Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 237: Unreliable door to truth

Just what? Seeing Comrade Cockroach's restless words, we all looked at him curiously. (Reading novels)

As if made a great determination, the cockroach notice suddenly looked up and said to us: "Actually, there is a kingdom of God in a place far away from this place. If several people have the ability to level the place, this experience ..."

"The kingdom of God? What kind of power is it? What is the strength of its members?" In fact, Comrade Roach himself is not sure of the fighting power of the creatures in that place. He only knows that there are advanced creatures. As long as they are killed, the experience value is not worrying. Already. But I and the Peacock Pluto have considered for a long time and decided to change places to level. For one thing, we are not sure what the strength of the creatures in the kingdom of God is. It is not worth the risk. Second, the strength of Comrade Cockroach is only a few levels worse. You don't need to find such a big trouble to disturb yourself.

Because we did not choose the kingdom of God, we had to find some small leveling areas to clean up one by one in the nearby area. Although the efficiency may be a little lower, the speed is not slow. From the morning to the night, "we finally got the cockroach level problem.

Of course, it ’s not enough to have levels, but also advanced combat skills. We also have a solution for this. Ling is the strongest undead mage, and teaching Comrade Cockroach's undead spells is not a problem.

When Ling taught Comrade Cockroach spells, we were not idle either. According to Comrade Cockroach's information, there should be some famous treasures in the nearby cities. If these different Wests are collected, they can be regarded as the equipment of the best necromancer. Of course, the original owners of the items are also senior mages, so people will never let things to us.

But this is not a problem, anyway, we have no plans to discuss with others.

At dawn the next day, when we got all the equipment back, Ling's teaching work was just completed. Of course, if the ordinary method of teaching is used for one night, the throne of the seal of God is definitely useless, so Ling directly uses the soul imprint and all the legendary skills are printed in the soul of that guy, so he is equivalent to an instant I have learned these skills, but I just have to practice slowly against the imprint in my soul to improve my power.

"Well now you have enough strength to win the favor of that Miss Tismilla, but you still need some opportunities before that.", "How about it?"

Like a lot of money. "

"Isn't my first wish to get 80,000 gold coins?" Comrade Cockroach asked, confused.

I stretched out a finger and said, "According to our investigation," Miss Tismilla's family was not only powerful but also very rich. If you want to match her account, you need at least 10 million gold coins. "

"What?" Fools know that there is a big gap between 80,000 and 10 million. Before, Comrade Cockroach was complacent for suddenly getting 80,000 gold coins, but at a glance, he found that his money was not too much. It should be said that there are very few. "Ten ten million? Where can I go to get ten million? You only promised to help me fulfill the four wishes." Now it is the last one. Where can I go to raise this ten million? I only have 80,000 gold coins that you guys helped me get! "

The Peacock Pluto said, "In fact, 80,000 is okay." "80,000 is okay?"

"Yes, 80,000 is okay." I went on to say the Peacock Pluto: "Now Miss Tismilla's family is too strong. Even if you have super strength and a certain amount of money, you want her to stay with her family. It is still very difficult to accept you in the throne of Sigil for a short time. But what if Miss Tismilla's family is ruined? "

Comrade Cockroach understands what we mean. In fact, our idea is very simple. The family of Miss Tismilia and the cockroach are like a swan and a toad. But if we cut off the swan's wings and pull out the hair on it, would the swan look down on the toad?

Seeing Comrade Cockroach a little hesitant, I urged: "I know this method is a little bit cruel but except this method". I can only do this if I want to win the favor of Miss Tismilia in the throne of God Seal in a short time. . Remember, we have only one day left for the Seal of the Seal of God, and if the night still cannot be completed, we will be forced to leave early. "

"All right!" Comrade Roach finally made the right decision after weighing for a long time, but he still reminded: "You must pay 100,000 attention not to hurt Miss Tismilia."

"Don't worry, just wait here." Now that the parties have agreed, the rest is simple. In fact, destroying a powerful family may be troublesome for ordinary people, but it is not a problem for us at all.

