Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 19: Zhang Liangji and the ladder over the wall

Volume 19 Chapter 19 Zhang Liangji and the Wall Ladder

The presidents of this group of Japanese guilds are discussing whether to let the people of the ghost dragon society take the lead to run through the 50 meters of death, and a commotion suddenly appeared on the battlefield. I saw the charge of the Japanese player group suddenly jumped out of a group of beasts. No, that's not a beast at all. These animals that look like some natural creatures can be described as strange, some are ordinary animals common in nature, some are weird in shape and never seen before, and these guys are also large and small, in short. There are all kinds of mess. However, although these creatures look messy, they share a common goal.

Watching the animals rush out of the crowd, the archers on the opposite side responded immediately, and the dense arrow rain accurately landed on the head of the charging creatures, but the results were unexpected.

A creature that looks like a weasel, but has a size as large as a German wolf dog running and suddenly turned into a cloud of black smoke. The arrows directed at it penetrated the smoke directly and nailed to the ground, but after passing through the arrows, the smoke quickly returned to the weasel form and continued the charge.

In addition to this animal that looks like a giant weasel, the other animals in the team are also amazing. An animal that looks like a pangolin was killed by more than a dozen arrows in a row, but all the arrows hit it as if hitting a steel plate with a dinging sound, and then slammed to the side, hurting at all. Less than it. Although a wild boar next to this pangolin is not as armor-like scales as the pangolin, but this guy is relying on his own thick skin and thick flesh, but he is shot like a hedgehog but still carries a full body of arrows. Forward, as if the shot was not it. There are still many creatures like wild boars and pangolins in the herd. Some of them rely on defense to resist, while others can dodge attacks. In short, many creatures can continue their charge regardless of the arrow's attack.

Of course, the arrows are arrows after all. The arrows fired by the elite troops of this bank are still quite powerful, so although the herd has many creatures that are not afraid of arrows, more creatures are nailed to this horror. On the 50-meter route. However, compared with the countless Japanese players who were killed or injured before, the biggest advantage of these animals is not their creatures who are not afraid of arrows. On the contrary, the most powerful force of these animals is precisely those creatures that can be injured by arrows. However, unlike players and players, although they will also be shot by arrows on the road, they have players and players that cannot be reached. Degrees. That's right, it's degree.

The reason why fifty meters of death is terrible is not how many people it can kill. As I said before, the last thing Japanese players are afraid of is the dead, so no matter how many people die, they don't care. What really scares Japanese players is the terrible casualties. Because the death caused by Arrow Rain has survived the charge of Japanese players, so if they ca n’t reach the battlefield at this pace at all, they will all die on the road, which is what they are really afraid of. But these animals are different. They are fast enough, although most of them are also afraid of the arrows fired by the archers, but unlike the Japanese players, they can rush to the front of the battle line with at least one round of attack, and once both sides In the battle, the blow of the archer will inevitably weaken. Unless our personnel dare to cover the rain and arrows together, we cannot use full shooting, which is the real strength of these animals.

The fast-charged animal group rushed to the front of the battlefield after a round of blows, and the fastest leopard-like creature that ran quickly jumped to the front.

Seeing the leopard leaping, it was useless to face his shield formation. Although the leopard on the charge was good, but his bounce power was not good enough to stand up to the sky, so he failed to skip it for senior personnel. The prepared spear array eventually fell on a pile of spears pointing to the sky after being exhausted, and was quickly dressed as barbecue.

With the death of the leopard, subsequent creatures rushed to the front and jumped to the shield. Although they were all worn on the spear without exception, the spear had a length limit after all. When five or six creatures were strung on a spear, the spearman could not move the spear at all.

The spearhead that was suppressed by the living made the spear array unable to stand upright to the sky, and the following creatures could finally fall into the crowd safely.

