Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 58: Failed design

When Katyusha woke up, she felt a cold feeling behind her. Biquge. The fastest update here is the cursed forest, the place where the undead live, and it is a haunted place in ordinary terms. The temperature is naturally much lower than in normal areas, not to mention the latitude here is high, and nearby mountains are all The words are covered with snow. Katyusha, who was originally in a pile of mechanical parcels, felt a little hot because of the thermal problems of the power armor. Now suddenly a back was opened, and the outside air was naturally poured into the armor. The sudden heat and cold immediately awakened Katyusha in a dim state.

Katyusha, who is now in the wrong situation, immediately thought of the reason, because the vision she saw has once again become green, and the value of that reserve energy shows that there are only more than 6,000 left.

Realizing that Katyusha was now very dangerous, she immediately struggled to get up with her hands on the ground. My weight is negligible for the power of power armor, so even if I was standing on Katyusha's back, it did not affect her from the ground.

Seeing that the power armor was about to rise, my first reaction was to take a shot of Katyusha directly. After all, this thing is not the same as the maneuver. It is self-indulgent. As long as the driver is finished, theoretically, this thing is other Everything is intact without any threat. However, at the moment before I started, I suddenly stopped and was about to netbsp; now the back of the power armor has been opened by me a huge gap, through this big ng I can even directly touch the smooth and clean back of Katyusha, However, it is easy to kill this nv, and whether to get power armor is a serious problem.

If I were a player of the ordinary guild, I might not hesitate to go to the sword now, but I am not an ordinary player of the ordinary guild. I am Zi Yue, president of Frost Rose Alliance. I know that the guilds who are engaged in technology are afraid that their technology will not be acquired, so generally the more advanced the anti-theft technology, the better. Like the mobilization of our guild, not only has an internal skeleton system that can fight again after the external armor is damaged. In an emergency, it can even destroy all its internal structural systems through self-detonation, even if the enemy captures the final capture. In addition to obtaining a layer of shell, at most, it can only obtain the ratio of the materials consumed by the maneuver. As for the specific design and structure of the maneuver, they are Don't even think about it. It's impossible for a metal melted to tell you what they looked like before.

Because I know the anti-theft design of the mobile commander, I also jealous of the power armor in front of me. If I'm not interested in this stuff at all, that's fine. But it still has some worthy technology, so I don't want it to be completely destroyed. However, just as the motorized tempo would choose to explode after the function stops, the power armor in front of it is likely to have a similar design. Moreover, the most likely insurance design I can think of is to connect the power armored self-detonation system to the driver's vital signs. Once the driver dies, the power armor immediately explodes. This design is arguably the safest.

Now Katyusha is in front of me, and it is easy to kill her, but in case I think everything is right, the consequence of killing her is that the pile of things immediately becomes a pile of scrap iron that can't see anything So I can't kill her at all. Seeing that Katyusha had stood up, it would not be possible to leave, I directly kicked her back in and flew straight away to distance her.

Katyusha, who stood up again, was nervous. The picture in the field of vision clearly told her that the magic energy tank was missing, and the backup energy dropped by more than a hundred while she got up. Now there are only six thousand nods left. However, the large number of my magic pets around her prevented her from rushing to the team to change energy sources. It can be said that she was about to lose hope now.

Because the other party didn't move after getting up, I immediately judged that she should be scared by us, so I didn't dare to move. The main energy of the power armor has just been pulled out by us. She can still move now. There must be a backup energy at work, but the duration of the backup energy is definitely not as long as the main energy. Therefore, she will be We are scared.

After thinking about the reason, I immediately made a decision, directing the operation of the magic pet with direct contact, and the king rushed forward to attract attention. Katyusha was fooled, and her body immediately turned to the king where they were. However, the moment she turned around, Lingling and I suddenly started at the same time. "Eternity-1uan dance." "Holy Sword-Flash."

