Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 99: You foul

There is only the last minute left for the Seal of Throne of God. Rulai ’s guys are all open with red eyes. “Gan is dead, the sky ’s brilliance and his own body have begun to swell and grow, and it soon becomes a few. It's ten meters high, and it's still the height he sits on the lotus platform. If he waits to stand up, he doesn't know how tall it will be.

While Rulai continued to grow, the burning lamp beside him and another ancient Buddha were also performing the same actions. After a large number of avatars gathered on them, the two guys also began to expand and grow. Soon three An ancient Buddha similar in shape to ours has become three towering golden colossus. No need to attack, the huge coercion alone almost made us all lie on the ground.

"If you come, do you really intend to bully and jealous of a guild like us?" Although I know the possibility is not great, I still try to persuade Rulai to give up, otherwise, as long as he attacks, we will all be finished. Covenant City could not withstand the blow.

"" When, begging for mercy is useless now, I will let you know the true strength of the Protoss now. "For example, I suddenly shot a big hand like that on the football field and shot it at me. Looking at the volume of the thing, I didn't even have the thought of hiding, because even if I could hide, the Tongtian Tower would definitely be shot down. At that time, we will still lose. However, just when the hand was about to shoot over our heads, and everyone nearby was sitting on the ground in fright, a loud roar suddenly scared the palm of your hand.

"Dare to come here and dare to openly violate the rules I have set and not give you some punishment as a rule?"

This roar shook like a thunder, not only us, but even Rulai was trembled by the sound, but at this time, I couldn't see where the sound came from. It felt like sound sources were everywhere.

". Lan, do you think you can frighten me with a louder voice? Ziri, you are really naive!" Rulai thought that the roar was made by me to scare him, although he was really startled at first, but Now it's obviously slowing down, and that hand patted us again, but the sound rang again before he could take a photo.

"It seems that you have decided to be stubborn to the end, let alone you, such a fool who is unconvinced, is not useful." The voice said that there was a sudden pause, and then a turquoise light ball rose from the ground, The ball of light flew straight towards me after rising from the ground. I was scared and hid back, but the speed of the thing suddenly accelerated, and it hit my chest instantly, but the expected situation did not appear. After the light ball hit me, it just made my whole body disappear, and the voice continued to speak, but the object became me. "Zi Ri, now I will lend my creative power to you, and teach me this Rulai. I will give you a quarter of an hour to seal the throne, and then the divine power will automatically disappear, and I will go first."

"Hey. Who are you? I asked quickly when I heard the other party was leaving, but the other party didn't answer me, but I already guessed who it was. Since the other party doesn't take Rulai seriously, and I was asked to teach Rulai by name, which means that the other party, for example, came out to make a big cut, and even a small amount of power can let me easily get it. Considering this strength and strength. Those who can enter the ranks of the candidates Only the higher **** is left, and since the other party said that it was the power of creativity, the other party ’s identity would no longer have to be guessed. "Pangu Great God, thank you no matter what the other party hears or not. I shouted first, but all the people in the neighborhood were stunned;

Rua proudly laughed. "Ha ha ha ha, Ziri you are more pretending to be a ghost than we are, even the Pangu gods have come out, you really can make up!"

"" When it was really fake, I knew that suddenly my wings rose into the air and Rulai stood face to face, followed by one hand to the side, and eternally flew into my hands and began to gradually grow. It turned into a strange giant sword over a hundred meters long, because only the blade became, but the width did not change, so now eternity looks like a long whip. After completing the process of lengthening, my wrist suddenly trembled, and eternity was automatically disengaged into a whip sword form, but it softened, but as my arm waved, the blade seemed to come alive and rolled like Rulai?

Seeing that my "thin. Whip-like sword" to him did not have any sense of fear, he reached out and grabbed the blade, but then he screamed. Rulai's fingers were suddenly brushed. Cut it, the golden blood water spurted out like a fountain.

"How is that possible?" Rulai cried in surprise.

"Nothing is impossible." I said indifferently: "The one I just found wasn't the trust I found. That is Pangu God himself. Now I control the power of creation, which means I can turn nothingness into something tangible You can also change the form into nothingness; now the rule attached to my sword is nothingness, and anything that touches it will become nothingness, so nbsp; nbsp; ready to die, I suddenly waved the eternal Danci from above However, this time I did n’t dare to pick it up, but instead turned out a lotus flower and threw it at me. When I saw that lotus flower approaching, I directly waved it with an eternal whip. There was no explosion of fire There is no harsh sound, as if a sharp knife cut over tofu, that golden lotus instantly fell into two?

Seeing that his weapon was shot down, Rulai screamed in anger: "My ninth grade Golden Lotus! You **** ~ ~ I want your life!"

"Not awake yet? Then I will hit you awake." I suddenly threw eternity for a whip, and then rushed up.

Although Rulai saw me rushing over but didn't know what to do. Although he always claimed that Pangu was fake, after all, he witnessed the eternal sharpness with his own eyes, so he didn't dare to touch the eternity that rolled over again. However, Rulai is also an old man. Although he did not participate in the war very much when he became the boss, after all, the strength is there, and the basic experience is still there. Knowing that he could not touch eternity, he set his goal directly on me and carried a golden light and rolled it towards me.

"It seems you still don't understand!" I stretched forward with one hand, and an air shield suddenly appeared in front of my palm. The golden light hit the shield as if it had penetrated into a black hole. It disappeared in an instant. .

When the golden light disappeared, my hand also dropped, and the shield disappeared automatically. "Do you understand now? The power of creation generates all things, and the power of the attack you manipulated is also in the list of all things. Unless you can attack me with the existence of this world, everything is in vain." I said here by the way I looked at the throne of time and said: "Last five seconds, ready to die, (

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