Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 53: Give the way to the other way

"Strange, why can't you see the mark?" A Russian player said suspiciously at the nearby jungle. && Latest Chapter Baidu Search: Pen Qu Ge &&

A player next to him angrily said, "Which hún egg must have forgotten to leave a mark, isn't this asking for trouble?"

As soon as the two had finished speaking, a mm from the nv demon house interrupted them: "This is not the time to discuss this. We now have to find a way to get through this **** trap zone as soon as possible."

"This is simple." A Russian player who had buried a trap said, "This trap has a magnetic device. As long as you find an iron, you can **** all the traps below the ground, and it will be easy to handle. "

"It's easy for you to be an idiot." A Russian player scolded: "You throw an iron now and all the traps will jump up. We don't even know where the nearby traps are now. What about someone? "

"It's not easy?" The previous player said, "Everyone is ready to lie down together while they are still iron."

"This is the way." The Russian player who spoke before nodded. "So do it."

After the plan was determined, the surrounding Russian players were all ready to lie down at any time, and then the Russian player who had proposed the plan before took out a long-handed Tomahawk from his body and slammed out. The tomahawk suddenly sank as soon as it flew out, followed by a jitter on the ground. A clip like a rice cooker suddenly popped out of the soil and hit the axe in midair. Then Before they landed, there was a tumbling movement on the ground nearby. Dozens of clips jumped from the soil one after the other and stuck to the axe that had already fallen to the ground. On the nearby ground, a dense pit was left. .

Looking at the dense big ng on the ground, the Russian player who had called everyone not to move said, fortunately, "Huh, fortunately, I didn't go forward before, otherwise I can be in trouble now."

The other Russian players around saw such dense pits, and realized how timely the previous reminder was. If they were one step behind at that time, it would be estimated that there would be a lot of extra tues.

Because the nearby clips had been emptied, the mm of several nv demon homes around them finally had a chance to go to the mm of the nv demon home who had been pinched off by tu to help her to treat her.

Broken limb regeneration is a more troublesome injury. Compared to ordinary penetrating injuries, this kind of injuries with a component missing as a whole may not be as good as penetrating injuries in terms of deduction of health. It's much harder to hurt in general. Most of the nv demon home's mm are life occupations, although there are combat occupations, but the career choice is partial to magic combat, there are few therapeutic occupations, and the treatment of amputated limb regeneration requires not only healing, but also It is an advanced healing technique, so the mm of the nv demon house who can run past can do nothing more than help the broken tuǐmm stop bleeding, want to help her restore the tuǐ, because of their strength, there is absolutely no hope Already.

"How is it? Can it be treated?" Several male xìng Russian players gathered around and asked.

Mm, who helped the treatment, shook his head helplessly. "No, we only have some treatments such as blood replenishment. The regeneration of severed limbs is an advanced application, and we can't cure it."

"What should we do? Should we send someone to send her back?" A Russian player said, "There are still many dangerous things in the jungle in front of her, which is really inconvenient to bring her. "

The Russian player was originally telling the truth, but now it is impossible to do what he thinks. The mm who was pinched by Tuǐ helped his companion beside him struggling to stand up from the ground, and then said to the talking male player: "No. The special device we brought is my dominant, no one except me will use it . "

"There is no way." The talking Russian player walked directly to the nv player and squatted on the ground.

The mm of the nv demon house looked at him and asked in surprise: "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean by your back? Don't you just want to jump to the heart of the Cursed Forest with a tuk?"


"Nothing but, hurry up, we have no time to delay here."

In the righteous words of the Russian player, the collar mm of the nv demon house finally compromised. The fact is like the Russian player said, this jungle is full of dangerous things. If she jumps to the center of the cursed forest by a tuo, it is simply an impossible task. Helpless, she had to let the male player carry on his back, and the male player finally got tofu and eat tofu.

On the back of the broken tuǐmm, the Russian reinforcements began to move again to the core of the cursed forest, but compared to the previous fast movement, the team's progress is significantly slower, and it is ahead. The team members were scouting at their feet, for fear of stepping on a trap or something.

In fact, the hearts of these Russian players have not been in vain, because just after they got out of the trap area, they have just advanced less than a hundred meters, and the Russian player who walked in the front suddenly sinks in front of the spear. Then, I saw a clip flying straight out of the ground in front of it, and then hit it with a sound and sucked it firmly.

"I rely, which hún egg trap? This distance is so close that you don't even leave a mark twice. Is this going to catch the Aurora or intend to pit your own population?"