In order to ensure that Katyusha was too late to react, Lingling and I started the skills at the same time, and they were highly skilled. With the appearance of two lights, one purple and one white, Lingling and I appeared near Katyusha almost instantaneously. They waved at the same time with two top-level magic soldiers shining brightly. The two thighs were cut off from the roots, then the two of us turned around in the same position, kicked Katyusha ’s two legs directly in two directions, and until this time, Katyusha ’s The body has not even started to fall.

Because we were too fast, Katyusha didn't understand what was going on after her legs were kicked out, and she didn't realize her leg was gone until her body started to fall. However, we did not let her go. Just when Katyusha's body was falling, but not yet landing, Lingling and I were flashing their swords at the same time. With two clear breaking sounds, Katyusha's two arms also flew out together.

I did not cut Katyusha into sticks because I have a hobby in this regard, but to ensure that I get as many body parts as possible. Although there must be a self-explosive device in the power armor, it is not the same as a mobile command. Because the interior of the power armor needs to be installed, the internal space of the power armor is much more tense than that of the mobile command. In such a compact structure, it is already quite difficult to install one more explosion device. If a few more are installed, then other things should not be installed. Therefore, I guess that the number of self-detonation devices in this power armor is certainly not large. Even if there is more than one, it is definitely not installed everywhere. As long as we chop it up, even if the self-explosive device is activated, it will only blow up the parts that are close to it. The latest chapter in Baidu search: The parts of Penquge that have no self-explosive devices are not affected by self-detonation because they were cut down and thrown out by us. These things are the key to whether we can get this set of power armor technology.

After removing Katyusha ’s limbs, the next step was to beheaded, but my self-explosive device was too sensitive, so I did n’t dare to cut her head first, but called after cutting off Katyusha ’s limbs: ” sickle."

Suddenly from the woods next to him, a white spider silk wrapped Lingling in, and the spider silk was instantly recovered and Lingling was pulled back. At the same time Lingling was pulled away, the king who had never rushed up quickly picked up the limbs we cut and ran back, and at this time Katyusha had just fallen about half a meter.

When Katyusha lost her limbs and was inexplicable, she suddenly found that all my magic pets had evacuated her, and my eternal sword did not know when it would melt into a liquid and flow into my arm. Among those two faucet-shaped hand guards.

When Katyusha wondered what I wanted, I suddenly slammed my hands, and two faint filaments suddenly flew out of the two faucets. This thread was too thin, so it was difficult to be directly touched. See, if it were n’t for the fact that the tip of the thing had two barbs with barbs, and the silk thread scattered in the air would occasionally flash a colorful light due to the angle, the two thin lines were almost invisible. However, while Katyusha was staring at the thread, she was suddenly surprised that one of the flying threads accidentally encountered a leaf that was flying in the air, and then that leaf was like nothing. It continued to fall as it seemed, but after a while, the fallen leaf was suddenly divided into two from the middle, and it was obviously cut into two pieces by something.

After seeing the leaves suddenly split, Katyusha only felt a cool air spreading along her vertebrae to her scalp, but she lost her limbs now and knew she was incapable of resisting. Sure enough, the next second I suddenly slammed my hands and my skills started. "Bloom."

The rope that was just thrown away by the dragon tendon rope that I just flung out formed a huge bud-shaped net in the air, and then with the sudden movement of my hands, the flower bone spread like a flower that suddenly bloomed on the other side. The entire ten-meter radius was shrouded in, and at the same time, the silk threads that made up the flowers were lit with colorful lights, making the whole flower more beautiful. However, although this horrible flower is extremely beautiful, it cannot hide the breath of death under it.

The blooming death flower suddenly extinguished after fully blooming, and then immediately retracted into the protective gear on my arms. The Throne of Time Seal of God seems to be standing still here, and Katyusha, which suddenly fell to the ground, is like a pile of blocks falling from the ground, and is instantly shattered into a bunch of u blocks that can not see the original shape, and Katyusha ’s death is A signal, the trees, rocks, and even the ground within a radius of ten meters around us were instantly shattered into irregular pieces.