The first creature to successfully enter the battlefield was a reindeer-like creature with huge long horns, but this guy was not too large. He stepped on a shield without a spear and flew into the crowd behind him. Then the guy immediately waved his head over the people around him with long education, but he just jumped out of the side and jumped out from the side. One man opened a large hole in his neck with a dagger, and as blood and water spurted wildly, it fell quickly. However, the deer's death brought a little chaos to the formation, and with this little chaos, more creatures finally rushed into the front.

Until a large group of creatures rushed into the battlefield, the Japanese players suddenly reacted and started to follow the charge. Although the attacking creatures have not threatened the archer forces, the Japanese players who are still charging again are still suffering casualties, but No matter how many people died, they at least saw hope.

Just as Japanese players were following those creatures in charge, a creature like a fox ran and suddenly jumped into the air and turned into a beautiful woman. Following her, she suddenly put a virtual palm in front of her and gently blown it, and a large pink mist of fluorescent light quickly diffused. Even when the dense battlefield saw the mist approaching, our personnel did not dare to move, so we could only watch the pink mist to cover them.

After being shrouded in fog, the senior guards immediately felt dizzy. In the astonished gaze of the Japanese players, the senior guards in that large area fell down one after another to reveal a large blank area.

"I said why are these animals so powerful? It turned out to be a monster."

It wasn't until the fox spirit became a humanoid and the hypnotic fog was released that the Japanese player finally realized that those charge creatures were not natural creatures at all, they were all monsters. Like the nationalized monsters, there are a lot of monsters in the Japanese version, and compared with the country, Japan's monster resources are actually more.

The Japanese players that our archer troops could shoot just now halted, which fully illustrates the strength of the group of archers. If these creatures are really just ordinary animals, they cannot pass through anyway. Arrow rain struck the battlefield behind. Now after seeing a fox spirit, the doubts of Japanese players have finally been solved. However, as soon as they learned the identity of their new allies, they began to worry about their allies.

The fox who released the mist had just blown out the smoke, and before he had returned and returned to the ground, he saw that Zhan Zhenzhi didn't know where to fly from. A gorgeous arrow flashing with colorful **** lights instantly passed through the One eye, the arrow even emerged from her back of the head. It's not over yet, just as the fox spirit was being thrown back by an arrow through the corpse, it suddenly saw a blue arc flash on the arrow, followed by a boom, and a small mushroom cloud rose. Get up, and the vixen and the demons beneath her all become ground flesh.

"Broken magic arrow?" A Japanese player wondered, watching the fireball still rolling.

The next person said: "What broken magic arrow? That is the blasting arrow of the Frost Rose Alliance, said that it is a bow and arrow, it is actually a shrinking magic crystal steam bomb, otherwise why do you think an arrow can have so much power?"

"No, I heard that the Frost Rose League has a lot of rune archers. It seems that the rune arrows they shoot can produce such a blasting power, and the power is similar."

"I know the kind of archers, but I heard that they are all on the Russian front. Even if they are transferred back, it is not so fast."

The arguments of these players have not ended, and our camp has flew out a large number of arrows in succession, and it turns out that the group of demon chicken flying dogs jumped naturally. Although the monsters already have some special abilities, they still have flesh after all, not to mention that these are low-level demons on the scene, do not have that kind of powerful mana, or they will not appear in animal form as soon as they come up. If you really are a godlike fairy like the Peacock Pluto, how can you use your real body? Throwing a spell directly across a few kilometers directly flattened the battlefield.

With the massive use of blasting arrows, the charging demons can be described as deadly, but their deaths are not sacrificed, at least they let the Japanese players behind them rush to the front.

Unlike the monsters who vocalized the animals, although the player's attribute values ​​made them much more flexible than real people, it was obviously impossible to jump directly from the shield hand, so they could only force the shield.

