Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 17: crazy girl

Volume 19 Chapter 17 Crazy Girl

Although Zhenhong knew at the moment of being attacked that these things are indistinguishable from each other, even if she understood, it would not help her resistance. Those monsters are different from people. Their offensive speed is very fast, and they will retreat immediately if the current situation is not right. True Red just punched a monster in the past and killed a monster. The remaining monsters immediately began to spread around her for regular. Siege, this kind of siege is completely a combined formation, no matter which direction the monster attacked in true red, the monster in that direction will inevitably retreat, and the monsters in other directions will immediately jump up to attack her.

After being surrounded by monsters, Real Red used several big tricks in succession. Although I removed a few monsters, it was really a waste of money relative to the number of monsters. It was useless at all. Seeing more and more monsters gathered around, true red finally went crazy.

"Dammit, all flash away for me." Zhen Hong suddenly jumped up and hit her on the ground with a punch, and then saw her as her heart. A red shock wave spread out instantly, and all the monsters surrounding her were instantly bombarded. Some of the weaker ones even vomited blood on the spot and died.

"Fuck, this skill is too good, isn't it?" Seeing that Zhen Hong actually dropped a large monster around her in one move, the Japanese players around were dumbfounded. However, they reacted quickly because they couldn't do it without reaction. After killing the monsters, Zhenhong is probably not angry, but she didn't go to the trouble of looking for the cherry rain god, but rushed into the crowd of ordinary players and began to kill.

In terms of the number of Japanese players, it is true that one person cannot be killed alone, but it is beyond doubt that she can cause huge losses to the Japanese player army. Looking at the real red like a tiger into a flock of sheep, the surrounding Japanese players can only try to stay away from her area as much as possible to reduce losses. As for what she is focusing on, no matter if she resists or does not resist, she is dead anyway.

True Red gave up the attack on the Sakura Rain chicks, but Sky Kristina did not give up. She flew directly to the head of the Sakura Rain God, and then folded her hands in front of her and slowly pulled away. As her hands slowly separated, an electric ball began to gather and grow in her palm. Eventually, when the electric ball grew to a diameter of more than a meter, Kristina finally shoved it forward. A push.

As if feeling the power of this electric ball, the monsters besieging the Sakura Rain God suddenly all flew away. The monsters of the cherry rain gods suddenly left, and immediately locked their eyes on the electric ball that was flying overhead. In fact, she had noticed Kristina since long, but there were monsters around her, she couldn't make a counterattack, but now the monsters have run away, and they can just fight back.

Suddenly, she looked up at the electric ball, and suddenly the light flickered around the whole young lady. She disappeared in a flash, and the light ball fell to the place where she was standing just a minute before. Just listening to the sound of a bang, the surface of the electric ball suddenly raised tens of thousands of dense arcs, covering everything within a radius of 200 meters around it, and then I saw that this area seemed to have a dense thunderstorm, and the arc of a water snake was thick. In this space frantically chaos, everything, whether it is a monster that has not come far away or an unlucky Japanese player covered in it, even the floor and the floor are shattered into arc flurry. The dust was scattered in the air. When the arc burst in those few seconds, there was only a giant sand pit with a radius of 200 meters.

"His ..." Seeing the result of that blow, the nearby Japanese players finally realized the difference between the first-class masters and them. The ability of these ordinary players is still in the battle against others, and these first-class masters have entered the point where they can affect the natural rules in a small range.

The lightning attack of Kristina was just over here, but the Chrysanthemum Chrysalis suddenly appeared behind Kristina, without any warning, but the Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemums saw Kli before the attack. Suddenly, Srina returned suddenly, and at the same time, she swung with one hand, and a whip composed of electric current suddenly drew towards the suddenly appearing Sakura Rain God. I only heard a crisp and crackling sound. The electric whip seemed to be drawn to a layer of protective cover in the middle of the air. The entire surface of the protective cover was flashing arcs, but the cherry rain **** inside the protective cover did not fart.

