Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 238: Hell demon

Seeing the Peacock Pluto pointing to the stick in my hand, I quickly explained: "This is the staff of the guide, the prize of the previous mission of truth. Full text novel (see novel)"

The Staff of the Wizard is not a very rare thing, because it appears in many tasks. Generally speaking, the guide stick is like a locator, which can help users find the place they want to reach. Of course, as a common item, the staff of the guide is graded like other common items. The lowest level of guide staff is a one-time use, which means that it can point out the approximate direction of the target location, and it will fail once. The intermediate-level guide cane is a bit more powerful, and can accurately indicate the target location. It can be used multiple times during the search process to facilitate continuous correction of the direction. However, this kind of guide cane is still a single task consumable because it is always It will only point to the target it was originally set for. The last one is the advanced equivalent stick, which is constantly targeted and can be used an unlimited number of times. In other words, after you use it to find a target, you can also enter other targets and use it again. Of course, this kind of advanced goods is definitely very rare.

The guide stick in my hand is not a premium item. The gate of truth will only determine the level of rewards according to the user's goal. We just need to find the demon and do not need to set the target repeatedly. So what we get in the end is this ordinary version, which can be pointed multiple times, but using only Guide staff against that demon. Although compared with the advanced guide stick, the function of this guide stick is slightly worse, but for this task, there is not much difference, and the advanced task reward also means a difficult task, In contrast, this general task prize is the most appropriate.

Although the Peacock Pluto has never seen what a guide's staff looks like, she has heard about the function of this kind of thing. When I said that this thing was a guide's staff, I immediately understood the purpose of this guide's staff.

Silver Snow looked at the guide stick in my hand and said, "The mission item provided by the Gate of Truth is indeed good, but why did it suddenly send us over without preparing us with the Seal of Throne?"

"I think this may have something to do with the location we are standing in now." When I was teleported, I was also wondering why it was sent here, but combined with the surrounding environment and my thinking, soon I guessed why.

"You know?" Peacock Pluto and Silver Snow, who hadn't expected to get an answer from me, were all together and looked at me together. "What is the reason?"

Instead of answering their questions directly, I asked instead: "Did you not find the environment strange here?"

Silver Snow nodded and said, "Actually, I just wanted to say it when I first came in. This place is like a dead space. There is no wind, no time, and the throne of the Seal of God. The energy is still."

The peacock Pluto nodded when Yin Xue said this, "Indeed, I feel that the energy in the surrounding space is as immobile as it is stuck. This is the first time I have encountered such a strange place."

"What energy flows? Why can't I feel it?" Night Son, who had been hanging aside, couldn't help interjecting at this time.

As soon as the Peacock Pluto heard him speak, he said, "Just because you can naturally feel the energy in space at such a level, you do n’t want to think about who we are."

Ye Zizi thought for a while and thought, "Oh, that's what I said. It seems that I have the lowest level!"

The Peacock Pluto once again hit him and said, "That's it. I didn't intend to bring you here. This task is quite difficult. Previously, you were in Weiner's position, but you took up the position. I don't know if I really met Some of us can't handle that demon. "

"Well, peacock, you don't need to talk about him anymore, and the son of the night is not intentionally squeezed in." Yin Xue saw that the son of the night was almost dropped to the ground by the head of the peacock Pluto. Said the Peacock Pluto.

I followed, "Yeah peacock, don't say it, it's not his fault."

The Peacock Pluto may know that she said it was too harsh, but she didn't have the habit of apologizing, but changed the topic after we said, "Yes, you haven't said what is this place?"

"Yes, where is this?" Yin Xue also turned to me and asked.

"This is actually the legend ..." I deliberately took a long note, and then suddenly said, "Eighteen layers of hell."

"What?" My eighteen-floor **** just exited, and all three of the others at the scene called out all at once.

"What did you just say? Eighteen levels of hell? Am I right?" Peacock Pluto asked incredulously.

I looked at the surrounding environment again and said, "It should be right. I have been here once before, so I have a little understanding of the characteristics here. If I am not mistaken, this should be the first place in the legend. Eighteen floors of hell. "

After listening to my words, Yin Xue said to herself: "The bottom of hell, outside the world, the node of the Seal of Throne of Time, the grave of the avenue. The eighteen-tiered **** in the legend is indeed true . The environment and legend here are really not bad. "

"What? This is really eighteen floors of hell?" Peacock Pluto asked a little unbelievably.

