. A smash into the ground stirred up the dust.

"Purple Sun!" The peacock Pluto was bombarded, and immediately jumped from the ground, followed by her beauty image, and her figure shook. The body quickly began to change, and in a blink of an eye it became a huge beautiful body that was nearly 100 meters in length. M Peacock. It's just different from ordinary peacocks. In addition to the large peacock's shape, the peacock's feathers are also very special. Each feather flashes red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. In light, it looks like a peacock carved with precious stones, gorgeous and inexhaustible.

The peacock Pluto recovered his body fiercely opened his wings and rushed out to the monster. When the monster saw the giant bird bigger than itself, it stumbled first, followed by a sudden louder roar. Then it started to use its housekeeping skills again, and the yellow beam shot out instantly. The reaction of Peacock Hades into a peacock is faster than the previous state of human nature. As soon as her body size has doubled, her flexibility has improved significantly. The yellow light beam swept across the body of Peacock Pluto and did not hurt her a feather, while Pluto Pluto rushed to the monster with a constant degree, and the sharp two claws with golden light extended at the same time. Stuck into the monster's shoulders, and flew with it before the monster responded, but she only took the monster for a second and then released it, but it was flying up , The monster's degree has been synchronized with the Peacock Pluto, and behind the monster is the mountain we just ran out of. Just listening to the loud noise, the monster slammed into the mountain, and the huge body was full because of the high impact. Embedded into the mountain several meters deep. After a few seconds, the monster suddenly sat up again from the pit on the mountain, but before it climbed up, the mountain beneath it suddenly vibrated, and the whole forest was suddenly lifted after a landslide. Then, a head larger than the monster's body suddenly rose from the ground.

"Sacred Beast Xuanwu?" Starfire looked at the beast that came out early from the ground in surprise, and then she said to herself, "Why did Xuanwu come to India? Hasn't that city yet determined its territory? No, no, even if the territory is determined, it should not be in the flesh here. How did Xuanwu run outside the border line? "

Starfire was still doubting over there, the monster being thrown on the mountain had already stood up from the mountain, but the giant creature in front of it had already drilled out of the ground while it stood up, until this time the monster did not see the creature in front of it A turquoise giant turtle with a dragon head. The giant turtle that got out of the ground suddenly stomped, and a circle of yellow oscillating waves rippled along the ground instantly. The nearby forest and sea seemed to be swept by the atomic bomb, and it suddenly went out in a piece, and Numerous huge cracks cracked instantly on the ground. Orange-red magma spewed along the cracks on the surface and instantly ignited the nearby forest, and the whole forest was fireworks everywhere.

In the face of a giant tortoise that is twice as big as "Hou", the monster doesn't have any fear. In fact, this guy must have intelligence at all. It can at best be regarded as instinct. Immediately after the roar, the monster started to gather light again, but unlike the previous one, the two sarcomas on the monster's shoulders also suddenly opened. Two khaki crystal-like objects popped up. As the light particles gathered more and more, the two crystals began to lighten gradually. Then, the monster's mouth suddenly closed and swallowed the light ball in its mouth. At the same time, the two crystal **** above its shoulders simultaneously shot forward two thick beams of light like its own waist. After the beam of light shot out, a golden flame ignited instantly on the ground along the way. It can be seen that its power is strong, and only the scattered rays can ignite the ground. However, when the Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo thought that the basalt in front of them would be killed, Xuanwu's body suddenly had an earthy yellow mask composed of countless hexagonal planes. After the light beam hit the photomask, it seemed as if the flood of floods hit the obstacles of Juchuan. Instantly, the surrounding area lased out and slid from the outside of the rice cover to the impact point of the juice rice pillar and the light grass. The thunderous loud noise accompanied the waves of terrifying air waves. The ground subsided quickly like a dissolved foam, and a large pit soon formed. Although they stood far away, Pluto and Starfire both had to hold up their shields to resist the horrible scattering lines. They knew in their hearts that if they were hit by their own heads, they would now have been blasted into ashes.

After a few seconds, the beam of light began to taper, eventually turning into a little bit of starlight disappearing into the air. On the ground between the monster and the basalt, a **** ditch clearly appeared, and the nearby forest had been blown by the blast, and there was no ash left Already. "It is indeed the sacred animal Xuanwu who claims to have the strongest defense. Such an attack can be blocked. It is really amazing!" Xinghuowang sighed that the Xuanwu suddenly appeared before the human body suddenly shrank. "Purple Sun?" Starfire picked me up after a teleportation. "You've just,?"

"Don't say this first. I just ran out of power, and now I'm weak, and you have to find a way to kill that monster. It's impossible to do nothing if it just put out such a big move. If you still can't fight it, take it with you I'll run! "

"Got it". When Starfire finished speaking, a teleportation suddenly disappeared, leaving my scream behind.

