Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 77: Adjusting tigers off the mountain?

"I want to be beautiful." I heard the roar and didn't think about it. I just ran away in a teleport and the place where I stood turned into a big pit. "It's really despicable, haven't your Buddhists become a habit of sneak attacks?"

"Give me to death." Rulai is already in a state of madness because of a palm injury. He didn't make a theory with me at all. This guy rushed directly to the palm of the hand to shoot it. The previous move seemed to have enlarged his hands, but it actually dispersed his strength , The defense at each point has dropped, so I can easily pass through. But this Buddha Seal is different. It is a skill that can concentrate all the Buddhist power of the Buddhist members in the palm of the hand. Due to the high concentration of Buddhist power in the whole body, the attack in this state is very powerful. Even ordinary Buddhist members can use the palm of the Buddha's seal to play the power of senior Buddhist members, not to mention the power of the old ancestors of Da Riru, let alone the power. But ... why am I dumbfounded? I threw out the eternity in my hand. Then he took out the shield and made a look of picking up his palm. However, the moment when Rulai rushed in front of me to prepare for a shot, the eternal change became a huge sword suddenly killed from the rear. With a snoring sound, the back came in and the front came out. Rulai was stabbed directly, and a sip of golden blood was sprayed on my shield.

"You ..." "What are you doing? Are you allowed to sneak away without using me?" I rushed back as I was angry and pulled away from Rulai. I don't think how that sword can make Rulai. Although the opportunity to use his power to gather the strongest attacks was a bit of a bargain, I know what it means to take it when you see it. Generally speaking, there is still a big gap between Rulai and me. The reason why he was played so miserably by him is that he does not understand the way I fight. He can fight against me with the best strength. Take ten steps.

"Rulai, are you okay? I help you pull out the sword." Another ancient Buddha jumped to Rulai and helped him, pulling the sword with one hand, but suddenly flashed on the eternity when he hit the hilt of the sword A blue spark opened the guy's hand.

The guy was nothing, he just felt his hand was a bit charged, but Rulai was unlucky. You know that eternity can still be inserted into his body, so this discharge immediately gave him a limit stimulus, and the painful Rulai shouted.

Seeing that he was doing bad things with good intentions, the guy immediately scrambled to apologize. Rulai waved his hand indifferently, then ran the mana near the wound and on his palm, followed by a slap on his chest. Eternity flew out from behind him at once, but did not land, but flew into my hands in a large circle. "You guy who is specifically looking for trouble, I'll let you know the difference between a protoss and a mortal now." The guy couldn't help but had to take my breath out, but he stopped suddenly as soon as he put on a stance.

"Let me come, you're not his opponent." Rulai stopped his behavior with the guy's shoulder.

"You don't have to worry about Rulai. I'm not a mortal yet." The guy thought Rulai was polite to him, and even patted his chest to say that he didn't worry about me, but he didn't think Rulai was not kidding him.

"I mean it." Rulai pointed to the big hole in his chest. "His attack has damaged the body of my protoss. There should be something on his body to offset the divine power."

"I have a good vision," I rushed, saying, "However, even if you know? Wolf wolf love can offset the divine power. Not only can you break your defense, but you are not afraid of your divine power to attack."

"It seems I still underestimate you!" Rulai suddenly stole the attacking stance: "But do you really think that our 7 joint forces are here to trouble you? We actually have another purpose, and now, I see It should be over. "

After hearing Rulai's words, I immediately hesitated, and quickly started the communicator to contact the guild, but as a result, no one could be contacted. And not only the crystal communicator used by the guild, even the ring of love between me and Rose could not be contacted. How is this going? Even if the contract city is captured, at most, the guild contact is interrupted. It makes no sense that even Rose can't be contacted? No, I'll go back and see.

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