Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 100: Rushing

B does n’t know if I was scared by my creative power or I heard that time left me ugly and gave up. On the contrary, in the last five seconds, I did n’t do anything, even the next burning lamp and another ancient Buddha. It was the same as being completely stupid without any action.

Five seconds elapsed. When the twelve o'clock arrived, a thunder blast suddenly sounded above our heads, as if it were an explosion. A shock wave rippled in all directions in an instant. Suddenly in the center of the shock wave, the Nantianmen suddenly appeared in mid-air. At the same time, along with a roar of friction, two Nantianmen were slowly opening. I glanced back at Nantianmen, which was slowly opening, and whispered in my mouth, "Is it fast?"

With the slow opening of Nantianmen, a mighty and slaying music suddenly sounded. At the same time, three golden strange birds suddenly flew out of Nantianmen which had not been fully opened. It looks like a crow at first glance, but it's not the same. The first is that the hair of the crow is black, but the hair of the three strange birds is golden, as if it was covered with fire. In addition to the color, the eyes of the three strange birds are also strange. In addition to the normal two eyes, there is a fiery red eye on their foreheads. It looked as if a ruby ​​had been set on the forehead.

Since the three strange birds first flew out of Nantianmen, everyone's attention was focused on them, but this situation was followed, so people couldn't help yelling. Because the three strange birds flew well and suddenly burned, not ordinary burning, but instantly became three. The big sun, and the kind of sun that is noon in summer. It was 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. It was already dark and it couldn't be darker. Everyone's pupils adapted to this darkness long ago, but just now everyone focused their eyes on those three birds, but they suddenly turned into After three suns, the average person's eyes have suffered such a sudden change in light and darkness, and it feels as if they were flashed by a flash of bullets, and all of them yell at each other while covering their eyes.

"Heaven is really a big deal! Even Jinwu sent it out." The gold coins and true red did not know when they flew to me. Like me, they were not affected by the strong light, not because we were not afraid of the strong light. It's because we didn't look at the Jinwu directly. It is normal for players not to know Jinwu. Of course, we have all seen that thing, so we turned our heads as soon as we saw them flying out, because we all know that the sky court used them as flares, so Avoiding looking at Jinwu early in the morning, naturally, they will not be caught in their eyes.

After Jinwu unfolded his own light, most of India instantly entered the daytime state. Although Jinwufei's relatively low light could not spread too far, they are equivalent to the three suns hanging there, and the light intensity is definitely not ordinary. The lights are comparable. According to the truth, half of India is still because they do not fully mobilize themselves. Otherwise, it is estimated that half of the earth on the night side will instantly enter the daytime state, and the intensity of the light of the Jinwu will not burn people. It is definitely not a problem to light ordinary flammable materials. If three of them appear together, if they are launched at full power, it is estimated that half of the forest in India will instantly become a sea of ​​fire.

After Jinwu completely illuminated the surrounding environment, the music in the sky suddenly changed. A dull and shocking drum sound replaced the previous group music. With this drum sound, Nantianmen did not start a square matrix and a square matrix. Out of heaven. In addition, there are a lot of **** beasts flying above the head of the heavenly soldiers and the high-level protoss, and it looks like that the celestial court is pulling out the housekeeping troops.

After seeing the appearance of Tianbing, it finally responded. He suddenly rose into the air, and his hand was like Nantianmen covered. However, before his hand was covered, a golden streamer suddenly shot out from Nantianmen and penetrated directly. Knowing Rulai's heart position, if he came to try to stop it, but unfortunately his protection spell did not work at all and was shot through by Jin Guang, but the Jin Guang stopped after he came out from behind Rulai. It came down, and it wasn't until then that everyone found out that it was actually a golden feather arrow.

"Wow, shoot at the sun!" The gold coin screamed with a flashing "" sign. "The Sun Adamantite Arrow, Sunfire Martian Wood Arrow Bar, Xuanshan Golden Rattan Thermal Insulation Layer, Suzaku Fire Feather Arrowhead, even if it is disassembled to sell a small number of crystal coins, the price is at least doubled. A hundred times. It is indeed a super artifact that can knock down the sun! "

"What excitement do you have? It's not your thing?" True red pours the enthusiasm of the gold coins into a puddle of cold water.

If you hit a sun arrow, the whole body seemed to be drained of strength, and even your body shape couldn't control it and fell from the air. When it landed, the mountain was shaking like a big earthquake, but I did n’t feel so distressed by the city he was smashed under. Anyway, this direction had been bombarded once by the city destruction of Isinger ’s mobile fortress, anyway. It's all ruins. Who cares how much the debris is crushed?

After seeing Rugao Lantern and another ancient Buddha flew to him at once, Ran Lan wanted to run as soon as he caught it, and another ancient Buddha blocked them in front of him and tried to cover them. Who knows that Lantern has not come yet? And when Rugao got up, he saw a white man with white beard suddenly flying out of Nantianmen. The man was followed by a large group of gods, and it didn't look like ordinary goods.