With the sound of jingling clashes, the fastest Japanese player finally ran into the shield, followed by the first group of people who rushed to the front of the shield and strangled to death with spears protruding from the gap in the shield. In front of the shield, their bodies did not fall under the squeeze of the followers, but hung on the shield. Behind these first wave of dead people, the second wave of people stepped on the corpse of the predecessor and started to climb up, then swooped on the top of the shield and pressed the entire body onto the shield.

There were the impact of the two previous waves of people. Although the shield was basically not down, the weight of the corpse and the pushing of the enemy in front had shaken the shield. The subsequent Japanese players rushed to the shield with a more crazy attitude. The wall and eventually knocked the shieldman to the ground.

As the shield fell, the Japanese players in the back no longer blocked the shield, and rushed to the shield player who lost the shield in front of him. These people are big shield players who can't hold their shields and then quickly retreat, so not many shield players are smashed under the shield, and most of the shield players ran out. Although they do not have shields, the shield players are generally heavy armored troops. Without shields, the armor on their bodies is enough for opponents to cut. Therefore, these shield players without shields pulled out the epee hanging on their backs and started fighting with Japanese players who rushed up.

A Japanese player excitedly watched a player who was not far ahead of him fell over the shield, and then the person standing behind that person stepped on the player's body that was not dead and rushed to the shield player who escaped in time. The shield man, who is at least two meters tall, has a long, flexible movement like a wall-shielding shield. He stretched his distance, followed by one hand behind his back to hold the sword handle, and then slammed it up to the front. The blade was straight. Thrown from behind the shield player, he split one of the two Japanese players attacking him with a sword of inertia. Another player who was not attacked took advantage of this opportunity to jump to the shield player and desperately chopped his head with a knife, but his helmet was too thick and he couldn't cut it for a while. Shieldman's backhand dragged the man from himself and smashed at a player who rushed back, and then they hugged and fell to the ground.

The excited Japanese player looked at the two people in front of him and ignored them, and jumped directly over the body of the two men and slashed into the shield's shoulder, but what he didn't expect was that he was still half empty. He was smashed back by a suddenly enlarged fist, and then he saw the person who was behind him jumped to the shield and a sword tube toward the gap in the armour of the opponent's waist.

"Hmm ..." A roar that didn't resemble a human voice, the shield hand punched the head of the Japanese player who stabbed the sword into his waist and smashed it into his stomach, followed by a long sword pulled out as a dart Thrown out and then rushed to a bsp who had already jumped off the ground to attack; getting rid of the annoying interference around him, the shield player once again raised his sword and rushed back into the crowd of Japanese players with the anger caused by the pain. Then, this guy waved the class-like epee that was close to one meter and eight to chop in the crowd. Many people were not hacked by the sword at all, but they were directly smashed and flew out. Although this guy is obviously a living creature, his power is like a robot. If it weren't for his waist still bleeding, most Japanese would probably think of this guy as some kind of puppet for our guild.

In fact, there is not only this one of the tough shield players on the battlefield, but almost all the shield players on the entire battle line are so powerful.

Because there are no gorgeous skills, and team battles generally do not provide damage output, many people will mistake the shield shield profession as a less powerful profession. However, for someone who really understands the battlefield, He said he would never think that the shield was weak. Imagine that on the battlefield, after the encounter of two huge coalition forces, the shield players on both sides stood in front. If you consider an army as an animal, the shield forces that first came into contact are undoubtedly the minions or horns most commonly used by animals. After the two legions collided together, the heavy shields in the front row must stand against each other like a flood assault team. Can this be done by ordinary people? Therefore, the shield players, especially the heavy shield players of the shield, are actually a group of mobile fortresses with amazing combat effectiveness. In a melee where basic agility attributes are not useful, a heavy shield conservatively estimates that it can kill at least 20 times its own enemies. In contrast, most agile personnel except those who are really high in level, most People can do one-to-one replacement even if they haven't hindered everyone.

