Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 52: Mutual calculation

Volume 19 Chapter 52 Calculation

With the experience of successfully destroying the first Russian trapping team, things are much simpler after that. Referring to this mode of operation, the mixed formation of Aurora Beasts and the Undead began to fall apart and came to look for the Russian trappings. The Russians began to disappear without any knowledge. After initially missing several teams in a row, the Russians thought they had encountered an accident, and the information reported by those dead players was also attacked by Warcraft, so it did not attract attention. However, with more and more teams losing at any time, the Russians finally began to realize that the problem was not as simple as they thought.

"You idiots, this is not a Warcraft attack at all." In the heart of the cursed forest, the frozen nv demon is angrily scolding a group of senior Russian players with their heads down.

"But all of us who attacked us were some local Warcrafts, and we didn't even think of any problems with these Warcrafts for a while!" A taller guy among the scolded players justified.

Frozen nv demon exclaimed: "If you are ordinary players, I do n’t blame you for the traps, but are you ordinary people? When you first came here, you both slammed the ng breast. , Saying that if I am not a master, there is no master. I ask you. This is what you call a master strength? "


Before that guy just wanted to excuse me, he was caught by someone nearby. "Forget it, don't like her again at this time, a few words, or you will be scolded even worse."

"Huh!" The guy who was pulled was obviously not convinced, but he knew in his heart that he would only suffer if he kept arguing. Frozen nv's scolding martial arts are as powerful as her fighting skills. These big men with big waists and round waists are not her opponents.

The Frozen Nv demon also knows that it is useless to scold them, and simply said to those guys: "Okay, now it is not the time to hold the responsibility, you still need to find out as soon as possible what happened."

Upon hearing the frozen nv demon began to say what was happening, several Russian players next to him immediately said: "We have also investigated before, basically two species of creatures that attacked us, one is the aurora beast we are catching, and the other One is the undead forces of this cursed forest before. They are supposed to attack us for a reason, but this organized cooperation does not seem normal. "

"It's not abnormal, but it's abnormal." The Frozen nv demon said, "Why did we capture this cursed forest? Isn't it the light system xìng to suppress the aurora beast? Those undead creatures are the most Pure dark creatures, Aurora beasts and undead cooperate against us. This kind of thing is a normal phenomenon. I really don't know how your head grows! "

"Master Frozen Nv, in fact, we don't think it is impossible for undead creatures to cooperate with Aurora Beasts." The sophistry player said pretentiously, "If it is a general creature that cooperates with its hostile xìng species, That is naturally incomprehensible, but this aurora beast clearly differs from the previous intelligence. These guys are not only an intelligent group, but also very good at finding the enemy's weaknesses and using the surrounding environmental advantages to fight against the enemy. Previously, our capture team was so serious that it had been online This is fully proved. In this incident of cooperation between the undead and the aurora beast, the aurora beast may also use the emotions of the undead to fight against us and treat it as a natural genus xìng, so ... "

"So you are an idiot." The frozen nv demon interrupted him without waiting for the guy to say: "This kind of **** theory is only you can think of. Even if the aurora beast has the characteristics of using forms to fight the enemy But how do the undead creatures explain it? Those guys hate all beings! Even if the aurora beast wants to use the undead to revenge our psychology, the undead does not eat this set. With the racial characteristics of the undead, they are mostly in Immediately after the light-like creatures appeared, the throne of the Seal of God immediately flew up. "

"In fact, there is another possibility." A handsome golden man who looked quite sunny suddenly said, "What if there is an alien creature involved?"

"An alien creature?" Frozen nv looked at the handsome sunshine suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

"Actually, what I mean is simple. What if there is a species that is loved by the Aurora beasts of the Light Department and accepted by the undead?" Sunshine handsome said: "For example, a player with high affinity."

Frozen nv demon heard his head first thinking for a while, and after ten seconds he suddenly looked up and asked, "Who contacted those guys who just dropped?"

"It's me." A player raised his hand and shouted.

The frozen nv demon shouted immediately: "You will immediately change the number to contact those people and ask them if there are any strange creatures appearing in the place where they were attacked."

The player nodded and said, "No problem, but are there any specific characteristics? Just strange creatures, this range is too large, right?"

The frozen nv demon thought for a while and said, "A worm. A translucent worm, maybe a crystal-like worm, a flying worm, or a fixed one somewhere. Or there are some large bee-like Warcraft."

"Okay, I'll ask it." The player immediately went offline and changed the number to ask the situation after listening to the request. In the room, the rest of them looked quite surprised.

"Do you think of him too?" The handsome guy who raised this possibility before asked the frozen nv demon.

"Don't you doubt it already?" Frozen nv demon asked.

