Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 110: Scientists are crazy

Volume 19 Chapter 110 Scientists Are Mad

"Then arrange it this way. But I think there is another person who can know this."


"Matsumoto Masa."

I heard the name for a while, then reacted. Yes. As an agent of our guild in Japan, Masamoto Matsumoto must have gathered together with the forces of Chinese heaven, so this knowledge is very important to him. In addition, Matsumoto's identity is different from ours. Although he is actually our own, the problem is that others don't know this, so we can't expose the fact that we know the weakness of Xianli, but Matsumoto's can. Even if Heaven wants to do it against Masamoto Matsumoto, there is no loss to us.

Once the court of heaven itself was a protoss power, as long as Matsumoto Masaru rushed to China without people, the court of heaven basically had little chance to proactively stir up a dispute. In addition, even if the heavens really send someone to trouble Matsumoto Masa, then we are not afraid. Not to mention that Japan also has its own protoss system, and it is impossible to let the heavenly courts act there. Even if the Japanese high heavenly gods are not as strong as the heavenly courts and dare not come forward to block them, we are still not worried because the Japanese power is not Said to be all about Masamoto. When we use Masamoto Matsumoto as the agent controlling Japan, it does not mean that all Japan is our power. As long as the court's blow to Japan is not serious enough to make Japan unable to fight foreign wars, it will not be to us. It's a loss.

"Yes. Masamoto Matsumoto can really know this." I thought for a while and said, "Even the senior players in this guild around Matsumoto Masaka can know this, but can't tell them about it. For the whole content, just give them a preliminary understanding of how this skill is used. "

"This is your own arrangement, and we will not chase it." Wei Na said again and again: "In fact, this piece of information in the heavens contains more than just the weakness of Xianli. Many of them are about the various This kind of divine analysis report. I think if these things are studied by our guild's research department, it is likely to develop the ability to let ordinary people's magic evolve into divine power. "

"Does this work?"

"The divine power itself is a kind of magic power, but the xìng quality is slightly different, and whether it is immortal power, magic power, magic power, or mental power, it can eventually be converted into divine power. Many protoss do n’t have the saying that all things are unified ? So it's not impossible for ordinary people to evolve their magical power. "

"It really does make sense to say that, then you still have to accompany this document, and I will send it to the research department to study it for them."

"Things are ready, but don't be too busy." Wei Na gave me a crystal ball and pulled me back, then touched two crystal pillars from her body and shoved them into my hands.

"What is this?"


"Skills? What skills?"

Xinghuo saw that I did n’t respond and helped to explain: "A lot of skills have also come out of the sources of divine power we absorbed before. In addition to our protoss, there are some suitable for ordinary people. You can get them in the library. Transformed into a library skill book, and then players in the meeting can learn. "

"All right, give me something. Are you sure there is nothing else?"

"It's gone for the time being," said Wei Na. "This time, I absorbed too many sources of divine power in one breath. There are piles and piles of 1uan mess in it. I have just turned one-eighth through now. No, I don't know what else is behind. You can wait until I have studied it clearly. "

"Then I leave first."

After leaving the temple area with a bunch of crystals, I first ran to the Isinger Library, found the entry area of ​​the library, and then chased the two crystal pillars directly into the huge crystal reader, and then activated the chairman's authority Select input skills. The moment I finished the book, the books in the corresponding position in the entire library suddenly moved. A brand new skill book was sent up from the automatic conveyor belt behind the bookshelf, and then automatically sent to the corresponding bookshelf position and popped out.

The player who was looking for the skill book in the library turned it upside down and the skill book in front of him was actually moving. Many players who had seen this before immediately ran to the skill directory to fetch it and read the newly added new ones. skill.

Looking at the excited members in the library, I just smiled and turned away from the library. Once the skill book is done, the next step is to deal with the magic knowledge in the hand. I took the crystal ball that Wei Na gave me to the new big 6 floating island again, found the magic principle research institute, and gave them the crystal ball. After learning that there would be no results in this research for a short time before the throne of the Seal of God, I left the Institute of Principles of Magic and went to Noreen's Research Institute of their Puppet Technology.

Xing Chong ran to the Doll Technology Institute, and just opened the door of the research room, and saw something flying in front of me, scared, I quickly bowed my head, and the thing flew over me, Then, after smashing through a wall, he rushed out of the institute and flew into the sky outside. Through the big ng on the wall, I can clearly see that thing turned around a few laps in the air and actually rushed down and flew back. Seeing this thing coming back, I quickly flashed to the side to let go of the big ng. However, the thing did n’t go too big, directly hit the window on the top of our head and smashed it in. Then it smashed through the upper floor and the ceiling above us all the way back to the laboratory, and finally accompanied A burst of rattling metal impact finally turned into a pile of scrapped parts after turning the instrument countlessly, and then saw a burst of sparks and flashes in the pile of parts, accompanied by a sharp scorching odor and a sudden cricket. The flames finally stopped.

