Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 9: Special warfare

Volume Nine Chapter Nine Special Warfare

"Don't be frightened. M

m 书 友 整 _ 理 * 提 ~ Even if there is reinforcements for Frost Rose League, the number will not be too much. As long as we rush forward in a hurry, victory is ours. "When the Japanese players were scared, a loud slogan finally made those Japanese players react. As for the person who shouted this slogan, it is needless to say that we must arrange it for Matsumoto Masa.

As morale picked up again, a large number of Japanese players began rushing towards the city walls frantically. They crossed the companion's corpse, facing the arrow rain that kept falling like a locust, and rushed toward the wall desperately on the slick and muddy mud soaked by blood. After paying a lot of casualties, the first lucky man finally successfully rushed under the city wall. He desperately threw the grapple in his hand against the city wall, then bit his long knife in his mouth, pulled the rope with both hands, and jumped to the place. It was more than two meters off the ground, and then this guy started to use his hands and feet to quickly climb up the top of the city wall. But that's where his good luck ends. As soon as he climbed two or three meters high, a man on the top of the wall suddenly shot his upper body out of the wall and aimed at him with lightning. He pulled the trigger of the strong crossbow, and the crossbow easily penetrated his throat before he responded. . The guy opened his eyes unwillingly and worked hard to earn a bit, but in the end he still fell loose.

Although the first player who touched the wall was hung up, his ropes won time for the next player to seal the throne. The people behind him jumped, grabbed the ropes he left and started to climb up, but only after less than two meters, the ropes above them suddenly fell loose from the wall. The guy reacted so fast that, as soon as the rope was cut, he immediately jumped to a nearby rope that had been thrown onto the wall. Grabbing the new rope, the player immediately climbed the rope like a monkey and climbed to the top of the wall, but unfortunately he was just halfway through and was shot by a crossbow that suddenly fell through his chest.

One or two, as more and more Japanese players leaned on the wall, more and more hooks were thrown on the wall, and the Japanese players below began to climb up the wall densely, from the fifth lane. Looking at the city walls, it was as if a layer of human armor was built on the sixth city wall.

Although Japanese players worked very hard, this sixth wall is different from the previous ones. With sufficient personnel defense, the defense force on the wall is much higher than the first five walls. Japanese players still have suffered a lot of casualties. No one had ever climbed to the top of the city wall, and at this moment there were even two or three meters high corpses piled up. At this rate, Japanese players will be able to build a **** in front of the city wall in an hour or two.

Seeing that the casualties were so huge, the presidents of the Japanese guilds who had just rushed to the front of the battlefield finally shot. I saw a guy rushing under the city wall with lightning, then pulled the rope with one hand, and his body jumped up. He reached half the height of the city wall with one foot, followed him to kick on the wall with one foot, and pulled the rope down with his wrist. The whole person pulled up again, and instantly reached the top of the city wall.

Watching the Japanese warrior who suddenly flew up, the guards on the top of the city wall raised his crossbow and fired. The chairman pulled out a long sword sharply and cut off the heads of the three guards in front of him. Then he jumped off the stern wall, and the crossbow flew over his head without a hit. Seeing the other side enter the city wall, the part near him immediately started to retreat and gave way to a passage. Four sword-armed soldiers and shields rushed out of the crowd, followed the sword in their hands and greeted the Japanese samurai.

Seeing the close guard, the Japanese president was in no hurry. He inserted the long knife in his hand back into the scabbard like a lightning, then squatted to pose, and after the guard approached, he immediately pulled out a sword flash. The shields of the four people were all halved in an instant, but the four were not forced back, fighting for the loss of the shield, the four quickly leaned forward, and the four-handed swords slashed at him from left and right and up and down respectively.

The guild leader did not expect that our guild would be so powerful. The shield was cut open and he dared to rely on melee. But surprised and surprised, the block still has to block. The guy looked at the four-handled sword to seal the four directions, and had to jump backwards and jumped onto the wall to break the four of them from above. What surprised him was that it wasn't a four-player attack at all, but a five-player attack. In addition to the four Sword Shielders, in the back of the crowd there is a God Archer and the four are in a group. The attack of the first four people was fast and fierce. Unless the strength was stronger than them, they could not be cracked at all, so the attacked person could choose to pull back and pull back. However, there is not so much space on the wall. The other party only has to jump up if he wants to step back, and he can avoid the attack range of the four people when he jumps to the wall, and the **** archer is waiting for this jump.

At the same time as the chairman took off, the archer had loosened the tightened bowstring, and when the chairman jumped up, the arrow just hit his chest. The arrow with terror power only allowed the guy to stand on the wall for a few tenths of a second and then took him away from the wall and hit the wall.