Although these Japanese heavy shields are quite frightened by Japanese players, their charge has not slowed down at all. Although the heavy shield hands without shields are still very good, they cannot stop the Japanese players from charging. What they can do is try to kill the people who pass by themselves and hurt them. As for those who missed, they can only count on The troops behind.

Behind the heavy shield hand of our elite army is the spear array. Although many demon corpses were worn on it before, they have basically been cleared out. The Japanese players who ran across the shield first hit a nailed wall made of spear tips, and then these people were quickly squeezed into the nailed wall. The charge people certainly did not voluntarily hit the nailed wall. The key is that some people pushed in the back. The people in front couldn't stop if they wanted to stop. As a result, Fengxian could only help others.

After the spearmen penetrated one person, they immediately retracted the spear and retreated, using the dragging force to pull out the spear tip and stab the barrel forward again. The dense spear array was reversed for each of the two people next to it. In this way, from the front, the spear array is constantly reciprocating like the flying needle of a sewing machine. In the process, anyone who approaches will be stabbed and then thrown away.

In the face of this horrible spear array, the Japanese players behind were a little nervous, but after piled up a pile of corpses on the ground, they finally realized that they were not brave enough to rush over and they all had to die here. The guy yelled and jumped into the spear array, and unlike other people, he still insisted on holding the spear after he was dressed like a hedgehog, which caused his body to fail to fall. .

Because of the heroic behavior of the hot-headed guy, a gap appeared in the spear array, and then more people with hot brains rushed in and held the spear with their body to expand the gap. Subsequent personnel used this gap. Charged into the beginning of the spear formation and started a close combat with the spearman. The dense crowd of spears is obviously not suitable for melee, and the helpless spearman can only throw away the spear and replace it with a short sword for defense.

Originally, Japanese players thought that as long as they broke through the spear array, they could easily kill the following spearmen, but only after they actually came into contact, the elite army of our guild could not be restrained by rules as imagined. The spearmen who gave up the spear were not easily slaughtered by them, but they were also comparable to those who rushed in to kill them.

A spearman can compete with the enemy without a spear. What is this concept? This means that these spearmen's amateur projects are at the same level as their professional projects. A Japanese swordsman professional Japanese player looked at the depressed eyebrows of a spearman with a dagger in front of him and he was almost wrinkled into a word. He is a swordsman, and can be said to be a professional swordsman. The opponent is only a spearman, and the sword is only a reserve weapon. But even if they can still be tied, it is no wonder that the former spearmen were holding spears. The death of so many of them is really too high.

Our spearmen are indeed very powerful, but even more powerful spearmen are still spearmen. It is good to hold a sword to draw a tie with that melee professional staff, and eventually grow under the Japanese sea tactics. The spear array did not stand for a long time, but when the spear array completely collapsed, a deafening roar suddenly sounded behind our battle array.

"I'm x, what?" The Japanese player who just chopped down the last spearman was about to rush forward, so cold that his head was shaken by the sudden roar, and his feet were crooked. Ground. You have to know that Japanese players are completely crazy now. It's not just a matter of stumbling on the ground at this time. In this case, the Japanese player at the back will never see whether the person who fell in front is his companion or the enemy, and will not consider whether the person accidentally fell or has become a corpse. In short, as long as the person in front falls, they will immediately step on the other person, no matter whether the person fell alive or dead, he will become a corpse after a few seconds.

The Japanese player, who had almost fallen because of the roar, had not yet come to complain, and suddenly he saw the huge cross-country teleportation array flying across from him. The huge membrane wings that cover the sky and the lizard-like body structure charge, indicating the race of the creatures in front of it.

"Damn, the dragon. It is the guardian dragon of the Frost Rose Alliance."

It ’s no secret that we have a dragon in the guild. The Japanese had attacked Isinger once before. At that time, they had eaten the losses of the dragon family. This time when they saw the dragons, they immediately understood that this was our guild. The Dragon Legion is back. Unlike most troops, the dragon has a strong ground combat capability while also possessing high maneuverability. Their huge pair of wings is not only to provide them with air superiority in battle. The dragons that can fly long distances during the transfer of troops are definitely the best among all troops, except for the spear formations and Pegasus that are fast but not strong. Outside the army, this group of dragons may be the fastest.

