Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 42: Strange force configuration

Volume 19 Chapter 42 Strange Force Configuration

The fulcrum player meeting was held for a whole day. During this time, our guild troops have been moving south, and finally all of them have been withdrawn to the Okuma Peninsula area. However, this is not a suitable place for defense, so the team is just doing it Was temporarily stationed.

According to the battle plan of our guild, after completing the strategic adjustment of Japan's four main islands, the strength of our guild will be gradually withdrawn to the small islands on the outskirts of Japan. Unlike the coast of China, there are a large number of small islands on the periphery of the Japanese island. These islands are not connected to the Japanese mainland, but they are very close. If the island chain formed by this series of islands is used well, it will not be difficult to form a complete maritime defense line with the maritime power of our guild. Of course, since we already intend to use Matsumoto Masa for indirect Japanese management, this island chain will no longer be necessary for occupation. After all, these islands are too close to Japan. If we want to directly control these islands, we will inevitably frequently conflict with Japanese players in the future, that is something we do n’t want to see, so we have not included this island chain system. Occupation plan. Of course, even if the island chain is not included in the long-term occupation plan, the basic form still has to go.

According to our plan, we will send people to station around these small islands in Japan, and after finishing the adjustment of Japanese power, Matsumoto will lead the ghost dragon that has been transformed into the Japanese Defense Forces to start sweeping these islands one by one. This kind of mopping can allow Japanese players to really see that the Japanese Defense Forces under the leadership of Matsumoto Masawa have indeed played their due role, so that the leaders of the Japanese guilds have no excuse to say Masamoto Matsumoto. Of course, the occupation of these islands is only part of the overall plan, and the key to the plan is not actually these offshore islands, but the island of Jeju in South Korea.

If you open a map of Asia, it will appear. This tourist resort in South Korea is just between Japan and China. The fleet from here can easily intercept the fleet between the two countries, and the more important key point is that it Does not belong to either China or Japan.

Jeju Island is Korean territory, which means that its gain and loss are not a big deal for our Frost Rose Alliance and Matsumoto Masaga's ghost dragon society. After getting Jeju Island, we can get praise from domestic players, and losing it does not have much impact on our reputation, because it is not our territory at all. It is an unexpected surprise to get it. It is not sad to lose it. Because of this characteristic of Jeju Island, in our strategy, Jeju Island will be completely occupied by the Japanese under the attack of the ghost dragon society led by Masamoto Matsumoto, and then South Korea will ask us for help, and we will **** it back. Afterwards, Matsumoto counterattacked and recaptured again, so that after several rounds of scramble, the confrontation on the island would be almost formed, but this confrontation needs to consume materials, so who will come out of the materials? Japanese players, of course. The Matsumoto Masaharu Ghost Dragon Club is now the Japanese Defense Forces, and Japanese players must pay for foreign operations. As long as our battle with the Ghost Dragon Club is not over, those Japanese players can never stop sponsoring the Ghost Dragon Club. Call the thief self-respect.

In this strategy we are thieves, and Matsumoto Masa is the official. If we thieves are completely defeated, then Japanese players will wonder if it makes sense for them to spend so much money to support this official, but if we are not eliminated, but instead are very aggressive, then Matsumoto ’s status It will become more and more stable, because the Japanese are aware of the seriousness of our thieves, so they must rely more on Masamoto Matsumoto. This kind of mutual relationship is a kind of relationship we hope to reach with the ghost dragon society in the future. External relations model.

Once this kind of relationship mode is established, we can fight the materials back and forth in the war with the ghost dragon unbridled. We can use the name of loot to continuously capture each other's materials, and then we can absorb Japanese resources for use by our guild, or we can send some insignificant consumables produced by our guild to Japan for sale. This exchange mode is actually very similar to bilateral trade, except that we do not pay on either side, and materials are flowing in the name of loot.

This special transaction model can save a big tax for one time, and it can prevent outsiders from seeing the relationship between us and the Ghost Dragon Club. As for these three, it is actually to complete our original purpose- Absorb Japanese resources.

If the ghost dragon club and we are really fighting, then the money that the Japanese guild spends on the ghost dragon club will naturally be consumed in battle, but the question is whether we will really fight? Although two thirds of the ghost dragon club players do not know the truth, anyway, Masamoto Matsumoto is our people, so our Frost Rose League and ghost dragon club are actually one family. The war between us is certainly impossible to fight, at best, it is just doing things. So, why do you "consume" supplies in such a play-fighting battle? The answer is naturally in our hands.

