Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 113: 1 cent for 1 cent

Volume Nineteen One Three One Price One Good

"That ... President, my name ...?" Although just completed, these two mobile angels have shown their intelligence level not weaker than normal people. That female xìng body became even more cautious when I was angry now, and it seemed that she had understood what it means to look at things.

Although I was very angry that Noreen and two Jiahan took the money from our guild, but it was all made, and it was useless to be angry. Besides, these two mobile angels are right. It makes me feel too bad to be angry at them.

After a bit of relief, I changed to a more normal expression and turned to the girl xìng Mobile Angel: "What's your name?"

"I want to call Queen Blade."

"Hmm ..." To be honest, I didn't expect that this mobile angel actually liked such a violent name. Isn't it pretty to see her form? It is said that people are not beautiful, and machines are even worse! What can xìng have nothing to do with appearance! "Okay, the Queen of Blades is the Queen of Blades. This is your official name, but we may sometimes refer to you as the Blade or Queen, so don't you mind?"

"Of course." The Queen of Blades immediately replied excitedly: "As long as the full name is this. Does n’t the abbreviation mean intimacy? I can accept it. It ’s like President Red Moon, sometimes Sister Rose calls her Moon . "

"Do you know Rose and Red Moon? When did you make it?"

"Just now."

"then you……"

The queen of the blade pointed at the real red road: "It was read from her memory!"

I nodded my head and invited a researcher to ask for a while to find out. Queen Blade is also one of the by-products of my previous sentence. The other by-product is ghost. Noreen, they feel that they have got my permission anyway, and can be unscrupulous. As a result, they actually have two extreme branches of research when producing the shell of the ghost. One is to strengthen the body to an indestructible state like the ghost. One is the Queen of Blades, which gives the body unlimited regeneration capabilities, and can automatically recover even if it is broken into pieces. Because they felt great potential in both directions, so when they combined, they took advantage of my fainting opportunity to secretly build another one in the nearby laboratory. As for the origin of the soul ... naturally it is another soul I got from the heaven.

What? The souls we got from heaven are two men. A concept must be clear here. Although the soul of the mobile angel's body is synthesized with the original two fairy spirits, it must be clear that the synthesized soul is completely unrelated to the previous soul. The former soul existed only as a material, and was not related to the synthesized soul. This is like we eat pig u, and then decompose pig u into various nutrients, and then synthesize our own body tissues and energy required for survival in our body. In this process, our body tissue is actually made of pig u. We ca n’t just say that we are pigs because of this. Similarly, the soul of the mobile angel uses the soul of the immortal to synthesize the starvation, but in this process there is a process of decomposition and reconstruction, so the synthesized soul has no connection with the previous soul.

Having figured out the memory of the Queen of the Blade, I decided to take these two mobile angels out and go around. According to Noreen, although the current mobile angels have certain memory and cognitive abilities, because their memories are copied, the memory fragments are not complete. There are many defects in them, which must be experienced in person to be thorough. Integrate things like these experiences.

In fact, it is very simple to let the two mobile angels fuse their memories completely. It only takes a few battles. The question is who to find. If you fight with your own people, you will have no experience to get it, and you will not be able to test it at the second level, but you have to worry about the opponent's being too hard to cause damage to the mobile angel who has not fully integrated the memory. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided to take them out to find enemies to try their skills. After all, only by fighting fierce enemies can we truly cultivate combat literacy. The training ground cannot train real soldiers. However, although you are looking for enemies to fight, you cannot find too strong personnel. Although the combat effectiveness of these two mobile angels is abnormal, but because their memory is still a bit problematic, they cannot show their full strength. They must first find some small fish and shrimps to practice their hands, and gradually increase their difficulty after they get used to them. The female leopard trained the cubs to bring the young antelopes and rabbits back to train the young leopards. If an adult came up, he would train the young leopards with an adult gazelle. If he could n’t catch them, he would say two. Kicked to death is not worth it.

"True red, go back to you first." After letting Zhenhong leave, I said to the two puppets: "Ghost, Queen of Blades, follow me. Let's go out and get used to your new body."


Two mobile angels agreed and followed me to leave the research base on Xinda 6 and return to Isinger. As soon as the two mobile angels came out of the teleportation array, they began to look around excitedly. Although they all have memories of Isinger, but because it is not their own, seeing Isinger now is still very novel.

"President and President, why are they staring at us all the time?" As she was walking towards the gate, the blade queen suddenly took a few steps and ran to me and asked.

I turned around and looked at it in confusion, and it turned out that a lot of people were really looking here. Because of my armor and identity, I usually have a high rate of return when I walk in Isinger, so I don't always pay much attention to such things. I wouldn't have noticed if the Queen of the Blade did not raise it, but today's turn rate seems to be really high. However, when I looked back at the Queen of Blades and the ghost, I felt relieved. Because the shape is too luxurious, the shape of the ghost and the queen of the blade is almost like two humanoid crafts. Such a gorgeous shape is not a ghost without others looking at it.