The handsome guy said, "I'm just a little skeptical, but you're directly sure!"

The Frozen nv demon said helplessly: "To say that the situation I am most worried about is the one you guessed, but when it comes to it, the person does meet this requirement, so even if it is unclear Whatever dominates this matter, I must at least exclude him first to be at ease. "

"But what if you can't rule it out?"

"Then prepare to fail!"

Regarding the conversation between the frozen nv demon and the handsome sunshine, the people present didn't ask a word, not that they didn't care, but they also knew who they were talking about.

Sure enough, a player waited for them to finish before asking: "If it's Ziri, what should we do? Can we just give up the mission?"

The frozen nv demon shook his head and said, "It is naturally impossible to abandon the mission, but our odds of victory are definitely not great. Judging from the current situation, if it is really Ziri involved, then most of the aurora and undead creatures have already Under his command. So far, our people have not reported that Ziri has attacked them. Mostly, Ziri does not want to be noticed by us in advance. He has already come. If this time it is really that he is making 1uan, then once we formally Counterattack, Ziri will inevitably join the battle immediately. With the cooperation of so many aurora beasts and higher undead, it is even more difficult for us to win, and even if we win, we may have to lose our capture plan in the end. . "

"Bad Commander!" The player who went offline to ask about the situation suddenly appeared again in front of everyone, and then anxiously called out.

"What the **** is going on?" The Frozen Nv Demon was already nervous enough. Now this guy has become even more nervous when called by this guy, and because of the nervousness, her attitude is naturally very bad, but that The famous player apparently did not notice the change in the expression of the frozen nv demon.

The Ming player heard the frozen nv demon and immediately said, "I was surrounded by those who hung back as soon as I passed, and they said that someone just said that they saw it sticking on a nearby tree when they died. A very beautiful colorful crystal beetle, he regretted that he did not bring the beetle back. Later, after listening to the person talking about it, many people said that they saw it, but they did not take it seriously. Later there was a personal analysis The beetle should not be colored, they see the rainbow color that the light breaks, it should actually be a transparent crystal beetle. Then someone said that I remember where I saw this beetle. Recorded, and then those people started to go to the forum when they were bored. It did n’t matter if they turned it, it would be scary when they turned it. The forum said that this kind of thing is called a ghost worm, which is a parasitic beetle, but so far the entire server has a total of I only heard of three people, and the most famous of them is Ziri. "

Hearing my name, the Frozen Nv demon and the sunshine handsome guy looked at each other helplessly, and they all knew that the plan was about to be reimbursed. Not to mention that those aurora beasts are not very good at catching themselves, and now there is such a huge obstacle for me, it is even more impossible. Therefore, the problem now facing the Russians is not how to continue to catch the Aurora Beast, but how to withdraw from the whole body.

"What do we do now?" The group of players who were next to the Frozen Nv Demon heard me, and they all nervously surrounded the Frozen Nv Demon and asked: "Should we now put everyone outside immediately? Call back? Zi Ri ’s ability to attack is too strong. If we do n’t gather together, we will definitely be defeated by each one? ”

"Shut up, don't you think it would be useful to gather together?" Frozen nv demon exclaimed: "It is useless to deal with the existence of Zi Ri because there are many people. We gather together just to make it easier for him to hit the net."

"Then we can't just sit back and wait?"

"Who says we're going to sit still?"

"Then you mean ...?"

"I mean it very simple. Now that Ziri is here, it means that our plan is useless, so we simply change it."

"Changing another plan?" Those players asked doubtfully, "What other backup plans do we have?"

"In fact, the backup plan already exists, but it was not intended to be used here, but it is not necessary to see this situation now." Frozen nv demon suddenly said to the player who asked the situation before the offline: "You change immediately No. Go back and inform us of the house of the Nv demon house. "

"What shall I say?" The player asked inexplicably.

"Just tell them that the operation will start and let them come here."


After the player heard the command, he immediately went offline to change the number to convey the order, and the frozen nv demon immediately turned to the humane around him: "Notify the outbound search team immediately to concentrate here, the speed must be fast."


By the time the Frozen NV demon had completed his mission and started commanding the Russians to change their plans, our joint forces had already wiped out more than 300 members of the Russian hunting team. Compared to the number of Russians coming over this time, this number is obviously over one-tenth. Before the battle has officially started, we can reduce the enemy by one tenth, especially on our own side, it is almost lossless. Such a victory is really too easy.

In fact, to be fair, the strength of these Russian hunting teams is not bad. The reason why they lose so badly is entirely because we have unintended consequences. Think about it, how could a hunter hunting in the mountains think that a group of wolves and a group of tigers in the forest are setting traps to catch a hunter to improve their food? Moreover, the strength of the Aurora Beast and the group of undead can not be regarded as a joint battle of wolves and tigers. It should be a sudden emergence of a group of aliens and a group of terminator in the forest against the hunter. Under such circumstances, how can the hunter die?