"Hello, please put me on the ground before running!" I slammed directly on the ground, because now my body can not move at all, I fell directly to the ground without any buffer, or it would fall again on the ground The thick ash that came, I might as well fall without being killed by the monster!

Seeing that I'm fine, Peacock Pluto attacked the monster again. As I speculated, the big move just now is obviously not a casual one. Even this kind of monster needs to abide by the law of balance. When the Peacock Pluto rushed from behind, the monster appeared to her, but its body did not seem to be able to keep up with its consciousness. Although it made a movement to turn around, the actual degree was surprisingly slow. It only turned halfway when the Peacock Pluto rushed behind it. The banging monster was brought to the ground directly by the Peacock Pluto, and then a dazzling white light suddenly fell from the sky and hit the monster's stomach, and it slammed into the ground dozens of meters deep before it completely disappeared. After the light beam disappeared, the peacock Pluto and Starfire returned to the edge of the pit. I saw the monster lying at the bottom of the pit lying there, with a large hole in the stomach that burned through. The internal organs and bones were burned. It was dark, and it looked like it would fall apart at the touch.

Peacock Pluto looked at Starfire Road: "Your **** of extinction is really strong!"

"No, I felt it at the moment of hitting. The power of that thing was exhausted. Even if I used only one skill, it would have the same result."

"Did you kill me?" My voice turned both Peacock Pluto and Spark back, but only saw me sitting on a magnificent large chair and walked over by a dozen ringing knights.

"You are, are you?" Peacock Pluto asked me in surprise.

"Sequelae. There is always a price for the transformation of the Holy Beast!"

The Peacock Pluto said thoughtfully: "It's worth the aftermath of being able to transform into basalt. At least you have a lot of strength when facing enemies other than the top protoss."

"Bad" Treasury! "I suddenly thought of the treasure house of Buddha's gate, but when I turned my head, I only saw a large pit. The previous mountain had been completely bombarded to the ground. "Roar, my treasure ,!"

"Don't be excited. The treasure is okay." Xinghuo suddenly said: "The mountain was just a cover just now. In fact, there was only one merit pool in that mountain. The one that holds the treasure. The treasure house is in the space of different degrees. The mountain If it collapses, just dig to the entrance. "

I just want to be happy. The Peacock Pluto suddenly poured me a basin of cold water. "Did you forget what I said? They activated the protection device and the babies were teleported away. There is only an empty room left in it!"

"What shall we do then?"

"This need not be anxious to calm down the road:" In fact, you don't know that although the treasure room has a teleporting device, but because the seven ancient Buddhas were worried about being intercepted by powerful masters during the teleportation, the teleportation destination they designed was merit Under the pool. Use the power of the merit pool to cover up the fluctuations in the start of the teleportation array. The merit pool itself cannot be removed, so in this case, others will not be able to intercept the transfer of the treasure, and most people will not think how far the thing has not been transferred at all, and will definitely give up directly.

"Haha, so what are you waiting for? Dig it!"

The hard work of digging the ground cannot naturally allow the great gods such as Peacock Pluto and Starfire to do it. Otherwise, it would be two hundred and fifty to use Ferrari as a tractor. Some of my summoned creatures are coolies, especially a few dragons and tanks. . Big guys are not slow to dig holes. First, the little dragon girl used antigravity to offset the weight of the soil near the digging point, then several dragons went up and slashed, and after a few minutes, the Gongdechi was dug out. However, this thing can neither be moved nor used, so we broke it ruthlessly and continued to dig down. Soon we were lucky to dig a metal plate first. After breaking the thing, we finally found a huge one. Treasury ~ ~ But things are not going as smoothly as we thought.

"I didn't expect you to betray us, too! Well, that's great!" A voice that was so angry that it was clearly on the verge of a sudden popped over our heads. At the same time, a horrible pressure completely covered us in an instant.

"Seven ancient buddhas ?. Looking at the seven guys who lined up in the air, I felt my legs and stomachs were soft, and I guess I wouldn't be able to stand up even if I was not in a weak state now. A person who can only force me to escape can only care about my escape. . Now that the seven ancient Buddhas have arrived together, what a fart?

". Huh, Ziri. Are you really capable? You haven't settled the matter of the contract city, and you have the idea of ​​our treasure again, how brave you are?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at at the end, do n’t you allow me to retaliate? Tell you. Now I know I ca n’t run away, but I wo n’t surrender, so you do n’t have to. Pretend to be a hypocrisy. As for using my name to force me to give up the establishment of a contract city, you don't even have to think about it, there are no doors. "

"Okay. You are very kind." A young buddha pointed at me and said, "Then you die!"

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