Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 18: 50m Teana

Volume 19 Chapter 18 Fifty Meter Heaven

"Kill ..." Along with the shouting of Zhentian, Japanese players rushed to their ultimate goal, of course, this goal is not easy to deal with. Because the transnational transport array itself is equivalent to a troop for transporting troops, there are high-level arms just arrived by our guild everywhere.

Unlike the slower but cheaper shipping, the unit's unit transfer cost is much higher than the shipping. Although the larger the transfer array, the lower the average cost per transfer, but no matter how low It is absolutely impossible for the cost of the teleportation array to be cheaper than shipping or 6-way transportation, or even air transportation. In fact, according to the player's own private calculation of the cost, even if you spend money to ask the experts to use advanced flying creatures to help transport, the unit cost will not be even the cheapest teleportation array.

But ... just like a plane ticket is so much more expensive than a train ticket, and there are still people willing to fly, the unparalleled advantage of the teleportation array is its ultimate magic weapon to attract customers. However, the high unit transmission cost determines that even if the teleportation array is used to transport troops, it is only limited to transmitting advanced units. If even cannon fodder is used to transport the transport array, it is better to buy it directly at the battle site .

Because of the high cost of the teleportation array, all of our transnational teleportation arrays have actually sent over high-level services. When Japanese players rushed out of the building group and saw a dense army of high-level troops in the square in front of them, their enthusiasm was immediately overwhelmed.

Because the transnational transport array is equivalent to the bridge between Japan, the pressure of material transfer here can be said to be very great. Although only a small amount of unit volume and relatively high-value materials will be transported using the transport array, as a connecting channel between the two countries, the daily material throughput here is still amazing. In order to get these things in and out smoothly, the entire transnational transport array is actually surrounded by a large empty square. The main role of this square is a bit similar to the container storage area in the port, which is a special area for cargo sorting and transshipment. Now, due to the war, all the materials parked in the square have been transported back to Isinger on the other side, and these goods are replaced by high-level units.

"Damn, what do you see?" The fastest Japanese player who rushed to see the dense troops in front of him immediately stopped the rush, but the others still pushed him involuntarily to rush forward, but After all, the charge was slowed down after all.

Although subsequent Japanese players also rushed into the square and showed the horror situation in the front, but because they did not see more people in the square, the team was still pushed forward. Although the people in front were scared by the high-level troops, they were ready for death after all, so after a little hesitation, these people started running again, hoping to use their own strength to kill a blood path for the people behind. .

Looking at the crazy onslaught enemies, the legions on our side did not mean anything to shake. A senior stood on a high platform and shouted, "Everyone pay attention, form a defensive formation."

Boom, boom. Three neat footsteps, the entire army moved forward three steps. The heavy shield hand in the first row quickly lowered the shield, and the spearman behind him immediately extended the spear out of the gap and the top of the shield. After these people, a row of long archers quickly raised their arrows pointing at the sky at a twenty-degree angle. Then, with the order of the commander, they heard only a buzz, and a neat row of arrows flew out at the same time.

The flying arrows used by these advanced archers seem to be equipped with special sound devices. The flying arrows with sharp whistling sounds like a group of noisy worker bees whistling and rushing into the crowd of Japanese players.

Apart from luck, the Japanese players who can hit here alive have strong strength and battlefield experience. Immediately after being attacked by a wave of arrow rain and losing a row of people, someone shouted to let the shielded person rush forward. In fact, there is no need for these people to shout, people with shields are already adding.

During the running, Xun changed the lineup. Japanese players and shields quickly rushed to the first row. Although they could not form a perfect formation in the movement like our guild troops, they formed with their own powerful strength. Although there was a loophole of defense with many loopholes, generally the front line of the front was protected with a shield. With this layer of shield formation, the survival probability of Japanese players and at least in the face of arrow rain will greatly increase.

Excited Japanese players were a little proud of looking at the newly completed protective array, but what they didn't expect was that their pride lasted less than two seconds and became fear, because the second wave of arrow rain attacked them fully. Recognized what is called the elite unit of the Frost Rose Alliance.

