Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 120: Surprise

After arranging the work in the guild, I came to the Indian guild and agreed. This so-called liaison office is actually a conference hall, said to be the place set up between Indian guilds to handle disputes between the parties. But speaking of it, we can see that such a place exists. I was really surprised. You should know that "Zero" is a battle-based game. Although there are various entertainment methods to cater to the preferences of different groups of people, it is still a fighting game in general, especially for the interests of guilds. That said, various conflicts must be inevitable. However, although there are conflicts in Zero, there are no courts and peacekeeping forces, so most of the interest groups speak with strength, unless there are enough think tanks in a large-scale guild. Occasionally, things like negotiation are considered. However, in India, it is unexpected that there are very few explosive battles between their player guilds. Disputes are generally resolved in this coordinated way, which is simply unthinkable in other countries. But if you think about the Buddhism of the Indians and the historical non-violent non-cooperative movements, you can understand this behavior of the Indians.

"Is anyone there?" I thought that the arbitration office between the guilds must have at least basic force protection. Who knows that when I find that place, there will be no guards at all. It is within the wide open door. It is a huge conference room. If this structure is not placed in a circle around the table and many stationery, it can be used as a small colosseum. My shout did not receive any response except for a while in the fight, but I had no choice but to shout a few more times. But the result is still the same. "Hell, aren't the band of Ass playing with me? What kind of ghost contact is this? Why don't you have any hair?" Helplessly, after two turns in the hall, I didn't see any gasping, so I had to call A large number of unicorn warriors made them separate and go looking for someone. As a result, all of the unicorn warriors reported that there was no one inside the building. "I rely on, is it really they playing me?" After thinking about it, I still felt wrong. The completion of my agreement with the Indians was a deal. It's almost like a normal business agreement. It doesn't make sense for the other party to leave the goods but leave you a fake bank account so that your money can't be sent out? Indians are just not too interested in war, there is absolutely no problem with IQ, it is impossible to do such a stupid thing! After thinking about it, I took back the Qilin Samurai and exited the building, then came to a building opposite. The building opposite the arbitration conference hall is an auction house. Two guards are standing at the door. It looks even more majestic than the arbitration hall on the opposite side, which makes me even more awkward. Imagine that when you go to the city government building and there is no one in it, but there are two guards standing outside a newspapers and newspapers hall in front of the city government, what is it like? However, although I felt awkward, I got together and asked. "Inquire about you."

"You ask. You ask." My deterrence effect is outstanding for non-hostile states. The two guards who did not make fun of laughs saw me like a mouse and a cat, and both legs were shaking when talking.

"I want to know why there is no one in the building opposite?"

"That building has been empty forever!" One of the guards answered with uncertainty. However, he added quickly: "That's right. There is a magic circle in the center of the arbitration conference hall. If there is something, you can stand on it, and then you can talk to the special personnel set up in each guild."

"Oh, this is so, thank you."

I waited for Qingbi's explanation to find out. It turns out that this place is usually empty. Only when there is a need for arbitration, someone will come to the meeting. Usually, there is only one trip to clean the health club. It was amazing that Indians could create such an arbitration conference. I did not expect that it is not a permanent institution. The cultural differences between Indians and Chinese people are really large enough. What they think is very reasonable is in me. It seems that it is just heaven and earth!

Back to the conference hall, I found the magic circle surrounded by a table, and then I stood directly on it. The start-up method of this magic array is automatic induction, it will start as soon as someone stands up, no operation is needed at all. I just felt the surrounding area suddenly light up, and then there was a circle around me, of course, I can obviously feel that these are just projections.

"Zi Ri?" I didn't know any of the people who appeared in the circle, and I'm sure they were not the guild president. Fortunately, most of these people knew me.

"I previously reached an agreement with your Indian guild alliance, and now I'm here to fulfill my obligations, but why is there no one at this liaison office?"

"Oh, I know that agreement." One of them said, "This liaison office is only available when it is useful. It is usually empty. Regarding the agreement you reached earlier, because it is a secret agreement, people who know it don't. Many. Our president greeted me. If you want to go, we will contact the respective presidents. Please wait for a while. I will call our president. "

The man went dark after speaking. Others went to the guild president for the same reason, and I realized a long wait. These people said to find their own president, but it just took me more than half an hour to get everyone there. I was almost hurried.

After waiting for the silhouettes to light up, one of the people who participated in the talks before

Say it with your heart! "Hello, Ziri. I never thought you would be here soon

"Anyway, I have promised you, sooner or later, I have to deal with it. Now that I have nothing to do, I just have to finish it. Okay, what am I going to do now? Can you show me your offensive plan?"