"Should be right." Yinxue said: "The eighteenth layer of **** is said to be a small world outside the world. When Pangu's power opened up the world, it did not break down the entire chaos into a world, There is a small chaotic world that has not been completely separated, and finally formed a * small world, which is the eighteenth layer of hell. It is outside the world and enjoys a completely unique world law. Here the throne of the seal of time is For things that are completely meaningless, the energy will stop here, so you better borrow your skills to use them, I'm afraid you can't restore the magic here. "

After listening to Yin Xue, I smiled, stretched out my hand, and slammed my fingers, followed me and immediately ignited a few feet of **** fire. The night child jumped to the side as soon as he saw the flame scared, and he kept complaining. "I rely, boss, what do you want *?"

Unlike the less capable Night Son, Peacock Pluto and Silver Snow immediately smiled as soon as they saw the blazing flames. "I have forgotten your attributes," Yin Xue said with a smile. "You are the strongest in such a place."

I also hesitantly smiled and said, "I don't know anywhere else. In such a place, I don't think there are too many people who can do me."

"Okay, don't show off your evil attributes, just take a look at where our goal is going," suggested the Peacock Pluto.

"Well, I'm fine." After listening to the Peacock Pluto, I immediately stood the guide stick that I had received on the ground, and then pressed the top of the stick with one finger to keep it as perpendicular to the ground as possible. This action is important for the staff of the guide, because the pointing accuracy of the staff of the guide is guided by this action.

In fact, the guide stick is a strangely shaped crutch. When you need to guide, just stand it on the ground, release your finger, let it fall down naturally, and then look at the direction of the stick head. However, everyone knows that in the natural state, if an object falls, it will definitely fall in the direction of the center of gravity. Although the guide rod can use its magic ability to make it fall in the direction of the target, but The guiding power of the Staff of the Wizard is actually very weak. If you can stand it completely vertically on the ground so that it will not fall down at all, and then fall down by the guiding force of the guide rod itself, then it is definitely the most accurate. However, if you did not put it straight before, for example, a relatively large tilt angle in a certain direction, although the last guide rod will not fall directly in that direction, it will certainly not fall in the correct direction. Direction. Therefore, the best situation is to stand it completely vertically on a flat ground. Of course, because in reality it is impossible to find a completely flat ground and it is unlikely that the guide stick is completely vertical, so a small deviation is still acceptable. After all, except for the low-level equivalent staff that can only point the way once, the wizard staff above the normal version can be pointed multiple times. As long as the guide stick is used multiple times during the movement, you can continuously correct the deviation and finally find the target.

As I straightened the guide stick completely, and then lightly released my finger, the guide stick did not fall down immediately, but stayed still for more than a second, then slowly tilted in one direction, and finally Suddenly fell down. After seeing this result, I knew that this time it should be regarded as relatively accurate, because the more than one second before the stand still showed that I stood relatively straight, and did not let the center of gravity tilt affect the guiding force of the guide rod.

Withdrawing the staff of the guide, the few of us started to move in the direction indicated by the staff of the guide.

In fact, in the eighteen floors of hell, most of the areas should be turned into uninhabited areas. Of course, this person is not a specific human being, but all intelligent creatures. Although there are things like cities in the eighteenth floor of hell, here are more endless wasteland plains. Above the wasteland plains, the purple mist around us is permeated everywhere, and it is often a super deserted area where no one can be found for tens of thousands of kilometers in a row. Thanks to the time under the eighteenth floor of Hell, the Seal of the Seal of God is still. Even if trapped, it will not starve to death. Otherwise, it is estimated that the creatures in the eighteenth floor of Hell must die in these deserted areas. You must know that the vast dunes in the desert are enough to trap most people. Not only is the area larger than the desert, but it is also covered by a layer of fog. It is impossible to see anything beyond 200 meters. . If you want to find the right direction in such a place, that's really not what ordinary people can do.

Now our goal is not to leave the deserted area, but to find the demon, so we don't worry about getting lost at all. As for how to return to the world in the end, this is actually very simple. I still have a chance to call for help from Hei Qilin. This is the promise I made when I met him last time. When I need to go back, I can use this promise to ask him to help. Although the original black unicorn promised me to help me in the Russian camp *, it was a bit wasteful to make him a porter, but the Russians have retreated in advance anyway, and the black unicorn's promise is not needed. No longer needed, so it's not too bad.

In order to maximize the speed, the night son and I summoned their guardian spears. The son of the night is a guard spear, which is enough for himself. Because I am a double number, I have two guard spears, and the bird is also a spear series creature, so I have three jet mounts. The birds kept it for their own use, and the other two spears could just be assigned to the Peacock Pluto and Silver Snow, so that the four of us could be completely jetized.

