Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 43: Guide

Volume 19 Chapter 43 Guide

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who will be accidentally injured due to terrain problems?" I didn't plan to accept the little girl's recommendation. The topography of Westminster is really complicated. The average person is very likely to get lost or injured because of the topography. But I am not an average person. If I ca n’t adapt to even this kind of terrain change, how can I match the title of No. 1 in the world?

The little girl seems to be following me today. Immediately after I asked, she said, "Of course you won't get hurt by a little terrain, but aren't you afraid of getting lost?"

I directly refused: "I have special equipment to identify the direction, and the guide is really not necessary for me. You still have to find someone else. Don't waste time on me.

"But you are really sure that you can find the place you are going to rely on your own equipment? There are magnetic fields between the mountains. The general equipment is not useful."

I nodded surely: "Sorry, I don't really need a guide. If there is nothing else, please let me pass." I said, and then I took a step to the side and bypassed the little girl and walked out of the teleportation hall The little girl looked very anxious when I walked by. She seemed to want to stop me, but she didn't know how to speak. Of course I saw her all, but I didn't say much.

This little beauty is definitely not an ordinary guide. Although I don't know why she wants me to hire her, one thing is certain. She was definitely not for the little money the guide could get.

After leaving the teleportation hall, I walked towards the north gate. The south gate of Westminster is at the lowest point of the city, while the north gate is at the highest point of the city. After exiting the North City Gate, there is a winding mountain road outside. If you walk up here, you will encounter a small platform within a short distance. There are three forks to the north of this platform, two of which go up the mountain, and the other is the entrance to a cave, but I don't know where they lead.

Although this platform is not large, there are many people. There are neatly arranged stalls near the entrance of the platform, where some players haw a variety of supplies and necessary equipment for the stool. Because the stand here is outside the city, there is no need to pay management fees to the system city, so the things on the stand are much cheaper than the things in the city. Although many players bought the necessary items early in the city because they didn't know there was a free market here, but because the items here are really cheap, there will still be many players here to stay and prepare to add some more.

In addition to the stall and purchasers, a large group of people gathered at the exit of the platform, but they were divided into two camps. A camp with a large number of people is very complicated in equipment and occupations. Obviously, players from other places should seek a team at the intersection. The other group of people is relatively small, but their occupations are basically fixed in the archer and hunter camps. At first glance, they are local players. Judging from their performance, this group of people mostly worked with the little girl over the previous teleportation hall, that is, the guide. However, these talents are real guides, and the little girl before was obviously with other intentions.

I refused the little girl before because I saw that her intention was impure, so I resolutely rejected her guide job. But in reality, I still need a guide. Wizards do more than just lead the way. They are often danger detectors. I don't know what the mountain guides do, but I have hired a swamp guide before. The swampland that looks exactly the same is in my opinion no difference at all, but the guide can tell me exactly which place is the hard ground and which place will fall into as soon as I step on it. This is the experience of others. Moreover, in addition to the terrain, the guide generally knows about the local dangerous creatures. If you are looking for some local flora and fauna or investigating a certain area, hiring a guide can often save a lot of time.

Because I understand the importance of the guide, I did not intend to go alone. I didn't find a guide in the city before. In addition to the reason of that little girl, there is another player who knows that there is a guide in the entrance of the general leveling area, and it is not necessarily to find in the city.

The things on the stand are useless to me, because of the existence of Fenglong Space, my backup supplies have always been indispensable, so I do n’t need to add them at any time. Directly through the stall area, walked to the middle of the group of guides, the other side immediately surrounded me before I spoke. These people do business here all day long. Naturally, they can see who wants to ask for a guide. When I walk directly to this side, I obviously have the idea of ​​hiring a guide.

"Excuse me, are you hiring a guide?" Although the group of people gathered around, they did not rush to pull business. Obviously, they have a set of rules to decide who will pick up the business.

I nodded and asked, "What's the scope of your guide's work? I may need to run a long distance. I don't want to go halfway because the guide refuses to go and then come back."

