Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 55: External armor?

Although very reluctant, the one next to Tu Tu can only act obediently. After all, she is not the leader, and the Tu Tu next to him is.

Seeing the deputy captains of the Snow Monster House nodded, they turned around and carried the large boxes they brought together, then removed the boxes three or two times and poured out a pile of metal parts.

"What is this?" The leader of the senior Russian player next to the group looked at the thing in doubt. To be honest, he used to think that these boxes contained some kind of weapon, but now it seems that his idea is obviously incorrect. Although this pile of parts may have a certain amount of attack power after being assembled, it does not look like a weapon.

The fact is not much different from this player's speculation, because this thing is really not a weapon, although it does have a strong attack ability. If you have to classify this thing, in fact, it should be classified into auxiliary equipment rather than weapon classification.

"Ka Qiusha." Duan Tuǐ didn't answer the captain's words, but directly called over a nv demon house under her.

Called were not the same as most present. In fact, there are not many players in the fighting profession, because the fighting house is not a guild in the traditional sense, but a special guild that integrates command, scientific research, and the vanguard system. Such guilds need not a large group of combat players, but a large group of technical personnel and a small amount of cutting-edge force.

This name, Katyusha, is one of the relatively rare cutting-edge forces in the House of the Nv Demon. Although her personal combat strength is not as exaggerated as their president, the Frozen Nv Demon, she is also a master than the average master Master types of masters, not to mention one to play ten, masters of the same level to play three is absolutely no problem.

Katyusha ran over immediately after hearing the captain calling her, and immediately saw the parts of the place, she immediately understood the meaning of the captain. "Are you going to use it?" She asked directly.

The broken tutu nodded. "We don't have to hang here anymore, you hurry up."

Katyusha nodded her head very simply, and then began to undress without saying a word, the captain next to him was stuck in place, but the next group did not care about him at all, they were all busy themselves Work on hand.

There are so many parts poured out of those boxes. It looks like there are at least a few hundred pieces, but some of the larger ones can clearly be seen as a set of armor, but I don't know why it feels like Much bigger than normal armor. It doesn't look like it's for people at all, it's for dogs and bears.

The jīng sharp Russian player captain glanced at the equipment, and looked at Katyusha, who was almost gone, and he was completely at a loss as to what the nvs were going to do. It seems that they are trying to equip Katyusha with these things, but the volume of these things is obviously prepared for the big man with a height of more than two meters. Although Katyusha is already an unusually tall figure in nvxìng, her height is only one meter and nine meters, and Katyusha's figure is also very good. According to the captain, except for the ng part , All sizes of this set are obviously too large.

The captain is doubting this. I didn't expect that a few of them have already got their hands on. That Katyusha has completely stripped herself at this time, except for the non-wearing underwear that is freely configured for each player by the system.

The prepared Katyusha first lifted a tuǐ, a nv demon's house immediately took a strange metal part and put it under her feet, then Katyusha put her feet into the thing, in After confirming that one foot was stepped on, Katyusha lifted the other foot, and then the other one immediately put the same device under her other foot and let her step in.

Standing on these two parts, Katyusha's height has now exceeded the standard of two meters. Although it is about the same height as that armor, it is obviously not strong enough. After all, the armor is a very symmetrical structure, not for Prepared by telephone pole-like personnel. However, the Russian player captain quickly understood their intentions.

After Katyusha stood on the two parts, the surrounding ones seemed to play assembling building blocks and stacked piles of parts on her one by one. Soon Katyusha was composed of these parts. Completely wrapped inside. Now Katyusha can no longer see that she is a human being, because her body is now covered with a complex mechanism covered with transmission machinery and energy crystals. It looks like a shell with its casing removed. robot. However, although this is not yet finished, the captain next to him has already guessed what it is.

The Russian military is currently developing a human-assisted skeletal system, known as folklore exoskeleton or power armor. The external structure of this kind of thing is similar to armor, but there is an auxiliary power system that cooperates with human joints, which can turn ordinary people wearing it into powerful people. Of course, this is not reality, but in games, but although there are no real computers and complicated technical equipment here, there are magic and magic technology. Many things that can be accomplished with electronic systems in reality can also be done here using artificial spirit hún and magic energy technology, so theoretically, the power armor in reality can also be copied in the game. However, theory is theory after all. The captain never thought that someone could actually build power armor in the game. It's not that he didn't think it could be made, but that he never thought anyone would make it.

