Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 56: Flaws

Volume 19 Chapter 56 Defects Defects

I said that Katyusha's power was useless to me but not a joke. Although I rarely used it before, there is one thing that won't change because I don't use it. That is, I actually use Taijiquan. It's not the kind of Taijiquan that old grandpas do, but the real combat school Taijiquan.

In fact, the biggest specialty of Taijiquan is to use weakness to win strength and to use soft gram. I have been useless before, mainly because this kind of thing is basically useless for my usual fighting. My genus xìng point and level determine my strength and other genus xìng are much higher than the average player. This is like a burly man fighting with a kindergarten friend. Even if a friend makes a full-fist punch, it is soft for Dahan. In this case, you still let that big Han use Taijiquan to play four or two pounds. My friend ’s punches were four or two. You asked Dahan to use a thousand pounds of force to dial. This is not Tai Chi. This is to trouble yourself. If you do not use too much force, you may flash yourself.

Therefore, although I can do Taijiquan, it is totally useless. Unless you meet some advanced cattle or some top players like Gunslinger, I do n’t have to use Taijiquan to deal with ordinary people, nor is it appropriate to use Taijiquan. But it's different now. Katyusha's power armor gave her unparalleled strength. Although I don't know how much the output of this armor is, one thing is certain-she is definitely much stronger than me.

To deal with this stronger opponent than me, Tai Chi is the most suitable. Of course, I am not going to hit her with Tai Chi. Anyway, people still wrapped up in a steel plate and smashed it with their fists, I'm not that stupid. I just want to use Tai Chi's theory to fight her power, not to use her fist to fight her destructive power. Anyway, the ultimate mystery of Taijiquan is to use effortlessly. Taijiquan without moves is the strongest Taijiquan. Pursuing posture intentionally, it is not Taijiquan but Taiji, which can only be regarded as a physical netbsp for physical exercise; although I said It's scary, but you won't give up if you don't try Katyusha. She stepped over again, and then suddenly a sword slashed down, followed by another sword. No matter how I hid, I always had to pick a sword to open it. However, instead of giving in, I took a step forward and stepped in front of her to put her back on her ng mouth, followed by one-handed support to the wrist of her hand, and then wrapped my palm around the hook. She held her wrist and pulled down obliquely along her strength, only to hear it, the sword that she slashed struck fiercely on the sword of the sweeping sword, and the two swords struck violently. There was a loud noise, and the hand that felt me ​​holding her wrist felt numb palms.

Katyusha can be selected as the experimental power armor experimenter, and her fighting skills are also among the best in the NV House. Now I actually dwell in front of her, and she doesn't care about the sword in her hand. Lifting tuǐ directly is a knee bump, but I react faster than her. Before she lifted tuǐ, it was a jump, and then my feet were in She lifted her knees a little, and the whole person leapt, while turning in the air and grabbing the sides of her helmet with both hands, then a real person came over from her head and flew down behind her.

Katyusha now realized that it was not good when I turned over from her head, but I moved too fast and she didn't have time to react at all. After I turned over the top of her head, her body leaned backwards with the force of falling and shaking, and then when I landed on both feet, I continued to pull my hands forward with my waist, directly dragging the already out of balance. Qiusha threw it over my head. To be honest, if I really stood on the ground and threw it like this, I wouldn't necessarily throw her. After all, Katyusha and the set of power armor were already a ton more than one. Besides, she was not a sculpture. I used to throw her. She would definitely fight with me. After the two strengths were offset, I would definitely not be able to throw her. . However, just now, with the help of falling inversions, I directly borrowed the strength of tuǐ that hit Tuǐ before hitting me, plus my own bounce force and the three stages of my own gravity. Finally, Coupled with my waist strength, after so many forces combined, Katyusha was easily thrown over my head.

Since I threw Katyusha out by the force of flipping, this habit xìng was also passed to her at the same time after I threw Katyusha out. Seeing that Katyusha was still at a height of more than one meter above the ground, flipped around and flew out five or six meters away, and then fell into a large font and fell on the ground.

Until the fall Katyusha did not recover from the shock. After putting on the power armor, Katyusha already thought that her power was unbeatable, but I just threw her out just now. This is no longer something that can only be achieved by power. Her power armor is a little over a ton, and she threw her whole body with her armor. How much strength?