"This" when I asked about the offensive plan, those people were all darkened. Finally, the guy who spoke before was a little embarrassed and said, "In fact, we haven't planned that plan yet!"

"What? No plans?"

"This" is mainly because there was a problem with the distribution of benefits this time to divide Bangladesh. We have only recently negotiated. In addition, we rarely had such large-scale combat experience before, so we don't know how to plan. In fact, it ’s not very embarrassing to talk about the actual situation, we did not make a plan in the previous battle. "

"Do not count?" I wanted to question the presidents of these Indian guilds, but then I thought of a situation. I have been in India to find Chinese artifacts before. At that time, they were hunted down by people from the major guilds of India and ran back home. At that time, it did not seem that the Indians had any organization and strategy. This shows that the Indians' fighting style is like this. They have never planned. "Okay! Since you don't make a plan, how do you plan to fight this time? Just use the power of the country to pour into Bangladesh in one breath?"

"Is there any other way?" The president asked me in silence. Not because there really is no other way. It's because his words are so ridiculous!

"Forget it, it seems that you are not in a hurry to invade Bangladesh, so I can't seem to push it for a few more days?"

"Ear is ,,!"

I raised my hand to stop him from talking before Shi Fang finished talking. "You do n’t have to do any planning, just send me a statistical data to tell me how many combat and support personnel you can mobilize and the approximate combat effectiveness and special capabilities of these people. Finally, give me a form of your material situation and wait for these Once the stuff is done, just send someone to the contract city and give them to our guild. The battle plan will be made by our guild for you, and you will do as you please. "

"Oh, that would be great. We must count the data as soon as possible."

I can only helplessly decide this efficiency for Indian players. Anyway, it ’s theirs. I wo n’t get a penny for Bangladesh. I ’m in a hurry, but I ’m in a hurry? After returning to the country in depression, because nothing was happening for the time being, I went to the institute again to see the condition of those ores. After refining, all the metals I brought back have been decomposed into a variety of simple substances. The people in this institute are experimenting with the best mix ratio in order to finally decide what kind of metal to produce. Of course, this matter is not a matter of a day or two. There can be results. In reality, metal experiments require years and even decades of repeated testing to gradually improve the metal performance. Although the game is much faster than reality, it is not possible to produce results within a few moments. Fortunately, the guild's research institute has exaggerated the attribute of research degree, and the results can be seen for up to four or five days.

The results of the institute dilute some of the discomfort that the Indians brought to me, but this good mood did not last for a long time and was lost by the Japanese.

"How did this happen?" It wasn't long before I walked out of the institute that I was notified by God of War to let me go to the port, and when I arrived at the port, I was stunned by the scene in front of me. I saw several large warships crookedly parked on the water in the port of Essinger, but all these warships were beyond recognition, and the worst superstructure was almost disappeared. I do n’t know what they were all about. Drive it back!

"Boss, it's my fault this time because I'm too negligent!" Chuang Wang lowered his head to admit the mistake in front of me, but I didn't know what to call him when I looked at him like that, it was important to deal with it after thinking .

"First tell me what's going on, and which ships are these? I can see that they are Bi Ling and Eternal, but they were blown up so that I can't tell who is who! Who are you? What's up? How did it happen? "

"Yes!" Chuang Wang took me to the dock and pointed to a nearby warship that had tilted at an angle of forty-five degrees to the sea. "This is the Thor."

"Thunder? What about that ship over there?" I always thought that the warship with four big holes for horse-drawn carriages on the side of the ship next to it was the Thor. I did not expect that the battleship in front of which the Half Island Bridge had disappeared was actually the Thor.

King Chuang saw the battleship I was referring to: "That's the Flash, and the one next to it is the Eternity."

The large holes in the Flasher looked shocking, and the Eternity next to it was not much better. The entire ship had been completely blown up. I don't know how they drove it back. As for the remaining two larger ones. That should be a Biling-class battleship, except that one of them had a hull left, and the part of the deck height was completely gone, while the superstructure of the other ship was still there, but it had become a pile. The scrap iron is simply unrecognizable, and compared to this ship which has no superstructure at all, its waterline part still has a large hole, which looks even worse than this ship.

"Which two are those?"

"The superstructure was completely flattened by the Tyrant, and the other was the Poseidon."

"What about the Storm?" Immediately after hearing the names of the two Bilings, I asked intensively about the third Bixin theater. "Shouldn't be sunk?" Nbsp; nbsp; "Kikawa

"No." Chuang Wang quickly shook his head to deny it. "The Storm was not in the fleet at the time and was not attacked at all."