During this time of the captain's stay, the inner skeleton structure of the power armor had been fully installed, and then the remaining armor-like shells were finally sheathed outside this set. When everything was finished, the original itself was only one meter and nine meters, and Katyusha, with a well-shaped and beautiful line, had become a heavy soldier who was over two meters and ten in height and looked like a humanoid tank. Biquge bsp; the fastest update

"What is this mouth?" When the Russians were wearing armor for Katyusha, I was watching all this through the eyes of the Aurora, but what surprised me was that these guys even armed a shapely body into There is a humanoid bear, and the principle of this thing feels a lot like the power armor of our dragon edge.

For my question, neither Aurora Beast nor Skeleton Lord answered. The Aurora Beast did not know what it was, and the Skeleton Lord simply couldn't see anything.

After completing the dress, Katyusha, who has become a giant, first raised her arms and moved the joints of her limbs. Then she jumped up two times in place and made several fighting moves. After confirming that there was no problem, she left. Go to the largest box and kick off the cover to pull out two huge swords with a length of nearly two meters.

Katyusha, holding a sword in one hand and holding her two swords, turned her head and glanced around the nearby Aurora Beast, then suddenly squatted down and followed a violent leap. The huge body jumped directly over the crowd like a flea A distance of tens of meters landed in front of a nearest Aurora beast.

When that aurora beast suddenly appeared more people in front of it, it was startled. Although Warcraft is slightly lower in intelligence than humans, it is much faster than humans in response. The terrified aurora beast flinched, and immediately flew towards the enemy in front of it. Although this guy is more than two meters tall, the Aurora Beast is not a type of Warcraft, and he is not disadvantageous in size. However, this time the judgment was clearly a mistake. Just when the Aurora beast swooped up, Katyusha suddenly waved one of the great swords as if swiping a tree branch and swept away. The Aurora beast still swept away in mid-air.

A huge wound was cut from the waist down to the front of the ng. The blood and water flowed out of the body along with the internal organs. After landing, he directly hung up without struggling.

After seeing the aurora beast dying, I jumped up directly from the sitting rock, and the skeletal lord next to him thought that something had happened.

"That thing is too strong, let the Aurora be scattered away from her, pay attention to suppress others, this is for me."

In addition to this automatic control capability, this shield also broke a message that it should not be activated for a long time.

Instant startup and instant shutdown seem to be a good setting, but in terms of human psychology, everyone is sure to have a protective cover that is always open, even if you believe it. It can be started at the moment of danger, and everyone still can't help but hope that it can be left alone. This is an instinct for safety. Because of this psychological problem, if the protective cover can always be opened, then many people will definitely want it to stay open, but the protective cover on Katyusha is only activated at the moment of attack, and the injury is over. It closed immediately. What does this mean? This shows that the thing must not be open for a long time, and the most likely cause is insufficient energy.

The protective cover is nothing new, and there are many in our guild. If there is anything special about this protective cover on Katyusha, it may be that the judgment level and the type are better. However, no matter how it is improved, the protective cover is still a protective cover, as long as it can protect against attacks, it determines that it must consume energy. In theory, blocking the attack energy requires at least the same level of energy to achieve effective defense. If you calculate the conversion loss or something, in fact, blocking an attack requires at least twice the energy of the attack energy to completely defend the attack. Therefore, something like a protective cover is actually an electric tiger, and its energy consumption level can be said to be extremely horrifying. It's an exaggeration that such a thing can be shaped enough to fit on a person. It would be too far-fetched if it could fight the law of conservation of energy. Therefore, this thing can't last for a long time. If repeatedly hit, it should quickly fail due to excessive energy consumption.

I saw so many things in a simple attack, and most people certainly can't figure it out. However, I am different from ordinary people. Rich combat experience and huge knowledge system determine that I can judge many things in an instant.

