Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 35: The boardwalk was repaired in the Ming Dynasty and Chencang was secretly crossed

The Japanese player who finally arrived at the city wall quickly took over the defense work of the city wall, and the original chaotic defense finally restored some order. However, the most important reason why the city wall has not been attacked yet is not the Japanese players' Return in time, but the level of the outside team is really not consistent with the consistent style of the Frost Rose League.

In the perception of Japanese players, the forces of the Frost Rose Alliance have always been synonymous with intrepidity, and although the force currently under siege should also belong to the name of the Frost Rose Alliance, but the combat power is ...

A Japanese player slashed an enemy who had just climbed the city wall with a sword, and then he said to the people around him: "I feel wrong or something? Why do I feel that the forces of the Frost Rose Alliance are so weak? Those below Are there 800 troops in the army? How can they fall down with two tricks? "

"Unless it is the two of us that have illusions at the same time." The player next to him kicked an enemy who jumped into the wall, and then said, "I feel that these troops are less than one-fifth of the usual combat effectiveness."

Two people slap on their heads at the same time. A strong man who is more than one head higher than them said: "Don't go astray. These are the fourth-line units of the Frost Rose Alliance. They are usually used for management. The city is law and order, but the big army below is mixed with their elite legionnaires. You should be careful of me. If you are as frivolous as you, you wo n’t know how to die if you run into death. ”

The two didn't dare to say anything in front of the man, and could only admit their mistakes, but after the man inspected other sections, they made a scornful voice together.

"Well, don't you just rely on yourself to be a bit higher? Niu Niu Niu! If you have the ability to fight with Ziri, then it is called Niu, what is the ability to bully us?"

The man had just scolded, and the man next to him said, "Yeah! The guy with a nostril, the ghost knows how his level came, maybe he brought it out to find a master."

Although "Zero" can't load plug-ins or ask people to practice for system reasons, it doesn't mean that "Zero" does not have a game studio, and as long as there is a studio, it is naturally necessary to make money. Because the currency of "Zero" can be exchanged for real currency, the money of "Zero" seems very valuable, but because of the problem of explosion rate, wanting to rely on playing gold coins is basically equivalent to dreaming. Besides, the place where "Zero" itself spends money is also There are many thieves, and even if you hit gold coins, you can't basically save them. Therefore, the gold coins were not expected, and those studios turned their fortunes elsewhere. For example-with practice.

Although belt training and generation training are only one word apart, they mean completely different things. In the past, network games were generally practiced, that is, players paid for their account to the studio to help level up, wait for the account level to come up, and then take the account back to play. However, because the roles of "Zero" are all identity-bound, people in the studio cannot operate other people's accounts for training. However, although training on behalf of you can't, belt training can.

The so-called belt training is that the studio sends one or more masters, and then players who pay the money to level together. This method often appears inside guilds, but in general guilds usually designate senior personnel with low-level personnel, and generally do not charge, but some small guild players have no way to get guild support and can only spend their own money. Find someone to take.

There are also many ways to practice this kind of band, for example, team up with master players to kill senior monsters, and then let the players to make up for the last knife to get the experience. Another is that the master with training does not team up with the player to let the player kill themselves, but the master is responsible for protection, and can use his experience to guide novice players on how to choose monsters and organize firepower, and even help guide fast. Anyway, there are many ways to practice, depending on what kind of service the customer needs.

Although the level of the players brought up is fast, but because they are brought up by people, there must be some lack of their own combat capabilities. It ’s better if you do n’t form a team with practice. It ’s all based on the team ’s experience. The strength is simply terrible. Often, the level is nearly one hundred levels higher than others, but it is almost impossible to distinguish. Winning and losing, if the level difference is less than 50 levels, even the lower-level personnel will often be killed. This is the disadvantage of lack of combat experience. Of course, this phenomenon also depends on people. Of course, people who rely solely on people are naturally like this. Some people just want to upgrade quickly. They often go out to practice alone when they have time. Those disadvantages. However, anyway, the person being brought up is still in a state of scorn in the player, so many people will ridicule others with who is who is brought out.