Kris Dina, who was invalid in a single blow, immediately fluttered her wings and flew back, but the Sakura Yujin had no intention of chasing. I saw her suddenly pointing a weapon like a spear and a staff in the air, and a white beam shot out instantly. With one hand, Chris Dina waved an elemental shield suddenly appearing in front of a beam of light, followed by an explosion, and the elemental shield and the beam disappeared into the air at the same time.

Coming without mercy, Kristina, who blocked the attack, immediately pinched her hands together to form a peculiar handprint, followed by a forward finger, more than 300 small ones with a diameter of only half a meter and shining green light. The magic array suddenly appeared in front of her, and then I saw those magic arrays flashed at the same time, and then some of the magic arrays began to go out green short beams. As part of the magic arrays began to beam, the remaining magic arrays also began. Flashed and followed the beam. Looking at the scene from a distance, it looks like more than three hundred laser guns are attacking Sakura Yumi more than the tip.

However, the Sakura Yujin is not the master of passive beatings. At the same time that the magic array appeared, the Sakura Yujin moved. When the first magic array began to beam, a floating protective shield composed of 36 regular hexagonal crystal barriers suddenly appeared on it. In front of the cherry rain god, then I saw those crystal barriers with an area of ​​only one square meter on each side began to move in front of the cherry rain **** with a lightning degree. They blocked each light bullet with extremely precise movement. On the way forward, everyone only saw the explosion in front of the Sakura Yujin, but none of the light shots passed through the protective barrier.

The attack was invalid, and Kristina waved her hand suddenly, and the three hundred magical arrays in front of her suddenly moved. These magical arrays no longer stopped together to attack, but quickly flew together to form a huge loose sphere to surround the cherry rain gods, and then those magical arrays began to saturate without any difference. The attack, the dense beam of light flew almost from all directions of the cherry rain **** chick, and the dense and terrible. However, everyone was shocked again soon. I saw that with the attack of Kris Dina's attack magic array, the sakura rain chick's defensive crystal barrier also began to change. The thirty-six crystal barriers automatically flew around the sakura rain goddess. Although their area was not enough to completely surround the sakura rain chicks, with their high movement, those seemingly dense and irregular attacks It was completely blocked again. There were dense horror explosions all around the cherry rain god, but she was nothing at all.

"I x, these two women are perverts," a Japanese player couldn't help but said, "Chris Dina is just an interstellar turret, but our angel lady is a space fortress, and no one can help anyone."

"No, Miss Angel is about to kill." A sharp-eyed player cried suddenly.

Sure enough, the protection zone where the sakura rain chicks who have been passively beaten in the sky suddenly shot a red beam straight into the sky and blasted a magic array that was moving high, followed by more beams. The gaps in the crystal barrier fly around randomly, but each shot of it will smash a magic array.

Kristina is not the kind of person who can't afford to lose. Recognizing that this flexible attack is invalid, she did not wait for the Sakura Yujin to smash all her magic array, but suddenly waved, and all magic array suddenly Changed the law of movement and left the cherry rain gods around and gathered in front of Kristina, and then a huge magic array with a diameter of more than 100 meters suddenly appeared in front of Kristina, and those small magic arrays before were like Mosaic gems are generally attracted to some key positions on the large magic circle. As for the position where the magic circle that was smashed should be, it is supplemented by some new small magic circles.

Seeing the huge magic array, I was hiding in the giant mosquito post and watching the live broadcast of me and Masamoto Matsumoto exclaimed together. In fact, Ling took my magic pet to chase Matsumoto Masaha just for one reason he left the battlefield. After reaching the no-man's land, they detoured and returned to the giant mosquito outpost near the battlefield.

This battle is so important that it is impossible for the giant mosquito outpost to be present for intelligence support. With the full battlefield monitoring ability of the giant mosquito outpost and its perfect self-stealth ability coupled with his maneuverability, it makes no sense not to use him as a mobile command. After the scam, I went here to watch the battlefield live, and Matsumoto Masako quickly rushed over to see the lively.