Obviously, Katyusha was very angry. She looked up angrily at an aurora beast, then suddenly raised her hand to point at the aurora beast, and then saw that her arm suddenly opened. With a lid, a black box like a shrunken miniature coffin rose. The shape of this thing is that of a very typical coffin in the West, and there is a crystal cross on the top, which looks like a church-specific coffin. Of course, this thing is less than a foot in length, obviously not the actual coffin, but something else.

Sure enough, after the thing was raised, the side facing the front suddenly opened a ng, and three tubes distributed in a regular triangle protruded from the circle ng, and then the original turntable connected behind the three tubes just gave ng again. Closed up.

I was guessing what it was, and suddenly I saw that the three pipes turned suddenly, and I immediately realized that it was not good, because the image of this thing turning too much like a multi-barreled machine gun. Sure enough, after that thing turned around, a row of white light bullets almost suddenly forming a straight line emerged from it, and the denseness of ordinary people could only see a white line. The degree of shè was too great. It's scary.

The locked Aurora beast wanted to run when he saw the light bullet. Unfortunately, the light elasticity was too fast. He was hit by the first light bullet before he even started. The light from that thing bounced into a drop shape, each being as big as an almond, but I didn't expect that this thing was not only fast, but also quite penetrating. Aurora Beasts were shot out of the caves immediately after being hit, but no blood flowed out. The light bomb obviously belonged to the energy weapon, because the wound of the aurora beast was completely burnt at the moment of appearing, not only did the blood flow out, but it also blew out black smoke.

Although I really wanted to save the Aurora Beast, it was a pity that Katyusha's firepower was too fierce, and the Aurora Beast was completely killed almost instantaneously, and I did not even have the reaction time of the Seal of the Seal of Throne.

I know there will definitely be more Aurora Beast sacrifice, so I don't plan to continue watching. When Katyusha turned the shè device to another Aurora Beast, I jumped straight from the hiding tree.

Katyusha had just raised her magic weapon and aimed at the next aurora beast, and suddenly she saw a flash of light in front of her, and a flying knife hit her protective cover. Although not encountered, Katyusha stopped the attack and turned her attention to me.

"Purple Sun!" Not only Katyusha saw, the group of Russian players surrounded also saw. Among them, the broken tuǐ relieved when he saw me: "Fortunately, at least some useful data can be collected now. I hope our auxiliary armor is effective!"

Seeing me appear, Katyusha took two steps back before realizing that she was wearing the latest special equipment developed in the guild, so her momentum immediately rose again.

"President Ziri, I never thought you were really here, but I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"The soldiers don't have to learn what the master will single out, so let's go straight. Let me call you a few pounds or two."


"Don't talk to him, this guy is a politician, you can't say anything about him. Kill him directly, don't let him affect your emotions." Katyusha is on fire here, but the tutu on the other side is loud. Reminded her. With that shout, Katyusha's anger instantly subsided. Unfortunately, I really know how to make people angry. Right after I shouted the tu tuo shouting, I suddenly raised my hand and did not see it was a golden feather arrow shè out. The boss who had broken tuǐ's eyes instantly stared at him, then tǐngtǐng fell down in the horrified eyes of the people around her, and a short golden arrow on her forehead was still shining and it was dazzling.

"You ..." Just reminded her captain of the moment to fall, Katyusha's mood just subsided immediately burst out again, this time she was trying to suppress it. "I will kill you."

Katyusha said, and she directly raised her hand and shook at me with that weapon just now. A row of light bullets almost rushed towards me in a line. However, I didn't mean to dodge. I just reached out and put the Dragon Shield in front. The reason why I don't hide is because I want to see how powerful this thing is. Before I watched the aurora beast was beaten badly, it is estimated that this thing is not low in power, so I need to experiment with it myself. Although it is not wise for ordinary people to attack hard, but my defense power is abnormal, and now I am using a high-defense Dragon Shield to block it in front. Even if the light bullet is a cannonball of the magic crystal cannon, it is absolutely impossible for me. How much damage was done. Besides, the power of the magic crystal cannon is at the cost of high energy consumption. I don't believe that she has an energy-consuming horror shield and can also install another energy weapon like the magic crystal cannon. If her weapon really has that, This kind of power, then she has to carry more than a dozen cans of liquefied magic crystal solution, and the magic crystal alone cannot withstand such a large consumption.

