Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 114: smart

After the ghost landed with the Queen of the Blades, the flying bird also entered a reduction state because the vitality dropped too much. We still flew to the place where the ghost and the Queen of Blades were.

"Where did these two guys go? Why can't you see people for so long?" As the bird's degree has dropped to less than 400 kilometers per hour, you can clearly see the situation on the ground from a high altitude. Moreover, This is the Arctic Circle, and it's snow-white at all. The color of the ghost is easier to ignore, but the Queen of the Blade should be easy to find!

"Did you not tell them to leave you a signal?"

"I mean, but who knows if they have stayed!" I was talking and suddenly I saw a flash of light far away from the left, a red light burst suddenly, followed by another white The light brightened, and then the two lights disappeared into the air together. "there."

"Saw it." Asuka promised, and suddenly her wings swooped away in that direction.

As the distance approached, small black spots gradually appeared in the area that originally seemed to be white in the distance, and obviously many people looked there.

"Well? Why are there others?" I'm not in the right situation all the time. The Queen of Blades and the Ghost are obviously surrounded by a large group of people. It seems that those people belong to the Tripartite forces. In addition, the ghost and the Queen of Blades are a Quartet. .

"What shall we do? Just rush in or ...?" Asuka asked.

"You go back to rest first." Let the birds return directly to the training space, and I activated the stealth mode and spread my wings slowly to glide to the people and ghosts below them and hover over them, in order to prevent Wan I also summoned Frost and Snow. In any case, Frost Xue is also an evolutionary version of the Snow Demon. For the environment of the Arctic Circle, her strength can just be maximized. There are scenes where she should be able to shock. Besides, I don't intend to participate directly now, so the snow monster's ability to automatically hide from the snow environment becomes very important.

"Estrode, how about we kill the two guys first and then deal with Old George?" The leader of the group with a larger number of the three parties said to the other group.

The guy named Esterod sneered at the guy who had just spoken to him. "You'd better not use it for me, tell you, I don't want to eat this set. These two are obviously just passing by, you let me rush up to be cannon fodder, and then you pick up the cheap, right?" Esther Rhode said to the ghost again: "Two people, we have a personal matter to resolve. Can the two leave first?"

Although he was very euphemistic, as Noreen said, the memory of the ghost and the queen of the blade was not completely integrated, and there were many problems, so their behavior could not be completely understood according to the normal person's thinking mode.

Immediately after that guy said, the ghost replied: "But our president said that we should wait for him here. If you find it inconvenient, then you just have to change places."

"Hahahaha ..." The guy who had been pierced by Esterod immediately laughed. "It's wonderful. I said Esterod, your hypocrisy mask sometimes doesn't work. Hahahaha ..."

The Astrod stared at the guy who was laughing at him with a blue face, then pulled out a weapon and told the ghost and the Queen of Blades: "Since the two don't give face, don't blame us.

The blade queen glanced down at the weapon in the opponent's hand, and then suddenly said, "Confirm the hostile behavior, and the active defense mode is activated." With her voice, three slightly forward-curved blades suddenly popped from her wrist. Then, I saw her slumping down, and instantly disappeared into the eyes of everyone, leaving only a burst of snowflakes in the place where she originally stood, and not waiting for those snowflakes to suddenly start to fall. The trend, the opposite Esterod flew backward with a loud noise.

Because the blade queen's speed was too fast, the crowd only came to the moment when Esterod landed, and it was the astonishment of these people that they did not get up from the ground after landing. , But just lying on the snow in an extremely weird posture, and there were three obvious cut wounds in the area from his neck to his chest. Blood was gushing out of the wound, and the surrounding area was pure white. The snow turned red.

Was it seconds? For the first time, everyone threw back the Throne of Seals of God. This Esterod can become one of the leaders of the three parties. Naturally, it will not be the lowest strength here. Although he may not be the strongest, he will definitely not be too low. However, even when he was holding a weapon, he didn't even react and the reaction was dropped by a single second. This gap in strength is too scary.

"You, you, you ..." Esterod's men could not recover from the surprise of the boss being up to this time. They could only point to the Queen of Blades in surprise for a long time. Know what you want to say.

Probably finally realized that this was useless. One of the guys in the team suddenly pulled out his arms and shouted, "We have a lot of people, kill them first, and then talk." After that, he rushed forward.