Looking at the collapsed trees and the broken rocks, the Russian players not far away were almost frightened. As senior players, they haven't seen Dead In, but they can slice the things around them, but they haven't seen it once. Just when the big flower was in full bloom, it was so beautiful. However, these people did not expect that its bloom would have to pay such a terrible price. This skill is no longer horrible. It is simply a matter of completely destroying things that do not resist resistance.

Two sudden loud noises finally pulled crowds back from shock, and the pile of debris on the ground eventually exploded, but not much was really blown off. The explosion must be in a confined space to have sufficient power. The chopped parts are not only scattered, but because the surrounding area is very empty, the destructive power has been severely reduced. In addition to blasting it, it only destroyed the nearest one. Just a few pieces of parts. "Fuck, how can you cut it so shattered? I knew it wouldn't be necessary. When does this have to be fought?" I also saw the pile of debris on the ground. I also used the "bloom" skill for the first time. The skill description only said that it can cut the surrounding targets, but did not say to what extent. At first I thought it would be done by just cutting into a few pieces, but I didn't expect to cut it so much. There are actually hundreds of pieces left on the ground to remove the parts damaged by the explosion. I don't know when they will be put together! However, the fragmentation is a bit broken, but the technology is finally preserved. It is a big deal to return to the guild missions and let members who like to play jigsaw puzzles to join together. This kind of order to play jigsaw puzzles and the guild contribution value is rare.

Since Katyusha had been cut into pieces together with her power armor, not only the mechanical parts on the ground, but also many body fragments. Although I do n’t have any reaction to the broken u, I always feel a little dirty. After considering it, let the ghost beetles help me collect the parts. By the way, they can also eat the broken u and blood stains on the parts, and save me. Turn back and wash.

While the ghost beetle was collecting parts here, the king also returned with Katyusha's limbs and head. The limbs were cut off before, and the head was cut off when "bloom" started. The reason why I only cut my head at the last moment was to be afraid of the self-detonation device being activated in advance.

The limbs and head that were cut off did not have a self-explosive device as I thought. Because the power armor needs to provide auxiliary power output for the driver, there are a lot of power machinery and transmission mechanisms on the hands and feet. In addition, the hand script is relatively slender. In order to ensure the overall structure, there is really no extra space to install the self-explosive device. Already. As for the head, this place is not equipped with a self-explosive system because it is equipped with too many control devices and requires weight. Because these parts were thrown out before they exploded, they are basically intact now, as long as the limbs inside are ng out, they can be directly taken back for disassembly research.

We clean up the loot here, but the Russian players on the other side are all silly. Katyusha's death did hit them a lot, but what scared them even more was that my trick was too bloody. But to be honest, the light and shadow effect of "Bloom" is still very good, but to Russian players, the more beautiful this skill, the more afraid they will be. ## 笔 趣 阁. 看 说 必 去 ## "President Zi Yue, what about those entrances?" Seeing that we have achieved the strongest goal, the aurora beast nv asked me about the remaining Russian entrances in the spiritual network. What to do.

I glanced at the remaining Russia in, and thought for a moment: "I stormed on three sides, leaving the road to the core of the forest, but do n’t let go of the passage completely, just let them think that there is an opportunity there That ’s it. Drive them to merge with the gang in the middle of the forest, but do n’t put them all over, try to drop as many as possible on the road, and finally leave a dozen or twenty to get there. But the rest Do n’t let them feel too comfortable, at least let them go back with some injuries. ”“ I see, let ’s do it. ”

It is not because I want them to increase their strength to drive the Russians to join the frozen nv demon, but to interfere with the confidence of those guys in the core area of ​​1uan by borrowing them. After waiting for a long time for the reinforcements to be crippled, they fled into their strongholds. Although their income will increase slightly, the decrease in morale will only cause their combat effectiveness to decline, not to increase.

