Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 10: Sound kill

Volume 19 Chapter 10 Sound Kill

A few Japanese players looked at these beautifully-dressed and seemingly incompetent beauties who were going to take advantage of them. Suddenly, they saw flashes of light before them. The next group of people lost their consciousness, even how they were attacked. Did not figure out.

The angel's twelve scales rushed into the crowd of Japanese players with lightning, various colorful attack skills flying around like neon lights, and Japanese players who came to the reinforcements flew up to the roof like bowling pins that were hit by flying. Then he slammed the ground again.

"Hoo is not an opponent at all" Looking at the messed up Japanese players, one of those remaining ghost ghost dragons sighed.

Another anxious ghost dragon standing next to him would ask the player: "What now? Those idiots can't help, and we alone can't deal with the women, what should we do?"

Although the player who just questioned was a member of the Ghost Dragon Club, in order to ensure the credibility of the Ghost Dragon Club, we did not replace everyone in it with a spy. In fact, we can't make up so many spies. The Ghost Dragon Club can have strict requirements for membership, but it must not be accepted by a real Japanese player, so we have developed a set of special screening strategies for Matsumoto Masa, so as to ensure that there are a large number of real Japanese endeavors in the Ghost Dragon Club. It can also guarantee that the ghost dragon will be used by us.

The guy who asked the question between the two people who are currently talking is an authentic Japanese player. The reason why he saw those other guild Japanese players beat so badly by the angel's twelve-tone scale is because he was in order to Japan's revival is fighting. As for the other player asked, the main reason he is not worried is that he is actually our spy. Of course, this is not obvious on the surface, because he usually behaves very cold, and has always said nothing, and his expression has not changed, so even if he is calm now, no Japanese will doubt him. Attitude.

To the companion's question, the spy replied calmly: "Even if they are not opponents, it is enough that they can hold the women by their own death. Our task is to kill the little girl who uses the organ, her skill is powerful too big"

"But we can't rush at all like this ... eh? What is this?" The player who was anxiously asking suddenly received a pill from the companion next to him.

The companion asked, while blocking the attacks of several Chinese players in front of him, said: "This is Guili Pill. Each time you take it, you can expand the ghost and **** mode for two hours. The combat power can be greatly improved. Now swallow it." After speaking, I took another one and stuffed it into my mouth.

Seeing that the other party had already eaten one, the Japanese player also quickly put the pill in his hand into his mouth, and several other members of the Ghost Dragon Club around also got points for the Ghost Pill. Go on.

The Japanese player who swallowed the ghost power pill just swallowed the medicine, and immediately felt that there was an unexplainable feeling in the body, and then he suddenly felt a force burst from his heart. Then a white flame suddenly rose up and down his body, and his entire body suddenly had more layers of armor-like things, but the face of this armor was not a human face but a horrible ghost.

"Quick, the effect is only two hours, don't waste it."

Immediately after swallowing the medicine, our spy rushed towards the twelve-tone scale of the angel, but although he was quick, he returned faster. Despite taking Guili Pill, the twelve-tone scales of the angels are not good-looking after all, and their fighting power can definitely kill God. Besides, Japanese players who swallowed Gui Li Pill only have some of the power of the ghosts and gods. Become a god.

Although our spy was turned upside down in person, the remaining members of the Ghost Dragon Club rushed forward without hesitation, and Japanese players who climbed up the city walls nearby also rushed to help.

Faced with so many enemies rushing up at the same time, the boss of the angel's twelve scales suddenly yelled: "Fight."

"Yes." The twelve people gathered in an instant to form a hexagonal star formation, and then the beautiful woman on the sharp corner at the rear of the formation suddenly raised a beam of light that went straight to the sky, and then took her as , Along the clockwise direction, the six persons at the sharp corners light up one by one. After the six beams of light rose, the six people on the inner circle also raised six beams of light at the same time, and then the beams of light in the inner circle suddenly began to rotate clockwise, while the beams of the outer circle rotated counterclockwise. The ring consisting of two layers of light pillars turns faster and faster, and finally becomes almost two light walls. Following the light wall suddenly flashes, just listening to the sound of a boom, all the Japanese players on the entire gate and all of them are instantly bombed. They went out, and they didn't figure out what had happened until they fell under the wall.

After dropping all the enemies on the gate tower in one stroke, the angel's twelve-tone scale was planning to command the personnel to intercept the enemy climbing the wall, and suddenly heard a boom, the entire gate tower jumped up first, followed by Xun Xun Collapsed.