As soon as this guy finished shouting, the ghost over there pulled out his large slashing sword, and then a blast like the Queen of Blades suddenly disappeared in place, waiting for everyone to reproduce him the next second At that time, he was already behind the group of people, and after two seconds, those talents suddenly sprayed blood from the waist one by one, and then the upper body slipped off the lower body. Just within a second, the ghost not only wore past these people, but also killed everyone. This degree, this kind of reaction is really terrible.

Looking at the person lying on the ground next to him, the man who had mocked Esterod and the men under him were all stupid there. After watching the ghost and the Queen of Blades for a while with a panic expression, the leading guy said timidly: "Okay, I have met a master today. Is it okay if we do n’t have anything anymore? Both are free." After that, his opponents beckoned and said, "Let's go."

After seeing the guys leave, the Queen of Blades also straightened from that low-slung attack posture, followed by the slamming claws on her hands and closed it back. "The defense mode is lifted."

"Two people, I know you came for the Apparition. But I found it. If I ca n’t get it myself, I would rather not take it. My requirements are not high, just share me. 10%, the remaining nine Chengdu is yours. You should be able to accept this condition? "

"Old George ..." As soon as the old man taking the lead on the other side finished speaking, a young man behind him rushed up and wanted to say something, but he just yelled three words and was caught by Old George. Already.

"Don't be impulsive, you are not their opponent."

"But Boom is how hard we found it. Do n’t you know, if we give them, how do we count?" Although the young man also knows that he and others are not the opponent of the ghost and the Queen of Blades, he is even more If you can't get your hands on something, you have to let your hands down, not to mention that you can only get 10% on one side. Jiucheng returned to the other side, and he couldn't swallow it.

Just as the young man wanted to come up desperately, a female player standing next to him suddenly pulled him and pointed at the ghost: "Look."

"Huh? What are you looking at?"

The female player shouted at the ghost with excitement: "Look at his arm, on the side of his shoulder."

The girl didn't say that everyone hadn't noticed yet. As she said, Old George and the people around him noticed the sign that was already conspicuous. "Frost Rose League?"

"Yes, it is indeed a sign of the Frost Rose League." Old George finally confirmed the ownership of this sign.

Another player asked in wonder: "Why is this guy from the Frost Rose Alliance not to hang the guild badge on his chest, but to draw a logo on his shoulder? Shouldn't it be the reputation of Frost Rose Alliance? Scary? "

"Impossible," said the girl who had the sign before. "Even if he just lost the strength of Esterod's group of people in one move, even if he didn't hang the Frost Rose League logo, he didn't have to be afraid of anyone. So even if he is deliberately impersonating, it is definitely not to scare people by borrowing the reputation of Frost Rose Alliance. "

"Wait, this logo doesn't seem to be the same as the logo of the Frost Rose Alliance." One player said, "Look, there seems to be a circle outside the frozen rose."

"Stupid, those are a pair of wings, but there seems to be a ring of gears outside," said the young man who was more impulsive.

"Wings and gears?" The girl froze, then exclaimed suddenly, "They are not players!"

"Not a player?"

"Hmm." The girl explained in surprise: "I have heard people say that all the military units of the Frost Rose Alliance have their guild monogram. For example, the Frost Rose Alliance battleships are all frozen roses. The sign of a flower and an anchor crossing, and the gate of the frost rose is the sign of the wall and the frozen rose. "

What is the pair of wings in this circle of gears plus the frozen rose? "Asked the impulsive young man.

"Mobile Angel." Old George answered instead of the girl. "That was the mobile angel of the Frost Rose Alliance, a group of terminator-like horrors."

"Mobile Angel? Is the artificially constructed creature of the Frost Rose Alliance? The kind of strong combat?" The impulsive youth asked in surprise.

"Judging from the previous battle, at least the combat effectiveness is affirmative, but these guys have obvious intellectual problems. After all, they are artificial things, and their intelligence is not as normal as humans." Old George is an older person after all, accept The ability of new things is necessarily inferior to that of young people, so he simply thinks that artificial things are no longer higher than human intelligence. Of course, this is also a common phenomenon at present. Except for those special computing units that Longyuan Group can produce in small quantities in the laboratory, most of the artificial intelligence in the world is still at the level of analog intelligence.

"Hey, you two." The previous girl was relieved after knowing that the two were mobile angels. She actually said to the ghost, "Are your tasks robbing us?"

"Deny," Ghost replied decisively: "The current mission is waiting to be merged."

The girl turned excitedly to the old George and said, "Their task has nothing to do with us. It should just happen to be here, and we should go quickly."