"Don't worry, people see you because your looks are too gorgeous and not malicious. You don't have to pay attention to these."

"Oh." The Queen of Blades promised, and she began to completely ignore the people around her, and then continued to look at various buildings of Isinger by herself.

Taking these two mobile angels, which are completely unlike war machines, all the way out of Isinger's Teleportation Hall, I don't know how many eyes have been scanned. If the eyes can really produce temperature, it is estimated that we have been burned by everyone's eyes.

After leaving the teleportation hall, I did not rush to take them both away from Isinger, but first learned about the situation from the army god. Currently we need some low-level enemies with low threat, but such enemies are often not easy to find. If I am an ordinary person, I can still run out of malicious pks. Unfortunately, I am neither an ordinary person, nor is the Frost Rose Alliance, so I ca n’t just go out and find someone with a queen of the blade and the ghost. Fortunately, the level administrator of the guild, War God, can grasp all the information of the entire guild at any time. After asking him briefly, the God of War immediately gave me the information I needed, and the God of War also helped me to screen. , Directly gave us the most suitable place for our hands.

"Well, I already know where I can give you a try. Now you two are following me. Remember, training has begun from now on. Now let's test your flying ability." I said suddenly and turned around. Jumping up, Asuka appeared immediately under my body to catch me, and then the four afterburning chambers were fully opened, and they flew straight into the sky like missiles. However, I really underestimated the flight abilities of the Queen of Blades and Ghosts, or underestimated Norin's design capabilities, and I can also say that they underestimated the genus of those grade materials.

Just after I flew away suddenly, the blade queen and the ghost stunned, and after they glanced at each other, they sat in a half squat at the same time, followed by just a squeak, and they both unfolded at the same time. As for the huge wings, I saw the sound of that wide wings popping, and opened more than ten jets in one breath, and then in the exclamation of the players who were watching around, these two mobile angels then Suddenly a horrible blue-and-white flame burst out, and then burst into the sky with a more terrifying degree than a real rocket. After slightly adjusting the direction, the two of them flew in the direction of my disappearance, and disappeared over Isinger in an instant, leaving only a group of dark players who were smoked by the flames because of watching the excitement.

Before I said that I was going to build a mobile angel, Norrin was working on that vector jet engine. Because of the large amount of compression space technology, Noreen simply installed sixteen jet propulsion for the blade queen and the ghost. Device. You should know that this is a new type of thruster. Prior to this, its lower-level version had less than one-third of its thrust, and it could provide early mobile angels with flight levels no less than that of dragons. Now the Queen of Blades and the Ghost have not only replaced the new engine, but also sixteen outfits. The original mobile angels could catch up to the dragon with only two engines. Now they each have sixteen engines, which is completely different from the original mobile angels.

I was on the back of Asuka preparing to let Asuka slow down a bit and wait for the two guys, who knew that suddenly the two light clusters at the rear suddenly approached with an alarming degree, and then chased us around in a few seconds and took The whistling whizzed past us.

"I depend, what is this?" I looked at the two mobile angels who were walking far away in surprise, and quickly patted Asuka under him, and shouted, "Gaga, don't be thrown away by them. I can't afford to lose that person! "

"Rest assured, I haven't lost anyone in the degree." Asuka said, he suddenly opened all the jets, and our degree was immediately raised, and the two mobile angels who had thrown us away in front were gradually being gradually We chased it back.

After seeing the two mobile angels tied by us, I asked them aloud again: "Can you be as fast as possible?" After I shouted, the queen of the blade and the ghost were both stupidly watching me without answer It took a few seconds before I reacted because the speed was too fast and the voice couldn't pass. Quickly switched to the crystal communicator, and then repeated again, this time they heard it clearly.

"President, our propellers only use% power. Are you sure we need to add them?"

I thought for a moment: "I'll count one, two, three, and then you will start your limit power, let me see how your limit is. If I catch up with your limit, you will listen to me later , If I ca n’t keep up with you, you will keep flying for ten minutes at the maximum, and then reduce it below the tone until I catch up with you. Can you? ”


I nodded after receiving the answers from two mobile angels, and then said to Asuka: "I will count one, two, and three together for a while. How fast and how fast do you understand?"


"Okay, prepare, one, two, three, punch."

Whoo ... boom ... Along with the increasing engine sound, the birds and two mobile angels suddenly burst out several feet of flame at the same time, and then the three figures instantly turned into three long white arrows. Flying forward.

At the beginning of the startup stage, the birds and the two mobile angels are basically the same. In terms of adding xìng, the mobile angels seem to be only slightly stronger than the birds, and this is because the birds carry me on their backs. However, things began to change as the degree broke through the sound barrier. When I saw the ghost flying, the wings behind him began to gather towards the middle of the body. It felt like the wing-folding fighter felt when it was in a high state, and as the wings tightened, his body was everywhere. The connection point also extended a lot of nails to shield some prominent parts or sections of his body. After he received his arms on both sides of the body, the guy turned into a missile. Asuka saw that his originally flattening degree suddenly burst again, and instantly opened the distance between us, and flew farther and farther.

