Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 34: Arrive at the city wall

"Damn, we don't want to rush over without killing any of these mobile angels. A well-equipped 〖Japan〗 said as he stepped back to avoid the fire snakes ejected by the mobile angel.

Another player with a low level next to this person said: "How about the two of us rushing together? From the left to the right, as long as one person can get close to the mobile angel, you can temporarily slow it down, and then You can stop him from spitting fire here, too? "

"Okay, I'll count one, two, three and everyone will rush together. One, two, three, rush."

The two men rushed out from left to right in two directions at the end, but the flamethrower of the mobile angel immediately turned, and the person rushing out from his left integrated a huge one in mid-air. Humanoid torch. The unlucky egg covered with fire screamed and fell from the air, then rolled and struggled on the ground while miserable, and was shrunk into a ball by the fire eye within ten seconds and never moved again.

Contrary to the guy who was burned to death, it was easy for the guy on the other side to charge across the distance between them and the mobile angel, but he was preparing to go around the fire-breathing mobile angel. At the time of the raid, the mobile angel suddenly popped a small lid off his shoulder, and then saw a small pen-sized missile ejected and ignited and hit him.

After a loud bang, the guy who took advantage of the business turned into a pile of minced meat scattered on the surrounding land, and the players on the opposite side of the day also picked up the flamethrower from the mobile angel. After being fired, he was forced back.

"We can't be beaten in this way passively. The city wall requires us to defend. The troops and the rest of the people alone can't hold it!" Some players who understand the situation [Japan] yelled anxiously, but those who carried the flames The ejector's puppet blocked all the streets, making it impossible for those players to reinforce the walls.

"Flick off, let me try it." A player suddenly appeared at the crowd with a long bow. The player in front heard the sound and looked back, then immediately gave up a channel to that player, and that player Also quickly pulled out a magic green arrow flashing on the bow. "May the spirit of life give me the power to destroy the things in front of me." The player drew the bow while aiming at the mobile angel behind the opposite sea of ​​fire while reading the magic of the spell jī arrow, and then saw the sudden light of his eyes. At the same time, his finger was loose, and the green arrow flashed into a green meteor flying out and hit the ng mouth of the mobile angel instantly across the fire field.

The players on the flame side only heard the sound of a severe impact, and then saw the jet of fire snake suddenly rise to the sky, and the mobile angel weighing several tons was knocked out by the arrow. However, "the real power is still behind. Although the arrow hit the mobile angel, the depth of its insertion into the mobile angel ng mouth is only one inch. This depth may be considered more serious for people, but for mobile For the angel, it was equal to no injuries. The external armor of the mobile angel was nearly two inches thick, and the arrow was inserted into this point. "Depth, even the external armor was not penetrated, so naturally it was impossible to talk about it." What hurts. However, when the downed Mobile Angel regained his seat, the mutation suddenly occurred.

The mobile angel sat up from the ground shortly after being knocked down. Mobile angels say that white is a high-level demon, a robot-like creature. After being knocked down vigorously, a person will experience a short vertigo, but the creatures will not construct it, so the mobile angel immediately sits up after being knocked down. However, just as he was holding the ground and trying to get up again, "the long arrow stuck in his ng mouth suddenly changed.

The crowd only saw a large amount of green sènèn shoots bursting out of the shaft of that arrow. That's right, it just came out. Those nèn buds grew as fast as explosions, so they looked as if they were suddenly ejected from the shaft. As soon as the nèn buds grew, they began to grow wildly in all directions, for a total of three or four seconds, the throne of the Seal of God. The entire body of the mobile angel was covered with a layer of green plants, and then those plants continued Growing madly, many of its plants protruded into the ground with long root whiskers "and then these root whiskers suddenly tightened, even pulling the mobile angel that had just sat up again to the ground. Until this time Only when the mobile angels reacted should they fight back, but his resistance could not stop the growth of these plants at all. Although he could tear off the plants on his body again and again, the growing length of those plants was too terrible. Thirty seconds later, after the war, the plants finally prevailed and the mobile angel was firmly fixed on the ground, and then everyone saw that the piles of plants began to surge and grow, and finally formed a four The five-meter-high Plant Hills has blocked half of the street.