With the launch of those dragons, a giant dragon that was several times larger than other dragons suddenly opened its wings and flew up. This is also the top force of the guild, which is very familiar to Japanese players, because He was just Hong Yan who had just left the field because of his injuries. The roar that the Japanese player just heard was actually from Hongyan. In the previous battle, Hong Yan was beaten with less than one-tenth of his health. As one of the units that cannot be resurrected, our guild does not allow Hong Yan to use his life to take risks, so he only has ten minutes left. After one blood, he retreated to Isinger. However, although Hong Yan temporarily withdrew from the battlefield due to her injuries, the Bank will have senior therapists. Therefore, after a period of restoration of the Seal of the Throne, Hongyan, who has returned to its full state, returned to the battlefield. As for the roar just now, this is actually a signal to announce his return.

Although Hongyan came here once before, now I see Hongyan Japanese players immediately showing a bitter face. Because of the lack of senior personnel, in order to beat Hong Yan's blood volume and force him to leave, many Japanese players died. And at that time, the Japanese players attacked Hongyan in a group without any interference, but now, Hongyan not only returned, but also brought a bunch of younger brothers back. Players who have played ss know that ss and ss with a bunch of younger brothers are definitely not a concept. Although it is not a matter of ss or younger brothers after separating them, ss appears with his younger brothers. That was definitely a nightmare for players. Besides, although Japanese players now regard Hongyan as ss, don't forget that his younger brother is also a dragon. Those guys are not little monsters, and each of them can actually be regarded as a ss if they are released. A big * oss with a group of ordinary big * oss, this combination will definitely allow the captain of any sparring team to pluck out their hair.

Japanese players are terribly nervous there, but the dragon in the sky is not nervous at all. After all lifted off, these dragons dispersed immediately, and then they saw that they dived and pulled up over the Japanese player team as if they were dive bombers, and each time they dived, they first roasted a large group of people with dragon inflammation. Then, they fell to the ground and used their claws and tails to sweep down a group of people. Finally, they killed two unlucky eggs and grabbed one with four paws to fly into the sky. Finally, they brought the People threw bombs back into the crowd below.

Compared with most of the Warcraft in the game, the dragon is simply a reptile creature. These guys have the degree of empty units, but also have the general defense of a tank and various physical attack methods. What is more terrifying is that most dragons will use it. Magic, and the dragon's racial talent, Long Yan, is an example of high attack surface killing skills. Such a perverted creature itself is exaggerated enough, and even more terrible is that the Dragon family has a not low population. Although the dragon has always said that the breeding ability of the dragons is low in the game, if you really observe it carefully, it will show up. In fact, compared with most rare warcrafts, the number of dragons is actually a lot. Of course, there are not many dragons like skeleton soldiers or slimes than dragons, but compared with some special creatures in the leveling area, the dragons distributed all over the world should actually be considered a very A huge ethnic group.

Of course, the number of dragons is meaningless to the average person, because they can hardly get a dragon, and the number of dragons is meaningless to them. However, our guild is different, because we are the only guild with a large group of dragons. In particular, we also have Hong Yan, which is known as a legend in the entire Dragon Capital.

The large number of dragons participating in the battle can make the Japanese players charging below miserable. Originally, the mountain and tsunami were rushing forward and the dense team was engaged by the swooping dragons. The Japanese players who escaped the dragon slaughter can only be slaughtered once again by those strong shield bears like dog bears. Japanese players who have survived two consecutive awards can have the opportunity to rush into the regular battle array. But the question is, are the heavy infantry with swords and shields good to deal with?

"It won't work, and our people will not die before we rush across the elite infantry of the elite army," said the chairman of a Japanese guild.

