Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 29: Windfall

"Brother Ziri, finally meet again! Remember me?"

啊 "Ah? Are you ...?" Unexpectedly, this guy knew me!

The children of Ye Ye look back at me. "your friend?"

I nodded and shook my head. "I do not know him!"

"I'm so sad!" The knight moved his mount to the front of the team. "Let me remind you. 4 months ago, under the Daxue Mountain?"

"4 months ago?" 4 months ago, I seemed to have just stepped out of the underground maze. At that time, I seemed to have been searching for all souls in inaccessible places. I don't remember having a holiday with anyone! But I seemed to be the devil at that time. I was so lucky. Nothing to practice my throat on the mountain top caused avalanches to kill so many people! "Ah! It's you? You're the guy who was killed by me in the avalanche!" At that time, I seemed to have killed someone when I rolled down the mountain. At that time, the guy seemed to be hitting the boss, but I was led by someone BOSS squashed together!

不错 "Yes, you finally remember!" The knight pulled out a matching sword from his waist. "Let's fight? So many people are beating you. It's not my style. Oh! I forgot to tell you, my name is Haotian, you can come to me after you die! Get it!"

"Brother Haotian! It was really an accident that day, I didn't mean it on purpose! Do you think, if it was to cause avalanche killings, would it be necessary for me to get involved too? I had to hang up for that avalanche myself!"

"I don't care about it. Anyway, I received a notification that the player was killed by the malicious PK of Zi Ri. I was playing BOSS at the time. Do you know how important it is to me? Because you and I have not been transferred to become a pseudo-knight. Just become an ordinary knight, you are responsible for this! "

靠 "Fuck! Does that count?"

"Don't talk nonsense, you fight me when you accept the duel, fight with a group of us if you don't accept it!"

"Hit, hit! I'm afraid you won't do it!" I jumped down directly from Ye Ying's back. "How are you going to fight? Cavalry or Dismounted, or Free Fight?"

"I fight with you freely! There are no rules!" Almost as soon as his voice was over, I was prompted to apply for a duel. This kind of duel not in the duel can be started at any time. The two sides of the duel are not famous for killing each other, but death still loses things and experiences, which basically belongs to unlimited PK.

Haotian rushed up immediately after I accepted the duel application. "Bad!" He hit me directly with his shoulder, and of course I couldn't stand and bump him.

"Child of the night, you dodge first!"

The night child immediately appeared on the tree next to him, and the night shadow did not need to take the night child, and immediately came to help. A booming night shadow's tail and Haotian's shoulders collided. After all, Haotian is not a monster, and there is definitely no night shadow in power. Immediately after the impact, Haotian flipped out, but he made a backflip in the air and landed on the ground steadily.

"Awesome monster! Your magic pet is amazing!"

Awesome you haven't seen it yet! "Lucky, plague, crystal! Attack!" Hao Tian was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the three-headed dragon, and the lucky big tail split like a hatchet towards where he stood. He rolled aside and let his tail off. Fortunately, one tail was chopped to the ground because of the unstoppability, and the pointed tail plunged into the soil. Haotian, who had just escaped the disaster, had not stood still, but saw a dark shadow covering himself, and he flashed a few meters away immediately. The mountain shook for a while, and the plague's claws landed next to him a few centimeters apart. The huge force just let the huge claws penetrate into the soil for more than a meter.

Hao Tian, ​​who had been foolish, had been swept up by lucky claws from behind before responding, and Crystal looked up at the little spot in the sky as a dragon bomb. The purple Longyan bomb chased Haotian flying in the sky, and the two points touched in the air, and then burst into starlight like a firework.

The night child covered his eyes with his hand: "So beautiful high-altitude fireworks!"

The people brought by Haotian around did not move, and the attack just now calmed everyone down. There are only a few reasons for obedience among players in the game world. Either a team of friends chooses a leader to command, or there is a common interest trend, and there is indeed someone strong enough to follow. This Haotian can bring out so many people to show that the strength will not be bad, but was killed in only 5 seconds in front of the 3 dragons. Of course, this power comparison is not acceptable to them.

I walked to the lucky side and said, "The three of you still don't cooperate very well! How can you do this all the time, you are dragons, you have to be above all living things, how to deal with one person in 5 seconds! Now, go back to the pet space to practice and cooperate! "

After the three-headed dragon was closed, the son of night suddenly appeared beside me. "How many magic pets do you have? At first you saw that you had 10 knights, two beauties and this mount, and now you still have 3 dragons! I can't see you! Your gear Blaming you like this, why don't you let them go to fight? "

"My equipment blames me?"