Watching the president fall under the wall, several archers rushed to the wall and fell down the stone. The guy who was still falling was a row of feather arrows. As a result, the guy was shot before he landed. Hedgehog, finally fell heavily on the ground.

The first president who rushed to the city wall went up and down quickly, but his efforts have helped the people behind for a little bit of time. When the archers killed the president and turned the target back to the Japanese who were climbing up the city wall, the fastest person had already reached the wall. Seeing the short crossbow sticking out from above his head, the Japanese player who rushed to the highest place jumped decisively on the wall, but he did not reach out to reach the wall. Although he could catch the wall and climb himself up by doing that, the result was that he was shot into a sieve by the archers behind him and fell off the wall. So instead of touching the city wall, he jumped out of the wall with a chance of jumping above the wall, and threw out a large number of darts. He dropped the darts because of the exhaustion of the darts. The wall fell down.

Although the ninja failed to land on the wall to launch a dart, his efforts paid off. Although the ninja's darts are not very lethal, they are always an attack, not to mention that the archers who are not high in defense are in the front row, so this dart is still chaotic for these arrows. Taking advantage of the group of archers avoiding darts, a Japanese player who followed the ninja had already climbed out of the rampart, and turned the wall with a single hand.

As soon as the player landed, the opposite archer recovered from the dart interference. After the opposite archer recovered, the player stopped attacking, and opened his arms directly towards the crowd in front. As soon as he was off the ground, seven or eight arrows had shot through his body, but the strong inertia still caused his body to fall into the arrowman's body and turned over a row of people.

Because of this guy's suicide attack, the archers failed to come and deal with the people who climbed the wall behind. Following this guy, several Japanese players climbed to the top of the wall and quickly used this gap to pull out their weapons and rush to the archers.

When I saw a large number of people here on the top of the wall, the archers immediately started to back, and the previously disappeared swordsmen again came up and started fighting with these people, but because there was no archer suppression by the wall, more and more people started Climb the city walls.

"Good opportunity." Another president of the Japanese guild saw someone had climbed up the city wall and rushed to the wall immediately, and it was surprising that this guy didn't use the rope at all, and just walked along the road almost vertical. The wall ran all the way to the top of the wall, and then jumped in.

It was chaotic enough for the Japanese to open a gap above the city wall. The chairman suddenly jumped up from another area. The archer in that area was too late to respond and was killed. Chang quickly expanded the results and killed two followers. Because the five-member team was broken, the previous tactics could not be used, but the remaining three-member team was still very powerful. The chairman who forced it took a lot of effort to kill them. However, although the three of them restrained the chairman, their battle also affected the archers blocking Japanese players in this area from climbing the wall. As a result, the top of the wall had already come up when the chairman killed the group of five. More than a dozen Japanese players. Under the leadership of the chairman, they began to assault on the surroundings and gradually expand the results. More and more Japanese began to climb up the city wall, and the blocking shooting at the edge of the city wall was forced to stop, and the archers could only shoot. The interception of the enemies under the wall cannot accurately strike the climbers, and the interception effect immediately drops sharply.

As more and more Japanese climbed up the wall, the whole battle became extremely dangerous. At this time, the Japanese players were snarling and desperately fighting because they knew that as long as the wall was breached , Then the Fulcrum City will be presented to them without reservation. But ... accidents can only shock people when they appear at the most critical moment.

Wow ... with a deep, long sound like a steamer whistle, a low and depressing sound of music suddenly sounded above the gate of the sixth city wall of the Fulcrum City, and as the sound grew louder, Japanese players outside the city wall He Du began to feel that there was a huge burden on his body, and this burden seemed to be constantly increasing weight, and they even began to have difficulty breathing.

"Damn, what's going on?" A Japanese player desperately supported his body with both hands and tried to stand up, but the strong pressure prevented them from doing it at all, as if he had an elephant on his back general.

Next to this player, a player who seemed to have a deeper understanding of our guild suddenly said: "It is the magic player unit of the Frost Rose Alliance. I heard that the Frost Rose League has a magic player unit, which specializes in music and dance. kill."

"Even if it's a magician, the coverage is too big, right?" The player next to him barely raised his head to look at the large land under the city wall. Few people could stand in this area. That is to say, this weapon covers at least the entire area between the two city walls. As for the outside area, because he can't see it, he doesn't know the situation, but it looks like no one rushes in to supplement the fallen crowd, indicating that the outside is very May also be in coverage. This approach to near-battlefield attack is a bit scary.

The player was sighing there. Suddenly, the sound of music on the city's head changed again. A crisper sound than just now suddenly entered their ears, following all the Japanese personnel on the battlefield, whether the player or the player. All spit blood at the same time.

"Damn, these musicians are so powerful, we don't expect to break this wall completely without killing them."