Because of the Defense Force conversion agreement, Japanese players have to continuously transfer their money to the Ghost Dragon Club, and the Ghost Dragon Club constantly transfers money to us on the battlefield, which is equivalent to the Japanese paying taxes to us In addition to the need to switch hands to increase some losses in the middle, this mode has almost no obvious shortcomings. Using this method will not cause Japanese resistance, nor will it consume us too much energy. Compared to direct occupation, this is actually the best way of occupation.

When the parties on Japan's side are busy, China's side will not stop. Although the Russians were driven out of the border, the tens of millions of garrisons piled on the border were quite depressing. What's more terrible is that the Russians have no conscious awareness of this, but they have no plans to withdraw or reduce their garrison. , And even continue to increase troops.

"What the Russians really want to do?" Eagle frowned in the conference room in Isinger, holding the document.

Matsumoto was congratulating them for a day, and our side was not much better. Of course, unlike Matsumoto they congratulating them on the other side, we had a day's meeting because there were too many things. When we met last night, we were discussing the issue of Japan. After finalizing the Japanese plan late at night, we started to work on the internal adjustment plan of the guild. Then we got off the line to rest in the early hours of the morning. Everyone started talking about the Russian invasion early in the morning. Now It's almost noon, and the results will not finish yet.

The Army God said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, I ca n’t really determine the strategic intentions of the Russians based on the current information. At first I thought they wanted to continue to counterattack our country, but although they continued to increase their troops to the front, The increase was all cannon fodder units. Instead, the elite units with higher combat effectiveness were secretly removed from the front line. This obviously reduced the front line garrison's combat effectiveness. If they really intend to counterattack us, this arrangement is obviously unreasonable. "

Hongyue Road: "Do you know where the elite troops have been transferred?"

The three-dimensional map in the middle of the conference hall suddenly zoomed in and then showed a bright spot. "Here," said the **** of war, after the bright spot appeared.

"What are they going to do there?" The location shown on the map was very strange. The coordinates of this place were 88 degrees east longitude and north latitude. According to the location on the map, it is just north of Urumqi, China, on the Russian side of the Sino-Russian border. This place can be said to be very special, because it is actually connected to two countries in addition to the border between China and Russia. A little eastward is Mongolia, and a little westward is Kazakhstan. It can be said that this position almost includes the borders of the four countries. Although the border line between Kazakhstan and Mongolia does not intersect, the distance is very close. With the ability of the mounts in the game to move, basically one hour can make a circle on the borders of the four countries and return. Clicked. Such a short distance, there are many articles to do.

Chuang Wang looked at the map. "Hey, God of War, are you sure that the information is okay? This is a large mountainous area. Even if I am playing in the navy, I am not very familiar with ground warfare, but at least I know that this kind of local corps is definitely not open. Russians What are you going to do to bring troops here? Are you playing guerrilla wars? "

"Guerrilla warfare is unlikely." Rose said: "This is neither the center of our country nor the center of Russia. Playing game warfare has no meaning at all. Besides, guerrilla warfare must be based on the masses or the individual combat effectiveness is relatively prominent. Hopefully, the Russians are obviously more uncomfortable than us? "

Su Mei suddenly said: "What if the Russians were not planning to invade?"

"Although I also agree with this reasoning, but there is no direct evidence to prove it." The army **** said helplessly.

"Evidence can't be found in the meeting room. I think we still need to send more forces to investigate." Hongyue said.

Ying asked, "What about the front line?"

"For the time being, the golden mean strategy is used. We will increase the number of troops and ensure the strategic balance." Rose answered the question of the eagle, and she directly supported the idea of ​​Hongyue.

Now that Rose and Hongyue have indicated that this method is feasible, I simply turned around and looked around at the others in the conference room and asked, "What's everyone's opinion? Would you like to dissolve the meeting to find clues?"




Everyone in the conference room quickly raised their hands to agree. In the end, we could only helplessly increase the border line according to the method described by Hongyue. As for the rest, we had to get detailed information. Modern warfare is about information. If you know nothing about the enemy's purpose, you are not fighting but you are trying to die.

Although everyone dismissed the meeting to investigate the information, it was said that only I could go. Unlike everyone else, I am the only free person in this conference hall who has no guild tasks to bear, and my attributes have a higher affinity, which means that I have a higher probability of removing tasks than others. People with this attribute are usually the most suitable for intelligence investigation, because the number of "zero" is far more than the player, any player power plan will inevitably be obtained by some there needed information, which is also considered affinity One of the alternative benefits too.