The two reprimanded Japanese players said that the guy was brought out just now. This is a relatively direct language attack. Of course, this belongs to the bad words behind them, so they are definitely afraid to speak in front of others.

The two were scolding the commander for being cool, but they did not expect two of them to suddenly fly up under the wall in front. The two didn't take it seriously. They waved their weapons as before and wanted to go up and cut off the other side of the city wall, but to their surprise, the two moved before they waved their weapons. They only saw the two wrists shaking, and followed them to fall down, covering their necks.

After killing two enemies in an instant, the two rushed into the crowd with their double swords, and almost everyone in the crowd who had contact with them was cut off their throats instantly.

The strong man who had just reprimanded the two players went out not far, and suddenly heard a shouting shout in the rear. This time he saw the two Japanese players screaming out of the crowd.

"What happened?" The strong man asked a player catching a player who flew in front of him. The player covered his blood-sprayed neck with one hand, and the other finger seemed to want to say something to the crowd, but he couldn't help coughing when he just opened his mouth, and he didn't say a word in the end. Then his head was completely crooked.

"Damn!" The brave man put down the player's body and rushed straight into the crowd, but what he didn't expect was that he wasn't surrounded by two, but a large group of people. In such a short period of time when Japanese players were defeated, there were already twenty or thirty people climbing under the city walls. These people formed a small semicircle to protect the rear city wall, and there were many countries in that place. The troops are constantly climbing up the walls. Looking at this situation, as long as this gap is not blocked, soon this part of the wall will no longer belong to Japanese players.

After the current situation was critical, the strong man no longer hesitated, and immediately took out a firework-like thing on the body and threw it into the sky. After the thing flew for a few meters, it suddenly ignited and went up to dozens of meters. It slammed into a beautiful flower of Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Mall Women's Winter Jacket. However, this flower is not a good thing. In fact, this thing is something that Japanese players temporarily negotiated out to signal. The fireworks explosion represents the danger of the city walls here, and the fire rescue team needs to be reinforced.

After the firework was thrown, the brave man rushed into the battle group without hesitation. Although he could not drive away these guys who suddenly climbed the city wall by his strength, he could at least resist one or two, and it could be postponed if he was helpless. Take a look at the opponent's degree of expansion.

The strong men here are fighting. After seeing the fireworks, several senior players immediately rushed to the place along the city wall along the throne of the Seal of Throne, but they were almost here when they arrived. Completely occupied by our personnel. The top of the wall, which is more than eight meters wide, has only one meter left in the thinnest part. It is still in the hands of the Japanese. As long as you get through this side, the players and players can advance here and into the city. The foundation continued to expand the results along the walls to both sides. If these experts can't stop the gap, then basically the city wall of the fulcrum can be declared lost.

Unlike the time when the Japanese defenders attacked the Japanese, the Japanese who had just occupied the Fulcrum City were in a state of instability. Therefore, although there were so many walls in the Fulcrum City, they could not use the walls of multiple walls as we did. Resistance is increased layer by layer to increase the casualties of opponents. On the contrary, because of unfamiliar terrain and paralysis of defense equipment, once the first city wall fails, they will be trapped by the latter wall between the two walls. Turn defensive warfare into a short-handed encounter they least expect to see.

Originally, our guild's consistent fighting style, short-armed combat is our strongest fighting method, because the guild's combat troops are generally high-level and strong individual combat effectiveness. Such units can fully wield the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers during close-range melee, thereby quickly eliminating the enemy's vigor. Now that our troops participating in the siege are all fourth-tier urban defense teams, the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers cannot be compared with those of the main forces that Japanese players think of, but the Japanese have now lost their most important advantage-quantity.