This group of Russians was originally hoping that Katyusha's power armor could reverse the war situation. I did not expect that the war situation would not change, and it also attracted me. The Frozen Nv Demon is not here. The remaining Russian players know that they are not my opponents. Although I have not shot yet, their morale has collapsed. The team without any sense of resistance immediately moved to the other side instinctively after there was a leak in the current encirclement, while the aurora and the undead were chasing all the way to the tragedy.

thump. A Russian player heard the sound of a fall from behind, and quickly turned to look at it, but now he is a nv demon house. The senior combat player quickly turned around and ran back to set up the nv player of the nv demon house and ran forward. "Let me go, you can run by yourself!" The name saw that came in and pulled her, and called out quickly: "I'm technical, the fighting ability is too weak, you don't care about me, and everyone can't run away." "No, the team of the Frozen Nv Demon is not far ahead, as long as we can stick to it ... wait." The player said that half stopped suddenly, but a big tree next to him was killed. A sudden beam of light exploded into two, and he hurriedly pulled the nv player forward.

With such a movement, there was an inrush in the woods opposite. The player originally thought that he had encountered a blocking enemy, but he did not expect that the opponent was actually Russia.

The player who is now theirs is actually one of the senior players brought by the Frozen Nv Demon. He was originally responsible for the security task here. He just hid it when he suddenly came in and wanted to observe the situation. I didn't expect the other party. Suddenly attacked, but it was precisely because the other party was attacked that he could clearly see the characteristics of incoming. After confirming that he entered, the player immediately notified his companion to return to report, and he rushed over to cope.

The Russian jīng sharp player who rushed to the two players knew that both players were injured when he saw the situation. He quickly glanced back and determined that he could not see the enemy for the time being. Then he entered with the male xìng player. On the one side, the nv player ran towards the camp, followed by a few more beams, but because the two of them did not run slowly, neither of them hit. "Which side are you from? What is going on?" The player asked the male xìng player while running with the nv player. "I'm the one who hung back before. This is the technical entrant of the House of the Nv Demon. We have just been attacked by a large group of Aurora Beasts and Zi Yue." "What? Zi Yue appeared?" "Yes, and he Also in front of us, a nv warrior with special equipment was used by the nv demon house. We couldn't stop his attack at all, and could only escape this way! "" Damn, he did this on purpose. " Unlike these players, the Frozen Nv demon is considered to be the top player in Russia. It knows a lot more about tactics and other players than those who only know how to fight, so after learning that I still have so much to go to the camp, she It immediately became clear that these entries were deliberately let go, because with my strength, as long as I want to take a shot, these entries will not even have the opportunity to run here. There is only one possibility for so many entrants to arrive safely, and that is that I have deliberately attacked their morale.

However, although the Frozen Nv Demon understood that I was intentionally attacking their morale, she had no way at all. Because this is a Yang plot, not a yīn plot. The characteristic of yīnmou is that you must not let your opponent know your plan, or it will fail, while Yangmou can only jump into the pit according to your plan even if the other party knows it. As if now, the Frozen Nv demon knew that I was hitting their morale, but what could she do? Kill those running out? That morale was preserved, and her leadership position was over.

The Russians who were driven to the camp, after a break, talked about the situation they had encountered outside under the inquiry of the other, and listened to these descriptions, as the frozen nv demon was worried. After I lost Katyusha's part, the Russian players in the camp were immediately enveloped by a kind of low air pressure. Many people felt that the mission was very failed. Some people even rushed out and died early. Go home early.

The frozen nv demon can do nothing about it even if she knows it. The present situation is not something that can be reversed by a few morale-encouraging slogans, otherwise she would never choke on her own saliva. Of course, in addition to encouraging morale, the frozen nv demon is not left with nothing to do. "Doesn't work?" The frozen nv demon sitting on a rock frowned after listening to the report of the rescued nv demon's house.