Yuan Ben, the group of shielders who charged with the shield and the people behind them who were protected by the shield, thought that this attack can completely ignore the attack of the archer and rushed to the front. Who knows when the second wave of rain came down and ran ahead The shield player was suddenly surprised that the shield he was holding had become a piece of paper. The arrows that fell were like their shields that penetrated through a layer of window paper easily, then penetrated their bodies, then penetrated all the people behind them and those behind them, and finally the arrows were still there. He breathed into the ground half a foot deep before stopping completely.

Although the distance between the two armies is relatively short, after shooting through the shield, they can even penetrate three layers of human walls and directly submerge into the ground half a foot deep. Where can bows and arrows do in this position? This **** is a small-caliber anti-tank gun.

After the second wave of arrow rain ended, the Japanese players on the charge realized that their opponents were amazing, but did not plan to give up. The former city walls and horrible street fighting have cost them too many people. Now victory is in sight. How can we give up? Even if the arrow rain is powerful? It's so far away. Before the two armies can contact each other, they can only accept two more rounds of arrow rain. What are they afraid of? The last thing the Japanese are afraid of is the dead.

Despite this idea, the subsequent arrow rain surprised Japanese players. Indeed, under normal circumstances, their charge and distance between the two armies are only enough for the archer to shoot two arrows. This is still calculated by the Japanese players according to the superior strength of the superior troops. If the general troops, at this time the Throne of the Seal of God can shoot an arrow. However, Japanese players are destined to be disappointed today.

Just when the Japanese players thought they could engage with the elite forwards after two rounds of arrow rain, the archer troops across came a shout. "Everyone changes the peacock to open the screen arrow." After hearing this shout, the archer team suddenly heard a neat arrow change, followed by all the archers mounting four arrows on the bowstring at one time, and then pulled the bow away. Reached the limit state.

After the archers were ready, a commander in front of the team suddenly raised a flag and then swooped down, listening only to a whining sound, and a large black cloud suddenly emptied and turned towards the Japanese player forward. The team shrouded.

Looking at the black clouds suddenly rising in front, the Japanese players who were charging immediately realized that it was not good, but at this time they were completely unable to hide. They could only watch Heiyun fall on the crowd, and then saw that Japanese players who had been less than ten meters away from our forward were smashed to the ground, and the troops behind them were emptied. In an instant, the Japanese player's impact front was forced to pull back 50 meters, because all the people within 50 meters of the front had fallen to the ground.

"This ... this ... what happened to his grandmother?" Looking at his companion who suddenly fell, the Japanese player finally realized the problem.

Even if it is calculated by the fastest players in the Japanese player team, it takes at least two seconds to cross the distance of 50 meters in front. The archers on the opposite side seem to be exactly three seconds in a round, that is to say If all the fastest personnel charge, as long as the opponent can not slow down, they also need to hard top at least a dozen rounds of arrow rain before they rush through the horrible fifty meters. However, the more serious problem is that more than two seconds are calculated according to the assassin's degree, but have you ever seen someone use the assassin to redefine the defense line of the shield hand and the spearman's defense? What's the difference between hitting a stone with an egg?

There are only three types of standard tactics that are most suitable for impacting the heavy shield defense line-heavy cavalry, heavy infantry and pike team ~ ~ The above three types of arms are naturally the fastest, but even With heavy cavalry, it takes at least three seconds to cross this distance, and according to the archer on the opposite side, if the charging team cannot cross the 50 meters in three seconds, it means that as long as the opponent does not decrease Even if more people come here, they will all be shot dead within the range of 50 meters.

What used to be a 50-meter distance for Japanese players in just a few seconds has now become the most terrifying 50-meter death. Those who can pass are not able to break the line, and there are not enough people who can break the line. This is a completely unsolvable proposition. Of course, it is easy to solve this proposition. Just use an unlimited number of people to punch hard, and wait until the archer on the opposite side is exhausted and then open the bow, or when their arrows run out, they can rush through. Is it just the number of people to fill in this process ... Anyway, Japanese players know that there are not enough people on their side.

"What do you do now?" A group of Japanese guild presidents stopped at the edge of the square.

One guy who seemed less opinionated suggested: "Otherwise try to contact Matsumoto's Ghost Dragon Club? They seem to include everything that may be encountered throughout the battlefield. The previous mobile angels and those who hate They are the masters of the Frost Rose League, maybe they have already figured out a way to deal with this situation? "

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