Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 30: My crane

"Night son, where are you?" I shouted directly on the guild channel.

"Firewood City Central Square!"

"Central Square? Aren't you in the Mother Earth Temple?"

"I was surrounded there and I ran straight out! These people chased me like crazy!"

"Aren't you teleporting? Can't you teleport?"

"There are too many people around, I don't know where to go. If it is too far away, there will be a big error. I don't know what to do!"

"You wait, I'll save you!" This son of the night can really mess me up, even a few little girls can make her like this! "Lucky!" Summoned Lucky to jump up directly, Lucky opened his wings and quickly climbed up, and the powerful air flow brought by the huge dragon wings overturned everyone around me.

I flew into the air to know how serious the road congestion is. The whole ground is full of people, and the central square not far away is crowded with people. There is a huge white sculpture in the center of the square. It looks like an angel or something. There is a person standing above the angel's head. Many people are trying to climb up below, but the general sculptures of skyscrapers can't go up casually. Only transient people like Night Son can reach the angel easily. Overhead!

"Luck, lean on!"

"Understand!" Fortunately, we bent our heads. The emergence of the dragon made the chaotic crowd below even more chaotic. Fortunately, there was a few hundred meters away from the sculpture, and the wings suddenly slowed down in the opposite direction. As a result, the strong airflow blew everyone around.

"It's a big boss, it's a monster siege! Everyone kill him, and he must explode the artifact!" Someone shouted so many words, the crowd below immediately messed up. A large number of magic missiles flew up, and fortunately, he twisted and pulled up again. The night child had already teleported as we approached. Although the number of magic missiles behind was huge, the power was not great, and luck flashed out. Although most of the attacks were taken a few times, there were no serious problems.

"How come you came here?" I turned around and asked the night son.

The night child was angry. "You still asked me, you are all harmed! You have nothing to recruit me for such a girl to do, I quickly ran away, but many people thought that they were chasing BOSS, and the more they got together in the end, it became like this!"

"Really ... Ah!" Fortunately, suddenly, it stopped in place as if it had hit something, and then it was planted. With a bang, we hit the ground, and a large dragon-shaped pit appeared on the ground immediately. "Oh my god! How did this happen! Lucky? Lucky? Are you okay?"

Fortunately, he lifted his huge head from the pit and shook it. "It's okay, it's fine!"

"How did you fall?"

I was lucky to look back at my hind legs, and I quickly followed his eyes to look back, and saw that he was backed up by an iron chain several times. The head of the chain was an iron ball, which was obviously specialized. Rope! The chain extended from the pit to the outside and reached the center of the city. It seemed that someone had just fired this lasso to entangle the lucky hind legs, which led to us being pulled suddenly.

"Don't run!" The crowd's voice can already be heard outside, apparently a large number of players came over.

I don't want to be surrounded anymore, "lucky, take off!"

"Yes!" Fortunately, we stood up again, shaking our wings, and we flew back into the sky. However, the iron cable has been around for many moments and we can't solve it for a while. Fortunately, the cable can only hover within a certain height due to the length of the cable. Along the iron cable we can see that the end of the iron cable is connected to the huge angel sculpture just now. Fortunately, the volume of the angel sculpture cannot be moved!

"Crystal, Plague, Little Dragon Girl, Xiao Feng, Tank!" I called out all the large magic pets at once, and the crowd on the ground was immediately calmed down. But the effect lasted only a few seconds, and the crowd started running again.

突然 I suddenly noticed that there are giant trebuchets on all sides of the angel sculpture. Fortunately, one of the trebuchets throws a hammer. Now three other trebuchets are working at the same time, and three identical chain **** with iron cables are flying up. The magic pets who had just been summoned were surrounded by chains before they could react. The tank's attack could not be moved with the forearm entangled, and the plague's hind legs and crystal waist were wrapped around. Only Xiaofeng and Xiaolong Girls survived!

