Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 111: Valuable Mobile Angel

Chapter 19 Chapter 111

Facts have proven that I really underestimated Noreen's ability to spend money, or that I forgot that there is not only Noreen, a technology madman. Although the two Jiahas are unknown, Noreen is so excited, but the ancients said "Ginger is still old "Spicy", although these two Jiaha are silent, but spending money with Noreen is a level of existence, and seems to have a slight level of money.

"If you want to make a puppet, you have to have a skeleton." Noreen said to the puppet Jia Ha on the stage: "Daddy puppet, don't you have a sealed alloy formula? Take it out and use it?"

Demon Jia Ha thought for a while and thought, "Okay. The recipe is here, hurry up and smelt, let's make a pair of skeletons. Oh right, remember to be a little more ng, the shell may need to be used later."

Noreen smiled when she heard the words from Jia Ha, saying, "Daddy Go Dad, have you forgotten? This is the most advanced experimental base in the world, and alloys can be synthesized in an instant as long as there is a formula." As I said, I pulled down a metal syringe on top of my head and said, "I just entered the formula just now, and it's almost ready for use now. What parts do we need, first ng the drawing out, I will use it. Induction force fields cool and shape. "

"Okay, you wait."

While they were designing the structure there, I hurriedly sneaked up to the metal fusion device and turned over the alloy formula. As a result, I didn't know it, but I almost didn't pass out. "I rely on, Noreen ... how can you use colorful magic crystal powder as a metal fusion agent? There are only thirty or more colorful magic crystals in our guild. Okay? You use three, One tenth of the amount in our guild is gone. How expensive is your alloy? "

Noreen said it as a matter of course: "Don't you say that you only need xìng at any cost? Using colorful magic crystals as fusion agents can make metal parts have the ability to automatically gather magic, and the powdered magic crystals are in contact with the surrounding environment. As the area becomes larger, the concentration energy will also increase significantly. There is another thing you may not know. The unique fusion of the colorful magic crystal xìng can cause the mixed alloy to condense into a structure with energy strike capabilities, so that it will be correct in the future. A pure soul body, isn't it good that this puppet can hit each other by its own body? "

"But it costs ..."

"Okay, okay, just a few magic spar, I think it hurts you. If you know that we added soul gold and Phoenix tears to the alloy, don't you cry?"

"What? Did you add my Phoenix tears to the alloy?"

"Oh, isn't this hoping that the new alloy has the ability to regenerate automatically? You don't feel bad about those dead things, anyway, when things are put there, they won't take effect. Items are only valuable when they are used. We are here to help you The value of materials. "

"My heart!"

Noreen looked at me with her chest down beside the instrument, and turned indifferently to the others: "Okay, let's leave that miser, let's continue. By the way, where did you just say?"

Jia Ha next to reminded: "When it comes to using gold core or Jingmo as an energy amplifier."

"Golden core? Crystal soul?" I heard the two names and spit out completely with blood. Who the **** is making a puppet? This is a prodigal! Gold core and crystal soul, is that something you can use casually? Some people may not be clear about gold cores, but the raw materials of gold cores must be known by many people, because the name of that kind of thing is called fine gold, which is the same level of magic as Mithril and two to demon metal. metal. However, pure gold wants to be compared with gold core, which is the same as iron ore and steel. Fine gold is enough to be expensive, but gold cores are refined from fine gold, and one gram of gold core can be refined per ton of fine gold. You need to know that the fine gold that is usually circulated on the market itself uses grams to make units. How expensive is this gold core?

In addition to the golden core, there is that crystal spirit. This thing does not need to be refined, but it is worse than the golden core. Although the gold core is ridiculously expensive, there are still ways to produce it. As long as you are willing to spend money, it is not difficult to get it. However, this crystal spirit is completely a non-renewable resource, and it only appears randomly in the magic crystal mine, the output is extremely low. Our guild currently occupies so many spar mines. So far, we have just collected more than a dozen grams of crystals, and most of them have been used up, and the remaining less than three grams. Unexpectedly, Noreen actually liked this thing.

I managed to recover from the dizziness caused by vomiting blood. Before I got up, I listened to Noreen: "Let's use Crystal. The magnification of this thing is higher, but it ’s a little less. We might as well Second-level amplification, first use the gold core to do the first-level amplification, and then use Crystal to make a second-level amplification, so there is no question. Wow ha ha ha ... I am really a genius! "

"Hmm ..." I just got up and was knocked down again by Noreen. I thought she would only harm one kind of rare material, but I didn't expect to keep both.