"We didn't bury it." I heard people complaining before, and the Russian players who participated in the burying traps later argued that they did not bury them themselves, and in fact these pits were indeed not buried by them.

The other Russian players ’expressions of these people are not very confident, but they ca n’t directly say what they are. After all, even if they are buried, they can only be regarded as work mistakes. Besides, it ’s not yet determined. .

Those players who have participated in the trap layout probably know that they have no convincing reasoning, so they simply use actual actions to prove their innocence and take the initiative to walk in front of the team to act as pathfinders, even if they are really buried. At least their behavior is considered a crime.

After clearing the previous trap again, the pair of Russian players continued to move forward, but this time the team was obviously slower than before. However, despite their much slower movement, they were unexpectedly born. Just after the Russian players who walked in front of them who showed their innocence and walked for a while, one of them suddenly felt that he hadn't stepped on something when he stepped on it. At that time, he felt a thrilling mention, but when his foot After stepping on the ground, the expected pain did not appear. Pen Qu Ge is updated the fastest

"What's the matter with you?" The person next to him stopped suddenly when he was walking well, so he turned his head and asked in doubt.

The body of the Russian player who stepped on the air kept moving without stepping down, but the cold sweat on his forehead was dripping down. The people next to him saw his look and immediately moved his eyes to his feet. Immediately after half of his feet sank into the ground, he asked in amazement: "You hit it?"

The man nodded wryly.

The Russian player next to him also asked in amazement: "What? We hit it? Isn't our trap magnetic? Why didn't we respond when our weapon just passed?"

The man who stepped into the trap also said helplessly: "You ask me, who do I ask? And this trap is very strange, but it hasn't started yet."

"Yeah, why didn't this trap start? Take your feet away and take a look."

"You idiot?" The guy who stepped on the trap heard his companion ask him to take his foot away, and immediately said angrily: "Now the clip does not start, it may be because the spring is stuck. If I lift my foot, the spring resets and starts How to do?"

"Then you can't stand like this all the time, right?" The man next to him retorted.

A mm from the back of the nv demon house came up and asked, "What's going on? Why stop?"

"He seems to have stepped into a trap!" The player next explained.

"What? Aren't you exploring the road yourself? Why are you still stepping on the trap?" The mm asked in surprise.

The player who stepped on the trap said helplessly: "I don't know what happened. The previous weapon didn't feel the suction of magnetic material. I didn't expect to hit it as soon as I walked by. But I don't know if it is a spring Stuck, the trap hasn't started yet, but as soon as my foot relaxes, the clip will probably start immediately. So I dare not take my foot out! "

"Stupid, isn't this easy?" The mm of the nv demon's house turned back and shouted at the person behind him: "take four swords."

The next player quickly ng four swords and handed them over to the nv player, and the nv player let a player hold the handle of the sword and point the blade down with the sword ridge against the stepping trap. The player ’s tu ǐ slowly chased down. After confirming that the sword has reached the end, the player let the other two players make the same way. Finally, she also chased the last sword with her own. The player's tu stomped around and was protected by the four-handed sword, as if on four splints.

"Well, now listening to my password, I said, you slowly lift your feet up." The nv player said to the other three players who helped the sword: "When you lift your feet, you guys His sword must also follow, don't leave his tuǐ. Do you understand? "

The three nodded immediately and said, "Know, isn't it just to protect his tuo with a sword? We can see."

"That's good, start now, slowly lift it up."

After hearing the prompt, the Russian player immediately relaxed the strength of his foot a little bit, but before he completely lifted his foot off the trap under his foot, he heard a click, followed by those who were not present. Five people responded, the clip bounced up and snapped instantly, but because four swords were placed on the edge of tuǐ in advance, this player was obviously luckier than the mm of the nv demon house before . The suddenly closed clip made only a sound of impact and was blocked by two of the swords. Although the two swords were firmly clamped on the tutu of the player, they were only tightly clamped. It didn't hurt him.

"Huh, fortunately you can do it again," said the player who stepped on the trap in fear.

"You should be thankful for yourself. If you immediately lift your feet like a fool, you will become disabled. But why is this clip not magnetic?"

"This probably takes a look at this clip to figure it out."

Although the clip is closed, it still hangs on the tutu of that player, so it must be ng down. However, most of the things like traps work by the potential energy of the spring, so when it is closed, it will have more power than when it is fully deployed. The two players went up together and pulled the clip apart a little, then the player tutunetbsp; after taking the clip off successfully, several people took a closer look at the clip. The clip was the one they buried, but the clip in front of them was obviously touched, because the huge magnet in the center of the clip was gone.