After being sent by Rose to Essinger in the name of the capable one, I teleported directly to a city called Westminster. The Xinjiang area in the game is not the same as in reality. Although the terrain is roughly the same, a lot of mountains have been added to the map. The terrain structure is no longer desert-based, and it is relatively dense compared to reality. The situation is different, Xinjiang in the game is quite dense. Of course, this is talking about population, and players are still similar to reality.

Because there are many people, there are naturally more cities. This city of Westminster is a small city built systematically, and in reality it can't find its counterpart.

The location of Westminster is in the northwestern direction of Altay City in reality, which is closer to Kazakhstan, and the city's construction location is still strange. It was not built on flat ground, but between a bunch of dense mountain peaks. Although the city of Westminster is less than one-tenth the size of Isinger, the highest point and the lowest point of the city have a height difference of 350 meters. In such a small place, such a terrible drop, you can imagine what kind of city this is.

As soon as he came out of the Westminster Teleport Hall, there was a winding staircase in front of the door. Because there is almost no flat land in the entire city of Westminster, the normal streets in the city cannot be seen at all. The streets here are steps. Except for some sloped roads between some sections with relatively small gaps, basically the roads of the entire city It consists of steps.

Because there are steps everywhere in Westminster, wheeled vehicles are completely scrap here. Regardless of whether it is a animal-powered cart, a wheelbarrow, or a bicycle, anything that uses wheels is completely useless here.

For my appearance, the players in the city and looked very surprised. Of course, there are reasons for my popularity, but more because of my equipment.

Westminster is a mountain city, and the leveling areas near it are also on steep hillside cliffs. Here, heavy equipment like me is basically nobody wears, because the flexibility of these armored equipment is generally not high, except for artifact-level armor like my Shenlong suit, which can not affect the action in use at all. In addition, as long as it is armor, it will always limit some physical flexibility. It's better to be like the armor of the Holy Spirit. If you have lower equipment, it's over. It was like a tin can that fought itself on a hillside over 60 degrees, which is something that even a fool cannot do.

It is precisely because armored equipment is not suitable for mountain operations, almost no armor-wearing people can be found throughout the city of Westminster. The player profession here is basically archers. Archers who are able to make attacks without moving on the steep and inconvenient cliffs are obviously the most suitable profession. Of course, the mage can also stand in place to attack, but the poor physical properties of the mage can be troublesome when he needs to move. Although the archer can stand in place to attack, at least the people are very flexible, and they are absolutely unambiguous when they need to move, but once the mage needs to move, it is troublesome. Therefore, although there are mages here, there are not many of them.

Archers, wizards, hunters, and assassins are the main occupations here. In addition to the above four popular occupations, most of the popular occupations are not very suitable for this kind of place, among which the knight class is the most popular. It's hard to imagine how a full-body steel knight riding a full-armored steed on a steep hillside of more than sixty degrees will charge, anyway, I think it is more like suicide. Of course, it is not that all knights are not suitable for this, some special cavalry are actually very suitable for this terrain. For example, the guy in the cauldron.

Remember the job of the guy in the cauldron? He is a knight, of course not a knight on a white horse, but a boar knight. Don't underestimate wild boars, they run faster than Mark in the mountains. At least the wild boar can climb the mountain, and once the war horse encounters a **** that is over forty degrees, it basically has to rest.

I was looking at the surrounding environment, and I did not expect that a little girl wearing leather armor suddenly voluntarily posted it. The reason why she is a little girl is not because of her age. Of course, she is definitely not too young, but this is not why I call her a little girl. She was called because of her figure. This little beauty is only about one meter and five meters tall, but she is not a dwarf. Despite being short, her body structure is perfect, and it feels like a miniature model of a normal person.

"Excuse me ~ ~ Are you Ziri?" The little beauty rushed in front of me and asked her head immediately.

To be honest, I usually do n’t have much when people look up. After all, our height is set here. Even after wearing the Shenlong suit, our height is definitely less than one meter seven five. This height is basically short in the game. Type, but standing in front of the little beauty in front of me, I have a feeling of being a giant.

I nodded lightly about the little beauty's question, and then asked, "Are you doing anything?"

"I'm fine." The little girl's answer almost made me roll straight down the stairs to the gate of the city.

"All right, what are you calling me for?"

"Oh, I want to ask you if you have anything to do." The little girl responded as soon as she said it, and it didn't seem right, so she quickly explained: "That's it. I'm actually a guide. You may I do n’t know, because of the special structure of the city, Westminster City has a lot of players who come here to experience special environments. However, because of the terrain here, the possibility of accidental injury and loss of people who are not familiar with it is very high, so Some of us here are working as guides. I wonder if you also need to hire a guide? "

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