Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 120: Wrong goal

Volume 19 Chapter 120 Wrong target

Ready to fight, the two mobile angels and I have put up a posture at the gate, waiting for the gate to open and rush in to hack people. The Gunslinger was not slow to respond, and while we were in combat, he quickly turned and ran away and hid. As a gunman, it's not a good habit to stand in front of the enemy and shoot people's heads.

Just as we were ready to fight, the door finally rose completely. As the door stabilized, the ghost and I tightened their arms, and the door slid open to the sides as soon as it stabilized.

"You must be careful this time. If you do something to me again, beware I will let you guard the Minghe Ferry. By the way, the secret Hua Garden is missing ..." While the door opened, a Protoss side As he walked, he walked out of the gate, and the two people next to him kept nodding and showing that he understood what he said, obviously his status was much lower. In addition to these two guys who looked like minions, the guy was followed by three people, but they looked serious and very stern. However, what really surprised me was not that there were two more people than before, but ... the number was actually n times larger.

Behind the raised door was not a small room like an elevator, but a corridor. The three guys at the front and the five people around him looked at the middle and senior protoss, but in the passage behind them, there was a large group of free protoss, and the part that can be seen by the u eye is no longer enough There are two hundred people, and how many are still to be determined.

While we were stunned by the situation in front of us, those guys inside were stunned. They didn't expect that three people would be able to run out of the gate of the base, holding arms and waiting outside. Besides, there was a whole Protoss brigade behind him, as if the commander-in-chief of a group army jumped out in front of him The three said they were going to rob, isn't this funny? Of course, the ghosts and I are not little thieves. At least in terms of strength, we are not weak, but strong and outrageous, but these guys clearly don't know this. Only the guy who took the lead.

"Zi Ri?"

"you know me?"

"I know you all." The guy said that he threw the book in his hand and threw the weapon to his waist. As a result, he had a weapon and gave it to the entourage in order to sit down and read the information. Hold it. Turned around and took the sword from the followers, dropped the scabbard and tossed it aside, and then flung towards me crazy.

"I x, what the **** is going on?" I said, depressed, holding Elder's weapon against him.

Ghosts and blades didn't complain so much. Anyway, they came to test the combat effectiveness. Now that they have started, don't they fight back? Without hesitation, with the sound of two metal impacts, the two mobile angels took their arms in their hands and slammed the protoss into a collision.

Aiming at the ghost was one of the three cold followers of the previous guy. This guy slammed into the ghost with the advantage of advance charge, hoping to knock the ghost to the ground with reliance and brute force, who knew it was in the two of them. At the moment of contact, the propeller behind the ghost flashed suddenly, and there was a boom. The ghost stayed in place, but the guy flew back at a faster rate than when he came, by the way preparing the ng mouth. The lower-level protoss rushed out smashed a large area, and the protoss at the entrance of the channel couldn't rush out at all.

The ghost and the queen of the blade are equipped with pulse engines different from other mobile angels. They are stronger than the early type in terms of instant output. It is not a star, but the protoss on the opposite side started the charge first, but his power could not be held up. The instantaneous thrust generated by the ghost, as a result, he not only failed to knock the ghost back into the bomb.

Immediately after hitting a protoss, the ghost immediately lifted his great sword and chopped down at the other protoss in front, but the opponent was quick, a side flashed the ghost's chop, and then suddenly posted it. Press the ghost's shoulder with one hand. However, when he was holding the ghost's shoulder and had no time to do anything, a blue electric arc suddenly burst on the ghost's body and suddenly all concentrated on the position where the guy's palm touched the ghost's shoulder, Followed by a bang, the guy directly smoked and flew out of the body, until after landing, the whole body smoked straight netbsp; "Rely, one thing of 1.8 billion crystal coins is really powerful." Hiding The distant gun **** originally intended to give us fire support, but when he saw a group of protoss suddenly appeared in the ground ng, he was dumb. Fortunately, the explosion of the ghosts did not allow the following protoss to rush out together, otherwise it was really difficult to handle. After all, this is the target he sought for us, and he must also be held responsible for any errors in information.

After overthrowing two angels in a row, the ghost quickly rushed to the two minion-faced protoss that followed the first protoss, but the fighting power of these two guys was really weak enough. The Protoss target that the ghost started with immediately saw the ghost slashed and immediately placed his weapon across his head to block it. Who knew that the ghost's weapon was too heavy, coupled with the exaggerated cutting ability of the high-frequency vibration blade, it turned out to be The sword went down and split the guy with a weapon into two pieces from the middle. After killing this guy, the ghost moved without any delay, raised his hand and pointed at the finger of another protoss who had been frightened, and a short arrow with golden light flashed into the guy's eye socket, followed by the boom The guy's head disappeared all at once, and the headless body shook for a long time before falling down.