"It's so strange that there is no magnet, it turns out the magnet is not on it," a player said.

The previous nv player frowned and asked, "How is the magnet fixed on it? Is it easy to fall?"

"It's not fixed, it just depends on the suction of the magnet itself. Anyway, the suction of that magnet is very strong, and most people can't pull it down."

"That's to say it's not easy to fall off?" The nv player asked.

The player who was caught before said: "It should be difficult to ng down. I can't think of any reason that will cause the magnet to fall off."

"That's troublesome!"

"What's the trouble?" Several people next to me didn't understand what the mm was talking about.

The mm explained: "The magnet itself will not fall off, and it can only be removed by someone intentionally. Before you said that you will keep marks when you arrange the traps, but we have three consecutive advanced groups in this way. The mark did not show up. If someone carelessly forgot to make a mark, one or two I believe, but so many of them have been forgotten in a row, don't you think there is a problem? "

These people didn't think there was any problem, but now they really feel that there is a problem. As the mm of the Snow Demon House said, it is understandable to forget one or two marks, but there is no one mark in three consecutive places. This is obviously not forgotten. This is intentional.

Naturally, those Russian players cannot intentionally find trouble on their own. Then, the only possibility is that someone will erase the mark after they set a trap, or simply dig the trap and re-place it for burial. No matter which one, it means that someone was targeting them, and combined with the messenger sent by the frozen nv demon before, saying that when I arrived here, the gang of Russian players immediately responded.

"Damn, it must be Ziri." Those people finally reacted.

"What shall we do now?" A group of people gathered together and asked the broken tuǐmm. Although tuǐ was broken, but his head was okay. Broken tuǐmm was still the leader of mm of the snow monster's house, and the snow monster's house in Russia was similar to the existence of professional command guilds, so all the Russian players present Get used to listening to their opinions.

The broken tuǐmm pondered for a moment and thought: "Now it is certain that these traps were arranged by the people of Ziri, and we have walked for so long and only encountered the traps but did not meet them, indicating that the role of the traps is not Elimination, but blocking. Now in this woodland, besides us, there is a team of Lord Nv Demon, so this trap may not be prepared for us. After all, Ziri should not know that Lord Nv Demon called for reinforcements. Therefore, these traps are more likely to be prepared for the team of Lord Nv Demon. "

"Cann't the frozen nv demon say that they want to stand by for help? What are the traps set here?" The Russian player next to him asked, "If the master of the nv demon has not moved, these traps are not ready. ?"

The breaking tuǐmm said: "First, it ’s better to prepare for the war than to use it, and do n’t prepare when you do n’t need it. The arrangement of Ziri is understandable. Second, it is very likely that some of Ziri's men will not be useful. Low-level personnel, these people can't play a big role in the exhibition, so Ziri just hit them to move these traps just in case. In the end, although we guessed that Ziri should not know that we are coming, but he may be able to figure it out. We will have reinforcements, so this is one of his preparations in advance. "

"It's possible to say that, but what shall we do?"

"In fact, what we have to do is very simple. As long as we can reconcile with Lord Frozen NV as soon as possible."

"But these traps ...?"

"These traps are simpler." The breaking tuǐmm said: "The traps are all distributed on the natural beast paths in the jungle. We just do n’t have to take these beast paths and walk through the woodland next to us. Although the road will be more difficult, but Better than stepping on a trap? "

"That ’s what I said ~ ~ With the command of mm, this team of Russian players immediately moved to the nearby woodland and started to follow the road to the center of the cursed forest. Because they were afraid of being in the woodland mí road, so although they have not taken those natural beast paths, they have always followed the beast path in the forest next to the beast path, so they don't have to worry about mí road. But ... these people obviously underestimate my intelligence.

The Russians thought that they had found a way to deal with the trap array after traveling a long distance in the dense forest, but just after they didn't go far, a player suddenly felt a soft foot and followed him nearby. A few ng mouths suddenly popped on the ground, and then a dozen black spheres flew up and burst into the air almost simultaneously to cover a large area of ​​the area under the black mucus.

"Dammit, this is fire oil! Everyone be careful not to use fire!" The trap was originally created by the Russians, and they certainly knew what it was. At first they were still wondering why we removed all the clips, but did not use the oil trap. Now they know it. It turns out that the hot oil traps are here too! But ... it's too late now. Just after the gang of Russian players were poured with oil on their faces, a few aurora beasts appeared quietly in the nearby dense forest.

To be continued)

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