Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 76: Fight with God

Humph. Don't think I'm really afraid of you guys! Since you compare the strange to the superior, then I will accompany you to the end. "I said, suddenly raising my hand over his head and shouting:" God Realm.

Suddenly a large swarm of creatures appeared around me, all my magic pets appeared beside me, followed them, and I flew over and instantly crashed into my body and disappeared.

Rulai stood beside me indifferently and looked at me and said, "You are in harmony with the body, even if you strengthen it, can you beat us?

"I couldn't do it, but I have this. I said I took a stone from my body and poisoned it into the armor of my chest.

"A broken stone is a fart?" Rulai sneered.

I smiled slightly and didn't explain the mystery to him. According to my understanding, the setting for the upper protoss and ordinary protoss in the game "Zero" is like this. The ordinary protoss is a common creature that possesses the special power of divine power. The skills they use are spells. Outside of the divine power, they are not fundamentally different from us players and even the old ones. At most, they are more powerful. The superior gods are different. They are not using spells, but laws. In fact, the superior gods themselves are part of the law, they represent the power of the law, not the power of the law. Feng Lingzhu, which was given to me by Heaven, is a thing of Heaven. It is the limitation of divine power by magic power, so all the protoss that have been restricted by divine power can feel the existence of An, because it has been dispersing a kind of divine power to suppress the divine power. But now Daru Rulai has no reaction to the divine stone in my hand, because the divine stone does not suppress the divine power through mana. It carries a rule, which is that the divine power is invalid. This kind of rule is an inherent property of it, it ca n’t be captured, and it does n’t consume anything in itself. It ’s as if human beings are human-like. We do n’t need to spend much effort to maintain our looks, because that ’s our own. We have this inherent property. This divine stone has a similar situation. Its inherent attribute is that the divine power is invalidated. Even the divine power that comes in contact with it will be automatically canceled. Therefore, I with him can be protected from divine power, and it has an attack on the protoss. The defense effect, because it will make the protoss that I have come in contact with to use the divine power to strengthen the protection ability to all cancel out, on the surface, my attack has the ability to hurt God.

"Now let's fight against each other!" I said, suddenly disappearing in place, and the place immediately after my net just stood was blasted into a lava. None of these ancient Buddhas is a good thing, and they usually behave as if they are so noble. I did n’t expect to use a sneak attack on me as a mortal!

"Is that right? I was able to escape my attack." A thin old man came out of the ancient Buddha and said.

"Ran the lamp. You guy is so mean, even sneak attack." Peacock Pluto could not help but curse.

"No, no. We have declared war with Frost Rose Alliance. Besides, we are not the net. The net has arrived here. We have been playing the throne of the Seal of God for a long time. How can this be called a sneak attack?"

"Okay, shameless, let's see if you can't stop my frontal attack. I suddenly pointed the eternal redness in my hand to the ancient lamp." "A storm of flames saw eternity suddenly shake. Following the sudden emergence of a rotating red magic array between the swords, the dense red half-moon-shaped fire blades swarmed out like a swarm of bees. The burning lamp in front of the ancient Buddha realized that it was not good, and quickly set up a earthy divine shield, but to his surprise, the fire blade was like a torn paper, and he could easily hit his window with hundreds of holes. Then he rushed towards him. The guy realized that his divine power was being offset by something, and immediately jumped aside to escape the raging flame knife, but just after he moved, my hand also moved. With the movement of the sword tip, those flame storms He also started to move with him. As long as the burning lamp escaped, the flame storm would follow it. The dense fire blade flew the ground and smashed the ground, and some even hit the burning lamp, but he could do nothing. The broken earth stirred up by the fire storm also seemed to bring the ability to break the divine power, even ignoring his protective cover and smashing his head.

"Let's go together." Da Riru finally couldn't stand it. Originally, the seven ancient Buddhas were sent together to deal with such a mortal person. It is already a shame, but now there is another one, which was attacked by the squirrel that I beat. If they were passed out without using the court to fight, they would have no face to survive.

An ancient Buddha with muscles all over his body, like a huge muscle mass, suddenly stopped in front of Ran Deng, and cursed at the same time: "Ran Dang, you waste, what can you do to avoid mortal attacks?