While "Run" collapsed in the gate tower, the angel's twelve scales and other members of the magic music team turned around and jumped out of the gate tower, and the unresponsive people like Bingbing and Crystal Princess were also caught by the passing partners. Taking away from the gate.

At the same time as Bingbing completely broke away from the city gate, the tall city gate tower collapsed in a rumbling sound and stirred up the sky.

The sudden collapse of the gate is naturally impossible due to quality. The sudden jump in the collapsed line has made most people guess the reason for the collapse of the gate. The fact is that as people have expected, the city gate was blasted. While the magic music team was entangled by the group of ghost dragon society, the members of the following ghost dragon society finally succeeded in opening several large holes in the gate. After filling enough gunpowder, a lead wire completely ended the gate tower that seemed insurmountable.

However, although the gate tower fell, it was a giant elephant building up to 30 meters high before the collapse. Even if it fell down, a large ruin of more than ten meters high was piled on the ground, only relatively. For the straight and smooth walls, this messy ruin is still a slope. Although it is not easy to walk, it is at least better than the wall.

"The city is broken ... The city is broken ..." Seeing the collapsed city gate, the excited Japanese players shouted and gathered desperately there, and the guards of our guild quickly reached the gap and shot downwards. Helpless Japanese players are still climbing the wall in addition to the part of the gap, so the wall is not easy.

Previously, Japanese players were blocked by the city wall and they had to wait helplessly for the people in the front to be dropped off or climb the city wall to participate in the battle. Now that there is such a gap, the remaining Japanese players have apparently found their goals and poured into the inner city from that gap. .

Excited Japanese players are rushing straight away, and suddenly they see a loud noise on the ground in front of them. Numerous green vines suddenly drilled out of the ground like a large number of devil's tentacles, and they were swinging in front of Japanese players. Some Japanese players who were not afraid of death were smashed into a meat handle when they rushed to the vicinity, while more people were caught in the air by the arabesque and thrown back to the wall.

"Mage, mage?" Seeing these arabesques blocked the road, someone finally responded and started calling the mage, and the fireballs and seas of fire that appeared later finally stopped those arabesques from blocking the road.

Just after the Japanese player passed through the vines that were burned to the ground by the flames, there was a sudden sound of hollow sound in front of them. With previous experience, the first reaction of many players this time is that the previous music has started again. However, what they didn't expect was that the expected heavy pressure did not appear, but the group of Japanese players running in the forefront suddenly ran slower and slower, and finally stopped.

The Japanese players running past these people, although wondering why these people stopped, have no time to manage. In their opinion, these people stopped by 80% because they were affected by the previous music. As to why they were all right, they did not do more investigation. In short, they thought that the music should not be allowed to continue. Unfortunately, although they guessed that the music was really bad for them, they didn't figure out how the sound worked. Just as those unaffected players were about to run through the line of stopped Japanese players to the front, those who had just completely stopped suddenly moved again. Just different from the previous efforts to run forward, these people did not continue to charge, but instead took out weapons and rushed to the companions around them. That's right, they rushed to their companions like virus-infected zombies, and each of them turned their eyes white, and at the same time acted stiff like a puppet, but these were not exactly the same as zombies. The guy does not rely on his instinct to scratch and bite his companion, but to attack directly with the weapon on his hand, and even some mage-type people will continue to attack their former companions with their magic.

"What are you doing?" A Japanese player avoided the chopping of a stiff companion and questioned the other side angrily.

The person next to this player pulled him away, and then cut down the Japanese player who attacked him like a zombie and shouted at him: "Don't stay, they are controlled and don't want the battle to fail Just chop them down. If I'm under control, I hope you can do the same to me. "

The player who had been saved his life nodded somewhat, but just as he was about to do something, his eyes suddenly opened, because he saw the player who had just been cut down by the player who had taught him Japanese players even stood up again. In fact, it is better to be lifted than to stand, because the guy's way of standing completely does not conform to the rules of gravity, and it looks like a haunt. And the player who taught him was not too light, and now the half-pull body of this standing guy is almost split. His right shoulder plus his neck and upper head were attached to the side of the body by only a little muscle under the armpit, but his other hand still stretched out mechanically and seemed to want to grab something.

Seeing such a weird scene, the player couldn't even speak in fright. He could only horrify and point out the breath behind the player who taught him. The man who was educating his companion suddenly saw that his companion turned into this expression, and immediately realized that there was a problem behind it. He turned hurriedly to see a pale palm reaching out. The hand grabbed his neck and squeezed it hard. The guy quickly grabbed the other's hand and tried to move it away, but the other person's hand was surprisingly powerful, no matter how hard he could move it, he was in a hurry. He could only wave his arms desperately to catch the person next to him, hoping he would wake up and help himself.