One of the older guides in the group responded to me as soon as they said, "We have a few or two thousand customers who need guides every day, so we have seen all kinds of weird and weird requests. If you just You need to run farther, that ’s no problem. But in order to play well and avoid disputes in the future, you'd better agree with us about the service content first. "

"of course."

"Okay, then I'll ask you to answer. First is the cost calculation method. Do you set the price at one time or time?"

"Time it. I don't know how long it will take to seal the throne."

The other side nodded and said, "Then the next question, are you alone or with a companion? Because there are more and fewer people, the difficulty of leading a team is definitely different, so the cost will be a little different. If you have too many people in your team , We may even need multiple wizards to work together. "

"I'm alone, but I have a lot of summoned creatures. Does this count?"

"It doesn't matter if your summoned creature dies without us being responsible."

I smiled and said, "I don't need to be responsible. Of course, my summoning creature is responsible for myself."

The other nodded and said, "Do you need guide protection during the mission?"

"No need to."

"Does the wizard need to participate in the battle? One of our agreements is that if the wizard is in danger, he will not help fighting if he hides himself, and the other is that the wizard will also participate in the battle, but he will not die."

I thought about it and said, "You don't need to join the battle, you just have to protect yourself."

The other party nodded and continued: "Can you estimate the time of the Seal of the Seal of the Quest? Is there an approximate range? Do we need our guide to provide survival supplies?"

"I am not sure about the time of the Seal of the Seal of God. It should not take three days. I am responsible for the material."

"The last question. Do you need to enter the high-level monster zone when entering the mountains? High-risk areas must have high-level combat personnel to serve as guides, so the cost is definitely higher than the low-level personnel."

"I don't know about this, anyway, I need to go deep into the mountains. I think there should be advanced creatures in that kind of place? As for the security of the guide, you can rest assured that I can protect the guide and myself. But You'd better arrange a high-level guide, because I have something to enter the mountain, the road may move faster, and lower-level personnel may not follow.

"Then I will arrange the most powerful guide for you." The older guide waved back, and then came over two players. One of these two is the archer mm of the elven tribe, and the other is a male hunter professional player. "These two are the most powerful guides under my hands. Who do you want to invite? If you are not sure, I suggest you choose Ardor. Her occupation and your occupation are more compatible. The special hunter's professional comprehensive ability is relatively strong, depending on what you think. "

"Can I hire two people together?"

"What? Ask the two together?" The other party thought I would choose one of them. I didn't expect that I would ask two guides at a time.

"What? No?"

The other party immediately replied: "It is not impossible to invite two guides at a time. We sometimes take larger tour groups to travel to the mountains and have sent more than 20 guides at one time. Of course, it is also possible for two people to invite you. But you Are you sure you need two people? The service fee for the two guides will double. "

"No problem, you count the money."

Seeing me so resolute, the other party did n’t say anything anymore, just bowed my head and calculated it on the paper ~ ~ Then said: "You choose to be charged according to the time of the seal of God, according to the service content you choose, Asking them two at a time would cost twenty-four crystal coins per hour, are you sure? "

Twenty-four crystal coins for two people, that is twelve per hour for no one. A crystal coin is ten yuan, which means that the two people charge 120 yuan per hour per person. Calculated according to the actual guide's salary, this cost is quite high, but the game does not have a shopping rebate like a real guide. Second, this is a combat guide. It may be hung back halfway. Players who do tour guides have to practice again, and this loss is also quite large. Besides, this time I go alone. If there are many people in the team, although the fee will increase, the average person will decrease a lot, so it is understandable that the fee is a little higher.

"No problem, twenty-four crystal coins for one hour, I can accept it."

"Well, let's sign the contract now. The working time of the Seal of the Seal of God is calculated from ten minutes after the contract is signed. You must first pay the three-day fee to the system, and when you return, you will set foot on this platform. The Time Seal of the Seal of God is calculated based on the time of the Seal of the Task. The system will automatically deduct the charge and the excess will be refunded to you. If the Time of Seal of the Task is outside the three-day range you set, you can choose to pay the agreement to continue Contract, or our guide terminates the contract and leaves immediately. Agree without any problems. "

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