Relying on the speed of the spears, we can be said to be super fast in the Great Wilderness Garden, but because the target we track is a moving individual rather than a fixed location, in order to prevent flying over halfway, we have to stop every half an hour Stop and use the wand of the guide to reorient yourself.

In this way, Fei Fei stopped running for two hours. When we jumped off the spear for the fourth time and started to calculate the direction, we suddenly found that the staff of the wizard had made a large maneuver and pointed to our left. Although the previous several measurements, the guide stick will shift a small range every time, but this time the angle of change is abnormally large.

"It seems we are not far from the target." Seeing the guidance of the staff of the guide, Peacock Pluto and Yinxue they all understand that we are actually very close to the target, otherwise the staff of the wizard will not happen between the two points. Obvious turn.

After two consecutive measurements to confirm that the previous direction was not caused by my hand sliding, we stepped on the spear again and started running in the direction pointed by the guide rod. Because this time we determined that the target was not far away from us, so we did n’t dare to fly for half an hour like before, but stopped after just ten minutes to do another test. The position was moved again, because the pointing was shifted to the left again by a dozen degrees.

Seeing that the direction had changed again, the night child flashed on the back of his spear and was ready to continue flying, but he was called out before he could let the spear fly. "Don't use a long gun. The target is not far away. Let's just go there."

Hearing my words, Peacock Pluto and Yinxue, who were just about to climb into the spears, jumped off quickly. After retracting the spear, we switched to steel claws instead of spears. I don't need a long gun because the long gun is too fast. I worry about accidentally flying over my head, but I didn't plan to walk over. Although the steel claw does not run fast, it is much faster than people walking, so we will all change to the steel claw again.

It turned out that my decision was very wise, because the sight of the obscured front was suddenly cleared just after changing the steel claws and running less than five minutes. Although many places in the eighteen floors of **** are covered by this purple fog that obstructs sight, not every place is like this, for example, it is like the places where the creatures in the eighteen floors of **** gather. Generally there is no fog.

We just ran for five minutes, and the fog ahead suddenly disappeared, apparently letting us rush out of the fog area. And almost as soon as we left the misty zone, our goal also appeared in our sight.

"I saw her." Peacock Pluto had the best eyes, and he found the target all the way. The rest of us only saw a large group of people in the distance.

That's right, not one person, but a large group of people. Although in terms of total area, the eighteen-story **** belongs to the kind of area where the population is extremely scarce, but because most of the eighteen-story **** is the kind of barren plain covered by purple mist, so the real The area where living things live is quite dense, so it is not too surprising to see a large group of people at the same time. just……

"What are they doing?" Although it was still far away, I found out that the group of people was not in the right position.

"They seem to be attacking the demon." Night Son said while looking at a telescope.

Silver Snow turned to me and asked, "What shall we do now?"

In fact, what we can decide now is just two plans: one, rush to the me to join the melee immediately; two, wait for the demon and the local residents to reach the result before passing.

If it was originally somewhere else, it would be a good idea to rush over to see the excitement, but here is the eighteenth floor hell. The life form here is quite special. If we rush over now, chances * will lead those people to us It is also fenced as an enemy, so if you don't want to be peaceful, the best way is to just don't pass.

I watched those scuffles thinking for a long time, and finally said, "Let's go now."

"Haha, there is a fight now." The peasant Pluto violent element was immediately excited when he heard it, but Yinxue was another reaction.

"Why now?"

"It's not bad to collect fishing profits, but here is the eighteenth floor of hell. There is no such thing as fishing income. In other places, the scuba clam fighting fishermen is all applicable, but it is different here."

"How different?"

"This environment involves eighteen layers of hell. As you said before, the energy flow here is completely dead, and no energy is transmitted in space at all. But you do n’t know, there is actually energy flow here. It ’s just not the free energy in space, but the soul energy between creatures. This whole eighteenth layer of **** is like a huge worm, and every time you kill a creature here, the energy in the other person ’s body will be almost Flows into your body in a non-destructive way. So ... "

"So if that demon killed all the people there, she would absorb the energy of everyone there and become a stronger existence?" Yin Xue directly continued what I didn't finish.

I nodded and affirmed her guess, and then said, "So we don't have to think about what the fishermen can do for profit, it will only make our enemy stronger."

"Since this is the case, we don't have to wait, let's rush it." Yin Xue also understood this time. Waiting not only won't benefit us, it will only make us more passive.

When we collectively rushed to the area where the demon was fighting with native creatures, the demon also noticed us, so she desperately wanted to run away after seeing us, just because there were everywhere trying to kill her, She really can't escape.

In fact, when this demon first arrived here, it was just a skull shape, and it was very badly damaged. The teleportation that finally escaped our attack was not without cost, for which she lost almost a third of the volume of the incomplete head that remained at the time. Such a great effort sent her directly to this eighteenth hell.