"Is Chris Dinah crazy? How dare you use this trick?" Looking at the magic formation that was gradually taking shape, Masamoto Matsumoto was also startled. He has seen this magic. Before this guy received secret training in our guild, he saw Kristina playing this magic in the experimental field. Remember that the power of this magic seemed to blast a mountain into In two halves, this power is really scary.

Compared to Masamoto Matsumoto's nervousness, I am more calm. "Don't be nervous. This magic is graded. Have you seen the small magic arrays embedded in the large magic array? Are their colors green?"

"Is there a difference in this color?" Matsumoto asked.

"Of course there is a difference." I explained: "Kristina's magic array has seven levels of power adjustment. These seven levels correspond to the red, orange, green, green, blue, and purple seven bell colors. Green means that the magic array is not fully charged. Yes, it's just normal power. The last time you saw it was that Kristina had just learned this magic to experiment with power, so she used the maximum purple output. "

"But this magic top-level power is so great, even if green is only a level, that power is incredible?"

"Relax, Chris Dina is still very decent."

Ling stood aside and said, "Actually, I think that this time, Kristina will lose a lot."

"Why?" As soon as my question came out, I suddenly saw that the small magic array inlaid with the huge magic array displayed on the home screen was actually changing color. The colors of those little magic arrays changed from green to cyan very quickly, then turned blue, and finally started to purple, but probably realized that this was a bit too much, so the purple little magic array stabilized again for a second. Returned blue.

"I'm x, is this girl, Christina, crazy? Blue power? What does she want?"

Ling explained calmly: "Not the ultimate reward you promised?"

When I heard Ling ’s words, I instantly remembered that it seemed that I had talked with Kristina before the battle began. The six of them played in a free way. We do not set the final winner. Well, there are special prizes in the end. Now I want to come to Kristina to use this level of magic, probably to fight the final reward. However, she still has a bit of mental power that has not been adjusted to purple. Otherwise, with the power of her spell, it is estimated that she can go all the way from this position where she is standing to the portal installed by Masamoto Matsumoto outside the city. If she moves the portal It's annoying if it's bombed. We need to know that the portal was not easy for us to do the task. The money we invested for that thing is definitely based on one billion units. If it is bombarded by Christina, I promise she will Received my class gift-Perak Invincible Digital Digital Dunning Bill.

Feeling the rising magic energy on the opposite side, the Sakura Yujin was also startled. Although it was said beforehand that they could attack at will, they all knew that they could not use the power of Yueru. After all, this time they came out for a guest cameo. The main character of this battle is Japanese players. If you let them all let go, let alone Japanese players, the fulcrum city will soon become a ruin, so they have deliberately suppressed it before. Your own attack power. But now that Kristina is suddenly launching an attack of this level, this behavior is simply Repi. However, with the idea of ​​justified defense, after Kristina made use of Rippi's tricks, Sakura Rain also decided to breach the contract.

"Fuck, these girls don't seem to be able to clean up. I'll give them a political lesson." Watching the sudden crowd of crystal barriers in front of Sakura Yu, I even ran away.

Although the strength of the cherry rain **** is not as good as Chris Dina, at their level, the ranking of the strength is actually more based on their comprehensive scores. It is necessary to discuss the power of the strongest skills alone. The skills of the top 20 people will not differ much. The only difference is that you can put a few big moves and your fighting consciousness.

The crystal barrier of the cherry rain godess suddenly stacked on top of her to form a long barrier channel. In addition to the first barrier, the barriers in the distance began to become larger, and each barrier was larger than The front was doubled, and finally the barrier was about the same size as the magic array opposite Kristina. After all the barriers were in place, a small white light ball suddenly appeared at the rear of the pile of crystal barriers.

