Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 59: Breakthrough easily

When the Frozen Nv Demon was having a headache for the practical use of power armor, a large group of aurora beasts and higher undead were quietly touching near their camp.

"Are the units in place?" I asked, sitting on the trunk of a large tree, looking at the Russian camp in the distance.

The princess said: "From the feedback from the mind network, it is already in place."

I nodded and said, "Then proceed as planned."


As my order was issued, the tanks and Emmys, who used real mirrors, simultaneously lifted the magic crystal cannon shès on their backs, and then saw the muzzle flash, two purple light shots shimmered out, and in Five seconds later, they hit two fortifications on the periphery of the Russian camp, followed by a loud noise, and the two fortifications were lifted into midair at the same time. The personnel were directly vaporized by the high temperature generated by the explosion. There was no time for the screams, and some people who were nearer were also taken off by huge shock waves.

"Enemy attack!" The shout rang quickly through the camp, and the frozen nv monster jumped up from his seat.

"what happened?"

"Enemy attack!" A player ran up and down to the frozen nv demon, but because he was too fast, he didn't even want to fall when he stopped, but he didn't care whether he hurt or not. He got up from the ground and shouted, "Our outer fortifications have been shelled. See that the power is a heavy magic crystal cannon."

"Idiot. This is a mountain. How could there be a heavy magic crystal cannon?" The mm next to the Frozen nv demon scolded, "Did you read it wrong? It should be something like the magic crystal steam missile?"

The frozen nv demon reached out to stop the mm's questioning and the player's answer. "It's Ziri. Some of his magic pets can be used for bombardment by magic crystals. Only in this place can his magic pets make such attacks."

When the mm heard the words of the frozen nv demon, she immediately thought of the former Katyusha, and she quickly asked: "Is it two monsters that look like big beetles?"

"Not two beetles, one of which was copied. But the abilities are the same. If I remember correctly, there should be three long-range attack modes, and the power is terrifying."

"Then we ...?"

As soon as the reported player asked, the Frozen Nv demon rushed to answer: "Notify the entire party immediately to enter the fighting state for everyone to observe. The opponent's shelling may not only be this time, but also be careful not to let the enemy penetrate. Purple Ri's pet is here, and he must be nearby. "

"Yes." The player turned around and ran out to report, while the Frozen Nv Demon rushed to the place just attacked with the mm around him.

The two fortifications that were hit by the two artillery shells were temporarily built. The Frozen Nv demon did not intend to play position defense here, so they did not bring any tools. Later, because of my existence, they were forced to decide to defend in place. Yes, so their defensive positions are also extremely rude. Just now, the two fortifications were originally used to block arrows and simple magic. The materials used were only soil and branches. The defensive power can be imagined. Once the shells landed, the entire fortifications became a big pit.

The frozen nv demon is observing the damage of the fortifications, while the tank and Aimenis are changing the shè mode. I saw that the crystal cannon tube wrapped by the tissue of the northern muscle u was slowly withdrawing from the body. When the crystal cannon completely disappeared after more than ten seconds, a large group of u bags gradually bulged in the muscle tissue. The two ends of the u bag began to extend three thinner crystal tubes than before, and then a bunch of red muscles were separated from the u bag to form a metalized bracket on the periphery of the gun tube. Limbs and feet also unfolded deep into the ground.

"Finishing is complete, shè magic cannon is ready to begin to gather energy." With the report of Aimenis, she and the shè device on the tank began to emit a faint red light at the same time, when the light on the shè device reached the limit state Later, the entire shè device suddenly flashed, and then saw two red light bullets dragging the long light tail toward the Russian camp in front.

"Quick off!" After the tank and Aimeness shè finished the light bomb, there was a light bomb flying over the frozen nv demon immediately, after all, the cursed forest itself was relatively dark, and the light on the light bomb was strong Like the lights in the night. But now, it's impossible to avoid that. The shè magic cannon not only has a fast shè speed, but also the flight speed of the shell is relatively fast. It took five seconds for the shell of the previous magic crystal cannon to hit the target. The shè shell now hit the Russian position in more than three seconds. More than three seconds is not too short to say, but the Russians did not see it when the shells were just released, which means that they did not actually have a reaction time of three and a half seconds. Coupled with the problem of reminding everyone and people's reactivity, it really is too late to flash off these two shells.