The nv demon house nodded: "At the beginning, Katyusha ’s driving armor for driving experiments was comparable to that of Zi Yue, but it was only because Zi Yue did not understand the characteristics of mobile armor. After understanding the suit's ability, Katyusha kept being beaten by him. Later, Zi Yue was a little careless, and then Katyusha grabbed his ankle. Zi Yue's power does not seem to be as good as the output of mobile armor. Tall, so he could n’t get out. He was caught and fell two left and right. Later, Zi Yue got angry and summoned the magic pets. His dragons took turns to fight, and he used the dragon's shield to cover him. The energy was consumed by thousands. Although we changed the energy once, Zi Yue seemed to know that the protective cover was linked to the main energy source, so when he came up, he bombarded the power armor with a powerful weapon and caused the protective cover to disappear again. Katyusha passed out. "

I heard the frozen nv demon helplessly said: "Sure enough, the driver is the biggest weakness of the power armor! If it is the frost rose alliance's mobile command, there will be no such problem!"

The nv demon's house said: "Chairman, we haven't figured out the longitudinal system of the mobile instigator, there is no way to imitate it!" "Imitating, imitating, you will make it yourself when you enter the house, but you only know imitating . What about your creativity? "Frozen nv yelled angrily.

The nv demon's house was aggrieved by the frozen nv demon, and his eyes were red: "The technical strength of the Frost Rose Alliance is not one or two, and each one of their guild is millions or thousands. Thousands of crystal coins are thrown into it. If we had so much research funding, we would have come up with our own intelligence. "

The frozen nv demon once again cursed: "How many times said, this game is not realistic. The automatic control system used by the mobile cymbals is not necessarily the intelligence of entering the work, you don't get your mind stuck in the dead end!" "But so far except the intelligence We really can't think of anything else. Of course, it was said in the last meeting that the soul technology of the undead may be used, but I don't think it is possible. Those undead's reactions were very rigid, and the maneuver caused them to behave. Very high intelligence, so I do n’t think it ’s an undead. ”“ Okay, this is not the time to discuss this. ”The frozen nv demon interrupted the nv player and said,“ You just said that Zi Yue destroyed our mobile armor. Take it afterwards? "" Yes. Before we left, we saw that Zi Yue was collecting those fragments, probably to take it back to study. "

Frozen Nv frowned and asked, "Don't the self-destruct system start?"

The nv player shook his head and said, "No. Katyusha was bombarded by xìng from a state of almost full energy to exhaustion of energy, and then she fainted. There was no time for the Seal of Throne to start the self-destruct system. Later, Zi Yue cut off her limbs, and then cut her into a piece of ground instantly with that flower-like skill. The self-destruct device only blew up itself and a few nearby parts, spreading apart. The other shards have not been affected at all. "" Surely it is not enough to install one or two of the self-destruct system? "Frozen nv demon said to himself.

That said: "But our power armor needs to be installed. This takes up too much space, unlike the maneuver, which has a relatively large internal space for installing various complex mechanisms. Their space is very free, so there are many There are no problems installing some self-destructing devices, but we can't! The internal space of our power armor is too great! "" Damn it, if the large power armor is practical, it will be better! "

The frozen power armor said by the Frozen NV monster actually refers to the kind of giant machine like Gundam. But unlike in cartoons, no matter in reality or in the game, there is no practical use of this giant loading machine.

In fact, at the beginning, what the Nv Demon House wanted to build was not power armor at all, but constructing creatures such as maneuvers. But they are different from us. Because of my reasons, our guild has always had a good relationship with the undead, so our guild has a lot more research on the soul than the general guild. The reason why a mobile maneuver is powerful is not simply because of its defensive power and maneuverability. What really makes it powerful is actually the working soul under the metal casing.