At the same time as the light ball of the Sakura Rain chick was completed, the opposite Kristina glared suddenly, and the small magic array on the huge magic array suddenly began to spin up in his own position, following a string The string of blue arcs began to crawl around the entire magic array, and the entire huge magic array continued to crackle like high voltage electricity, while the entire magic array was gradually brightening.

Corresponding to Kristina, the small light ball of the Sakura Rain chicks also began to spin at the same time. The high rotating light ball even caused the surrounding airflow to rotate together.

I don't know if I suddenly yelled, "The whole is lying down, the two women are going to fight." All the people who heard the sound almost fell to the ground at the same time. Even if they do n’t know the power of these two skills, at least they can guess that power is definitely not low, and the most powerful attack on the battlefield is actually not the power of a high-level skill, but the explosion of two advanced skills after a collision. power. Except for annihilation-like skill collisions like black hole space, which disappear silently, the power of any two advanced skill collisions will be terrifying.

Seeing so many people lying down, even if they were far away, people who did not hear the shouts were looking for a place to fall to the ground and wait for the attack. In the end, anyway, who is standing now is a silly fork, purely looking for death.

In the eyes of everyone's worries and expectations, the skills of the two finally reached a critical state, and then the cherry rain **** that started after the meeting also completed the preparation step by step. The light ball in her hand suddenly emitted a white beam. The beam penetrated the first crystal barrier, then suddenly doubled. It passed through the first crystal barrier, and then it hit the second barrier again. Doubled it and continued to penetrate. When the light passed through the front barrier all the way, it became a horrible channel of light. Its diameter was already as large as the magic array on the opposite side.

The moment the white light beam emerged from the last barrier, the magical array of the opposite Christina finally reached the critical point, and a thick blue and white light beam burst into a dense electric surround like a heavy laser cannon. Collided with the opposite white beam.

The nearby players started the battlefield video after seeing the two light beams collided, and squeezed their heads tightly between their arms. At this time, you are still staring at the explosion point. Unless you want to be blind, the most sensible way is to start a battlefield video and go back and watch it later.

Players' decisions are based on experience, and the facts prove how correct they are. When the two beams hit each other, a dazzling little sun burst. The monsters still flying in the city were all burned to ashes and floated in the air. Many houses were instantly lit and the ground The corpse and blood were instantaneously steamed, and some unharmed people's body parts were instantly charred. At that moment, at least tens of thousands of people died on the battlefield and there were ten times more disabled people.

After the explosion of the little sun was completed, the horrible shock wave instantly blasted the severely brittle buildings in the city into powder and continued to spread with the shock wave. However, the buildings that were a little further away were basically of high quality, and they all topped. Lived the shock, but the window or something was completely finished.

After the shock wave exploded, the small sun radiated countless horrible small rays to both sides, and these rays seemed to be where the cannonballs were shining, and there would be a big explosion instantly. However, it is probably because the magic shots of Kristina and Sakura Yuhin are on both sides, so the rays did not spread in the direction of the two of them, but flew towards the areas on both sides of them, instead they were them. The area in which it forms a fan-shaped security zone.

This kind of indiscriminate chaos lasted for nearly ten seconds, and the beams on both sides began to accumulate and weaken, and finally disappeared into the air together, but the entire city battlefield was completely disfigured by the two of them. At the place where the two beams converged, a giant pit over 200 meters in diameter appeared. The bottom of the pit was completely covered by lava. Now it is still red. With this pit as the center, four fan-shaped areas are radiated to the surroundings, and the two symmetrical areas are the areas of Kristina and Sakura Yushina Station. The people and buildings in these two areas are basically only affected. A small amount of light radiation and blast wind hit the damage slightly, basically everyone is alive, and the building just looks a bit wolf. However, the other two fan-shaped areas on both sides of the two people are completely different. These two areas show that they have almost become a ruin. All the buildings have only left a pile of ruins. The people on both sides are also dead and injured, and basically no survivors exist. The most outrageous thing was that the two high mountains that originally sandwiched the Fulcrum City were bombarded with two gaps, and they almost split the mountains apart.