"Fighting with them" A Japanese player suddenly raised his hands and patted his ears violently, and then saw a lot of blood sprayed out of his ears. He shook his head reluctantly, then exclaimed, "Why? Why can I still hear the music when I pat my ears deaf?"

No one answered his question, but Japanese players understand that the sound is obviously not heard by ears, at least not entirely by ears. Under the suppression of this musical sound, the Japanese players who just rushed to the top of the city were quickly killed, and the people who climbed outside the city wall also fell down. The results of the Japanese players' hard work and hard-to-get results were all inexplicably overthrown, with little practical effect except for some casualties caused by the guards of the Bank. However, for the fruits of this battle, the bodies of Japanese players piled under the city walls have increased by more than one meter.

"Damn, **** it. If we go on like this, we don't even want to lay down the city wall here." The Japanese player who was completely pressed and couldn't stand up watched the archers on the city's head start to clean up his companions in a row His eyes were red, but anxiety was useless, and the music kept them from standing up.

Most of the Japanese players under the city walls were shot and killed. When the remaining Japanese players thought there was no hope, a group of players wearing uniforms suddenly rushed between the two city walls, and then they quickly ran under the city walls.

Seeing that someone could still move, the archers on the wall immediately regarded these alternative people as the preferred target, and the Japanese players below were all excited when they saw these people and didn't know what to say. The costumes on these people told them that these were the ghost dragon society, all of whom were Matsumoto Masa. The people who thought of the Ghost Dragon Club easily cracked the almost invincible mobile angel army. Those Japanese players who couldn't move immediately pinned all their hopes on these people. However, when they saw that the dense arrows on the city wall were shooting at the people of the ghost dragon society, the hearts of these people immediately mentioned their throats, but when they thought their hopes were to be dashed, those The members of the Guilong Society suddenly all gathered together, and then the four outermost people suddenly turned around and squatted down to create a strange shape.

As soon as those people put on their shapes, a sound of gurgling sounded immediately, and all the arrows flying towards the members of the ghost dragon society were blocked by a yellow light curtain. Seeing this scene, those Japanese players all screamed in excitement, as if they had successfully escaped the disaster.

After successfully blocking the first wave of intensive arrow rain, the four players immediately received their protective covers. Although some sparse arrows were still shooting at this time, after all, the density was not high. The arrows jumped back and forth between them to dodge, eventually letting them rush under the wall without any damage.

Seeing the members of the Ghost Dragon Club rushing under the city walls, all the Japanese players around shouted excitedly to cheer them on, and the members of the Ghost Dragon Club were indeed amazing. I saw that the two strongest Japanese warriors in the team first stood under the city wall and crossed their hands to form a Tic-Tac-Toe frame, then squatted slightly. A player in the back rushed to them in a few steps, then suddenly turned and fell Jumping up and stepping on a Tic-Tac-Toe frame composed of their hands. The two samurai along the player's falling power first gave way, and then suddenly blasted it upward, and the player also kicked down, and the whole person flew up the wall like a cannonball. Fall directly into the duo wall. Seeing the perfect cooperation of these three players, the Japanese players below cheered, but their cheers were not over yet, and the player who just jumped up was beaten out. However, although the first player hangs up in a few seconds, the second and third players are thrown up one after another. The players in the back all use the power of these two people to jump directly to the top of the wall. When Arrow Rain greets them, the four players will work together to arrange that kind of protective cover to protect them.

In this way, more than thirty members of the members of the Black Dragon Club were quickly thrown onto the city wall, and under the city wall, there were only four people who opened the protective cover and the two strong super-dog-like men. After confirming that no one needs to be thrown, the six did not find a way to climb the wall, but instead hid in the city gate hole and transformed a huge hand-cranked drill from the space equipment to start making holes in the city gate. .

Affected by Isinger, almost all cities in the Bank's building, except for small cities that are not important, have almost used gates that are as thick as the city walls as protection measures for the gates, which means that the general siege hammers against us The city gates of the guild were simply invalid. Although the siege hammer is known as the siege hammer, it actually only attacks the city gates that are tens of centimeters thick. It is obviously impossible for the siege hammer that is almost as thick as the city wall to be composed of stones. However, although the siege hammer can't hit such a jack, but the drill bit can open a hole in the rock, and what to do after opening the hole, this fool knows. As long as a hole is opened in the jack gate, and then some explosives are plugged in, the entire gate can be blasted like a mountain blast. This method of blasting and opening is really simple. Of course, there are usually key defense areas under the gate, and the guards on the wall will not let you worry about making holes in the gate, so this method is not easy to use.

Now the reason why the six members of the Ghost Dragon Club were able to make holes in the door was purely because of the confusion caused by the more than thirty people who had reached the top of the city wall before. Due to their restraint, the guards on the city wall could not throw bombs or roll asphalt, or else they could not stand by the defense materials on the city wall.