The god-man first saw me standing next to him and turned to me for a moment and carved a ceremony. The other party suddenly pulled out from the back after the ceremony. The heart fluttered into the air, and at the same time said, "Buddhist 108 Great Fairy Array." The surrounding gods Qi Qi promised, and then scattered apart to form a circle, all three of them were wrapped in the array, while the heavenly That sword also automatically split into 108 swords and fell into the hands of the 108 gods.

It may be that I have seen the power of this thing before. When I saw the large array began to take shape, the burning lamp was desperately pulling Rulai to run. Unfortunately, as soon as he flew out of the large array, he was always standing in the air. Yin smashed it back, and as soon as he fell, Dazhenxian array suddenly completed, and a dense purple and black mist instantly wrapped a large area around it, and the space inside the dense mist was a flash of lightning and thunder. After a few seconds, the dense fog was collected again, but although the fog was gone, the three of them were all wounded and fell in the middle of the large array. It looked like they had been fighting for a long time. The same thing, but the actual situation is that they were wrapped in a few seconds before and after. Looking at the dying Rulai, their three true reds could not help but sigh: "Before thinking that the heaven and the Buddhist gate were similar, now it seems that the heaven is much stronger than the Buddhist gate!"

I shook my head and then added: "It ’s not a lot stronger, but it's not a level at all. The reason why the strength of the heavenly courts doesn't seem to be strong is because the heavenly courts are actually divided into the dark court and the bright court. We usually The jade emperors who saw the emperors are all Ming courts, and the true strength of the heaven courts are all concentrated in the dark courts. "

"Did Xuan Xuan say that the Primal God respects them?"

I nodded. "The three leaders, Hong Jun, Primitive Celestial Master, and Lao Tzu, are the leaders of the Dark Chamber, and masters like the Four Holy Beasts are ordinary members of the Dark Court. Look at these gods of the cloth fairy circle, one of which you can usually see Are they? They are not in the official establishment of the Heavenly Court at all, so you usually feel that the Heavenly Court seems to be very ordinary. Moreover, there are no enemies in the Heavenly Court, so it is difficult for us to see their shots, and naturally we don't think they are strong. Only this kind of protoss ’battle against the protoss will show their true strength, otherwise you do n’t expect to see people from the dark court at all.”

"No wonder!"

When we discussed the actual strength of Tianting, the big troops of Tianting finally launched Nantian


The heavenly troops who could not see the tail swarmed like a flood and rushed towards the gate of the Buddha Gate. In the case of Rulai, the lamp burning them, and the ancient Buddha was laid down, the gate of the Buddha gate had entered the state of no heads In addition, they are already exhausted, and the sky soldiers, which are a lot higher in both quantity and quality, are completely suppressed in an instant like the autumn wind sweeping leaves.

Looking at the Buddhist gate troops hurriedly retreating and the Nantianmen where the heavenly soldiers are still flowing, I took the news of the army god. "Help me launch the guild broadcast."

"It's connected."

"Attention all Frost Rose Alliance personnel. I am your chairman, Ziri. Now I declare" the contract city defense victory. The guild emergency combat status is lifted. All personnel decide whether or not to go offline according to their own wishes. The reconstruction of the contract city will be delayed until 33 hours later, during which time everyone can rest as much as possible. Let ’s inform all the guild fighters. Your performance in this defensive battle is very good. Now you can find a place to rest, and wait for 33 hours afterwards. Finally, the Guild Dolls' attention. I order you to withdraw the combat turntable, enter the city maintenance state, and start cleaning the battlefield to clear the ruins. The announcement is over. "

Five days of high-intensity battles have exhausted everyone. Anyway, there is a court in heaven to help us. Now we do n’t have to worry about someone attacking us again, so I have pressed things like city reconstruction until nine o'clock tomorrow morning. To deal with it, the most important thing now is for everyone to recover as soon as possible. However, compared with the general guild, we are still better, because in the guild of our guild, the sky soldiers account for 60%, and the undead creatures account for more than 30%. This guarantees the normal operation of the guild, but it is impossible for them to do too much without anyone directing them, so I let them rest for the time being. The last is the puppet army. Anyway, these guys don't know that they are tired, so let them clean up the battlefield first. Anyway, no one needs to direct the rubble to deal with the ruins, and everyone can start work directly to rebuild the city tomorrow.

After explaining the contract city clearly, I ran back to Isinger without stopping. As soon as I was out of the teleportation array, I flew up and rushed out of the city quickly. Essinger's Mobile Fortress was still soaking in the sea water, and black and mottled traces could be seen everywhere on the outer shell of the city, but the fire had stopped, except for a few areas where smoke was still basically stable.

"How's it going?" I found Ismael Mobile Fortress repairing on a small square at the top of Isinger Mobile Fortress, and I landed directly next to her.