Although the fighting strength of our troops has fallen by a large amount, the strength of the Japanese is not large. In addition to short-term combat, it is not only good for the side with high lethality, but also has the feature of fast death. The Japanese are now waiting for Matsumoto's reinforcements. Naturally, they hope to wait at a slower pace until Matsumoto's arrival. However, once the first wall is lost, the national forces rushing into the city will hang with the Japanese. Together, the casualties would increase significantly at that time, and it would be impossible to wait for Matsumoto to congratulate them to reinforce the fulcrum city. Of course, the Japanese can also choose to evacuate the main force to the rear city wall now. Although it will cause less loss, it is also a bad strategy from the overall strategic point of view. After all, the ultimate purpose of the Japanese is to keep the fulcrum city, and once they retreat to the back wall, then in order to win, they must recapture these abandoned walls or kill all the Chinese.

The difficulty of regaining the city walls is not much worse than siege. I just experienced a difficult fulcrum battle and now no Japanese player wants to come again. As for killing all national forces, this goal seems to be more difficult. Although the number of Japanese troops is greater than ours, after all, there are more than 30 million national troops outside the city. Such a large number of troops must be wiped out. The Japanese in the city must have at least 80% of the casualties. The Japanese who suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Fulcrum City were a bit overwhelmed, so they couldn't retreat anyway, even if they gave birth to the close range melee they least expected to see.

The masters who rushed to this part of the city wall did not dare to delay when they saw the situation. They joined the clan directly, but the situation was wrong as soon as they turned in.

"Damn, this is the elite division!" As soon as the two sides contacted the masters, the problem appeared. When they first came over, they thought it was just a section that had been breached, and they could close the gap again with a little suppression. But now they don't think so. They had already reinforced several gaps before, and each time they cut vegetables and cut off the troops that rushed into the gap and re-sealed the gap, but this time, the enemies in front of them were not only those who were waiting to be cut. Instead, they make them feel like they are the ingredients of a certain dish.

"Hurry up, who's going to inform the general dispatch side, here is the elite unit."

"I'm going." A player said, turned around, ran to the inner edge of the city wall and jumped out. Then he summoned a big bird in the air and carried him backwards, but he just flew to the second lane. On the top of the city wall, people here saw an air combat mobile angel dive down from above and hit the big bird, bringing the player and the bird to the ground together.

"Damn, they're trying to block the news. Hurry up, send a few more people off the ground. Be sure to send the news out!"

Due to Matsumoto's information, Japanese players in the city knew that most of the siege forces were fourth-line garrison troops stationed in the city, and the only thing that they were afraid of was the first-line siege force that had not withdrawn from Japan. . This unit not only has excellent field capabilities, it is also very good at siege. However, compared with the more than 30 million troops participating in the offensive, this attacking unit has less than a million troops.

Hidden a team of only one million people to more than 30 million people, even if you are an intelligence officer like 7, do not expect to find the movement of this unit in advance. Moreover, the people in our guild are not fools. The Seal of the Throne has been in battle for so long, but this elite has never participated in the battle. The Japanese, whose main trend is unknown, had to protect the entire city wall system, which forced them to assign a small number of high-level players to the entire section of the wall, making the high-level combat power extremely scattered. Although I know that this will suffer from our set attack, it is more reliable than trying to gather advanced players to a point. However, the premise that this decentralized defense can not be unexpected is that after the current elite, the nearby advanced players must temporarily hold these elites and persist in other elite forces.

The Japanese understand the key point. Naturally, it is impossible for our guild to not understand. Therefore, the Japanese sent people to notify the dispatch in an hurry, and we stubbornly ordered the soldiers to stop sending news to them.

Although the tug of war on both sides was fierce, the only thing we could use to intercept was the air combat mobile angel, so the news was eventually sent out. After receiving the news that it was hard to send, the Japanese elite immediately began to gather towards the wall of the city to prepare for a head-to-head battle with the elite troops of our guild. After all, they are now defending the city. If we can't kill all of our elites when we take the opportunity of defending the city, then once this elite enters the city, it will be completely troublesome. This elite of our guild is a field force, and it can't exert any power on the siege. On the flat ground, even the street fighting is not the elimination of those Japanese players.