When she first arrived here, the demon was also confused because she didn't know where it was. However, unlike us, we are confused because we know that this is the eighteenth floor of hell, and she is confused about all the external environments because she has never left Nanaozuka. However, her confusion was quickly replaced by fear, because less than ten minutes after she appeared here, a large group of creatures rushed to her place and tried to eat her.

The creatures in the eighteen layers of **** attack each other to absorb energy, and the demon is composed of soul gold, which is simply a concentrated energy. In such a place, how tempting a super concentrated energy is. Powerful thing? So shouting, those excited native creatures swarmed up and wanted to grab this huge energy group. However, instead of letting them have a full meal, their ideas harmed themselves.

Although the monster's soul gold body has been lost by us in battle, the high concentration of soul gold is still there. Those who initially found her were little people with little strength. They not only failed to draw energy from the demon, but were absorbed in the opposite direction when the energy channel was established. It's like tying an object with a rope and then pulling the rope with force. If the person who pulls the rope is heavier than the thing being tied, it is naturally possible to pull that thing to himself, but if the thing is heavier than the person who pulls the rope, then the manpower is not considered Under the problem, it must be that he finally pulled himself to the object. This is the case with this demon and those native creatures who want to **** her. The energy channel established by the native creatures and her is the rope, but because the demon's energy density is too large, the guys who want to absorb her not only fail to absorb her, but instead pull themselves into her body. Absorbed by her.

The demon who thought he was going to die this time did not expect to get a lot of power inexplicably. Not only did he regenerate his body, but even the violent phenomenon in the battle before seemed to stop, and his reason returned to his mind. In her mind.

Because of her thinking ability, the little princess started to use her brain. The most powerful person as the spirit of all things is not our body, but our wisdom. The little princess with thinking ability, after summing up the previous situation, immediately realized that she should find more such creatures to absorb, so as to greatly enhance her own strength. Although she has just regenerated her body, this body is actually incomparable with her previous body. Previously, her body was completely composed of soul gold. Not only was her anti-strike ability outstanding, but she also had a bunch of special attributes. In critical moments, she could even release energy directly by burning her body. In contrast, the body is much worse now. Although the regenerating limb has most biological functions, it is simply simple, not soul gold, and it is significantly weaker in defense and various attributes than the previous body. And because the soul gold in the head that had only a small piece was diluted into this body on average, her finishing power has also dropped a lot. But even before she knew that the average soul gold would reduce the magic power, she would not hesitate to do so, because if she did not do so, her body would not be able to control it at all.

The little princess of the demon before was actually a soul body, and we can completely imagine her as a ghost. The reason why she has a substance is because the power of the soul in her body has condensed excessively to form the materialized product of soul gold. After she was knocked out of most of her body, the remaining part of her head became her entire body, and the regenerated limb was actually just an empty shell, and if she wanted to * vert this empty body, You must attach your soul to other ghosts. And what is the soul of the little princess? Her soul is the soul gold body, so if she wants to attach to the newly created body, she must break down and restructure her body with only one head left, and then attach it to the new body in the form of a human body. Really belongs to the body of the little princess demon.

Although this soul gold dilution and dispersion method has given the demon little princess a new body, she has to admit that her defense power and various combat attributes have indeed fallen significantly. However, although she felt that her strength was declining, she didn't care too much because she had found a way to make herself stronger again.

Why not say that Tianting would be so anxious to destroy this demon? This girl has been planning to "eat" all the creatures here only ten minutes after **** on the eighteenth floor of hell. If this is really done, it is estimated that when she returns to the world, it will not only be better than when she escaped Weak, maybe better, maybe stronger. Of course, the execution of this plan takes time for the Seal of the Seal of God, and it does not mean that it can be completed. When we found this, she was carrying out her plan.

Although the soul gold body is diluted and dispersed into the new body, soul gold is soul gold. For the beings in the eighteenth layer of hell, the temptation of this kind of thing is basically irresistible. So under the initiative of the little princess, she soon chased a group of guys who tried to "eat" her. After gathering these people, the little princess demon led these guys to the edge of the no-man's land, then "eat" them all, and then returned to those gathering areas to re-introduce a group of people.

This method is probably too easy to use. The little princess did not control the pleasure of swallowing for a while, so she accidentally attracted a little more this time, so there were so many native creatures that besieged the demon. The situation of the little princess. Fortunately, I know that the rule here is similar to that of maggots. Otherwise, if she slowly kills these guys and then absorbs them, then her strength will definitely rise a lot.

