Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 51: The monster is not easy to mess with

Volume 19 Chapter 51 The monster is not easy to mess with

Although the subordinate identity of the Aurora Beast has been confirmed, the specific joining will have to wait for us to return to Isinger before we can determine it, but before that we have one more important thing to deal with.

"Number three is in place." A message from an aurora beast in the psychic network.

When this information was conveyed to me, a complete map in the mind network was presented in my mind. Just after the Queen of the Aurora Beasts promised to merge the Aurora Beasts into our guild, I took them to start planning for how to completely kill the Russians. Although the Aurora Beasts have decided to leave here, they have to be relocated for no reason. This revenge is always reported. Therefore, we decided to kill all Russian elites who entered the national barrier before leaving, and then evacuate.

The Aurora Beast's beam attack is certainly powerful, but in my opinion, these guys' mind detection and mind network are the most valuable abilities in them. Since it has such a powerful ability, it should fully play its role, so just now, we have moved a group of aurora beasts to the appropriate positions, forming a huge spiritual network covering the entire forest of curses. Now each creature in the entire cursed forest has been displayed in detail on the network map. Among them, the position of the Russians is displayed on the dark blue background with a bright red sè. The strong contrast makes it It looks extraordinary.

In order to deal with these Russians, I used all the imaginable power this time. Although the fighting power of the Aurora is also good, it is not a bad thing to have more helpers, so I took the time to contact the skeleton lord, and then rely on my affinity with the undead and the hatred of the Russians and the undead, it is easy to convince They joined our joint forces.

Except for the Aurora Beast, which is used to build the mind network, our army still has 500 Aurora Beasts and tens of thousands of undead. The Russians who are our targets have more than 3,000 people, all of them in various lines. Among the advanced players who will be drawn, the lowest level also reaches more than 900 levels, and nearly half of the personnel have passed the 1,000 level, of which over 1,200 levels have reached more than 40 people. In some places, a large and medium city can be easily leveled. Unfortunately, this is a cursed forest, not a city, and to fight with the undead troops on the cursed land, you must be prepared to be killed.

"Now the units remain stationary. We will start the raids from the outermost areas and try to let the Russians in the center know that we are attacking them later, so that we can win more chances."

"Understand." All units participating in the war were directly connected to the mind network by the aurora beast. This ability would not have been possible, but the princess proposed this application mode after only a few minutes of research. In fact, connecting other creatures to enter the network itself is the ability of the Aurora Beast, but because the Aurora Beast has never actively connected with other species before, they have never known that they have such ability. Just like the kind of high-intensity mental shock that relies on the energy in the heart network before the princess came up with, the application mode is actually just a way to use the heart network, and has not changed the original ability of the aurora beast.

No matter how smart the Aurora Beasts are, they are just a bunch of Warcraft. The failure to establish a civilized society like humans means that many of the abilities inherent in them cannot be fully exploited. Just like the martial arts used by humans, monkeys can actually learn, after all, humans and monkeys are physically combined Not much difference. But monkeys do not martial arts, they only instinctively scratch and bite. This is because they do not have a social group, and even if a monkey now has a better way to use its limbs, it cannot be magnified. The same is true of the Aurora Beast. They have a psychic network and many kinds of light magic. If a group of humans use it, people will definitely be able to play a lot of UA, but the aurora beast can't think of it. This is the disadvantage caused by the lack of civilization.

However, although the Aurora Beasts don't understand these, they don't need to worry anymore, because the princess and I understand it. The aura of the Aurora beasts is completely a set of fully automatic information-based combat systems, which can basically be understood as the integration of the latest digital combat command system. In reality, various teams have studied digital command systems for many years. Various application methods have been developed quite well. Even if I am not doing research in this area, it is still no problem to follow the gourd picture. As for the light spells of the Aurora Beast Society, this one-and-a-half time will be unclear. After all, they have too many light spells, which must be studied in detail to know how to match them. Of course, we have seen the most commonly used spells at present, and according to my guidance, the Aurora Beasts already know how to better wield their specialties.

"Attention, the goal appears."

I didn't plan to fight directly in this sneak attack, after all, the Russians don't know I'm here yet. But if I attack Russian players directly, they will immediately know that I am coming, and then I will be very careful, which is not good for our plan. However, if I do n’t participate, then the Russians will only know that a group of Aurora Beasts and undead are attacking them, so they will only think that their behavior is angry at the local Aurora Beast and Undead, after all, they have offended these two creatures So they wo n’t have any doubts, and we happen to take advantage of the black hand.

Of course, if I don't come out, it doesn't mean that I don't do anything. Although I can't directly participate in the battle, after all, I have the best use of my brain here. Being a commander is more appropriate. Moreover, it was not me who was involved in the command. Ling and Xiaochun and the king were all acting as temporary staffs around me. Ling and Xiaochun had previously served as goddesses, and had more than 100,000 troops under their hands. For them, commanding operations is just like eating. It's too easy. As for the King, after all, he is an heroic spirit, an existence condensed from the souls of countless soldiers on the battlefield. The existence of a commanding strategy layout like him may be problematic, but in a small-scale conflict I can say that no one can pass him.

With these three staff members and my own command, it is definitely not a hassle to deal with three thousand Russian elites. Moreover, the combat power we can command is actually only a little lower than the overall combat power of the Russians. Even if we do not plan a decisive battle, we will not necessarily lose.