When I woke up again and managed to get up on the wall, I didn't know when the pure metal mechanical skeleton was put on the stage, and the mechanical skeleton had already been installed with a lot of small pieces. Now, Noreen and Jiaha are holding a precision handle to connect the two small devices, and Jiaojia, his puppet, is sculpting on a table next to him with his apprentices. A strange magical platter.

"Well? Ziri, are you awake?" Jia Ha, who has just completed an array node, suddenly appeared, and I have stood up.

I nodded and asked casually, "What are you doing?"

Jia Ha, the puppet, replied quickly: "Oh, this? This is the magic circle of time and space distortion."

"Twisted in time and space? Does this golem have the ability to transmit the Seal of Throne of Time?"

"No, no, the principle is the same, but the design direction is completely different." Jia Jia Jia explained quickly: "This is not used for teleportation, but by forcibly reversing the connection of the seal of the throne of time to let the two seals of the time. The material of the segments overlaps, so that the supporting upper limit of the space energy generates the internal gravity hole ng. "

"Black ng?"

"Well? President, do you know how much is full? Yes, it is black ng."

I pointed at the magic array in surprise and said, "This thing is used to make black ng? What is it to make black ng?"



"Hey, don't be dizzy!" Jia Ha, the puppet, quickly supported me and explained, "Norin said, if such an expensive puppet is captured by the enemy, you will definitely soar, so she asked us to design A level of self-termination procedure to prevent the puppet from being destroyed in case of any moment. However, because this puppet is too luxurious, its parts are too sturdy and cannot be destroyed by explosion. This kind of thing. So we have designed such a black ng-like device. In case of failure, we will start an artificial black ng to dissolve everything into the original energy, so that the enemy will not be able to catch anything. "

"So what's the reach of this thing?"

Guppy Jiaha took a drawing and looked at it slightly: "The specific power is uncertain, but in theory, it should be able to produce a three-dimensional spherical structure with a radius of 50 to 100 kilometers. Everything in this range should be covered. Instantly annihilated. Also, because this thing is turned on like black ng instead of really black ng, it will not absorb the energy that was finally decomposed, but it will cause a big explosion. Within a sphere with a radius of 50 kilometers If the calculation of the complete annihilation of all matter is calculated, the final explosive power should not be less than 50 times the radius. If a sphere with a radius of 100 kilometers is produced ... "


"Hey ... President, why are you dizzy again?"

"Blasting with a radius of 50 times, am I not dizzy? A fifty-kilometer black ng devours a radius, and another 50 times the radius of the blasting. Have you ever calculated how large that area is?"

"It's just a circle with a radius of 2,500 kilometers."

"But it is? A radius of 2,500 kilometers? Do you know how much area a radius of 2,500 kilometers can cover? And this is still the theoretical minimum power. What if the data is the largest? The radius of swallowing black ng reaches one One hundred kilometers, that is to say, the final explosion power will cover a range of 5,000 kilometers in radius, and the straight distance between the two ends of the explosion area will reach 10,000 kilometers. But that is 10,000 kilometers! What is the span of our country from south to north? 10,000 kilometers of self-explosion range? Is this a puppet or a nuclear weapon? "

"You can't blame us!" Jia Hao said: "To blame, you can only blame the material of this puppet is too exaggerated. You have also been technical, you should know. Any high-magic materials, once born In a stable state, its energy release will be much stronger than those of low-level materials. We use too many high-level magic materials on this puppet, so that its overall energy level has increased significantly, so in case of a life explosion, this The power will definitely be much greater than the explosion of ordinary materials. Not to mention anything else, just the liquefied magic crystal steam contained in the compression container of this puppet will explode, and the power is scary enough. "

"Wait. What do you mean by a compressed container?"

"That's it." The puppet Jiaha took me to the side of the mobile angel that was being assembled, and pointed to the two side-by-side capsule-shaped objects next to the spine of the metal skull. Although the two little things seemed a little bigger than the duck eggs, the words marked with dazzling red paint surprised me. According to the specifications of the compression container of this bank, the symbol y stands for compression, and gy means high pressure. As for the following numbers, the one represents the compression ratio. However, it should be noted that the ratios of ordinary compression and high-pressure compression are calculated separately. For example, labeling and meaning are completely different. The former means that the standard compression space is compressed ten times the volume. If the volume of the device marked with this word is one cubic, the actual capacity is ten cubic. The latter represents a tenfold compression on the standard compression volume, that is to say, the compression ratio of this container should be the square, which is a hundredfold compression ratio.