While the ghost madly slashed the several protoss outside the ng cave, the Queen of Blades had rushed into the passage. Grasp the neck of the guy who had been hit by the ghost and flew in, then pinch your fingers and snap the head of the guy back to 90 degrees with a click, and then step on the body of the guy who has not completely fallen down. After entering the crowd behind, the situation in the back was completely invisible because of the dead body in front, but the blood and screams from the ng were not difficult to judge the horror of the blade queen.

"Completely one-sided" After killing the protoss in the forefront, the protoss now show no power at all, and then I went to the place where the gun **** was hiding, anyway, there was no problem without me. I took the gun **** who was completely silly, and I asked with a little dissatisfaction: "This is what you call an agent in the protoss? How can we be so weak?"

The gun **** who finally returned to my soul after I took a photo couldn't help complaining: "Is that the protoss too weak? Obviously your mobile angel is too perverted, okay? How did your guild come up with such perverted things? Ah? "

I smiled at the gun and said, "If you set up a research institute yourself, and then throw a billion-eight billion research funding, I promise that nothing will come out worse than the two of them."

"I don't have as much money as you Frost Rose League to do this." Gun God said again: "First say, although these protoss can not meet your requirements, but this has nothing to do with me. Your mobile angel is too strong I ca n’t take you directly to kill the Statue of Liberty, right? "

"Hey, what's your name, I ..." I was planning to talk to Gun God, and suddenly I heard a loud noise coming from the ng point, and then I saw a bunch of things flying out of the ng. I just killed the last protoss outside ng. The ghost just turned to catch the group of things, but was hit by the thing and slid backwards for five or six meters before stopping. It was still because he turned on the propeller. The result of resistance to impact.

"Fuck. Isn't that your mobile angel?" The ghost just stood still, and the **** of guns immediately recognized that the deformed mass that he had caught was the former Queen of Blades. After all, although the body was seriously deformed, But his head and limbs were still faintly recognizable.

"Where's the hún egg dare to fight against our free protoss? Don't you want to live?" With a roar, a protoss with heavy plate armor and three subordinates came out of the ng cave.

As soon as I saw the four guys, Gundam and I immediately understood why the previous opponents were so good. It turns out that the four freedom fighters mentioned in the information are the four guys in the back. The group of people before should be another Protoss individual, and the level should not be high.

"I said that the information is so bad that I was wrong." I patted God on the shoulder and said, "Cover, I'll check it out."

"Rest assured." The gun **** said, then raised his gun rack and launched into sniper mode, ready to give fire support at any time.

When I appeared near the ng mouth, the guy on the opposite side immediately recognized me. "It turned out to be President Ziri. No wonder I dared to find trouble with my free protoss." The opposite guy said, his voice suddenly snorted, and pointed at us with one hand: "But since you dare to take the shot, what do you do? Really deadly enlightenment. This is not China. Your heaven will not protect you. "

"Huh, I still use heaven to protect?" I said, and I have changed eternity into a sword shape and rushed up.

Seeing that I rushed up first, two metal plates suddenly rose behind the ghost's right shoulder, and then the metal plates slid away to the sides, and a bunch of metal parts protruded from the middle, followed by a slick combination of miles and clicks. The group of metal parts turned into a three-meter-long shooter on the shoulder of the ghost.

The gun **** hiding behind just happened to see the assembling process of the pile of things, and was surprised to say to himself: "I x, is this a Transformer or a mobile angel? How come even the combined weapons come out?"

The ghost in front didn't pay attention to the words of the gunman behind him. His weapon combination was quite fast. His cannon was completed just after I smashed into the opposite guy. Then I saw that the tip of the gun suddenly lit up. A blue energy beam came out with the purple arc, and it was shot at the three protoss behind the opposite guy instantly.

The three guys weren't stupid. They saw the light beams scattered immediately and spread out in all directions, but they did not expect that this thing actually had a range attack. After the light beam passed, the arc flew across the three people as if they had eyes. They instantly entangled the three people and twitched them all. However, these three guys are real freedom fighters. They are similar to spies in the Free Protoss, and their strength is far from comparable to that of ordinary Protoss. The current that can paralyze the general protoss for a long time actually made the three people shake a few times and ran out of the attack range. However, only two of them were lucky enough to land safely, and the other patronized the beam of energy that was terribly strong before dodging. I did not expect to hit the blue light mass head-on when I just avoided the beam. , The whole person was immediately blasted out from the air in a horizontal direction, and then banged on the mountain behind and bounced back to the ground.

I don't know when the blade queen has fully recovered to normal. She slowly put away the shooter in the right hand that was still smoking, and then the palm was re-formed again. "Huh, let you know that I know how good I am," said the blade queen proudly after blasting a guy.

