Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 119: Leave safely

I always thought that a monster was rushing towards us, but when I raised the impact of eternal preparation, a huge crack suddenly extended along the cave's top and passed through my place at lightning speed. The position extended backwards, but this was just a precursor. When we hadn't responded, more than a dozen cracks suddenly rushed over and instantly filled our surrounding area, followed by a wave of mountains shaking, a lot of The mud mixed a large amount of water into the underground cave, and we were buried alive without any response at all.

"Fuck, blackspot, you bull!" A warrior looked at the river beside him that turned into a canyon and said, "We haven't seen each other for a few days? How can your spells become so powerful?"

The pulled mage also looked at the river with a stunned look. "No ... no matter what I do! The one that was just a seventh-order magic water dragon roar, which is used to push monsters, should not be so powerful!"

"What? Water Dragon Roar? Who do you lie to?" An undead mage next to him retorted in disbelief: "You bully me not a water mage? If you just water dragon roar, I can summon Purple Sun with the Summon Skull! "

"Go, I'm obviously the Dragon Roar!"

"Okay, now that your water dragon roar can blow up the creek into a canyon, my skeleton call should be able to summon Ziri, I don't believe you watching." The guy said that he really started to use the summon skeleton. Coming skills. Of course he didn't really want to summon me, he was just fighting with friends, but ...

After the spell of summoning the skeleton soldiers started to swell up a small piece immediately, according to the general procedure, a skeleton should crawl out from below, but today the situation is different. I saw the swell of dirt suddenly flew up, and then flew over the heads of several people and flew into the woods next to each other. When several people looked back, they saw a hand wrapped in armor falling from the ground. Come out.

"Well, why aren't the skeletons you called wrong?

The undead mage heard the question from his companion as a question mark in his head, but he knew that he had activated the skill of summoning the skeleton soldier, but the hand in front of him was obviously not the skeleton soldier! Said to be an undead knight. They were mumbling about it, and saw that the hand was slowly making a fist after reaching out of the ground, and then extended to turn it, as if it were moving the bones, and finally the palm of the hand touched the nearby ground. Before they can figure out what this hand is doing, they saw the ground near that hand suddenly burst open again, a lot of mud rain continued to fall, and the mouths of the three became o sex, but it was more frightening Is still behind. They saw a man crawling out of the large pit, a whole body wrapped in heavy armor, a chic large helmet on his head, and a man in a black cloak with blood on the back. At first glance, the armor on this person is the top suit, because the exaggerated shape and the amazing gems on it show the value of this armor, but the person is now muddy and looks a little bit embarrassed. However, the three immediately recognized the identity of the man, because the gorgeous set of exaggerated armor did not have a second piece at all.

"Zi Ri?"

"Ah? What?" As soon as I crawled out of the hole, I heard someone calling me, and I got a habitual response.

"Fuck, it's Ziri!" The soldier looked at the undead mage with a stunned look and asked in surprise: "Hey, what level of skill does summoning Ziri have? Why haven't I heard that there are skills to summon in the game? Did the cows come to help? "

"Ah? I didn't summon it! I just summoned a skeleton, I really don't know how he came out!" The undead mage finally realized the feelings of his companions. Martial King Qiankun created the sacred king and killed the gods at night. The throne of the Indian Seal of Insignia seeks the pride of the world Nine Heavens strongest to abandon Shao Zhou the royal family will kill the **** of the night. Abandoning the Shao Dazhou royal family to make the gods will kill the night of the gods. The throne of the gods will be the best to abandon the Shao Dazhou royal family. The water mage just blasted the creek into a canyon. The level of surprise was absolutely no better than his current How small it feels.

"Ah? I didn't call it! I just found a skeleton, I really don't know how he came out!" The undead mage now finally realized the feelings of his companions. Martial King Qiankun made the holy king and killed the night god. God of the Seal of Throne Seeking Demon Pride of the Ninth Heaven The Strongest Abandoned Shao Zhou Emperor Will Kill The God of the Thousand Seals of the King Seeking Demons Pride of the Nine Kings of the King Will Kill The God of the Week Greatest Abandonment of the Dao Zhou Emperor Martial Universe Will Kill the God of the Dark Seals of the Night God Demon Pride of the Nine Heavens Forced abandoning the Shao Dazhou royal family to make the gods will kill the night of the gods. The throne of the gods will be the strongest to abandon the Shao Da Zhou royals. Just now the water mage blasted the stream into a canyon. The level of surprise is absolutely no better than he is now. Much smaller.

Listening to the words of the three people in front of me was also inexplicable, but now I can't care about what they are talking about. With a thought, Ariana appeared instantly beside me.

"Help me flush the soil"

"Small problem." Arjuna snapped her fingers, and a high water pressure suddenly fell from the sky, and the soil on my body was completely washed away.

"Hum ... this is much better!" Suddenly there was a wall of fire on my body to evaporate all the remaining water, and then I took back Alina to summon the night shadow and jumped up. Before the three people could react, I had flew up into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

The precious ore of the Lady of the Stone is basically back here, but the aftercare work is not complete. I ran back to Isinger and threw all the ore to the academy. Then I went straight to Daleiyin Temple and said that the soldiers had found it, and entered the space inside Daleiyin Temple to pretend to put things back into the distance. In fact, it just went in a circle ~ ~ Anyway, it is to settle the hearts of those heavenly soldiers. The battle between Buddha Gate and Heavenly Court has basically ended. In addition to seeing a few Buddha Gates still resisting, most of the personnel belonging to Heavenly Court have begun to clean the battlefield. Now that nothing is going on here, I will leave Da Leiyin Temple first and return to the contract city to find the guild brains who just came online and arrange the reconstruction of the theater afterwards. Anyway, this kind of thing doesn't need heart, there is so Many people help me manage the guild. All I really need to do is to clap.

In order to undermine our covenant city construction plan, Buddha Gate has moved Indian players to attack our city. At that time, in order to prevent Indian players from engaging in this matter, I promised to help them expand the land area, and this commitment can only be made by myself. Did it. Although Bangladesh is not a big country, but they are a country after all. It is not a big deal for me to help Indians attack Bangladesh in my personal capacity. It is as if the gun **** and the black widow can run to the covenant city to help me fight Buddhist doors. This single-person hiring task is actually quite common. However, if it is the Frost Rose Alliance, India's expansion of Bangladesh is involved. That is a guild behavior, and its essential meaning has changed. It was as if the troops of our country were called volunteers when they resisted the United States and aided the DPRK. Although they were still Chinese troops, changing the title became a personal act of soldiers, and it could not be considered that our country was fighting the United States. The situation is the same now, I can participate in the battle, Frost Rose Alliance must not participate in the battle, Frost Rose Alliance must not participate in the battle. We can sell weapons, intelligence, and troops. Even sending high-level players directly to participate in the war as mercenaries, but it must not be involved in the Frost Rose Alliance.

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