Sure enough, the flare of flying shè hit a strong clang on the Dragon Shield. It felt like hitting an iron bucket with peanuts, but the power index I read was low. Of course, this reading is mainly because the defense on the Dragon Shield is too abnormal, and such a reading can appear on this shield, indicating that the power of this thing is actually quite considerable.

"Don't bother, you won't hurt me with those garish things."

Katyusha was immediately rushed by my ironic head, but she realized that it was really useless to rely on the magic cannon, because I obviously blocked it easily. Realizing that the magic cannon was useless, Katyusha resolutely gave up using the magic cannon to attack, and the three rotating barrels automatically retracted into the box, and then the whole box was slowly retracted into the arm.

Katyusha, who canceled her shè state, bent over and pointed at me, and then she saw two flat long objects suddenly rising from her back, and then I heard a growing roar. sound.

"Hey, don't tell me that the two behind you are rocket thrusters? I'm not afraid of this."

Only after I said this, Katyusha suddenly started, and the two things behind her really spewed out a length of flame, then Katyusha, who kept the squat starting position, suddenly rushed. In front of me, it was almost as fast as moving instantly. But ... the shortcomings of this thing are too obvious.

When Katyusha rushed over, I suddenly made a sideways move to avoid her frontal collision, and at the same time slightly extended my left foot forward and slightly hooked her ankle, then I saw Katyu Sha flew out like a human, then banged a tree with a bang, and then was blocked by a huge rock behind the tree. The whole person put a chevron shape and stuck it like a sesame cake. Above the rock.

I watched Katyusha who was sticking to the rock, and I shook my head and said, "The power output is good, and the power is also tǐng, but unfortunately, the control system is very problematic. I suggest that you go to the place where there are too many obstacles in the future. Good or not. "

Now Katyusha had lost the strength of the fire. That was a hit just now. Although the outer armor offset most of the damage, as far as she was concerned, the vibration damage alone was not. Fortunately, this power armored shock absorption system did a good job, otherwise the vibration caused by the impact just now would be enough to kill her.

Katyusha, who managed to climb down from the rock, helped the rock to stand back swaying, then turned to glare at me, but unfortunately, once I was not afraid of her, secondly, her armor covered her face Covered, so I can't see her expression.

Katyusha, who was climbing again, looked at me intact, and reluctantly retracted the spray shè propeller on her back. She was going to knock me out. Relying on the thing just now, she can reach a degree of more than 400 kilometers per hour in an instant. Depending on this degree, in theory, she can knock any enemy into flight instantly. After all, she had nearly a ton of plug-in equipment on her body, and she had a very heavy weight. Once in motion, her kinetic energy was very scary. The big tree just cut off by the waist just proved this very well. Unfortunately, like I said, the weakness of this thing is too obvious. She had to aim my direction at the moment of starting, and once she started running, she couldn't change direction. Against ordinary players, this degree may be too late for the opponent to dodge, but if I, or any level player, can actually dodge this attack. So the problem with this thing is actually huge.

Long-range weapons and dominance were useless, Katyusha had to give up those fancy features and took out the double swords that had been hung behind her, and then came towards me step by step.

"Oh? Have you finally figured it out?" Despite my disapproval, my heart was actually shocked. It didn't hit me just a moment ago, but to that extent, if it is a group charge on the battlefield, its power is still quite amazing. So this advance mode is not really useless. To be honest, in fact, the mobile angel of our guild had such a design long ago, but we generally do not use this method to let the mobile angel hit people. After all, the thrusters of Mobile Angels are designed to increase strength and flexibility, not to make them use themselves as shells.

In addition to the degree of the propeller, what I noticed just now is the protective ability of this set of power armor. Just now I clearly saw that the protective cover did not activate when she hit a tree and a rock, that is, when she actively hit an object, the protective cover would not activate. Of course, this is second. I mainly found the defense of that thing. Without a protective cover, a large tree with three people in the back was smashed and broken. This power is not so easy even for a Mercedes-Benz truck. Moreover, even if this set of armor is no longer heavy than a truck, it can produce such a large impact force, indicating that its degree is very exaggerated. However, even if she hit the rock at such a degree, there was no deformation or any visible damage on the surface of the armor, and from the movement of Katyusha, she was not harmed herself. Hitting a rock at this degree and abruptly stopping kinetic energy release is absolutely terrifying. Katyusha was not hurt, which shows that there should be a perfect buffering system in the armor, which is what I fancy.