On the other side, the other two guys who escaped the beam attack glanced back at the companion who was bombarded, and then swooped towards the Queen of Blades and Ghost respectively.

Seeing the enemy rushing towards him, the ghost quickly lifted the cannon on his shoulder, the launcher immediately erected and quickly dismantled and recovered into his body. At the same time, the ghost's two hands just popped on his shoulders. Two handles, and then pulled out, two epees appeared in his hands.

when. The ghost forks the two swords in front of him, just holding up the sword that the opponent cut from top to bottom, but the opponent also moves quickly. After the sword is framed, the sword is moved back one u, immediately between the three handles. Wiping out a slippery Mars, followed by that guy suddenly bullied him again, and suddenly stabbed the sword forward tǐng to stab the ghost's belly. However, just as he slammed his sword suddenly, but before he could stab the ghost, the ghost ng opened a small door first, and then only heard a bang, a small missile with a pen thickness suddenly He scooped out, just hit the guy's ng mouth, and then flew far away against the guy.

The other person probably knew that this thing would explode. A convenient turn over in the air gave way to the thing. After landing, he wanted to come forward to attack again, but before he found the position of the ghost, he suddenly felt a coolness behind him. He hurriedly turned around, but saw a giant sword like a door strike down. With a bang, his sword was chopped into two sections, followed by the huge sword, splitting over the guy's shoulder, and then all the way down, passing through his armpit, directly connecting the guy's left arm Cut it with a small half of the shoulder together.

"Ah ..." Suddenly the pain caused by one arm made the free protoscream scream, but the ghost's big hand suddenly gripped his face, followed by the ghost's palm suddenly opened a small ng, only Upon hearing this, a steel cone slightly thicker than a normal person's big toe popped out of that circle ng instantly, pierced the guy's head, and opened a large pile of yellow and white objects from his back. ng sprayed out together.

Looking at the corpse that had softened, the ghost released his palm, pulled out the steel cone from his head, and then only heard the sound, the steel cone was retracted into the palm of his hand. Close the ng mouth on the palm of your hand, and move your wrist quietly, then look up and start looking for the next target.

While the ghost has killed his opponent, the Queen of Blades has already held hands with another free protoss a hundred times, but unlike the situation on the ghost side, the Queen of Blades and the protoss did not fight with each other , But a long-range attack. The blue beams in the shooter on the Queen of the Blade's wrist kept flying, and the opposite Protoss was also bombarded like a machine gun, if not for the two's costumes, they would have thought it was their way of attack. In the age of space, the war of light.

The blade queen and the guy were playing well. Suddenly I heard a scream next to me. It turned out that the ghost had killed his opponent and then killed the guy who had been stunned by her. The four freedom fighters were halved at a glance, and the other two of the leaders saw me quickly, and a big move shook me back, then turned and ran.

At the sight of the gunman, the guy was about to run, and he quickly made up a shot. As a result, the guy lost his luck and accidentally fell and just fired the shot. There were still snipers, and the protoss immediately turned into a beam and flew towards the sky. If this guy ran away, we would have to start a full-scale war with the Free Protoss. That would not be a good thing. "Blade, ghost, don't let that guy run away."

"The president helped me to drag this guy ~ ~ The Queen of Blades gave up and gave up shooting with her opponent and suddenly jumped up. As soon as she jumped off the ground, she began to deform, and the ghost quickly rushed to her She ran over, and when the ghost rushed to her, she had just finished deforming, and the whole person turned into a huge shooter and rested on the ghost's shoulder.

Seeing that the two of them could be combined, not only the gun god, I even stunned for a moment, but soon the guy who was shooting with the Queen of Blades was trying to fire here to stop them from attacking the guy who escaped. I can't bear much thought, raising my hand directly is shooting out a soul-chasing arrow. The other side ducked away from the flying arrow, but also lost its shooting angle. By the time he turned back again, I was already in front of him. Without waiting for him to respond, he clasped his shoulders with both hands, twisted with a violent force, and only heard a click, the guy's arms collapsed immediately.

Taking advantage of my chance to stop the guy, the combined ghost and queen of the blade have also completed the preparation work, only listening to the buzzing sound from low to high gradually getting bigger and bigger, and then the guy in the sky Just as I was about to fly out of sight, the top of the shooter changed by the blade suddenly flashed, and a fan-shaped light band suddenly emerged. Then, after the light band was fully unfolded, it began to converge towards the guy in the sky. The beam was condensed into a thin line, and the guy in the sky suddenly burst into a sky fragment at the moment when the beam was completely concentrated, and then all burned to ashes and scattered in the air before landing.

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