The reason why Miss Tismilia ’s family is high is because the three celebrity family members "their existence is the strong foundation of the Tismilia family and they want to destroy the status of the Tismilia family, as long as they are killed All three will do.

The assassination of the three nobles may be an impossible task for ordinary people, but for us it is just a matter of raising hands. The three members of the Tismilia family died in different places in less than an hour after we were included in the assassination list. "And their three guards did not even know who was attacked.

The three big family members were all stabbed all of a sudden. Such a big thing naturally belongs to the level of trauma. "But we did not intend to let this poor family go. The three of us started to separate after killing three nobles. . Yinxue went directly to a place called the Dark Tunnel to knock down the mountain, and the Dark Tunnel in the mountain directly connected to an underground mine. "That is one of the three major sources of income of the Tismilla family. . Losing the underground mine, the financial situation of the Tsmilia family would immediately go wrong.

While Yinxue destroyed the mine, the Peacock Pluto flew to a very ordinary area, destroyed two cities, and doubled the land outside the city with colorful light. This large area doesn't look very good, but it is the fiefdom of the Tismilla family. Although the capital output is not too much, the victory lies in stability, and after all, it is the territory of their family, which belongs to the base area. Suddenly They can't afford to lose it.

"Finally" when the two great gods attacked two capital chains, I killed the second prince of their country in the palace of this country. According to the information I investigated, the Tesmilia family was in support of the second prince, and The faction of the great prince is not compatible with their family. Now the two princes who are the backing of their family are killed, and the three giants of their family have all died. At this time, other families will definitely fall down and wait for mention. The result of the Smilia family can only be perished.

It took one morning for the Throne of the Seal of God to fix these periods, and the three of us gathered at the place where cockroaches learned skills, and then waited for the situation to change. Later, the situation was similar to what we thought. After losing the family pillar and the largest backer, the Tesmilia family simply pushed everyone against the wall. Any small family wanted to come up and step on their feet or split points. " The Tismilia family was completely dismembered in the throne of the Seal of God in less than three hours, and even Miss Tismilia was forced to flee the family.

Of course, Miss Tismilla's escape was not an accident. In fact, I had a simple exchange with the great prince after the assassination of the second prince, and forcing Miss Tismilla to flee was one of our agreements. The big prince promised to assign the brother of a family of his own faction to grab Miss Tismilia, and then Miss Tismilia would naturally rebel and flee. At this time, I took the dog-blooded plot designed by the boss to perform .

"Let go of that young lady." Just as the Chinese elder brother led someone to stop Miss Tismilia, "Comrade Roach rushed out of the blood and began to play a hero to save the beauty.

Although Miss Tismilia is usually relatively smart ", but within a day suddenly suffered such a big blow, even smart people will have some confusion. So after our carefully arranged hero rescues the bridge, we finally I heard a wonderful system prompt: "Special task completed.

Transmission starts after three seconds. Three, two, one, teleport. "

When I heard the voice, I thought the gate of truth was going to send us back to the gate of truth. Who knew that after a sudden flash around, we were surprised to find ourselves in a place full of purple mist ~ ~ 咦? Isn't the task completed? Why didn't you send us back? "Yako asked in surprise, looking at the mist around him.

I looked down at the crutch that suddenly appeared in my hand, and then looked at the mission description before explaining: "The mission was indeed completed, but the gate of truth did not send us back to the beginning of the mission, but directly We are here to the demon. "

"The demon? What demon?" Night Son didn't know anything about that demon. But Silver Snow and the Black King of Peacock are all very clear. Now when we heard that we were directly sent here, "the two of them immediately put on an alert look.

"Why is that **** door of truth so unreliable?" Peacock Pluto couldn't help complaining: "The demon is so powerful, he actually threw us over the throne of God's Seal without giving us time. If this happens, How do we fight against her? "I calmed them and said," Don't be afraid, the demon has only one head left, even if she repairs her own body. "The strength will also be greatly damaged, not as powerful as before. Already. "

"That's okay," said Peacock Pluto and pointed to the stick in my hand and asked, "What is this?" ...!

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