"Ah, it's on fire, it's about to extinguish fire." It wasn't until this time that I saw Noreen hung a tool belt like a western cowboy's holster running back and forth in the laboratory.

I knocked down the door with only half of the door left, walked to the pile of parts in two steps, and then pressed up with one hand, a white mist floated, and a layer of hoarfrost hung on the whole pile of parts. The pungent odor and flame naturally disappeared instantly.

"What the **** are you doing?" I turned angrily after the flame was extinguished and questioned Noreen who made myself the same as the little cat. This girl was quite quiet before, and I don't know if it was because of the arrival of the magic puppet Jiaha that her mood has improved a lot. She always feels that her xìng is becoming more and more lively.

Not only was Norin trained by me not aware of the slightest criticism, she actually hugged me to dig out the pile of **** to dig out the troublesome thing. "Zuri, come and see. This is our latest thing. How about it? Great?"

"What the **** is this? Let me say it's not terrible? To be honest, this thing is really terrible if it is converted into a missile."

When I heard this, Noreen remembered that she didn't explain to me what it was. She responded quickly and asked someone to bring the thing back to the experimental platform, and then she pulled me to explain: "This is the compression deflagration jet engine now used by the mobile angel of our guild, plus the puppet father Vectorized energy-gathering technology, as well as the magical array pulse technology newly developed by my father, combined the latest vector jet thrusters developed by these three technologies. "After talking about this bunch of technologies, Noreen put out a The expression of "commend me quickly" was just looking at me so straightly that I didn't know how to answer her.

"So what ... first let me figure out who the puppet dad and dad are?"

"Oh, Brother Ziri, you are so stupid! The puppet dad is the puppet Jiaha. Is the original Jiaha the papa? The puppet Jiaha is the puppet dad."

"Oh." I nodded and said, "I understand this, but you suddenly introduced me to such a large number of technologies. Although I can probably guess the meaning, you should tell me about this What about the xìng of the equipment? For example, what xìng can be improved, or has reached a certain ability, you always know this? Otherwise, if you just tell me what technology is used, how do I know how capable this thing is? "

Noreen hurriedly after listening to me, "I was just too excited, didn't you notice for a while. Okay, now, let me tell you. Do you know the kind of engine used in the previous maneuvering days?"

I nodded and asked, "Which one are you talking about? There are several models of Mobile Angel's thrusters?"

"There are several models, in fact, there are only two types and three models in the final analysis." Noreen said: "The pulse jet engine used by the 6-war mobile angel is one type, and all other jet thrusters belong to one. Types. Among them, the seal type and the water-oxygen separation device are added to the water type, the volume type is increased, the reverse type is the degraded type, and the other is a special type made of special materials and equipped with a magic array. .But that model is only available on Protoss Mobile Angels. You just need to recall the standard jet engine now. "

"Oh, I see. I know this model of xìng. This is the model we produce the most."

"It ’s good to understand." Noreen said: "I just told you that the engines used by our guild's mobile angels are divided into two categories. The pulse jet engines used by the 6 war mobile angels are low in output and only It is equipped with a flightless 6 war type, but when it comes to technical content, this type of engine is actually the most high-end. Air combat mobile angels and even protoss mobile angels are installed with relatively low technical afterburner engines. The reason why we did not choose a more advanced pulse engine was because the technology of the pulse engine was immature at that time, and it could only support the jet propulsion of the God of the Throne in a short time. The second reason was the low yield caused by high technical requirements. Forcing us to give up high-end products. This third is that high-end technology is not equal to high performance.

The pulse engine used by the 6-war mobile angel is a promising new product with great potential for development. We use it as if the primitive man used fire. As for the engine widely used by us, although the technical principles are relatively backward, after all, it is a mature product that has been developed to a considerable degree. It is far superior to the pulse engine in terms of current xìng energy and safety xìng. Can you understand what I said? "

I nodded and said: "Understand. The pulse engine is a child who has not yet grown up and has a bright future. The engine we are using is a middle-aged man in his forties. Although his culture is low and his head is stupid, after all, experience Rich, it's still at the stable pulse engine at the moment. Am I right? "

"Yes. But that's the engine of the past. The one you see now is our latest research result-the pulsed crystal vibration vector injection engine."

"What about xìng?"