After hearing my hint in the mind network, the two aurora beasts slowly retreated into the rubble pile on the roadside, and then their figure gradually faded and disappeared into the pile of rocks, leaving only two faint Outline. While the Aurora Beast was hiding, the two shadows were silently submerged into the two dead trees on the roadside.

"Have you heard? Just now a team of unlucky people bumped into more than thirty aurora beasts in one go, and the whole team was destroyed." A Russian said gleefully to the news he had just heard. There were six people beside him, and it seemed like the trap-buying squad I met for the first time was responsible for laying out the traps. The Russians apparently do not know that we are attacking them in a planned way. After all, their casualties have so far been caused by Aurora Beasts, and they are actively catching Aurora Beasts. It is not surprising that they were counterattacked.

This group of people laughed and laughed at the trap set by me as they laughed at the unlucky guys. Seven people passed the two dead trees with shadows, but they have not fully entered now. The shadow in the trunk. If it is elsewhere, as long as the light occupation personnel can detect the undead creatures hidden in the trunk or stones, because light occupations and undead creatures are basically in a state of hostility, it is easy to sense the breath of the other party. thing. But not here. This is the forest of curses. There is yīn dark undead breath here. I want to sense the breath of undead creatures here. It is as futile as trying to find my hidden fresh ua in the perfume store with my own smell. The same kind of breath completely masks the death breath of the undead creatures. Even if there is a light sacrifice here, the two undead are still not expected to be found without using a special detection technique.

Seven people passed the two big trees without any precaution, and officially entered the gate of the ghost. The seven people who walked well suddenly changed their faces, because they showed an aurora beast coming out of the road ahead.

These people are here to catch the Aurora Beast. Now seven people run into an Aurora Beast. It's just like picking up a piece of gold halfway. Don't worry about it. Now this group of heat is too late to be happy. However, the Aurora Beast did not run away after they found them, but suddenly put on an attack posture, and then the crystal above his head began to gather energy.

After all, they are here to catch the Aurora Beast. These Russians have fully understood the Aurora Beast's attack methods before. Although there are some errors, they still recognize this skill. This is the aggression attack of the Aurora Beast. The preparation time is slightly longer, but the power is very great. Even if they are elite, it is absolutely uncomfortable to be hit once. Therefore, after seeing that Aurora Beast began to gather energy, those people immediately took out their weapons and rushed to interrupt him. After all, the time required for this gathering to not only impress the throne of the Seal of God is short.

However, just as the seven men just pulled out their weapons and rushed forward, behind them they didn't notice, two shadows gradually emerged from the two seemingly harmless trees, followed by them. As they were about to rush forward, the two shadows rushed to the last two people almost simultaneously.

"Ah ..." The five men in front of the charge were startled by the sudden screams from behind, and suddenly turned back to see the black gas rolling around the two companions. Before the five had figured out what was going on, the shadow of a tattered black robe holding a sickle on the ground in front of them was slowly rising from the ground. The man in the front of the team was attracted by his companions in the rear. Suddenly he felt a chill in front of him. He turned his head back quickly, and the result was just right to the skull face that was close at hand. Two blood-stained reds are gradually spreading in his eyes.

thump. The front team leader suddenly fell down, and the sound of the corpse smashing on the ground shocked the other four people. As a result, they just turned back and saw the death projection and the captain falling to the ground. Don't guess they also Knowing that the captain must be finished. Death gaze is a hallmark of ghost-like undead creatures. Those who are hit by this thing will be killed instantly if their soul strength is not more than twice the user's soul strength, and they ignore any defenses. They are basically metamorphic. Skills out.

The four people who saw the captain's death didn't hesitate. They waved their weapons and slashed at the death, but to their surprise, the other party didn't mean to fight with them. They even started aside before they waved their weapons. Backing down and sinking into the west, the four of them swept across the air, and then saw their original target-the Aurora Beast.

The first monster that appeared in the battle was the aurora beast in front, but successive sneak attacks have made four people who can still fight forget the original target. Now the projection of death in front suddenly sinks into the ground, and the aurora beast enters again. Out of their sight. However, after such a delay, the attack of the aurora beast that had absolutely no time to gather energy has entered the completion stage.

Almost four people just realized it was not good ~ ~ The crystal on the forehead of the aurora beast opposite flashed suddenly, and a thick beam of water bucket hit the middle of the four in an instant. It flew out in four directions, but two of them just flew up, and the two piles of rocks next to it suddenly burst out two faint shadows. If the transparent shadow of this movement is still conspicuous, the problem is that four people are now being blown up. Even if it is four light bulbs, they cannot pay attention, let alone just four translucent shadows. .

After the shadow jumped out, he caught two flying guys directly in the air and bit them in the air. Then he tore and tossed them into pieces and tossed them out, while the other two guys were not attacked. There was no good end, just as soon as it landed, it was firmly pressed to the ground by a bunch of bone hands protruding from the ground, and then the two shadows that had killed the original two people fell on the two of them. .

The whole attack counted from the jump of the aurora beast until the last two were invaded by the shadow. It took less than fifteen seconds before and after the attack, and this also included the three seconds that the aurora beast had just jumped out. many. It can be said that the entire attack plan is quick to imagine.

Looking at the completely dead light Russian trapping squad, the Empress Aurora and the Skull Monarch sighed together: "I didn't expect the battle could be so easy"

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