The four iron chains are all connected to the base of the sculpture, and the other end seems to use a sealed iron chain. Once it is wound, it cannot be unlocked! The crowd below saw that most of the monsters were trapped, and they ran to the sculpture side and started to pull down the iron chain. Although the strength of one person has little effect on a dragon, there are too many people, and this strength is incredible!

Squinting at us, we were about to be pulled to the ground. "Zi Ri, don't your knights have flying mounts? Let them help, and we hang the sculpture in full swing!"

"What? Hang this thing away?" I look at the sculpture below that which is larger than the Statue of Liberty in the United States. "This thing is too big, I don't know if it can be pulled!"

"You don't try to know how to pull Labula!"

"Okay!" I opened my wings and flew up. "Arona, Ling, Night Shadow, Demon Knight, Rose Vine, Phantom, Dart." I called all the pets and demon servants, and then put my hands on my chest. "Silver bee, snow demon, demon butterfly!"

Seeing so many monsters appearing in the air startled the crowd below, and the first time I saw a monster group covering the sky, everyone would be scared. I don't have time to wait for them to react. All I want is this time for everyone to be embarrassed. "The demon knight left the mount and brought down the darts, snow demon, and silver bee to disperse the crowd. Night Shadow brought a heavy armored dragon to help everyone pull together and try to fly upwards. The demon butterfly also came to help! Ariana, the ground team The blood is in your hands. Ling, help the flying team to strengthen and pull me up the whole sculpture! Rose vine, you push one from below and send me the sculpture foundation to the ground! "

The heavy summon beasts separated immediately, and the demon knight slid down the crowd along the iron chain, and at 850 level they easily pushed the crowd away. The addition of Silver Bee made the crowd mess up. The snow demon came to the ice and snow in a timely manner, and the completely crystallized ground was very slippery. The crowd was already chaotic, and the people who fell were even more chaotic.

的 My magic pets finally grasped the iron chain firmly in the sky, and I made the magic pets fly upward together. Four huge iron cables the thickness of a bucket were straightened instantly, and the frozen ground suddenly shook, and the ice surface cracked a few big openings. The rose vine loosened the foundation of the entire sculpture from below. The huge pulling force above and the pushing force below made the sculpture no longer stand. The slate rubbed against the ground and made a rattling sound, and the white sculpture actually started to rise slowly. The blackened base, which was buried under the ground, rose to the ground, and the foundation, which was nearly 15 meters deep, was pulled out. As soon as the foundation was far from the ground, the resistance was much smaller. After there was no friction, the dragons Just bear the weight of the sculpture itself. Although a bit difficult, the sculpture rose to the ground a little bit immediately.

It took about 10 minutes for us to raise the sculpture to a sufficiently high level. I recovered the ghost knights and other magic pets that were still resisting on the ground. Only a huge soil was left on the central square of the fire forest city. pit.

The son of Ye Ye said tepidly behind me: "Well worthy of being a dragon, it is amazingly brutal, this has made you all hung up!"

"Not all your ideas!"

"I see you can't run away, so let you take a risk!"

"That is to say! It was you who let us experiment. I didn't expect it to actually hang up! But then, don't we hurry up, my magic pets are about to stand up, this thing is too heavy!"

"Let's put it over there!" The son of the night pointed at the top of the mountain in the distance. "Fly up?"

"Try it!" I directed the magic pets to fly to the top of the mountain. Fortunately, everyone had very good endurance, and actually successfully hung up the top of the mountain. Night Son and I first directed everyone to slowly put down the sculpture. The huge sculpture made a loud noise when it landed on the ground, and the originally uneven mountain top was pushed out of a platform. Due to the weight of the sculpture itself, after dropping down, it stopped sinking due to its own gravity sinking down more than 3 meters.

After the sculpture landed, the magic pets fell to the ground, and everyone was exhausted. This thing was too big. I walked to the side of my fortune and pulled out the holy dragon's tooth and chopped it to the iron cable. The squeak sound only left a small groove deep in the iron cable. Compared with the thickness of the iron cable, the speed of this chopped down chopped till tomorrow !!