The Japanese players who were crushed to the ground were watching the six people at the gate of the city digging there, and suddenly they listened to the music on the city wall and somehow messed up. The pressure on them immediately disappeared, and everyone jumped from the ground. stand up. Although there was a brief bun, these people soon realized that the group of people who had just rushed to the city wall disturbed the magical music on the gate, so they could regain their freedom.

The Japanese players and people who resumed their ability to move began to rush to the side of the city wall and throw the rope upwards, and then began to climb the wall again. Since there were already corpses over three meters high under the city wall, this time they needed to climb the wall. It has been reduced by more than three meters, but the danger of climbing the wall has not been reduced in fact, because the corpse is not the material for paving, after all, it is not so easy to imagine to advance on the soft corpse. Many Japanese players have fallen on this deep and shallow footway. However, despite the bumpy road ahead, Japanese players finally climbed to the wall again in a spirit of death. After experiencing another battle over the city, finally Japanese players began to control a short section of the city wall, and subsequent Japanese players began to climb up the city wall one after another to expand their success.

It wasn't until many Japanese players climbed the city walls that they found out that the upstairs of the city gate was not everything peaceful. The thirty or so ghost dragon club players who jumped up before now have seven or eight people fighting, and the bodies of other people are lying on the ground. Some of them looked very beautiful, but the lightning-fast beauties were holding strange weapons and the remaining ghost dragons would be entangled with the players, but those people were not very entangled with these beauties, desperately chasing one Little girl who looks harmless.

Although I do n’t know why these people are fighting like this, nearby Japanese players still choose to believe that their actions are meaningful, so subsequent Japanese players near the gates took the initiative to make the little-beauty-looking little girl the first target. .

In fact, if they knew that the little girl who was hunted down was the magic player who could not stand up before they were pressed with music, it is estimated that they would not be surprised by the behavior of the ghost dragon club players. However, anyway, the previous actions of the ghost dragon club still let them follow the ghost dragon club players to chase the little beauty, but unfortunately the person who rushed up was not, but none of them could approach the little beauty. of. As for the reason ... it is the twelve beauties lining up in front of the little beauty and the four beauties surrounding the little girl.

In the eyes of Japanese players, the equipment of these 16 beauties are all very strange. Although the equipment on them looks like a basic form of armor, if you study it carefully, you will find that these armors do not have much protection, because they expose many parts of these beauties, and they do not play any defensive role at all. . On the contrary, if these things are performance clothes, it is very convincing, because each of these pieces of equipment looks so gorgeous, and its decorative effect is obviously greater than the actual combat capabilities.

However, the above is only a guess from Japanese players, but the actual situation is-this is actually 16 sets of chain sets that are rare in the world.

Everyone knows the set, which is a complete set of equipment. Generally, the attributes of this type of equipment can help each other. After a complete set of sets, the combat power will be very powerful. Scary. But what is this chain set? In fact, this is very simple. A chain suit is a suit, but the general suit is a full set of equipment for one person, and a chain suit is a full set of equipment for multiple people.

The sixteen beauties standing in front of Crystal Princess are actually the two magic bands of our guild-the twelve scales of the angels and the dancing angels.

The angel's twelve scales is a group of twelve magic sound dancers. All of their equipment can echo each other. Any two people in the entire team can use the double combination technique, and three people can release three people together. Skills, on top of this, any number of people can combine special skills, and even twelve people can also perform a twelve-person combined skills similar to the sword array. You are welcome to say that if the twelve of them jointly launch the finishing technique, even if I am trapped in the middle, it is estimated that I will be beaten to a half, the other people will have no hope of survival.

It's almost the same as the angel's twelve scales ~ ~ The dancing angel quartet is also a squad. The four of them were also equipped with chain suits, but different from the twelve scales of the angel. Although the angel's twelve-tone equipment is a chain suit, their equipment is all Holy Spirit, which means that although the level is high, it is not the top equipment. And although their twelve people cooperate well, after all, there are twelve people, and it is difficult to completely unify. But the dance angel quartet is different. These four are not only a rare set of twin sisters, but their chain suits are also artifact-level. It can be said that these four people are almost invincible in the world. The only failure may be that they have met nemesis or unfavorable circumstances. Otherwise, it can be said that no one can win them in a fair battle.

Because of the chain suit, the strength of these sixteen people can be said to be invincible. But since the creation of the magic sound group in our guild, these magic musicians and magic sound dancers have been trained independently. They often seldom participate in the activities of the guild, and they will only appear unless they are fighting in urban war level. This type of training makes them not only mysterious to outsiders, but even in our bank. Most people do n’t say their specific attributes, or even how they fight. It ’s because of this, that Japanese players simply do n’t know what equipment these girls wear like performance clothes. To what extent, and the price of contempt of the enemy is-death.

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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