After the ghost finished adding, the blade queen next to it also began to change, and was more scary than the ghost. She just melted in front of me into a mass of metal solution, then turned into a red drop-shaped object flashing red and instantly burst out to a higher degree than the ghost and disappeared.

"I rely, Asuka, didn't you say you've never lost a degree? Fly fast!"

Asuka hurriedly repulsed and replied, "How do I know these two perverts are so fast? It's six times the sound!"

"Can it be any faster?"

"Hurry up." Asuka said, he suddenly stretched out a pile of fixed armor and wrapped me in his body, and then the flame behind him suddenly changed from blue and white to dazzling pure white, and then I felt A burst of great power spread, and our degrees soared in an instant. "Now Mach 7, Mach 9, Mach 10, Mach 10, Mach 11 and Mach 12, start the two-stage jet, Mach 13, Mach 14, Mach 15, Mach, and Mach 16, the magic strengthening starts and the magic begins Can spray. Mach 17, Mach 18, Mach 19, Mach 20, Mach 21, **** it, I'm almost at the limit. Are these two guys abnormal?

"If you knew how much they were worth, you wouldn't be so surprised. Do you have reached the limit now?"

"It can be added, but at that time my health value will slowly decrease, so I can't hold it for long."

"It doesn't matter, just try it."

"Okay. It might get a little hot for a while, don't worry, it's normal."

"Got it."

"Well, start to inject fuel for life, start compression of extreme magic, spray, degrees Mach 22, Mach 23, Mach 24, ..., Mach 33, Mach 34, Mach 35 Mach 36. The temperature of the exoskeleton is increasing, and the life value is decreasing. The magic force is exploded and forced to increase. Currently Mach 37, Mach 38, ... Mach 40, Mach 41, ..., Mach 55 and Mach 56. The degree has reached its limit, the exoskeleton is melting, and the temperature continues to rise. "

"Is it the limit?" I asked again.

Asuka answered with some difficulty: "It has reached the limit, and my health is declining. According to the current degree, I can die for up to three minutes. I will be dead. If I want to land safely, I must start to reduce it. . "

"You fly first, and after one minute and thirty seconds you can't see them both, you start to reduce."


After talking to Asuka, I contacted the military **** and asked, "Do you know where the ghost and the Queen of Blades are?"

"Wait a minute, I'll check." The God of War's voice stopped for two seconds and suddenly asked, "What are you doing? Why are you flying so fast? Are there any emergencies in the Arctic?"

"Arctic Circle?"

"The ghost and the blade have already left the Russian border and are flying towards the North Pole. According to the current calculation, you can reach the North Pole in five minutes. You are still in Russian airspace, and according to the current calculation, you will fly out of Russian airspace in one minute. "

"What? We're all moving into the Arctic Circle?"

"No, you have already entered the Arctic Circle, and if you keep the current degree and course, you will be out of the Arctic Circle in a few minutes."

"Which one of them is faster with me now?"

"Your current degree is fifty-six times, which is currently the fastest. Queen Blade is currently fifty-five times the semitone, ranking second, and the ghost is currently fifty-three times the lowest."

After I listened, I took a picture of Asuka under him, "Haha, I'll tell you the good news. Your current degree is the fastest, but they are only a little slower than us. With your battery life, the Seal of the Seal of God is probably insisting. I ca n’t catch up with them. So you still lose in endurance. "

"Please, my body is okay? Can't I compare with the machine!"

"Okay, at least your limit is the fastest." After I said, I contacted the army Shinto: "Help me transfer the ghost and the blade queen."

"It's passed."

"Hey, blade, ghost, can you hear me?"

"Roger that."

"Roger that."

"Are you reaching the limit now?"

"It's reached its limit," Blade and Ghost replied at the same time.

"Then how long can you persist at this degree? I mean, do you feel anything abnormal?"

Ghost Road: "All internal functions are normal ~ ~ There is a slight icing phenomenon in the outer shell, but it does not affect the body's work. At present, the fuel is sufficient to support the current flight status for 38 hours and 56 minutes, with an error within 3 minutes. "

After the ghost said, the Queen of Blades followed and said, "I don't have any abnormal problems here. At present, the fuel is enough to support 43 hours and 21 minutes, and the error is within two minutes."

"Are your bodies overheating or something?"

"Overheating? Why is it overheating?" Ghost and Blade asked in unison.

"Well, I didn't say it. You land immediately and wait for me on the ground. Pay attention to give me a more prominent signal, so that I don't fly over."


After closing the communication, I can only helplessly sigh that it is really a penny! 1.8 billion mobile angels is really different from the 1.8 million one, xìng can be too strong!

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