Boom. Two consecutive explosions exploded in a fort in the camp and an open space. The fortifications that were hit were lifted to the sky in an instant, but the shock wave of the explosion was much more obvious. The people outside the fortifications were just knocked down and not lifted out. The explosion from another shell that hit the open space only killed two people, wounding seven or eight people around it without causing much damage. However, the reason why shè guns are called shè guns is that they fire quickly.

As soon as the first shè shell went out, the tank and the shè device on the back of Amenis immediately turned an angle and flashed again with the red light. The two shells shève out only two seconds later than the previous two shells. .

The Russians almost got up again from the last explosion and received two more bombardments, and the next bombardment actually arrived again a second later.

The type of shèshè device on the tank uses a shè mode similar to a multi-barreled gun. Three guns can replace shè, but there will be a process when it starts. Therefore, the first and second shells need to be separated by more than two seconds to go out, and the second and third shells can be shone out as long as more than one second. As for the third and subsequent shells, only a one-second interval is required. shè went out. Although this one-to-one bombardment is incomparable with the actual shè weapon, the magic crystal cannon is not a machine gun, but its shells will blow up. Therefore, this power is actually quite scary.

Due to the high shè, the tank and Aimeness are not aiming now either. They swept shè directly towards the general direction of 1uan, and the explosion sounded quickly in the Russian camp. Russian players in the camp. Only in the explosion can nets escape the bombardment. The temporarily built camp cannot stop such an attack.

"Damn, I did those two beetles." A senior player shouted to rush out, but he was stopped by the frozen nv demon just as soon as he stood up.

"If you want to kill me, I won't stop you. The guy from Ziri must be there. If you rush to it like this, there will be no second result except death."

"What then? We just suffer like that?"

"No, of course we can't just be beaten like this." Frozen nv demon said seriously: "In fact, the attack will soon stop."

The player was said to be stunned, but before he asked, the shelling stopped. In fact, the basis of the Frozen NV monster speculation is also very simple. My tank and Aimeness are also very powerful creatures. Even if the bombardment skills are very good, they will consume something. Common creature skills are magical, as long as the magic power is exhausted, the skills will naturally not be used. The bombardment power of the tank and Aimeness is so great that it can't be consumed, so the frozen nv demon does not need to guess and know that this shelling cannot last for a long time.

Originally, the player wanted to be grateful to see the bombardment stopped, but before his expression changed, there was a sudden movement in the surrounding forest, followed by trees and miscellaneous trees in the distance. The grass was shaking inexplicably, and those shaking areas were approaching the camp with extreme speed.

"Damn, it's the Aurora Beast!" The purpose of the Russians here is to catch the Aurora Beast. Of course they know that the Aurora Beast can use optical illusions to hide their whereabouts. The inexplicable 1uan Akira of those trees is obviously that something has touched them, and the only reason for not seeing them is that they are now invisible, so they will be invisible. Combined with the stealth ability of those aurora beasts, it is not difficult to guess what caused the trees to shake.

However, although the reason for the shaking of the trees was guessed, the Russian players still stepped back in fear, because it was clear that a large group of aurora beasts were charging towards their camp.

"Don't shake it ~ ~ Use fire oil bombs!" Frozen nv monsters have seen big scenes to some extent. At this time, it is obviously more calm than ordinary people.

Although the oil bomb is used to bury it in the ground as a trap, it is not impossible to use it directly in emergency situations, but the reaction time of the Seal of God is too short, and those talents have just turned the oil bomb on. Open, and the Aurora Beast has already rushed in front of them.

A Russian player just took the shè tube delivered by his companion and activated the switch. After listening to the air buzzing, a large group of fire oil flew out, and a fire oil barrier was spread in front of them in an instant, and in the air The figure of an aurora beast in the middle was quickly outlined by the black oil. However, when the aurora beast was covered with fire oil, it was less than three meters away from the player. For a full-sprint Aurora beast, this distance is less than 0.1 second. The Seal of the Seal of Throne can be rushed through. In such a short time, the average Seal of the Seal of Throne does not even react.

"Ah!" The player who just started the hot oil gun just unscrewed the switch. As soon as he lifted his eyes from the switch, he was instantly knocked down by the aurora beast in front of him, and his companion behind him was also caught by another aurora. The beast immediately flew out more than ten meters away.

Looking at the aurora herd that has rushed into the crowd, the frozen nv demon sighed in panic: "It's over! I've been approached

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