"Xìng can completely reconcile the advantages of the previous two engines. Under the same volume, the effective thrust is eight times that of the standard injection engine, and as long as the volume is slightly increased, the power output can be more than doubled. And there is This engine is ten times more powerful than the original model in terms of instantaneous output, and it can perform instantaneous reversal flight. Once it is installed on the mobile angel, it can greatly improve the maneuverability of the mobile angel. "

"What about energy consumption?"

"The energy source uses liquefied magic crystal steam, which is more than twice as efficient as before, which means that flying the same distance is less than half the energy before."

"How safe is this thing? Isn't it completely flawless? What was the situation just now?" I asked, pointing at the big ng on the top of the room.

Noreen immediately explained: "The safety xìng is absolutely okay. It was n’t the engine ’s problem just now. It was because we underestimated the engine ’s thrust. As a result, the fixed frame was broken during the test run, and the engine flew out by itself. .As for the defects ... can't say that there are no defects. The only defect of this new engine is that it is limited by technical principles and cannot be reduced in size. What you are seeing now is our product that is as small as possible and wants to shrink again. It is not something that can be achieved simply by improving the machining accuracy. Therefore, this engine may not be suitable for installation on, for example, a high-mobility mobile angel. "

"It sounds like xìng is really good, but what about the difficulty of production? The production value of things that are too complicated will drop sharply. I don't want to simply show off our guild technology."

"This is a matter that can't be helped. The higher the technical level, the more difficult the production will naturally be. But I think the cost-effectiveness ratio of this engine is still quite high, and it is much more cost-effective than previous models. The difficulty is increasing, and it is acceptable. In addition, I just said that our engine cannot be further downsized because of technical problems? "

I nodded. "What's wrong? Any questions?"

Noreen took out a drawing and handed it to me: "In fact, I just didn't make it clear. It is really impossible to reduce the size, but if you want to install multiple engines in a limited space or equip small equipment This kind of engine is not completely impossible, but the cost will be astonishingly high. So I think this design is not suitable for mass production, and can only be installed on some special models as high-end products. "

While listening to Noreen's explanation, I flipped through the information in my hand, and it turned out that the engine actually hasn't changed at all. The only difference is that this engine specially designed for special equipment has a compressed space device. "Fuck, you actually stuffed the big engine into the compressed space. This cost ..."

"Of course I know that the cost of the compressed space device is high, so I said before that this is a special device designed for special equipment and cannot be equipped in batches. I think it is only used to equip those who use the mobile angels for the Protoss. That's almost it. "

"No, it ’s not even equipped with mobile angels for the Protoss. We have a guild anyway. There are more than 100 mobile angels for the Protoss. It would be too scary to invest all of them. I think we should make 10 to 20 completely independent ones. Level mobile angels, all the technical achievements of the guild can be installed, at no cost to assemble the strongest mobile angel of the guild. "

"This way?" Noreen thought for a moment. "If you don't care about the cost, then we can assemble a prototype now. Would you like to see it?"

"of course."

Under Norin's leadership, we left the laboratory directly and reached the experimental assembly shop behind the experimental area. This is actually a small-scale production factory, the difference is that this is a place dedicated to laboratories. The production accuracy is much higher than the mass production base, but the output is much lower.

As soon as we entered the room, Noreen informed the person in charge here that we were going to assemble a class body, and asked him to bring in some of the advanced equipment and various cutting-edge parts of the guild. In addition, as a master of magic puppet technology, UU read a book Two Jiaha and their apprentices can not be omitted, all of them have to come to the assembly design.

"Well, everyone, please note that this time we should ask the president to assemble the strongest body that can be assembled with the technology we currently have, so ... you can completely ignore the cost. As long as the final machine can run It doesn't matter how much you spend. "

"Hey ..." I felt instinctively bad when I heard Noreen's words. Although I said that I could spend it at any cost, I didn't say I could spend unlimited money. What I mean at no cost is to build one out of ten dolls, but now I foresee that Noreen spends a hundred dolls to make me half dolls. "Hey ... I just oops ..."

As soon as I wanted to correct the mistake, Noreen pushed aside. And Noreen herself said excitedly on the side of the test bench: "Now we are starting to assemble, and irrelevant personnel are standing by, don't get in the way."

"Rely on, what are you irrelevant people? Is it your money to make the puppet? Okay, let's do it if you want to, don't be too exaggerated!" Although I want to make it clear to Noreen, But since she said so, I ’m really embarrassed to chase her hand again. It ’s a big deal to change the production plan of the twenty units to two or one. So even if the cost of this puppet is even scarier, I should also bear Just live. Probably?

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