A nearby president also said, "Yes, we have to kill those dragons before we can have hope. Letting them rush into the battle so chaotically has become a fueling tactic. The Chinese have a higher unit level than us and use fueling. Tactical we have no chance to win. "

"Don't we know that we need to kill those dragons first?" A chairman asked impatiently: "The problem now is how to solve those dragons."

"Otherwise we ...?"

The chairman who just opened his mouth shouted, "Don't you want us to go to Matsumoto's Ghost Dragon Club again?"

"Ghost Dragon will be the leading guild in this battle. Do we listen to them wrong?" Said the proposed president.

"But ...?" Opponents were a little reconciled.

The proposed chairman directly said, "What else can you be? But you have a way to say it, we all listen to you. If there is no way, don't delay the Seal of the Throne. You ca n’t afford to wait for us. Up "

A nearby president also said, "Yeah, this time we have less than a quarter of the troops left. We ca n’t fight anymore. We ca n’t send any soldiers. Besides, the Fulcrum City is only the key point of the Restoration Campaign. After that, we still have to regain the whole country. It ’s also important to fill in the troops here. What do we do afterwards? I do n’t think it ’s time to fight with each other. So let ’s be honest and ask Matsumoto for help and solve all these dragons. Good to say "

Although he was still reluctant, but seeing that no one around him supported him, the opposing chairman nodded helplessly, and then they quickly sent someone to contact Matsumoto Masaru's ghost dragon society. Although Matsumoto Masaru was driven away by my magic pet, the head of the Ghost Dragon Association was still there, so these presidents quickly got a reply.

"What did they say?" The reporters were questioned by the presidents as soon as they returned.

The player who reported the message said: "They just said let us not worry, they have already arranged it. But the people of the ghost dragon society also said that they could not destroy these dragons, they could only hold them temporarily and not let them conduct the confrontation. Ground attack, they want us to destroy the teleportation team as soon as possible at all costs, and they can't hold it for long. "

After listening to this, a chairman nodded and said, "This is also true. Those dragons are top-level Warcraft, after all, it is really too difficult for the ghost dragon society to kill them all. But as long as they can hold those dragons, we Can break through the line of defense and enter the lineup. "

As soon as the people who informed the situation had finished explaining, the presidents of the Japanese guilds suddenly flew over a large crowd of giant bats. Each of these bats has a wingspan of more than three meters, with huge tusks in their huge mouths, and sharp claws on their wing tips. At the same time, these bats also have some faint red light, which looks very Weird. However, even though these bats are very large, they are still only miscellaneous soldiers compared with the dragons' length of 70 to 80 meters. However, there are a lot of miscellaneous soldiers in fact, it is still very deterrent, and these bats are not ordinary goods.

When we first saw these bats flying, neither our guild people nor Japanese players were a little confused. After all, compared to dragons, these bats were too small. Originally, those Japanese presidents thought that the ghost dragon would hide a group of bipedal dragons. Although bipedal dragons are like malnourished dragons compared to dragons, they are at least an order of magnitude anyway, but this group of bats is ...

Although they look down on these bats, the dragons still have no intention to let them rush through. The dragon closest to the bats flew past, releasing a ring of lightning to the dragons across the distance. Although he prefers hand-to-hand combat, Dragon Witch magic is not unrecognizable. As a blue aperture spread out, the bat colony was cleared out of a large blank area in an instant, and all the bats swept by the lightning ring were planted with arcs.

"Fuck, how do you hold those dragons so weak?" Seeing a magic swipe away a large bat, the Japanese guild players all started to get anxious. Although the bats are not theirs, the results of the bats are direct. It's related to their offensive missions. Now how can they be in a hurry to see these bats that they have high hopes for?