In reality, it is really difficult to build a machine, but in the game, because the magic machine and the golem technology solve most of the joint and power problems, it is actually very simple to create a dynamic machine. However, it is extremely difficult to make this thing have the ability to think and be able to flexibly use those things to fight. It can be said that without the soul of our guild, the maneuver is a pile of scrap iron.

The nv demon home did not realize this problem at first, they just watched our mobile maneuver to make this thing very useful after the battle between us and Yuebenru, and they happened to have a lot of ready-made technology to make mobile maneuver. So those technical enthusiasts used the ready-made technology of the House of the Nv Demon to create a thing similar to a mobile solicitor. If only mechanical energy can be said, in fact, the first imitation mobile commander they have created has already possessed most of the capabilities of the mobile commander of our guild. At least after some improvements, they can wield the mobile commander. Same combat effect.

but. Just after the research enthusiasts of the Nv Demon's House excitedly assembled the imitation mobile messenger, they suddenly realized that this thing was completely a mentally retarded child. They have seen our guild's mobile envoys respond quickly to all kinds of sudden situations on the battlefield. Whether it's simple instincts or complex behaviors that require advanced judgment, the mobile envoys have done perfectly. However, their imitation version of the maneuver was an idiot with a simple mind on all fours.

This imitation version of the maneuver uses the intelligent magic array of the most primitive golem technology, and this kind of thing is actually only the control core of the golem army that our guild originally used. We must know that our Golems were not only unable to fly, but they could only fight with the player's companion except for cannon fodder. I want to use this kind of thing to control the structure of the maneuver to make it n times more complicated. That is to use the chip of the handheld calculator to control the aeroplane. Almost every movement of the maneuver requires the intelligence. The magic array runs for a long time, and the result is that the imitated mobile cymbal makes the action slow like a zombie, and it is silly, and a little bit of the brain does not need to do anything. It can be paralyzed by running around it for a few laps. How could this junk-like thing be used in actual combat?

Since then, the entry of the House of the Nv Demon fully realized that intelligent systems are the core technology of mobile instigation. The mechanical structures on the periphery are actually universal technologies, as long as the magic machinery and golem technology are introduced. If you can do it, it's just a matter of efficiency. The real key is the core of intelligence. No matter how stupid the strength is, most of them are waste products. Only mechanical beings with high intelligence are called constructing creatures, otherwise they can only be regarded as golems.

After clarifying the key points, the Nv Demon House began to study the intelligent system desperately. During this period, they also tried many strange and strange intelligence models, but the result was either completely useless or the effect was very poor. After numerous failures, the technical entrants of the House of the Nv Demon finally realized that it is almost impossible to develop the intelligence that can independently control the maneuvering in the throne of the Seal of God in a short time, so they directly use A clever way, that is, the power armor that I just lost.

The power armor sits inside, and the intelligence of entering is definitely okay, so they bypassed one of the most troublesome problems of maneuvers and directly produced something similar to maneuvers. However, after the first experimental power armor was completed, they finally realized that things were not as simple as expected.

Although the power armor is simplified on the basis of maneuvering, its characteristics are quite different from those of maneuvering. There are two biggest problems: one is space; the other is the fragility of entry.

The inside of the maneuvering shell can be used to install power and weapon systems, but the power armor must be hard-plugged in. This resulted in extremely limited internal space for power armor. It is almost impossible to install the same power and weapon system in a space where only one-third of the maneuver is inaccessible. Although the technical staff of the NV House of Demon has repeatedly compressed the mechanical volume, but in the end The resulting power armor still has a lot less functions than the mobile commander, and the power of xìng also drops a lot.

The space problem is actually quite good. With the improvement of technology, as long as the mechanical volume is continuously reduced, eventually the power armor can hope to catch up with the maneuver of instability. However, the other weakness is an insurmountable problem. Maneuvering makes all the inside machinery, and the machinery is hard, much stronger than the entry. When maneuvering in the air, he can roll wildly; he can suddenly drop the ground from the air and then suddenly open the afterburner to jump up from the ground; he can continue to fight in the sea of ​​fire; Don't rot the body, no matter how tossing.