After seeing us appear, the little princess of the demon was also startled. The Peacock Pluto had not participated in the strangling battle against her before, so she did not know what strength of the Peacock Pluto was. As for the night son, because the energy reflection was too low, they were ignored by others. However, although the little princess did not know the Peacock Pluto and the son of the night, she recognized me and Yinxue, especially me. On the previous battlefield, although I was promoted to such a powerful level through the auxiliary abilities provided by the great gods of the protoss races, no matter what, from the beginning to the end, I was the only one who had been pressing her fiercely. So if you ask this little princess what she fears most in this world, she will definitely think of me first.

Before, on the battlefield, the little princess with a complete soul and gold body was beaten so badly by me. Now her body has become like this. How can I not be afraid to see me? Although my current strength can't be compared with my ability to inherit so many great **** attributes on the battlefield, this little princess of the demon didn't know it. She remembered being miserable by me anyway, so now the only thing I can think of when I see it is to run away.

Although we are not close to the battle group, after we found the target, we retracted the steel claws and flew over there. Although the child of the night is slower, we did not expect him to participate anyway, so we did not wait for him at all. Me, Peacock Pluto, and Silver Snow flew to the outside of the battle team in almost thirty seconds. Immediately after landing, Yinxue looked at me and asked, "Which side should I hit first?"

"Kill the guys outside first, it's better to be absorbed by us than by her."

"Good idea." Yin Xue suddenly stretched out her hand after speaking, and a white beam of light flew across the crowd like a laser, and the area on the right side of the entire battle group suddenly fell like a bite. people.

Although these guys who were locked in the eighteenth floor **** were all powerful and existent, but they have been closed for so many years in the energy wasteland of the eighteenth floor hell. It should be almost consumed. Therefore, the power of these powerful people is actually very low. On fighting skills and skills theory, these guys are absolutely guru-level. You can open up a school if you just pull one out, but no matter how strong the theoretical knowledge is, it is a waste of energy. The energy ray of Yinxue can be said to be an ordinary skill without fancy. It hurts people purely with energy, and the most lacking energy in this place is energy, so those who are attacked are almost instantly turned down without resistance. A lot.

At the same time that Silver Snow shot, the Peacock Pluto also moved. However, unlike Silver Snow's high efficiency, although Peacock Pluto's colorful **** light is also a sweep, but because of the short distance, the killing efficiency is not as exaggerated as Silver Snow. Of course, compared with them, in fact, it should be me. Because I only use ordinary chopping. Although these guys are just as good as chopping melon and vegetables, after all, the speed is not comparable to others.

Under our powerful attack, all those who besieged the little princess were swept away in an instant, except for the corpse of the scene, the three of us were still standing, and the night child just arrived at this time. The battlefield.

"Well? Didn't you say that the demon is terrible? Why did you solve it so easily?" The son of the night saw the corpse lying on the ground and thought we had killed the demon together.

"No, we just clean up those who are in the way." I explained to the night son.

I didn't expect that after listening to my explanation, the son of the night not only didn't understand, but asked me in confusion: "Since you didn't kill her, what about her?"

"I rely, when did she learn to run away?" I said in surprise as I watched the empty battlefield.

Yinxue corrected me: "She would have run away very much, don't you remember that she has been running as soon as she came out of Nanaozuka? Later, when she arrived in the Russian camp, she did not run because she was in a state of madness."

"Then she now knows that running away means she's back to her senses?"

"should be."

"I said how did she run when she saw us? It turned out to be sane ~ ~ But it ’s okay, maybe she can scare her like this." Although we knew that the demon had recovered, Fa bullied her no more, but thought about it the other way, since she recovered her mind, she would definitely jealous me very much, and I can use this to deter her, maybe she can yield to her without having to fight. However, no matter what to do with the demon later, it is serious to catch up with her first.

With a guide stick, we don't have to worry about losing the target at all, this thing is the super positioning tracker, no matter how you run. Due to transportation problems, it took us less than a minute to find the little princess who ran away. At this time, she was desperately running to the nearby gathering point, because she knew that there were many people and it was easier to mix in Which makes us lose our goals. Of course, we can also make an indiscriminate coverage attack, but the counterattack of the native creatures will delay us for some time, so no matter what method we use, it is beneficial to the demon in the gathering point. But she obviously didn't consider our speed. As a result, she caught up with us after a short distance. The gathering point in the distance just now saw a shadow. She didn't expect to run at this distance. past.

"Where are you going?" I was riding on Yeying's back with the fastest speed. I walked directly in front of the demon to stop her, and then deliberately rode on Yeying's back and asked with a playful tone. . !! ...!

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