"Huh?" Suddenly, the Russian hunting team in the Mind Network suddenly changed their direction and moved towards the center of the forest. I realized almost immediately that the situation of the guys was wrong.

"President Ziri, is there any problem?" I now look wrong, the skull lord asked. He was completely convinced of my plan just now. Think about how powerful the Russians who killed their original lords were, but now they have been killed without any help. What is this? This is the power of wisdom. Although Skeleton Lord has a hard time with his own brain, he has a clever point. Although he has a hard time with his brain, he can accept the suggestions of others, and he has a special admiration for those with a good brain. Speaking of which, what the skeleton lord most admired is my counterattack plan. According to this degree, they will soon be able to recapture the forest of curses that belonged to them, and it will be done at almost zero casualties.

After hearing the words of the Skull Lord, I turned my head and explained, "It seems that our relaxed time is over."

"Ah? Why?" Skeleton Lords couldn't share the mind network, so they didn't know what the Russians were doing.

The Queen of the Aurora Beasts knew that he could not see the information in the mental network, so he explained to him: "We have detected those Russians nearby who are concentrating in the heart of the Cursed Forest."

"They have our plans now?" The Skeleton Lord asked immediately.

"They don't know whether our specific plan is yet uncertain, but they can be sure that the previous attacks were not pure accidents."


Hearing my words, the Skeleton Lord said instead: "In fact, I already knew that our plan would soon be revealed. One of the two teams was missing. Fortunately, there were so many people suddenly absent from the throne of God Seal in such a short time. Fools also know that this is not the normal situation. Moreover, we are useless even in concealment. Each attack is a mix of undead and aurora beasts. When we gather together like this, they naturally know that there must be a third party leader We are. "

I was rather surprised to hear the words of the Skeleton Lord. Turned around and re-examined the lord who didn't seem smart before him. "I didn't expect your head to be stupid?"

The Skeleton Lord explained: "Although I ca n’t talk about cleverness, it ’s the Lord, after all, if the brain is really stupid, this position would not be mine. However, I still do n’t think clearly about your previous plan. Let us attack jointly with the Aurora Beast, obviously it is not to increase the combat effectiveness. Even my unwise head knows that if two races are allowed to act alone, the enemy will be much late in our time. But why are you? Want us to act together? "

"You're all here now?" I stared at the Skeleton Lord in surprise. "You guessed it right, so that you can act together is for the fact that you have united."

"But isn't it impossible to kill the enemy so easily?"

"No, this purpose is not just to kill the enemy with ease, but to kill the enemy more perfectly in the future." I said, "what do you say they will do when the enemy appears and you unite?"

The Skeleton Lord thought for a moment: "First shrink the troops, then send someone out to investigate the situation."

"What if the people who came out to investigate the situation also dropped?"

"Then I will definitely gather the troops together to stay where they are."

"But what if the enemy doesn't show up after you gather your troops for half a day?"

"Then you can only transfer." At this point, the skeleton lord stopped abruptly, and then suddenly realized, "Do you want to ambush them during the transfer?"

"Yes. This will not only kill these guys as soon as possible, but also ensure that there are no missing members. If we spread out to track their teams' breakouts, it is indeed possible to kill many of them, but we cannot Ensure that there are no casualties in our team, and that after the opponent's team is attacked, they will eventually have problems. At that time, if the remaining number of their own personnel is too small, then they will not be defended, but It may be directly dispersed. I don't want to let any enemy out, so I deliberately let them show our 'yīn plot', and then let them unite the army. "

"Your plan is very good, but I don't know. If the other party is an overall relocation of the Corps, how can we destroy them without injuring their own personnel?"

"This depends on the stuff that the guys brought."

"What did they bring?" The Skeleton Lord didn't know that these Russians brought in a lot of equipment to catch the aurora beasts that were fast. Those things were prepared for the Aurora Beast, so the undead did not see it, but they all knew it. After all, they have a spiritual network. As long as one Aurora Beast has seen it, the other Aurora Beasts will know it.

Seeing the skeletal lord's foggy appearance, the Queen of the Aurora Beasts explained the functions of those Russian props, and then with a big wave of the skeletal lord, many skeletons spread into the woodland to help dig those trapped. .

In "Zero", the Undead and Insects are probably the most densely populated species on the ground. Although the population density of undead is usually not as good as that of insects, after all, the sea of ​​undead is also a household name, so it is said that the undead have never worried about the number of opponents. Because there are more people, they never lose.