The plague was sitting while he put the chain on his mouth and tried to bite it with his teeth, but it was obviously not effective. Xiaofeng and Crystal are studying the damage effect of the high temperature on the iron chain. The front view of the tank breaks the iron chain. But unfortunately, everyone's methods don't seem to be effective. The iron chain is not really indestructible, almost every method has an effect on it, but according to these methods, we need to work for twenty hours in a row to break the iron chain!

"If Ouyang is here, his celestial blade will cut this thing faster than me!" I still miss the iron-cut celestial blade!

"Shall we try a saw?"

"I say heroes, are you playing silly games? Here is where the hacksaw blades of the game come from!"

"Then have to chop it slowly!"

"Damn seal!" The seal on this chain ball keeps the chain ball tightly tied together without loosening it. If it were not for these seals, it would take less than 3 minutes to unlock the chain directly, and now it actually hurt us to spend 20 hours here Chain!

"Zi Ri? Where are you?" The guild channel suddenly appeared shouting, and the voice channel was used. I heard it was Zi Yue's voice.

"Ziyue? Where are you?" It's strange. Ziyue, who hasn't heard for a long time, suddenly found me on the guild channel. Can use the guild channel to explain that they are not at sea, at least say they are on the shore.

"I'm in Firewood City, where are you?"

怎么 "How did you go to Huolin Forest?"

"Isn't there someone in our line who is trapped in Firewood City? We came to see the help message! Who was trapped? He couldn't even speak and switched to text output, the situation must be very dangerous. Tell me you are here Where? I brought someone to save you! "

"No, aren't we? We have left the city limits!"

"Leave?" The voice stopped. "Did you take something away from your city?"

"How do you know?" I was only ten minutes after I came out, and the information was too fast!

"People all over the city are talking about what sculpture you stole. What sculpture is so attractive?"

The sound of gold coins suddenly appeared in the channel. "Boss, have you taken the pure gold statue of others? You can't swallow it alone, leave me some!"

I turned around and looked at the huge sculpture that couldn't be thrown away. "You want me to give it to you. I can't lose it!"

Zi Ziyue's voice came back. "Where are you? The coordinates tell me, I'll come over here!"

"I'm at coordinates XXX, XXX, XXX, come here! By the way, you said you brought someone, who did you bring?"

"Our guild! I brought more than 3,000 people!"

一 I was anxious as soon as I heard it. "How can you bring them out! Our guild station has not yet been completed, and if someone hangs up, they will return to Japan to be resurrected. How can this be!"

"Relax, I'm not stupid. I'm telling you something specific."

"You can do it, and let them all go back! I'm inconvenient to move here, it's not good in case anyone is attracted!" The trapped pet can't recover the pet space at all, now they are tied Even the attacks are affected. If they are surrounded, it will be really troublesome!

"Okay, I see, you wait!"

Ziyue is still so popular, there is no sound just after speaking. I can only continue to help lucky to chop the chain. Among the various methods, my sword is the fastest. According to this progress, it should be able to break the iron cable within three to five hours.

Before we were over, we saw a black spot in the distant sky gradually expand, and the speed would not be anything other than the dragon. Sure enough, it was easy to tell that it was Ziyue's sky fire after approaching. Skyfire swooped over our heads at a dive speed and circled back before finding a place to land. Ziyue and gold coins jumped from above.

怎么 "How about you two?"

"Don't you let someone else go back?" Gold Coin asked strangely.

Xi Ziyue explained to me: "He meant to ask Ying, Bailing and Awei why they were not there."

I'm still Ziyue, it's like the second me, and I can always know what I'm talking about.

Gold Coin said: "The Biling is very busy at sea now, and our people have no time to disembark!"

"Then you two ...?"