"Oh, I thought it was sunk!" I asked, looking at the five ships that had been hit hard. "Why did you see these five? Was no other ship injured or were they all sunk?"

Chuang Wang Ming knew that I was going to be angry, but the fact made him stubbornly replied, "They were all sunk!"

"Specific loss?"

"The loss of three ordinary battleships, eight battlecruisers, one heavy cruiser, and three destroyers. The other battleships are all right, but this will all be transferred to the outer sea and dare to return."


"Because the Japanese have mastered a new type of weapon." Another player beside Chuang Wang said, "President. This time I don't really blame Chuang Wang. We haven't thought that the power of Japanese new artillery shells is so great. One of our destroyers was completely smashed. At that time, the invasion king was not right, so he sent several destroyers to entangle the enemy to let other ships run, but then the tonnage of the current destroyer was too much to bear. The destroyer could only be evacuated quickly, but the enemy was too fast, and there was no way to keep the slowest large warships in our fleet. However, both the Bi Ling and the Eternal were equipped with special thrusters. The other large battleships were quite fast, so they escaped. Unfortunately, the mosquito tactics used by the Japanese warships this time were all small ships. The entire ship had a small gun. Even the command tower No, but the speed is fast. Our battleships were chased by these little peas all the way. Although our cannon hit them one by one, they completely ignored the suicide attack. That led to such a major loss! "

I nodded to understand. If things are really like this member said, then you ca n’t blame the King. Retreat immediately when encountering the enemy fleet's current situation. The decision was correct, but the situation later was entirely due to the characteristics of the Japanese warships, and I also understood the situation at that time.

A long time ago, I intercepted the Japanese magic crystal steam bomb, but later I went to Japan to investigate the situation also shows that the Japanese are indeed working with the Russians to research magic crystal steam bomb technology. As for today's situation, it is obviously the result of the Japanese applying the magic crystal steam bomb technology. It just makes me not understand that the Japanese production factory should have been destroyed by me. Even if they are going to rebuild, shouldn't it be so fast? However, although I don't know how the Japanese rebuilt the magic crystal steam bomb production factory in the throne of the Seal of God in such a short time, I have roughly understood the situation of this attack. Because the power and volume of magic crystal steam bombs are not proportional, so even very large warships can easily destroy large warships using the shells made by the magic crystal steam principle, so Japanese talents will produce only one small cannon. And small fast battleships.

The Japanese know that our warships have amazing firepower, and large warships will not be able to stick to them and they will be sunk by us. Because of the power of the magic crystal cannon ball, the warship's artillery does not need too much, not too much. On the contrary, the space saved can be fully loaded with power units, which is why the Japanese ’s warships are fast and have only one gun. .

I just want to understand the reason, I ’m not too blameful to break into the king, after all, he is the commander in chief of the Navy of our guild. He is most distressed by the loss of the fleet. If he can avoid the loss, he will make every effort to avoid it. Lost. The reason why the loss is so huge this time is entirely because of the result of encountering advanced weapons, and it has nothing to do with the command of the king.

Thinking of this, I patted Chuang Wang's shoulder. "Okay. Don't be sad. This time it's not your fault, but the Japanese are too cunning. Your command is fine. The battleship is lost and can be rebuilt. Anyway, we don't lack money now, and our guild warships haven't been in a long time Updated, just in time for a big makeover. "

Although I was talking about comforting the king, I was really upset. It is not fake that a lost warship can be rebuilt, but that is money. If you do n’t feel bad, you have ghosts! However, compared to the reconstruction cost of the battleship, I am more worried about the situation of the Japanese ~ ~ In fact, the Japanese's magic crystal steam bombs have already existed. Find a chance to fully use the power of the magic crystal steam bomb to defeat us in one fell swoop to get greater results, and now that our guild's fleet has been attacked by the magic crystal steam bomb, what about other places?

I suddenly came over and called the army **** quickly. "God of War."


"Notify us that the guild and all alliance forces in Japan have entered a first-level red alert state, telling them that the Japanese have acquired a powerful attack weapon. Do not rely on cities and Japanese to fight defensive battles and try to fight with them in the wild as much as possible. Make a frontal hedge. "


The magic crystal steam bomb is too powerful, it is better for the personnel, it is not a big deal to spread out, as long as you do n’t get together, you wo n’t lose too much, on the contrary, the city is the real weakness. It used to be a lot cheaper to rely on a complete city defense facility, but at this moment, defending the city might as well go out for field battles, or you would not know how to die if you were buried alive!

After the year of the army **** ordered me to pray secretly in my heart: "This command must catch up!"

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