"Yes, we'd better hurry to leave. Listen to what they mean. There will still be people coming over for a while. We are not necessarily safe to stay here." And the blade queen shows characteristics that ordinary goblins don't have. The two of them actually ran to Old George like humans, and stood beside them curiously watching them dig a pit. It should be known that ordinary low-level dolls will remain stationary to achieve the purpose of saving energy without commands and external stimuli. But the Queen of Blades and the Ghost show curiosity unique to humans, and they will do what they want without violating the orders left here to wait for me. Now, they want to know what Old George is digging.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" The impulsive young man saw the Queen of the Blade and the ghost coming over and put his hands on the hilt of the sword immediately, and stared nervously at them as they cried.

Seeing the youth's response, the queen of the blade immediately lowered her body, followed the pop-up of her two-handed blade and claw to pose an attack gesture, and said in her mouth, "Hostile behavior, enters the alert defense mode."

"Hey, are you crazy?" The female player saw the change over here and rushed forward to pull the young man's hand off the sword, and then dragged him back.

Seeing that the young man was dragged away, the Queen of the Blade returned to her upright position, and the blade on her arm snapped back again. "The hostilities disappeared and the defensive posture was lifted."

Seeing the Queen of Blades holding up her weapon, the female player reassured and said to the young man, "Did you get water in your head? Pull a sword at them? Do you want to die early and don't bring me. Forget Astor before Is Rhodes their end? "

"But they ..."

"Look at a lot of pieces of meat. Don't mess with them as long as they don't shoot. Don't say that we can't deal with these two mobile angels, even if they can be dealt with. We have no direct conflict of interest with Frost Rose Alliance, for this They don't pay offensively. "

"Well, one day I will let the people in the Frost Rose Alliance see me and take a detour." The young man bored harsh words, but did not expect this sentence but stung the horse honeycomb.

The ghost who was watching the digging hole suddenly turned around to look at the young man, and then his eyes flashed white at the same time, as if clicking with a camera. "Identify potential threats, and judge should be ruled out in advance. The target information has been uploaded, and support for hunting is requested, until the target level drops below 20." The ghost said as he took down the giant chopping knife on his back, Along with the harsh sharp humming, the teeth on the long sword began to fly and spin.

Seeing the ghost's reaction, the fool knows what he is going to do. The young man stepped back scaredly, while the female player and the others around him were totally at a loss and didn't know what to do. It is said that his companions should be threatened with help, but the problem is that the two players in front of them are neither reasonable players, nor are they weak. This is a mobile angel that cannot penetrate oil and salt, and is a mobile angel that cannot be defeated at all. They can't make sense if they don't, and they can't beat them, so these people are there for a moment.

Seeing that the ghost suddenly burst into the young man's face and waved it with a knife, a shout stopped the action of the ghost.


Squeak ..., the ghost's sword suddenly turned a corner in the last second, rubbing the guy's head and sliding it from the side of his body, and then cut the ice on the ground with a knife nearly a half-meter deep. Ditch, and until this time, accompanied by a drop of cold sweat slipping down from the young man's head, the crowd saw a ray of debris float down from the guy's forehead.

"Ghost, lift the attack. Cancel the previous hunting request."

"Understand." The ghost lifted the giant sword on the ground and hung it lightly behind him, then walked behind me with the Queen of the Blade and stood there.

"Hello everyone, I'm Ziri, the president of Frost Rose Alliance. I'm really sorry before. I just tested the degrees of these two mobile angels. I didn't expect them to go too fast, and they even threw me away. I have a telecommunications device to make them stop and wait for me ~ ~ I just didn't expect to conflict with you. Did you lose anything? "

Although I arrived early, but this group of people didn't know it, so I could only pretend to say such things as I just arrived.

The old George on the opposite side looked like a person who was more mellow in his work. I was kind to him, and he was naturally more polite. Even after some politeness passed, it was not his person who was hacked. As for the young man ... it was only a few drops, not to mention any damage, and it was caused by his inattention.

After a brief politeness, I took the Queen of the Blades and the Ghost to the air and left here. I was not very interested in the ice spirits that those people said before. Although the gadget is also considered a high-level resource, the output and consumption are both Not high, there is no need to spoil our guild reputation for that thing.

"Hahahaha ..." As soon as they left the area where the group was, the ghost and Queen of Blades laughed together. The ghost also proudly said to me, "President, I just dressed like that?"

"What? Pretend? Did you just pretend?" I asked Ghost in surprise. "Have you been pretending to be stupid before?" I really didn't see anything at all before telling the truth! The intelligence of these two mobile angels is too abnormal, right?

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