After finally gathering near this dangerous city wall with incomparable determination, the elite players representing the high-end force of Japanese players rushed to the wall, while ordinary Japanese players and low-level players who were originally resisting quickly withdrew. I came down to make room for the masters. But ... just when the masters swarmed and defeated the elite units in the forefront and planned to continue the assault, they felt as if they were hitting a thin piece of paper with a full blow. The complete piece of paper is actually very stretchy, so it takes a bit of effort to break through the piece of paper, but once the paper is broken, there is nothing behind.

Those elite Japanese players, after killing the elites of the bank that were standing in front of them, suddenly turned out to be ordinary troops behind those elites. Those weak and ridiculous defensive forces were simply vulnerable in front of them. They were driven back to the city. However, although the crisis on the city wall has been resolved, those masters are even more worried.

This was obviously a scam just now, but no one knew what the purpose was. What makes these Japanese gamers feel scared is that they know they have been deceived, but they do not know what the other person is trying to lie to. This situation of knowing that something is going to happen but not knowing what is going to happen is more tangled than unfortunate direct survival. Those Japanese masters are a little crazy.

"Hurry up, all the elites are following me, the elites of the Chinese are coming up from the other side!" Although the sudden shouting brought bad news, those Japanese elite players suddenly felt inexplicable. Although the current situation is not good, at least they know that the purpose of the Chinese people is to attack the west. This kind of bottom-up feeling is always better than the feeling just now.

The Japanese elites who have recovered a lot of mood quickly moved their positions and killed the "real" attack site of our side, but ... After killing a small group of seniors, these players suddenly appeared in front of them and became the former ones. Cannon fodder.

"What's going on?" Angry Japanese elites can't bear it after being fooled again. It's even more irritating to be deceived once. Who has suffered twice? However, their misfortunes, or the misfortunes of Japanese players, have only just begun.

In the next time, within the throne of the Seal of God, there were continuous reports of elite assaults from the country, and the Japanese elites were constantly fighting fires. Although the fire fighting itself is one of their work, this repeated failure to implement is making them abnormally depressed. However, they know that they are constantly being played, but they dare not follow our rhythm.

The country that is the largest country in Asia and one of the four largest Mingu nations in the world has really had a serious impact on the surrounding area, and its Japan is one of the more severely affected. For example, the Chinese have a story called "Wolf Is Coming." Although the story is short, the moral is very thought-provoking.

Now the news of the elite raids that constantly appear around the city walls is the wolf that the child of the story lied about, and what these Japanese elite players are worried about is that once they really do n’t care about the lie, just in case What to do if your wolf is here? Now the news of the elite assaults that are constantly appearing around the city walls is false, but in case we really gather the elites to a certain section of the city walls, don't say they won't save it, even if the city walls are only a little late, Lost, and this ending is what they don't want to see anyway.

However, although those Japanese elite players have been insisting that the throne of the Seal of God arrives every time, how can our guild's strategy be so good? Just after the elites had withdrawn from a fake danger situation, suddenly two players ran over from both directions and reported at the same time that the elite assaults of the Chinese people appeared there.

The elite players were dumbfounded at the news. The two sides alarm at the same time, which side is true? Or are both fake? Moreover, even if both sides are false this time, it is a false alarm, so what happens afterwards? This time we can make fake alarms in two places, and next time we can make four, eight, and sixteen. What would they do then? Obviously, the division is not possible. If the main force is somewhere, the elite of the division will wait for death when it meets others. Gathering power is obviously even worse. Multiple dangerous situations occur at the same time. The ghost knows which is true and which is false? What if you run wrong?

"No, we can't be transferred by them like this, we will be exhausted ourselves without waiting for their elite main force to come up!" Said the Japanese elite players who responded quickly.

A calmer player next to him said, "Don't you say we don't know? What to do if we don't save it? What if one of those two alerts is true?"

"Ah ... neither this nor that, what should we do?"

Although knowing that this is not the way to go, it is just like a person's instinct for survival. Even if he knows how to work hard, he will die, but as long as he does not reach the point where he must die, many people will choose to continue to struggle. These Japanese elite players are just like those who survive. Although they know that the old and the old will be tuned to finish sooner or later, but now they have to continue to struggle. Because if you continue to struggle now to remedy, then death may come later, but if you give up, then failure is in sight.