Seeing the help hand reaching out to him, the educated guy finally responded. The action just stopped just because I was shocked by the situation in front of me, not really scared. After all, "Zero" is a fantasy game. Everyone does n’t know how much it has been cut. It is not long since the game was started that you will see a white skeleton who can be scared all over the world.

The recovering player immediately raised his knife and chopped down on the arm of the companion who didn't know whether it should be called a zombie or a puppet. Although the opponent can be resurrected, it seems that the body is still that body. There is no hindrance when it is cut, and the arm is easily cut off. The player who had educated him previously took three steps back because he was holding his arm suddenly broken, but what surprised him was that the hand that gripped his throat continued to work hard without any looseness, and so on He must be pinched to death.

Seeing that his companion was still desperately pulling on that hand, the Japanese player who just waved a knife immediately realized that this guy already had an almost immortal physique, so he immediately inserted the long knife back into the scabbard and pulled it out. He rushed up, and shouted to the guy who was caught, "Let go."

Although he was stunned, the player saw the opponent's dagger and understood the meaning of the opponent, so he reluctantly loosened his left hand. The player holding the dagger inserted the dagger next to the thumb of the hand as soon as he saw the empty space, and used everything, because the joint gap was aligned, the knife easily cut the thumb down. Without the thumb held against the four fingers, naturally this action cannot be done.

The player who was almost hanged by the stinger immediately threw out the hand hanging around his neck as soon as he felt his neck was unblocked, and then began to pant heavily. I was really scared just now, after all, I have never seen anything like this before. The man who helped him cut off that hand also came to try to comfort him, but as soon as he looked up, he immediately pulled the guy who was going to comfort him, and at this time a long sword also happened to pass from that man Sweeping around, almost chopped the opponent.

Although the person being pulled aside was pulled back, he knew that the other party must be helping him, so he hurriedly turned around and saw the guy who was already three points and seven points like a ghost holding a sword there Wave around. It's exaggerated to say that the mess is not exaggerated at all, but the guy is shaking. Because the left hand was cut off, the guy could only grab the sword with his right hand, but because his entire right shoulder and head were hanging on his side, his right hand was no longer in the original position. The hand, which hangs on the side with only a little flesh, is shaking by itself. Naturally, it is impossible to accurately chop when holding a sword, so it can only be said that he is shaking.

"Damn, what the **** is going on?"

"I don't know, but it must be related to the music." The player who pulled away his companion was breathing evenly, he raised his long knife and walked to the companion who was no longer human, and then cut off his head After the opponent was still moving, he penetrated the opponent's heart again, but the body was still moving. In desperation, he had to cut off his hands and feet, so that the completely disintegrated body could no longer attack people. However, the limbs that fell to the ground did not mean to stop like a perpetual motion, especially the arm holding the sword even stretched forward to shrink and try to attack them.

"Is this hell?" The rescued man looked at his wriggling arms on the ground and felt his nerves were about to collapse. The dead are not terrible, but they can be cut into sections and crawl everywhere, which is too scary. Even zombies in undead creatures will not move after their heads or hearts are damaged, and this thing in front of them can't be killed at all.

In fact, it is not only this Japanese player who is controlled, but all Japanese players who are controlled are the same. Subsequent Japanese players who rushed up were blocked by the players who had become immortal in front of them. During the moment when the gate tower collapsed, a large number of people were blocked. However, the immortal bodies in front of them would not be able to pass for a short while.

Different from the chaos on the Japanese player side ~ ~ Bingbing is sitting on a rock with a weak face, and a part of the city wall is a distance away from the ruins of the gate, but her expression is quite excited Look.

The little girls in the dance angel quartet looked at Bingbing admiringly and shouted, "You Bingbing, you are so good. This seventh movement of Hellsoul Song is really amazing. What did you just say?"

"Back to soul night." Bingbing said with a smile.

"Yes, Soul Night. It's so bullish, so many enemies have turned into undead zombies, which is even better than horror movies."

Bingbing said modestly: "In fact, I can only release this once a day. You see, I can't even stand up now. Also, the number of people who can control this skill is also limited, not because you think you can hear it. Will be affected. "

"That's also very good. Unfortunately, our sisters are all magic sound dancers, basically they are physical combatants. The attack power is high, but unfortunately, it is not as good as your magic sound master against large groups of enemies."

"This can only be considered as having its own strengths," Bing Ling said instead of Bing Bing, and then turned his head and asked, "Who's next? Those zombie looks like they won't last long."

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