Katyusha, who was stupid and fell asleep, is still on the ground, and I have jumped up and raised her eternal intention to hit her with a sword. But ... unexpectedly, the protective cover that had not been activated before did not know why it suddenly started again. I was going to fall on her, and then I watched her head with a sword and ended up dropping her. But this foot did not step on her but stepped on the protective cover. You need to know that the protective cover is made of energy. Although it can block objects, it has no friction. The protective cover on Katyusha is round like an egg. You can imagine what would happen if a person fell from a high place and stepped on a giant glass ball coated with lubricant on one foot, and I am now the same person.

As soon as the sole touched the protective cover, I realized that there was no friction, but at this time the reaction was too late. My two tuǐ slid directly to both sides, the whole person sat on the protective cover with one buttock, and then his body crooked forward, and went straight to the ground along the smooth protective cover.

Katyusha was still there, and suddenly I immediately fell to her in a very embarrassing posture. This girl is also a quick response. I was struggling to get up there, but who knew she suddenly turned over and grabbed my ankle, followed by a fierce sit up and grabbed my foot, and lifted me to the ground Drop it.

"I'm leaning!" When I was thrown up, I knew that my feet were being grabbed. As I looked closer and closer to the ground, I could only protect my arms in front of me, followed by a bang and being slammed in On the ground. Fortunately, although it is a place of cursing, the place where I fell was only black soil and no stones, so there was no serious injury except for the shock. But will Katyusha give up?

What is irrational? Katyusha is now almost the same. Grabbing my ankle, she immediately realized that as long as I controlled my movements, my skills would not be out. So this girl was completely unwilling to let go this time. She just smashed me to the ground and immediately lifted me up again and smashed to the ground on the other side. As a result, like the fish in the pan, it was fried on the front and then fried on the back.

There is no arm support behind the ground, but I have wings to cushion, but I was still badly smashed, and at this time Katyusha had stood up, she grabbed me and suddenly struck me sideways again to a tree Smashed into the tree. I hurriedly protected my head and face, followed by a loud noise, and the big tree broke off, and I felt my arm was about to break. Shenlong armor defense is good, but it can't stand it! I'm not the demolition hammer used to demolish a house on a crane.

"Hey, you mad nv, let your hand go, and I won't be able to play without letting go." I yelled and threatened.

"Haha, you can play it if you have the skills." Katyusha is so proud now that she doesn't remember my terribleness at all.

"Okay, since you say so .... Ling, help!"

boom. There was a sudden loud noise, and Katyusha ’s protective cover flashed automatically, but although the protective cover blocked the attack, the impact still wanted Katyusha to throw it out, and I fell out of her because of the sudden explosion. come out. Before I landed here, a bunch of white spider webs accurately stuck to me, and then pulled back sharply, pulling me back from Katyusha directly, and then the two big hands accurately connected Live me.

"Are you all right, master?"

"It's okay!" I said, jumping straight from the king's arms, and the sickle quickly gave me his spider silk.

Katyusha over there was blasted away a long time ago by the explosion, but because the power of the explosion was blocked by the protective cover, she was not injured. However, just after she got up, a huge black shadow fell from the sky with a strong wind, and nearby trees broke down and fell to the surroundings due to the pressure of the black shadow ~ ~ Followed by that black shadow, it fell to the ground .

As soon as Lucky landed and opened his mouth, a dragon inflammation covered Katyusha instantly, and the protective cover on Katyusha's body turned on instantly to block Dragon Yan again, but this time Lucky did not use a more violent spray The shè method, but with a sigh of relief, sprayed continuously for nearly thirty seconds, and after the lucky spray of Long Yan, Katyusha had not yet come up, the plague followed the ground, and another Long Yan caught up. After the plague was sprayed here, three followed closely. The advantage of the three heads was that they could ventilate when spraying dragon inflammation. At last, they sprayed for more than two minutes to completely turn off, and the ground passed three dragons. The baptism is almost turning into a lava pool.

After the attack of three dragons, although the protective cover is still not broken, Katyusha is already cold sweat. Although we can't see it, Katyusha herself can see it. The green line in her helmet, which represents the remaining energy, plummeted to a degree visible to u eyes in Long Yan, and now only one tenth of the total is left. As long as this energy is exhausted, not only the protective cover will fail, all the functions of the entire set of power armor will stop, let alone fight, and she may not even be able to stand up. After all, this ton of multiple loads is supported by the power system, and she can't move this iron armor by her own power.

"This **** energy limit! Three minutes people have a fart!" Katyusha complained morosely.

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