"Yeah! Haven't you heard?" Ye Zi's face looked puzzled.

"Can you hear them talking?" This night son was really weird.

"Who did it just now?" An ambitious voice appeared on my side, in the crowd who had been dumbfounded.

The crowd automatically separated a path to the sides, and a knight riding a giant lizard came out. "Come on, who killed my brother?" The fingers of three or four hundred people at the scene all pointed at me. "Is it you?" The other voice was skeptical, apparently not convinced that I could kill his brother.

A guy with a sharp-eyed monkey gill in the crowd immediately ran to the mighty black armored knight. "Boss, this guy has 3 dragons!"

哦 "Oh? Who can bring dragons?" The knight jumped off the lizard, screamed a huge pole-axe dance, then suddenly stopped pointing the axe at me. "Join us and spare you!"

Come on! Another martial arts TV watched too much poisoned! I'm in a hurry to ask Ye Zizi about the equipment, this guy actually ran out of trouble at this time. To the son of the night, "Wait for 10 seconds!" In the handshake of the sword, the blue flame on the black sword suddenly burst out. Directly towards that idiot.

The other person's axe chopped down at me, and I held the sword gently in one hand. Ding! The first half of the big ax flew out in the crisp sound of the collision. The weapon destruction attributes of the Blade of the Sky have finally come into effect! While he was still holding a half-length hair bun, I was close to him again. With a flash of blue light, I have returned to the night son. The knight was still standing silly with a half-axe handle. I inserted the sword into the scabbard with a beautiful retracting action, and turned and jumped on the back of Night Shadow. "Night son, let's go!"

Son of Night looked at the knight still standing there, then turned around and turned around and appeared behind me. Night Shadow took us quickly to disappear into the forest, during which no one had thought of intercepting us.

Until we ran far away, those talents found that their boss was still standing there stupidly and remained in a daze in the beginning. The prickly-mouthed monkey cheek walked up and took a picture of their boss. "Boss?"

"Ah!" The girl screamed!

呕 "Spit!" Men vomited!

扑 "Flop!" Fainted voice.

骑士 After being photographed, the knight became more than 300 irregular pieces of meat scattered all over the place, and the people around were scared.

At the same time, the night son riding on Yeying's back asked, "Why don't you kill him?"

"I killed! What if I cut more than 300 pieces?"

"But why is there no response?"

"It's not clear, maybe it's the sword problem. This trick is the housekeeping skill of Ana, I just learned it, but it has never been used! I did not expect such a good effect!"

"What awesome! Can you learn your skills at will?"


不是 "No! I can learn the skills of my human-shaped magic pet at will, probably because it is my magic pet. I can't learn the magic pet of other people, let alone other players!"

"I thought you had hawk-eye like me!"

"Eagle Eye?"

"Well! A garbage skill. The main role is to have the possibility to learn the skills used by the other party, but the success rate is too low, and you can't upgrade, so it's useless. I have never used any skills he has learned so far. ! "

对 "Yes, what do you mean by the complaint about the equipment you just said?" I suddenly remembered that I hadn't asked what was the matter!

"You really can't hear?"

"What do you hear?" I was confused!

"It's the sound of equipment! Advanced equipment has a soul. Your equipment is an artifact, and it's a growth equipment. It belongs to the best of the best. You don't need them!"

谁 "Who says I'm useless? Am I not wearing it all the time?"

The night child shook his head. "Your equipment says that you never participate in the war yourself. They say that every battle is played by your magic pet and demon servant. They have never participated in several real wars at all." His expression suddenly looked surprised. . "What? They say you have thousands of skeletons?"

It seems that this son of the night can indeed communicate with the equipment. Otherwise, he would not understand me so clearly unless he followed me every day. "Help me ask why they are in a hurry to fight?"

"They say that they belong to a combination of dragon and dark forces. The dragons are combative and the dark forces are bloodthirsty, so only the blood on the battlefield can stimulate their growth. There are a lot of attributes on your equipment that cannot be played because there is no real Fighted! "

"Do you mean that as long as I participate in more battles myself, I can directly improve the combat effectiveness of the equipment?"