Until the pile of plant hills completely stopped throbbing, the surrounding Japanese player looked back at the archery player with amazement, and the player said bitterly, "The shaft of that arrow is Made from the branches of the tree of life, this arrow shaft alone will cost more than 200 crystal coins, and I will have three in total! "

After hearing the value of the arrow, everyone understood why its power was so great. The branches of the tree of life are simply a class of plant monsters. ”Its high concentration of vitality is unmatched by any creature.

Of course, in addition to the powerful regeneration ability of this tree of life, ordinary plants cannot have the ability to suppress the mobile angel by relying solely on its growth length.

Now that the obstacles in the front have been brought down, the players around the [Japan] are no longer hesitant, and rushed towards the side. The side of the wall is now very much in need of people. "They can get one more minute when they arrive one second earlier Win chance.

Running [Day], the players thought that they would be able to rush to the wall without any hindrance. Unexpectedly, after they just ran past the position of the mobile angel buried by plants, the crowd suddenly appeared. The plant lifted up a bit, and then countless glaring blue lights radiated from the gap of the plant pile, and before everyone responded, the pile of plants suddenly broke apart, a circle of blue energy Immediately, the impact came to dang in all directions, and everything that was swept by the impact, whether it was a person or a building, was instantly transformed into fragments and dissipated in the air.

A place far away from the impact spreading point, an informed player saw the blue light film diffused immediately when he turned around and flew under the wall of a building and shouted. Said: "Fall down, the mobile angel exploded!"

For the sake of technical confidentiality, the bank will have the habit of installing self-destructive systems since the first generation of dolls, and so many generations of dolls have also inherited this fine tradition, including the current mobile angel. However, unlike the first generation of the puppet, with the enhancement of its own power system, the power of the present puppet to explode is getting stronger and stronger. The self-detonation of the first first-generation puppet can at best destroy its own internal structure. If it is lucky, it can seriously hurt the nearby enemies of several stations, and the self-detonation power of the second and third-generation puppets will be already Close to a conventional shell. The follow-up model's self-explosive power is larger than one. Until the era of mobile angels, the power of each mobile angel's self-explosive power can explode on the last type of gas station, let alone the person standing nearby. , Even buildings within 100 meters can easily blow up.

Although the mobile angel was trapped on the ground by the plant's crazy growth just now, its internal structure was not harmed at first. However, it is well known that the growth power of the plant root system is actually very large, so after resisting for a while, the armor system of the mobile angel body was dug out of numerous holes by the plant root system. These roots are from the armor of the mobile angel The gaps and joint gaps penetrate deep into the mobile angel and eventually destroy the internal structure of the mobile angel. Once the mobile angel confirms that its main structure has been damaged, it will explode.

Although the branches of the tree of life have unparalleled vitality, the vitality after being completely burned to dust by this high-energy explosion power is useless. The pile of plants eventually disappeared on the ground with the mobile angel, and they Only a large pit more than two meters deep was left in the position just now.

“呸 …… 呸呸” ………… With the sound of sand tumbling, many Japanese players climbed out of the rubble. The impact was just too great ~ ~ Many people It was buried under the building. However, it is actually good to be buried. At least the wreckage of the building does not cause much damage to the player. If it is directly swept by the impact, then it is dangerous.

[Day], who escaped the horror, the player re-climbed, and after observing the surrounding environment, they rushed towards the city wall, and the flame-spraying mobile angels on several other roads were also successively Tilt down in various ways.

Although the mobile angel thing is very powerful, it is not absolutely invincible. At least it is easy to destroy it with enough people, but the casualties will definitely be large.

After getting the ground interceptor's [Day], the players finally rushed to the wall, but they were facing a chaotic scene at this time. Although the defensive preparation time was delayed by the presidents of the left-behind guilds for the defense preparation time, the throne of the Seal of God, but the self-organized front of the players barely made up, but what they didn't expect was that the sky suddenly fell down However, the mobile angels named their commanders directly from the air-shot magic crystal bombs. As a result, when the Japanese players rushed to the wall, they saw a large group of commanders who did not exist there. Resistance to invaders outside the city.

"Huh, it's okay to catch up. One more step to the Fulcrum City is really over!" 〖Japan〗 The players thought fortunately.

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