Ziyue held down the gold coin and said, "We are staying here for the liaison work of the supply, and we have already dealt with everything. As a result, I saw that you need rescue on the guild channel, so I came to see your situation. . By the way, who sent the distress signal? "

哦 "Oh! That's my new member of the night son!" I turned around to introduce and found that others were missing. "Child of the night? Child of the night!" He shouted a few times and saw a hand extended behind the claws and shook it a few times. "What are you doing over there?" Ye Zhizi's female phobia is not terrible! "This guy has female phobia. Don't leave him alone!"

"Female phobia?" The gold coin looked at the distant night child and laughed. "What a strange disease is this?"

"Similar to fear of heights. He is a female phobia who is afraid of seeing a woman, and the younger and more beautiful a woman is, the more he reacts!"

"Then we still don't disturb him!" Although Ziyue is a boy character, but the etiquette is still very good, after all, is everyone a lady!

对 "By the way, I just heard from you on the guild channel that it seems to solve the problem that those Japanese girls will be transmitted back to Japan when they die?"

"Can't say a solution, just not as scared as before." Gold Coin said.

Wu Ziyue added it. "Actually, because we recently launched two large-scale naval battles with Little Japan, the Black Dragon Fleet was swept away by us by more than 3,000 ships, and we also successfully cooperated with the Korean Fleet to completely wipe out a port city in Japan from the map. Lost!"

"You blew up the port?"

"Well!" Ziyue nodded. "The whole city is gone, not even rubble left!"

"Good job!" I patted Ziyue's shoulder happily.

Gold coins seem to notice the problem behind us. "Oh my God! Otherwise, the whole city will catch you, so you stole such a big sculpture?"

"Am I stealing? Is anyone stealing in front of thousands of people?"

Ziyue's eyes are sharper. "What's so lucky? What's that on them?"

"It's a magic lasso, fired with a trebuchet, it won't open as long as it gets entangled! They use this thing to tie us all up."

"Then you took the whole sculpture away?" Ziyue followed what I said.

那 "Of course!" I nodded. "I couldn't open it at the time, I couldn't fly and couldn't even recycle it! At last we moved the sculpture together!"

"Really!" The gold coin gave Thumbs Up, "The robbery is so memorable!"

"What I said is real!"

"I didn't say it was false."

Ziyue looked at the huge angel statue behind. This is a pure white mixed rock sculpture of a male angel with six pairs of wings. The angel's right hand was holding a huge one-handed sword, the tip of which pointed straight forward, and seemed to be calling on his courageous charge. The angel has a medium-sized shield on his left hand, which is very common. "What are you going to do with this sculpture?"

"What else can I do? Just leave it here ~ ~ Do you want us to send it back?"

Xun Ziyue quickly shook her head and said, "No, I mean, can you move him back to Isinger?"

"You know what?" The news of these girls was very well-informed.

"Yes! Shura Ziyi and on-time cauldron rice took a lot of videos from Isinger. Although I didn't go there in person, I can basically know the general situation there."

"Did you all watch the video?"

"Yes! The hawk was very happy when I saw the port!" Said the naughty gold coin.

"How are you feeling? I mean how do you feel? What are your opinions?"

"The main opinion is that there is a big problem in the defense of the city, and the excavation of such a large city is less than 50%. We have not seen what the underground looks like until now. Although there are definitely underground cities, we now agree that Regarding the underground city, or regardless of the above-ground city, only a part of it is built in the first place. Our funds are not enough. It is better to develop on both sides than on the other side! "

"It's a good idea!"

还有 "Also!" Ziyue continued: "I heard that Isinger's city has inner walls?"

"Yes! What's the matter?"

"Our opinion is to abandon the outer city and build the inner city directly. Although the outer city is not guarded, it will not be easily occupied and used. We will occupy the outer city when we have sufficient capacity. At least we ca n’t use contraction defense Many people! "

"I think some of you are unclear!"

Gold coin said strangely: "We don't know? What we don't know?"

"About Isinger! Do you know Isinger's real secret?"

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