"It's not me, it's your equipment. I can only hear their voices! By the way, can't you hear the sound of the equipment yourself or can't your other players hear it?"

"I'm afraid it's your problem. No one I know can hear the soul of the equipment. You can hear that it is already a heterogeneous one! But I probably know what's going on!"

"Then tell me quickly?"

"Aren't you unable to bring your pet? The customer service said that it was compensated, and I guess it is this compensation. You are the only person in the game who can directly communicate with the equipment!"

"But I'm so bad! You see how powerful you are with so many magic pets, my attribute is useless!"

"Who said that? Although your attribute does not help your own combat effectiveness, it is indeed a weapon for making money! Think about it, as long as it is high-level equipment, there will be souls. And those who have high-level equipment are some Powerful people, people like them are very rich. As long as you open a shop to help people look at the soul of the equipment and teach others how to improve the combat effectiveness, you said that there are so many well-equipped people in the entire game who will not come to you Your method of upgrading the equipment level does not have the problem of explosion rate. It is better than upgrading the equipment. Is it a hot industry? Besides, you are the only one in the world, which means that you are in a monopoly position and the price You have n’t decided yet? As for the benefits of being rich, I do n’t need to tell you? ”

"It's really a good skill to hear you say that!" Ye Zizi was also happy. "Do you think I should open a shop now?"

别 "Don't worry! I'm preparing to build a city now. When my city is finished, I'll send you a facade for you to open a shop."

The night child smiled and said, "How can I give you a free gift!"

"Who said I gave it away in vain? The people who look for your equipment will definitely be crowded, and I will pay as long as I receive the city fee! This is called using special industries to drive local economic construction!" I still have some economic head!

"Yes, since you can communicate with the equipment, can you also exchange my sword?"

"What are you going to communicate with him?"

"Ask him what was the white thing that flew out during the attack?"

The son of the night paused for a while: "He said it was flying blades, and a total of 9 can be played. After the flying blades fly out, they will automatically come back. Everywhere the flying blades pass is equivalent to being chopped by the sword, as long as it is not too hard Things are usually cut off directly. "

"Yes, it really is a good sword!" I took a careful look at the hilt of the sword, because I still had the flame burning on it, so I didn't touch the sword body. "I will try to fight by myself as much as possible in the future!"

"Where are we going now?"

"Go fix it!" I threw the helmet to the Night Son. "what did he say?"

"He said nothing and kept yelling!"

"I guess it's almost the same!"

With the night son, we flew all the way to the city outside the dark forest-cold emerald. This is the first city I visited when I left Xinshou Village. It feels that there are so few people walking on the street, and there is no suitable leveling point near this small city. There is no advantage except being closer to the dark forest. It is understandable that there are few people. I suddenly remembered that I had promised to give the elf lady who helped me to transfer some cosmetics (end of Chapter 5 of Volume I), and let the night son wait for me at the door of the transfer point, and I ran onto the street myself.

Cosmetics are non-combat necessities and only available at grocery stores. Fortunately, I was familiar with the location of the store after spending some time in Cold Jade, and rushed into the grocery store without taking a detour. The entry of my big man immediately made the MMs in the store gather their eyes together. The grocery store sells almost everything for girls. Very few men come in, even if they come with their female companions. All the girls looked at me in surprise when I saw that I hadn't brought my female companion alone.

I didn't care about the apparently high temperature they cast, and walked to the boss. "Boss, give me 15 boxes of the best cosmetics!" In addition to the female elf administrator, my wife always sends a box! There are also Bingbing, Hongyue, Ziyue, Bailing, gold coins, Shura Ziyi, Xiao Sumei, and even the 6 young ladies of Sakura Club cannot forget! That's just 15 boxes!

The boss immediately greeted him. Unlike the curious little girl, the boss only looked at the interests. "We have more than 3,000 cosmetics in this size. Which one do you want?"

"I want the best!"

The boss smiled and said, "Mr. is helping his girlfriend buy cosmetics? Women do not really understand men's things, and the best cosmetics must be divided into many types, not to say that the most expensive must be the best!" The boss is obviously NPC No selfishness at all, if only the boss in reality is so good!


"Can you recommend it for me?"

"I have a big gift set here, as long as one box is everything, you are satisfied!"

"Well, give me 15 boxes! How much is it?"

"Are you sure you want 15 boxes?" The boss looked surprised, and even the girl next to him looked at me with a surprised look.