However, the above armored maneuvers do not work, but the power armor does not work. There is a living entry in it, which determines that it must take into account the bearing capacity of the entry. When the power armor rolls wildly in the air, the driver will vertigo and vomit; when it hits the ground and bounces up, the driver will faint and even die directly because of the reverse; when it enters the sea of ​​fire The body is okay, but the driver may be burned, as well as deep sea oxygen and pressure problems, thin air at high altitude, voltage, and corrosion. In short, the body is too fragile, and it can not be compared with the mechanical system of maneuvering, if it is in harsh environments It is very likely that the body was okay and the driver hung up first.

All the troubles mentioned above are actually very easy to solve, as long as the power armor is made larger. Because the volume of the entry is fixed, when the body is gigantic, the proportion of space occupied by the driver in the body will decrease, so that more space can be allocated for other equipment.

Originally designed in this way, the mobile armor has no shortcomings except for its large size. However, it turns out that the giant body is actually useless. The giant creatures in the game are huge because they have the protection set by the game. The large creatures in reality are not as powerful as in the game at all. Although the mobile armor is something in the game, it is built without the reinforcement of the system, so after the large-scale, the joint parts of the body will become extremely fragile. The strength of the manufacturing materials determines that the body cannot maintain its original rigidity after being gigantic, and the excessive volume has caused high manufacturing costs and extremely high energy consumption, and the excessive volume also determines that these guys are stupid and stupid The huge volume produces huge self-weight, and self-weight means that the habit is large. The high power output is needed to offset the inertia, otherwise the movement of the body will be slower, but the body material will not be able to withstand this violent output after the power output is strengthened, so in the end, the large-scale power armor is a bunch other than looking powerful. Scrap iron.

The ultimate volume of the power armor experimentally experimented by the House of Demon Monsters is actually the size of our guild's giant maneuver, that is, six to seven meters is the limit. No matter how big it is, not only can you not improve, but the bigger it is, the more useless it is. In addition, this large airframe simply solves the space problem of the airframe itself, and it still cannot improve the driver's vulnerability. For example, if you are afraid of high temperature and need oxygen, you can solve it by sealing the cockpit, but the vibration and inertia cannot be eliminated. After a mobile soot and a power armor suddenly slam into each other at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, both bodies may be fine, but the driver in the power armor will hang up. The maneuver can continue to fight after the impact, but the power armor becomes a pile of scrap iron because the driver is dead. How can such xìng fight?

Of course, there have been suggestions that the strength of advanced players, or advanced or advanced players, or even steel, such a body can completely offset the weakness of the body ~ ~ to make the power armor have the same xìng energy . However, advanced players and advanced players are high-end force in their own right. If they can wield the combat power of mobile instigators themselves, why should they be converted into a semi-mechanical similar to mobile instigators? Moreover, even if this value is not considered, the number of advanced players and advanced also determines that the power armor cannot be mass-produced at all.

We must know that there are tens of thousands of gangsters in our guild. Even if the nv demon home can find so many masters to drive the power armor, what do the masters of our guild come to do? Take off the armor and play against the player?

It is for the above reasons, so the power armor of the NV House of Demon can be said to let the Frozen NV Demon hurt his brain. However, after the current power armor could not be used to form such an army of mobile envoys, the entry of the Nv Demon House showed its alternative usage.

In fact, the power armor itself is not useless, the most important feature of which is that it can enhance the combat effectiveness of players. Although it cannot be mass-produced, if she does not hesitate to build a first-class power armor for a master such as the Frozen Nv Demon, then she may face me. This is the key reason why the Frozen Nv demon kept this item. After being defeated by me last time, the Frozen Nv demon was anxious to find a way to make her face up to me. Power armor can just solve this problem, but unfortunately now It seems that trying to make this method practical is far from simple as imagined!

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