Although he didn't finish his words, we all knew that the guy had intended to say and would not be hurt, but he just tasted the power of the flame knife before he could talk out. I am in the second place: The attack power of Friends is very scary. It can be said that in Shenlong II, II itself is already very much like a god, not to mention that I still have divine stones to suppress divine power. Imagine that I can increase my combat power to the level of a medium protoss without any divine power. How can those high-level protoss without a divine power hard-wire my attack? The self-righteous guy was instantly caught on fire by my flame storm, and the rolled wound was instantly scorched by the flame. When my attack was removed from him, the guy immediately fell to his knees, his body was full of green smoke, And also with bursts of barbecue.

"Are you all right?" Ran Lan asked the injured guy nervously.

"I, I," I don't know the reason for being embarrassed or not being hurt too much. This guy finally said only two and I fainted.

One of the seven ancient Buddhas was just destroyed by the hands of the mother of the earth. The remaining six originally thought that killing me and the Peacock Pluto were stable. Who knew that only one face down would lie down, and this contrast is inevitable. A little big.

"He can break our divine power, don't take his attack hard." Ran Deng quickly reminded his companion after seeing his companion fall. Several other ancient Buddhas did not dare to harden even though they were surprised. Pluto rushed towards me with the big sun like the sun after the spark, the lantern, and another ancient Buddha.

Their tactics are no problem. First drag the two stronger ones, and then concentrate on the superior forces to feel this first. The "weakest" and then go back and solve the other two. The abacus worked well, but unfortunately the information did not keep up. In fact, with the help of Divine Stone, I was not the weakest of the three in the state of Divine Realm. On the contrary, although my Divine Realm could not be maintained forever, I was actually the strongest of the three before the magic was exhausted. "That" is called the short-time Seal of the Seal of the Throne. If they really understand my situation, they should not deal with me first, but they should slowly consume it until the time of my God's Domain Skills is finished. It's their chance to shoot, and before that I can't be defeated at all. Unfortunately, they don't know this.

Watching Dayi Rulai and the other two ancient Buddhas gathered around me, I suddenly crouched down and made a take-off posture. Rulais now my behavior instantly teleported to the top of my head and intended to intercept me. Who knows my Suddenly behind the wings were two barrel-shaped objects about the size of my body, followed by a sharp blue flame under the two objects, and my whole body suddenly rose like a missile, although it arrived one step ahead After I was going to intercept me, I didn't expect that I had exceeded his expectations so much that instead of catching me, he was caught by the powerful waves that I flew over and rolled over a dozen in the air. Follow up.

It wasn't until he stabilized himself that I had made a big bend in the air and rushed back.

"Huh, how dare you come back? Really when we are furnishings?" Ru Laimeng stretched his one hand forward, and the palm of the palm became visible to the naked eye and grabbed me sharply.

I didn't panic when I saw the palm grabbed at me. "The sun field plus phoneme assault." My body that was about to be pinched suddenly turned on. The powerful light instantly completely covered the sun that just came out, and the surrounding environment instantly entered a dazzling white light. Even the land within a few nearby attack areas burned. The field of the sun itself can create an area similar to the sun around me ~ ~ It is now used in the state where I use the **** realm, and the effect is directly increased. Now I am a sun. Although the volume is smaller, the temperature is not much worse. And after I became the sun, my figure suddenly increased suddenly, and my instantaneous degree increased by a dozen times and I bumped into the huge palm of Rulai.

Boom "Ah," accompanied by a scream, a large flame burst from the back of Rulai's big hand, a little sun pierced out of it and flew past him in a flash, powerful thermal energy will wear Rulai's clothes All ignited, and the nearer burning lamp was not caught. It was also ignited. "My hand" Rulai screamed while covering her injured hand, but I had flew a long way and crashed into the ground with a bang and pulled out a few long attacking ditches and stopped completely. .

After a long time, a hand suddenly appeared on the edge of the burning pit, and then this hand pulled the dirt hard and pulled the back part up. With a violent effort, I finally climbed out of the big ditch. I lifted the helmet and changed my breath to ease it. "Huh, I didn't expect that the use of sound assault in the state of the gods would add to this level. Is it so fast that I can't grasp the direction! The shape of humans really does not conform to aerodynamics!"

"Zi Ri. I want you to die!" A roar suddenly came from behind me. , If you want to know how the future, please log in 6 ... sun, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!

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