"What's wrong? Is it expensive? It's okay, I'll give it!"

"It's not the problem, it's ...!" The boss took out a box almost the size of a microwave oven from below, the pink box had beautiful glittering patterns and decorations on the outside, and a big butterfly festival was on top. It was so beautiful, but it was really scary. "This thing takes up 30 boxes of storage space. It costs 15 boxes. Is it OK for the guests to carry?"

I didn't expect this thing to be so big! What is the 30 grid concept? The space wheel doesn't count. My current carrying capacity is 150 cells. I can fill my inventory with 5 boxes. Such a big thing is worth it!

"It doesn't matter, you take it! I installed it!" I put 15 huge gift boxes into the bracelet with surprised eyes around. Such a gift box actually requires 100 crystal coins, which is a bit ridiculously expensive. Fortunately, I am not very poor now.

I was about to leave after checkout, and several MMs rushed over immediately. "Handsome guy, be my boyfriend!"

I quickly ran out of the store, but the MMs rushed out again. "Stop! I bought things for my boss!"

Several MMs suddenly braked a clear look: "It turned out to be a follower. Take us to see your boss!"

"My boss is next to the transfer station, I still have something to do, please go by yourself!" It happened that the son of the night was waiting for someone to be bored, and help him find some fun!

Several MMs run away as soon as they hear it. In order to chase handsome guys, what is the image of a lady!

Get rid of the entanglement of several MM I turned and ran to the job transfer office. The huge office lobby is still sparsely populated as before. Most of the players in the first-level and second-level professions at level 20 and 200 have completed their transitions, and the third-level and third-level professions at level 400 have not changed much (the main character is Hidden occupations do not develop in accordance with the process of one-turn-two-turn.) As for the 600-level four-turn profession, no one has reached that high level for the time being, so it is normal for the transfer agency to be relatively idle.

I glanced casually and I saw the elf NPC who helped me change jobs. "Miss!" I knocked on the counter to awaken the elf lying on the table.

"Ah?" She sat upright suddenly. "Hello, what procedures do I need to go through?"

"Ha ha ha ha!" The female elf looked so funny, because she was lying on her face for a long time, and a large red mark was pressed on her face. She watched me laughing and quickly took out the mirror and took a look. After seeing her appearance, she quickly turned around and rubbed the red mark desperately to let it dissipate as soon as possible. "Don't rub it, I saw it all!"

The elf girl turned around embarrassedly, but still covered her hands intentionally or unintentionally. "Excuse me, what transfer do you want?"

"Don't remember me?" I pointed at my face.

After I said that, she quickly looked up at me. "you are……?"

靠 "Fuck! Why don't you remember it for only a few months? I'm that reward account, the one with several professions!"

"Zi Ri! I remember it! Why are you back? Seeing you like this isn't low! You won't come to the 600 level 4 level career, right?"

"I thought so, but unfortunately not enough!"

"then you……?"

I took out the big gift box and handed it to her. "I brought you this specially. I promised to buy you cosmetics, but I didn't know what you liked, so I bought a big gift box. Here I give you!"

"Really!" The elf MM's expression was obviously over-excited, and the ladies at the service counters next to him all rushed over.

"Good luck, Xiaoqing!"

"Wow! This is a limited edition gift box at the grocery store! So expensive!"

"Sister Xiaoqing, is this your old customer? Teach us how to make a good relationship with our customers!"

"Go to go! Don't make trouble!" Xiao Qing hurried all the little MMs around her and turned to me: "I'm sorry, it's too easy here, so they get excited when they see someone."

"It doesn't matter!" To be honest, I was really scared, but I'm sorry to say it.

"How can I thank you for sending me such a valuable thing! You don't need any transfer now, and I can't help you! If you have a city, I'll sell it to you and work for you!"

"Sell yourself? Can your NPCs change jobs?" Unintentionally fulfilling a promise actually made me discover a big secret.

She beckoned at me for me to enter the counter. I looked at the entrance over there, too lazy to go around that big circle, and jumped directly into it. Pulled a stool from the side left beside her. "Come on! Don't lose my appetite!"

She was about to say a player came in outside. "Miss, I've changed level 400 to support career 3 transfers."

"Oh!" Xiao Qing immediately began to help him with the transfer procedure. The doubt that the player saw my face behind the counter must be wondering why the current NPC has become a double office!