The Russians are now worried about our sneak attack, so they hurriedly gathered the troops together. As for the traps ... how can we manage these things now?

Because the Russian traps were all thrown into the cursed forest, it was too simple for us to collect. My ghost beetle has long recorded all the trap locations in the cursed forest. Through me, I have marked all the traps of the ghost beetle on the map of the spiritual network, and then send some aurora beasts that can receive the information of the spiritual network with the undead. We go digging traps. With the concerted efforts of our three parties, we quickly dug out those traps.

It ’s not enough to dig out these traps. We have found some places on the roads in the forest where Russians might pass, and buried them. If nothing happens, when the Russians retreat, It is to go through one of these roads, and then the traps we bury will allow the Russians to taste the power of their own traps.

As we set up traps on our side, the Russians were not idle. The group of Russian jīng sharp players summoned to the center of the cursed forest has built a temporary line of defense in the center of the forest. Although it cannot be compared with a regular city, it is better than nothing at least.

In addition to that temporary line of defense, the special team of the Nv Demon House also brought a bunch of special equipment into this forest area. Along with them are Russian players who have fallen back to the city. These people followed the mm of the Nv Demon House. On the one hand, they can play the role of Asian Games and escorts. On the other hand, they also supplement the strength of the frozen Nv Demon's frontier. It can be described as a good thing. But ... these people obviously do not know that they are about to endure a calamity on behalf of the Frozen Nv Demon.

We originally buried so many traps, mainly to prepare for the transfer of the main force of the Russians. Although these traps are not lethal, they are very suitable to delay their action. It is a pity that the plan cannot keep up with the changes. After our trap was buried, we did not wait for the main force of the Russians to transfer, but first waited for the group of Russian jīng sharp players who came to the reinforcements and the group of nv demon homes mm.

"I heard that you brought special equipment to deal with Ziri this time. What is it like?" In the Russian reinforcements team, a male xìng player is working hard to talk to a mm of the nv demon house. Talk, but unfortunately, the other party obviously did not want to dump him.

Seeing myself talking for a long time, the other party did not react at all, the player felt boring, and had to be full of degrees and distance from the mm.

This man is actually the leader of the reinforcements, and the former nvxìng is the leader of the nv demon house. It can be said that the two of them are the two top leaders in the team, so their position is actually in the team. Foremost. However, because the male player was left out and did not want to be side by side with each other, now only the nv player is at the front.

The male xìng player just retreated to the back for a while, and suddenly heard a click. The front mm stepped into the air, and half of the tutu was trapped in the ground. However, just after the mm's foot sank into the ground, the ground on both sides suddenly bounced. Just listening to it, two huge clips slammed together on the upper part of the tu tu of mm and followed the mm. Fall straight down to the side.

Of course, the stepping in mm is the kind of clip that is like a rice cooker for the Aurora Beast, but the Aurora Beast is already a medium and large creature, and their defense is not low, so the clips are designed very large, and the bite force is quite amazing. . However, it is not the aurora beast that is stepping on the clip, but a human mm. How can human tuǐ compare with the big claws of Aurora Beast? For the aurora beast, it can only clip out some blood, but for human beings, it cuts the mm tutu in an instant like a trowel.

"Ah ..." It wasn't until mm fell to the ground that mm responded and screamed loudly, while the people around him all recovered suddenly. The closest ones, who are also the nv demon's family, had to go to the hospital to help him, but they were stopped after just two steps.

"Do n’t move." Although I do n’t know why, the mm stopped the throne of the Seal of God for the first time, and then all of them looked at the shouting player and waited for explanation ~ ~ Do n’t This is the clip we use to deal with the aurora beast. Generally, there are more than three hundred sets, and they will not be buried alone. It must be all around this place! "

"What?" As soon as he heard that it was all around, those mm didn't dare to move. You can bite off a person in one fell swoop, and the power of this thing is really terrifying.

In fact, the original clip did not have such great power. The reason why it has become so powerful here is, on the one hand, because the human tu 人 is not as strong as the aurora, and on the other hand, it is because of the reasons we have dealt with. The original clips are all padded. It is estimated to ensure that they will not cause too much damage to the aurora. After all, they want to catch and not kill, so they use a milder clip. However, we are not trying to arrest Russian players, so naturally there is no need to pad them. As a result, all clips have been removed by us and turned into trowel-like terrorist weapons.

"You fools, don't you mark the clips you buried?" A mm yelled at the boys angrily at the injured and sad companion.

The male xìng players are also depressed and terrible, but they are hard to explain. There are more than one team to bury clips. Although these people have not buried clips here, it does not mean that others have not buried them. It just makes them wonder that there is no agreed mark nearby.

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