Faced with the alarm sounding on both sides at the same time, in the end these elite players still adopted the method of division. First divide the personnel into two groups according to their combat strength, and then support each direction. If the alarm is false on one side, immediately go to the other alarm point.

The elites who divided the team in this way quickly reached two alarm points, but after ten minutes the elites on both sides met again between the city walls, because the false alarms were still there on their own side. However, before they came here and complained to each other, a new alarm was reborn, and this time it happened in three places together.

After looking at each other, this group of elite players could only helplessly divide the team into three, and then agreed to take charge of one place as before, but it is not right to immediately reinforce the other two. Of course, the three alarms this time are still false, but just after they got together again in less than three minutes, the next alarm sounded again, and this time it became dangerous everywhere.

"This **** group of people, are they trying to kill us alive?" A younger player has completely lost his patience, and it looks like he is clearly a sign of hysteria.

An older player pressed his shoulders and waited until he looked at himself and said calmly: "Resist. Only by holding yourself first can you defeat the enemy. If you collapse first, we lose Now, the Chinese want to kill us, we will not let them succeed, we have to fight with them for endurance. Don't forget, their elite is not infinite, so moving us around will make us tired, but Their own casualties are indeed increasing, so they can't continue to play like this. Whoever can persist to the end is the last winner. "

After hearing this player's words, the young player finally suppressed the anger and calmed down temporarily, but he didn't even know how long he could hold on. Maybe next time, maybe a few more times, anyway, he feels that he may burst again at any time.

"Hurry up, alert." The situation here had just settled, and a sudden call for help rang again.

Those elite players reluctantly turned to the players who came to report. "How many alerts are this time? Where are they?"

"One ... one place," the player who reported the message gasped and said, "Several senior players have arrived, and they are strong enough to open the city walls!"

"Just one place?" A Japanese player asked in disbelief.

Another player was also puzzled: "Are the Chinese tired of trying to fight us?"

A leading player said: "Regardless of those, we have to win anyway when the enemy comes. Now let's hurry up and talk."

Under the call of this leader, the Japanese elite players quickly rushed to the breached hole, but it was obviously different from the previous situation. This time, the people they met were no longer, but were guided by players. In addition, they also discovered that the troops that attacked the city walls were all elite.

I've been cheated so many times before, even if the Japanese are no matter how stupid, they can sum up some experience. Now, when they encounter these so-called elite raids, they first jump behind the opponent's crowd and try to chop a few people. If the chop falls, it goes without saying that it is a false alarm.

However, this time is different. The Japanese player who jumped to the rear of the opponent slashed it with the thought that he would immediately make the other person's head fall to the ground. Who knew that his weapon was held up. The framed player's heart was tight, and he ducked back quickly. A long knife almost rubbed his face against the tip of his nose. If he was half a second slower, he must have been cut into two pieces by the waist. Already.

Before this player came to report the situation, someone later shouted, "Haha, this is all the senior troops of the Frost Rose Alliance!"

Honestly, I heard that ordinary Japanese players nearby are a little dizzy. The enemies are all elites. What are you so happy about? Knowing that you are being mad by them, I don't know I thought you were on their side.

After the player shouted, he realized that this seemed to sound awkward, but he didn't care about it anymore. After jumping out of the battle group, he joined forces with nearby masters to form a line of defense trying to compress the walls occupied by the Frost Rose Alliance's elite occupation. Space, but unlike before, these elites are strong, and because of subsequent reinforcements, it is very difficult to reduce their combat range. The two sides had been fighting in situ for more than ten minutes. The front line remained intact, and the Chinese could not continue to expand the results. They could not regain even one inch of territory, and the people on both sides were so rigid that no one wanted to give in. However, at the time of their fierce fight here, the real elites of our guild who were thrown in Japan were doing a very cumbersome thing.

"Hurry up, your kid! Why haven't you got through?" A bank player urged the humanity ahead.