The dragon opposite was obviously stunned by his magic power. The Lightning Ring is not a powerful magic, and Dragons do not use this spell to end the habit of fighting. They generally use this spell to cause a certain degree of electrical damage to the opponent before contacting them, and then take advantage of the opportunity to be paralyzed by the current Rush up for melee. This dragon also planned this way just now. Who knows that when a ring of lightning goes down, the targeted bats will hang directly. This is too weak, right?

Although not as fast as the Dragons, the bats are not slow. As soon as the dragon hesitated, the bats over there rushed to him immediately, and trouble followed.

Seeing that a bat was approaching, the dragon bit his mouth open, but when he bit three bats in one bite, he suddenly heard a bang, and the guy immediately felt dark before him, and his body lost control and swung from the sky. Go on.

This sudden change shocked both the enemy and us. The bat, which looked so fragile before, even lost a dragon in the blink of an eye. Is this efficiency too fast? Even if a group of two-footed flying dragons did not come up with a dozen or twenty beatings, don't even think about killing a dragon, and these bats even reimbursed one casually.

"Damn, those guys will explode, don't bite with your mouth."

As the top-level existence of the branch of Warcraft, the most powerful feature of the dragon is actually not their sea 6 air amphibious activity ability and the physical and magic dual attribute attack ability. They are more general than Warcraft's biggest specialty is that the dragon family has no less than humans. intelligence. Seeing the loss of a companion, the remaining Dragons immediately found out why. It quickly became clear from their fighting experience that the true power of these bats was not their fangs and claws, but that they would explode.

Seeing this scene, the Japanese players were also surprised. "Did you explode the bat? The ghost dragon would really want to come out," the presidents of the Japanese guild couldn't help but sigh.

Because of fear of being blown up, the dragons began to consciously avoid the approaching bats and use magic to conduct long-range attacks, but the bats did not seem to put the dragons in their eyes at all, but instead stood in a loose formation toward the giant. The transnational teleportation team behind the dragons flew past.

At first it was a little confusing to see the bats flew directly to the dragons, but after seeing the transnational teleportation array behind, they finally understood what these guys were going to do.

"Damn it, stop them all, don't let them pass. These guys are going to crash the teleportation array directly."

Seeing the bats rushing directly towards the teleportation array, the dragons did not dare to hide away and use magic to attack. Now everything is to stop bats as the first priority, even if they use physical interception.

Fortunately, although the dragons are large, they can fly faster than self-destructive bats. Relying on their speed, the dragons flew in front of the bat to release various spells to intercept the bat. As for the Japanese players below, anyway, there were ground troops blocking them, they first solved the problem before talking.

Seeing that the dragons were all attracted to the bats ~ ~ The presidents of the Japanese guilds yelled immediately. "Don't stand stupidly, hurry up and rush in while the dragon is away."

With the orders of the Japanese guild presidents, the Japanese players who were scrambled by the dragons finally restored the full formation and began to impact the rear heavy infantry array.

The strength of the heavy infantry in our guild is naturally one-on-one, but when it comes to death, unless you can have the same strength as me, you will be useless even if you are even more powerful. The heavy infantry's defense is indeed high enough, but a few Japanese players hit one. The first person rushed to hit the opponent's sword with his own body, and then pressed the opponent's sword firmly in his stomach. Let him pull it out, then the people behind jump up and cut it with a sword and smash it with a knife handle. In short, first remove the heavy infantry helmet. Of course, you have to lose a few people in the process, after all, the heavy infantry armor has anti-fall off function It's not easy to get the helmet off hard. Finally, after paying the price of several people, the heavy infantry helmet was taken off, and then only the heavy infantry was waiting to die.

With this one-on-one method, the losses are great, but there are not many heavy infantry in our guild, so the Japanese have lost a lot. After paying several times our casualties, these crazy Japanese players finally crossed the line of defense and saw the transnational teleportation array shining in front of the magic beam. When I saw the teleportation body, many Japanese players burst into tears with excitement, so many people died, I finally saw this thing

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