Send away the player Xiaoqing immediately turned to me and whispered: "In fact, this secret is not allowed to be told, but I only tell you one person, you can't tell others!"

"of course!"

"Actually, players do not need to buy newly generated NPCs when they build cities. Each player can go to the system city to directly specify the NPCs they need to buy. The NPCs who have served in the city have a relatively high level of intelligence. In this way, don't you think I'm much smarter than when you first saw me? "

恩 "Well! It is indeed more and more human!"

"If you build a city, you can specifically designate various NPCs to go to your city service, which is easier to use than buying newly generated NPCs from the system. Highly intelligent NPCs are powerful in various decisions, especially those blacksmiths NPCs such as these, some advanced NPC blacksmiths can build any equipment below the artifact, but the newly purchased blacksmith can at best make elite equipment! It is good to have a NPC such as my auxiliary career transfer job. For some special auxiliary occupations, if you want a newly generated NPC, they can only transfer the most common auxiliary occupations specified by the system! "

"Do you still have special auxiliary occupations? Give me a few!"

"I think too! But you have already finished your transfer, but you can build a city and buy me over. According to regulations, each NPC can decide whether to give the city owner the same gift, and I will give you a support at that time Occupation. "Xiao Qing suddenly leaned back to the counter. "Unfortunately you don't have a city!"

I laughed as soon as I heard it. "Actually, I am preparing to build my own city. I think it will be successful soon. You just have to wait for me to work!"

"Really? That's great!" Xiao Qing jumped up. "Can you take all my sisters over? They have been here for a long time, and they are all senior NPCs. Will you take them?"

"No problem!" I suddenly remembered whether Clark was also an NPC in the city, and went back to ask, maybe he could get him too. NPCs that can repair artifacts are not everywhere! But if you get lost with things like undead or undead, I don't know if it will conflict with the life race of the elves! Forget it, if you ca n’t, just separate them. Anyway, there is some place in Isinger. I repaired the separation wall and separated the two NPCs. I just ca n’t see each other! "Do you know many NPCs?"

"I know almost all the bright forces! We have mission exchange meetings every week, and all bright forces' NPCs will meet."

"Do you know those NPCs with special skills?"


"It's an elite NPC with special abilities!"

知道 "Know. For example, like Botlell in Hope City, the old man is a high-level mason, and he can carve the way you want, except for the hard stones."

"Well, don't tell me now, I can't remember what you said. You write a sheet for me, write me the most talented people in all walks of life, I need these people when I build the city I will come to you when I am. "

"You're leaving?"

"Yes, I have something else."

Xiao Xiaoqing said embarrassedly: "Since you still have things, I will not leave you, but you must not forget me! The city is built and you will come back to pick us up!"

"Don't worry! I always talk to you. You're busy, I'm leaving." I jumped out of the counter and ran out of the hall ~ ~ It seems that I still need to do more good things in the future, If I did n’t fulfill this agreement, I would not know such a big secret. It seems that anything that happens between this game and the NPC can be regarded as a task, and any sentence of each NPC may be transformed into a direct one at any time. Task reminder.

"Purple Sun! Help! I'm in the Temple of Earth Mother of Firewood City, help me!" Suddenly such a distress signal sounded in my guild channel. Because the guild channel doesn't show who said what it said, so I only know who the guild is, but I don't know who it is! I suddenly remembered a possibility-the son of the night. When the boy saw a woman like a ghost, I found him so many young MMs, and he was very likely to be chased after.

I ca n’t wait to rush past, and use the teleport ring to reach the teleportation array of Firewood City. As soon as I came out, I saw a lot of players running in one direction, and I followed. Pat a guy running side by side with me. "Hey! Brother! What are you running?"

听说 "I heard that someone seems to have found that the big boss can't be killed. I'll rush over to see if I can help!" I know what he meant was that I found out that the boss could take a look at the benefits. But when did the night son become a big boss?

I pat the other person again. "Brother, what are you going over there?"

"I heard that someone sent equipment over there!" It was a hundred and fifty here (we said two hundred and five when people's heads are abnormal)!

I ran a little forward and asked a few more people to ask. As a result, I said one by one, without any duplicates! But most of them are lively in the past. What the **** did this night son do? It was so sensational!

I ca n’t run until I reach my destination. There are too many people. The road is completely blocked.

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