In front of that player, a gray-faced player dug hard at the dirt in front of him and said, "Okay, don't rush, I'm not a mole, it's good to have this degree!"

"It's a pity that all of our guardian steel claws have been killed. If we can return to China to supplement and come back again, this is nothing at all!" Said another player who was digging.

"I have steel claws, what hole do you want to dig?" The urging player said, "Speaking of them, those **** little devils, if not, they would destroy our transnational teleportation array, and go back to add It takes no more than half an hour to seal the throne of God, and now we actually want to be a mole here, it's really annoying! "

"Shh ..." The man behind was complaining. The player in front suddenly signaled him not to speak, and then took out a trumpet-like thing and covered it on the front soil wall, then stuck his ears to it. This side of the horn. After listening for a while, the man suddenly turned back and whispered: "There is movement outside, it seems to be digging through. You prepare the weapons first, and I blasted the wall and rushed out after I counted one, two, and three. It's the best now, and if it's spotted, it's the direct attack. "

"Understood." The personnel in the entire channel nodded and said that they knew, and the player who digged the front took out a small dynamite bag and stuck it to the dirt wall person in front, and then took the person from the back and handed it over. A shield stood in front of him. After finishing the preparatory work, he stretched out and pulled off the pull ring on the dynamite bag, then turned around and shielded his body with a shield, and stretched out one hand backwards, gesturing with a countdown from May 4, 321. When his last finger was retracted, he saw a fierce flash in front, and at the same time there was a sound of explosion that was not too big, followed by a mess of earth and stones. However, those players didn't hesitate at all, before the splashing earth and stones completely landed, they rushed out against the shield.

It turned out that the so-called elite troops on the other side of the city wall were in fact only senior ones selected by some city defense forces. Although the ranks were relatively high, they were still fourth-line units. If you have to find some elites on the entire wall, the wave of people who are playing tug-of-war with the senior Japanese players is really elite. However, those elites are actually just a small unit of the elite troops that we lost in Japan, and most of the regular elite troops are actually in these secret channels.

That's right, the wall is just a guise. It doesn't make much sense whether the Japanese stop or not, because the real focus of the attack is not on the wall, but on the mountain. That's right, it's the mountain.

The fulcrum city faced the sea, and the three directions on the ground were mountains on both sides. Only one side could pass through, but the city wall was repaired. Although the two mountains that sandwich the fulcrum city are not very high, the steepness is quite exaggerated. After being occupied by us, we have done some rest, deliberately made the mountain more difficult to climb, and arranged a lot of Traps and the like, in short, attacking from the sides of the mountains is not as good as rushing through the walls, so the Japanese have never considered the issue of these two mountains.

However, if the Japanese do not consider it, it does not mean that we will not consider it ~ ~ No, it should be said that our elite troops will consider it. In fact, this offensive and defensive battle in Fulcrum City is nothing more than a show for Japanese players, so from our perspective, this battle can be completely desperate. But the problem is, the senior members of our guild know this, but those players in Japan do not know. We can't spread the news that Masamoto Matsumoto and we are together, so the elite troops left in Japan actually didn't know that the battle was not really worth it. They are still desperately trying to attack according to their own judgment. Although we can contact them through the communicator controlled by the army god, it is not too difficult to hinder their attack, or they will easily cause their suspicion. Therefore, after hearing that they had proposed the plan of secretly crossing Chencang along the boardwalk, we had no choice but to accept their plan. Who told us that we can't open our relationship with Matsumoto Masayuki! No way, we can't stop if we want someone to hit you! Otherwise, you will be punished with a hat of common enemy.

Just because we ca n’t stop it, the tactic of digging tunnels has become a reality this time, and what we can do is to try to find an excuse not to supply them so that they do n’t fight too hard, in case this group of fanatics is careless The Fulcrum City was taken back, and we will have to work hard to return it to Masamoto Matsumoto. Isn't that all right?

Fortunately, although it seems that this plan is very delicate at present, as long as Matsumoto is in the battle, it should not be a problem to suppress them. I hope our elite is not too fierce! & qut;

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