The two compression tanks installed on the mobile angel's bones are actually, that is to say, the two compression tanks use a total of one million times the compression ratio. Imagine the amount of egg white and yolk in a million large duck eggs. Each jar can hold so much capacity.

"You actually use a jar with such a large compression ratio to hold the liquefied magic crystal steam. Do you plan to make this mobile angel a never-charged one?"

Noreen said while holding a metal part and installing it on the skull, "There is such a large reserve pool, as long as this mobile angel does not keep driving his strongest output skills and level protective cover, the energy side should not be Consumes light. "

"Wait a minute. Did I seem to hear the shield just now? Do we have portable shield technology?"

"No." Noreen answered very simply.

"How can you put it on a mobile angel without that? Can you still install a city-level protective cover for this little mobile angel? That thing is not smaller than a whole mobile angel with a force field generator. ? "

After I finished speaking, Noreen looked at me with a look of surprise and asked, "Well? How do you know? We just put the protective cover on the city."

"I trust, I now know why you have to install such a large compressed energy tank. By the way, how can you shrink the city-level protective cover to fit the mobile angel without affecting its flexibility? "

"No!" Noreen said naively, "we didn't shrink the shield?"

"Then you guys ..." I was stuck just after saying three words, because I already guessed how they did it. "You don't use compressed space technology to compress urban equipment?"

"President, you're so smart. You guessed it?"

"I ..." I thought about it very much, but I could not bear it. Arguing with these tech lunatics is totally pointless. Anyway, the special material used in this grade alloy is already valuable, and I don't care about spending so much more. However, it is estimated that according to this progress, the final cost of this mobile angel may well be the cost of a large city. No matter how powerful this thing will be in the future, I have decided to produce just one. Unless we have any major technical breakthrough after the guild, I will not kill the second one. This is not building weapons at all! This is playing for money!

Anyway, I have decided not to care how much they spend, and I no longer interfere with their design, but occasionally some of my own ideas still have to be put forward. Of course, my idea is not to make this mobile angel more luxurious, but to make him a little cheaper. The best weapon is the weapon with the highest price ratio, not the weapon with the strongest price. If the cost of an assault rifle is as high as one billion yuan and a single rifle is only one thousand, any country will consider equipping soldiers with a single rifle instead of equipping assault rifles for only one squad.

With my participation, the price of this class of mobile angels was finally controlled to a certain extent, but because Noreen and Jiaha were both crazy, so although I tried to control the cost, the final result was still It's a monster-level mobile angel.

"Is this done?" After seven hours of assembly work, a mobile angel that looks like a skinned humanoid is completed, but the current look is quite equivalent. Ugly.

Su Mei said while holding a cloth and wiping her hands, "The main body is basically completed, but you still need to install the soul interface, then import the artificial soul, and finally put on the armor to seal it."

"What kind of soul do you plan to use?"

"Did you just catch the two immortals? Just use the guy with unknown origin and make him a mobile angel. Then you don't have to worry about Heaven's trouble for you."

"Then, as soon as possible, it's not good for that guy's soul to stay in our guild."

"Wait a moment." Noreen turned and carried a black suitcase from the table behind her, and threw it over. I caught it, but it almost didn't get knocked over by that thing.

"I depend, what is so heavy?"

"Soul cage." Noreen said the black tube came over again, and chased one of them into the machine in my hand, and the other cha from the connection device of the mobile angel's heart. Go in. "Okay, turn the switch on."

"This?" I asked, pointing to the red button on that thing ~ ~ just that. "

I nodded and pressed the switch quickly, and then I saw that the mobile angel lying quietly on the experimental table seemed to be suddenly shocked, and the body was generally slammed up. The thumbs tied to the waist of the mobile angel and the wrist were wide The steel strips were instantly broken as if they were made of noodles, and they did not play a fixed role at all.

"Hey, is it okay like this?" I asked, pointing at the mobile angel who was twisting with net on the experimental platform.

Noreen replied calmly: "Rest assured, this is a normal situation of soul transfer. After all, it is almost like dying once to put a person ’s soul into another body. It is possible to say that such pain is also a good thing. It can increase the strength of the soul and make it stronger, and it can also completely destroy the thinking and memory part of the soul, so the resurrected mobile angel will become a blank soul , Will not bring the memory information of the previous soul. You don't want to create a mobile angel in the future and suddenly tell you that he is XX, right? "

"That's what it says. Okay, can it be started now? If I spend so much money, it will always show me that my money is worth it?"

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