To integrate a device that can act as a buffer in a set of armor that is not too large, and leave space for other equipment, this design is definitely not something that can be done simply, at least with my understanding of industrial design, Without a working team, it is absolutely impossible to complete such a complicated structure in such a small space.

Because there are still some advantages to this power armor, I also gradually became interested in it. Actually, I just wanted to kill her. After all, although the idea of ​​power armor is good, we just didn't expect to be able to show up in this area. It is not that we can't figure it out. After seeing this set of things on Katyusha, we can go back and do it. So this set of things on Katyusha is actually of little value to us, as long as you see it. However, from the response just now, there is still something to be learned from this set of things. At least their shock absorption system is worth a look. Although our guild has strong strength in the power output of humanoid structures because of mobile angels, because mobile angels are constructing creatures, we have never considered shock absorption. In the future, if we want to engage in power armor, human shock absorption equipment is a necessary device. Although it is possible to drive it by ourselves, the time mark on the throne of time will inevitably be long. If there is a ready-made technology, we will not get it back.

Watching Katyusha approaching, I teased her again: "How? You can fight like this? Rest assured, I don't bully you, if you feel dizzy, I can kill them all and come back to deal with them You. "Of course I mean the group of Russian players over there. Those male Russian players, Katyusha, don't care much, but the companion of the House of the Nv Demon can't give up. Besides, even if the male xìng players who don't care much are Russians, after all, as a Russian player, I said in front of her that I would kill those people. How could Katyusha be comfortable?

"I won't give you that chance." Katyusha said that she had come to me, and then she suddenly chopped her sword with a sword more than two meters apart.

To be honest, I didn't expect her sword speed to be so fast. To be honest, the giant sword that is nearly two meters long has seriously affected my judgment, because the thing is too large, I am used to thinking that it should belong to a slow weapon. After all, such a large sword must not have a light weight. The required power is very scary, so the swing is naturally not fast. However, I forgot that Katyusha was still wearing power armor. Why is power armor called power armor? Isn't it because it is motivated? With the help of mechanical power, the current Katyusha can be said to be extremely powerful. Swinging this giant sword may be a laborious thing for ordinary people, but to her now it is like a normal person wielding a thin Bamboo can't be said to be laborious and effortless.

Although I was startled, I was the first on the combat list. Just when the sword had reached me, I quickly reached out and used an instant pop-up blade to block this lightning-like sword, but my hand The impact force that was uploaded made my body crooked. If it wasn't for my response to release some of my strength in time, I would be able to knock me out. However, this sword is not a real killer yet. After I blocked the sword, Katyusha's other sword was also killed.

The advantage of dual-armed weapons is that they can start construction left and right ~ ~ Katyusha's power armor has a protective cover, and the armor is thick enough, so defense is meaningless to her. So instead of leaving a shield in one hand, it would be better to use both weapons in both hands. The average person may also affect the attack degree due to the weight of the dual weapons, but with the power of armor, the only thing Katyusha has to worry about is his own reactivity. The weight of the dual weapons can be completely ignored here, and the serial attack methods of the dual weapons It can even make up for the lack of reactivity, so the dual weapons can be said to fully use the advantages of power armor.

I blocked the first strike, which was shocked by the fast speed and huge power, and the second sword that arrived suddenly made me a little overwhelmed. If I could easily stop this attack, Katyusha's strength is too great. It's not okay to react to light. I don't have time for the Seal of the Seal to accumulate power to fight the huge impact.

Sure enough, the result of barely raising the other hand to take a hard hit was that I was smashed and flew out without accident. Fortunately, my balance was good, and when I turned in the air, I landed on the ground not far away without any injuries.

As soon as I landed on the ground, I deliberately shook my hands and said, "It's really bad! But it's a pity that you haven't succeeded in such a precious assault opportunity. I'm prepared, but your strength won't work." . "

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