Warma saw me stinging for a while, then reacted. "The battle is over

? "

I nodded. "Well. It's over. Now the heaven court has taken over. There is nothing for us for now. What's the situation here now?"

Woma nodded and understood, and then introduced to me: "Because many places at the bottom of the mobile fortress were penetrated, a large explosion occurred in the energy circuit of the artillery destroying the artillery, and a serial explosion with the later auxiliary energy Kuizhu attack. A series of damage caused serious damage to the city. If you did n’t respond quickly, the city was forced to land early and the sea played a rapid cooling and fire extinguishing function. Now it is estimated that the entire city has burned only an empty shelf.

However, although most of the city has been kept, important systems have been severely damaged. "

"Do you know the specific damage?"

Woma shook his head. "There are many waters inside the city. Now the whole core is soaked in water. It is very inconvenient for us to go down. At present, we only know that the energy circuit of the city destruction gun has been completely completed. There are No. 1, No. 3 and No. 4 Auxiliary power extractor exploded, and now there is only a pile of scrap iron left. The antigravity device has been burned from the 73rd to the 337th. The remaining part of the antigravity device after the 800th. The flood was deep. No one has seen it for the time being, so the situation is unknown, but judging by the location of the explosion, it should be fine. ”Woma said, took out a crystal ball, and projected a picture in front of us That picture was taken at the moment before Isinger's Mobile Fortress was about to fall. Woma pointed at Isinger's Mobile Fortress on the screen and said: "This is a screenshot of the eye of **** before the mobile fortress crashed. Look here." Woma pointed at a thick smoke and was spraying out. The location of the fire said: "The 73rd to 337th anti-gravity devices are concentrated near this explosion point. In the outer area, we have not seen other explosion points, and the areas we have inspected also It is shown that the equipment where there is no explosion point is basically intact, and because the isolation door was successfully activated in the end, many rooms have not even entered the water until now, as long as the city is repaired and returned to the ground. These are isolated and safe The area should be ready to use. Of course, it is not ruled out that some equipment may be damaged due to vibration when it is dropped, but anyway, we all have to check it in the end, so don't worry about this. "

I nodded and said, "The other thing I do n’t worry about is money. The key is whether the city destruction gun can be repaired. Although the court promised to reimburse our losses, the city destruction gun is a super weapon rewarded by the system. We You can't make it yourself! "

"I thought about this too, so the first step when I came here was to take someone to check the damage of the city destruction run."

"How is the result?"

The truth is not optimistic. When the explosion occurred, the city destruction gun was just above the explosion point, that is, it directly withstood a short-range detonation. From this point, it should be the most severely damaged part. A moment before the explosion, the city destruction gun seemed to be retracted. I guess it may be that the ancient Buddha resisted the first shot and the radiation could cause the launcher to overheat, so the forced cooling system retracted the launcher in advance. "

"You mean the launcher was actually protected inside by the city shell when the explosion happened?"

"It should be like this. It's just that the gates may not close fast enough, so there are still a lot of impacts that damage some peripheral facilities, but depending on the situation, the damage is not serious. I think the possibility of repair is still very high." I heard that the city I'm finally relieved that the artillery was destroyed. We couldn't make that thing ourselves. In case it was broken, I wouldn't buy it even if Yun Tingken would reimburse us! But I just took a breath and Woma took a breather and said: "But the transmitter can be repaired. The power may not be restored to the previous standard, because the subsequent energy circuit has proven to be completely blown up. Now, even complete parts are not found. With the current magic extraction technology of our guild, I am afraid that the power required by the transmitter cannot be achieved, so the launch power of the transmitter may be affected a little in the future. "

"Fuck, isn't that tantamount to being disabled?"

"This is also no way out. After all, the city destruction gun is equivalent to directly killing an ancient Buddha, and it is very common to suffer some damage."

"唉 ~ ~ How can I say it's still a big loss, my poor super weapon! By the way, what are you doing now?"

Woma retracted the crystal fairway: "At present we are repairing the urban enclosure. After all, many parts of the city are submerged under water. It is really inconvenient to repair. After the casing is repaired and the water is drained, we can directly enter the urban interior. I I plan to repair the floating device at that time, and then move the city to the shore before starting to repair other parts. Otherwise, we will soak in the water, except for the technicians in Atlans, we will not be able to work at all what!"

"Okay, I see. Then you fix it first, and I'll bring someone to help you when the guild rests. Now everyone is too tired, and I'm sorry to let you come over for repairs for the time being Work. You take care of it here, I have to hurry to see the situation there. "

"Okay, you left in the past. Anyway, now it's just making up the city walls. There are too many people to help."

After leaving Essinger, I went back to the contract city, but my purpose is not to come back to see the situation in the contract city as Woma said. In fact, I plan to go to the Daleiyin Temple to see if it is cheaper. Take up. The big bone of Buddha's door made it difficult for us to sacrifice it. Now how can I be absent when it comes to eating meat?

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