Seeing the smoky ruins around, Kristina and the Sakura Rain chicks were also surprised. The cherry rain **** is better, after all, she is forced to fight, but Kristina is not the same. She initiated the skills, and she used such terrifying power. Originally, we planned to leave the fulcrum city to Masamoto Matsumoto as the capital of his future family. Now it seems that even if the city can be finally kept from being destroyed by the system, it is estimated that there will be nothing left. Anyway, Matsumoto Masaha renovating this city is not much easier than rebuilding it.

"Oops, this is all over." Looking at the stricken surroundings, Chris Dina also knew that she was in trouble, although she didn't know if I would continue to reward, anyway, she knew that a meal would definitely not run away.

"Representing the Supreme God ..." Just when Kristina was afraid for her own trouble, the Sakura Yujin suddenly rushed to Kristina as an angel, and then held up the strange weapon and pointed it. Cristina shouted, "I now declare that you have been purified." After speaking, the prince of Sakura Rain stormed down and shot him through the heart of Cristina and nailed it to the ground. Taking advantage of the time when Chris Christina threatened the two of them to stick together, the seal of the God of Sakura and Rain chuckled in Christina's ear and whispered: "Haha, sister, you are in trouble, the president's prize is still me Come and get it. "After talking about it, she immediately pulled back and opened the distance between them.

Helpless and frustrated, Kristina finally closed her eyes willingly, but the Sakura Yushina didn't take long. As soon as she stepped away from Kristina, she was knocked out by a lightning flash. After slamming into a building, Sakura Yushin climbed out hard again, but when she saw the red standing on the opposite side, she realized that she was not saved.

The reason why the ultimate skill is called the ultimate skill is that in addition to its great power, it is also one of its important features. Just after finishing that big move, in fact, Sakura Yujin and Kristina are already at the end of the crossbow. As for the real red ... Actually, the red is not so much consumed, after all, she did n’t play much, but she looks better The cherry rain **** chicks are much more miserable. As for the reason, it can only be said that she was relatively unlucky, and she was standing in the two sectors that were most severely damaged in the four sectors, and the result became what she is now.

Although the Zhenwu suit on True Red is still there, the suit is full of rubbing marks, and there are even large areas of cracks. The most serious thing is that her left arm shoulders are almost falling off. Now, it just dangled by a wire hanging on the shoulder. Can be used to defend the Zhenwu suit known as a beggar outfit, Kris Dina and Sakura Rain chicks have just shown the power of that big move. But thinking about it the other way around, being able to come back alive from that kind of place also illustrates the powerful attributes of the Zhenwu suit.

"It's not bad that you can persist until now, but since I haven't hung up, it's impossible to defeat me in your current state. So, are you going to solve it by yourself or should I do it?"

Sakura Yushin didn't answer ~ ~ She just shot a light bullet suddenly. This is the last magic point left by her. Shooting this thing actually means that the declaration is more effective than the attack, and Zhenhong will also rush down and send her out of the wall.

Although Sakura Yujin failed in the end, Japanese players felt that they had enough. In any case, Sakura Yushin has already defeated Chris Dina under unfavorable conditions, and she has made true red the same as a beggar. Of course, even if you become a beggar, true red is still true red. Japanese players have no illusions that they can kill it. However, there is only one of the top three experts in the bank, which has made Japanese players feel the pressure has dropped a lot. Although the big move just now has caused heavy losses for Japanese players, the last thing Japanese players are afraid of is the dead. On the contrary, because the trick that killed the troubled monsters was also killed together, so for the offensive Japanese players, they were one step closer to victory.

With the basic death of advanced players and the complete destruction of urban defense, Japanese players finally rushed through the buildings outside the city and entered the core area of ​​the city. The towering transnational teleportation magic column has also entered the sight of Japanese players. range.

"Victory is in sight, everyone is rushing." Excited Japanese players screamed and rushed towards their ultimate goal, the multinational teleportation array that is constantly sending troops out.

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